University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository New Mexico State Record, 1916-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-24-1919 New Mexico State Record, 01-24-1919 State Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nm_state_record_news Recommended Citation State Publishing Company. "New Mexico State Record, 01-24-1919." (1919). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ nm_state_record_news/133 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico State Record, 1916-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NEW MEXICO STATE SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 SANTA NEW FE, MEXICO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1919 NUMBER 225 bond issue of $200,000 for an exten-- ! Miguel ; J. K. Hull, Curry; Ralph A. LEGISLATURE ACTS smn chairs, and other items. The fixtures been notified for some time and io ine cannot was introduced by Luna. WAR DEPARTMENT of the Hoover kitchen PTITC CniTADIll Haca this week. The hour Mima and were also imvc iii.iuc special preparation lor LUI I LtFlIHL eight day Mining eluded Alhniuer(iie Journal. the work. There will'be lecture work for laboring men was introduced in j Sharp Hanson, McK'nlcy, chair-th- e jiuii house also, the hill A. H. accompanied by charts, also actual following the '"an; Carter, Socorro; Frank The suit st vied - in line - H. WITHOUT PLAN FOR lesse Thomas vcr- work judging grain and livestock of the governor's recommcnda- Winston, Sierra; R. L. Baca, sus ASSOCIATION HELD Santa Walker D, Hines, director g; tier- - by the use of score cards, Fe; David Padilla, Colfax; a! of railroads, was .rltlc'd Roosevelt Memorial I'rauk VV. L. Kuther- - last week EARLY IN SESSION! Veseley, Grant; in the federal emu t M Carload Of Flivers A joint session of. the houses in ford, Otero, DEMOBILIZING at Thomas a'-- The Dona commemorate Theodore Roosevelt Penitentiary hiiqurrqitr. wrs aw Ana Motor Crhnpanv' beetles S5fKl damages for ininr cs receive I received a carload oi road-- will he held in as reconi-- i chair- - recently ' ma February, Santiago Gurule, Sandoval, when lie was ihrown from a and cars. rhcnded from im- - R. L. ; Mar- - stirs touring Washington, when man; Baca, Santa Fe . I Fe eng-'p- Ik wee this ri'v in. San . services win lie jc ; (. iirni. eiino uonio, otianaiuoe (audio it Marc al on 1 5. I'J'K vviutvn.a njj.imMvrCut ut Fre" Law Books Aranda, San A. H. IS BLINDLY SETTING SOL- - miii; 'I'h EDDY APPOINTED BUSINESS AND - Miguel; Carter, fnmn.rl!' t;,,o,l I,. All . Id aiLLiit lrJIKO- The house on Socorro ; S. Coe rijIUlCU Thursday, rejected 'I. Kpstein, Chaves; DIEES ADRIFT WITHOUT is novv in TeN.v hill mem-- residing eastern SOCIAL COMMITTEES TO JJUUAU, RnnK'FVFTT JHE customary to provide ! Howard, Roosevelt. Tr Peach Orchard Sold lrs wj,h frpe copjef. of (,u eg. Privilege. anJ Election. THOUGHT OF THEIR FU- - CHAVES The old Tracy peach orchard, from: ' PUBLICATION - ,;itive and Venceslao chair- - PREPARE MORIAL DAY WILL BE OB- journals session laws of Romero, Torrance, which the first carload of Out shiii-- j tne sav- - man ; C. TURE WELFARE" SAYS (wo prev'ous sessions, thus Manuel Trujillo, Sandoval: peil out of the I'ecos vallev was pick-- i REVISION BILL AND AR- BJUlZVtiU ill' the S7(V. the estitnat-- Moises De Varo-as- . Rio Arriba ; Yates Sells Car taxpayers i Tip. WASHINGTON of Ho;i ed, was sold last week hy Francis ca cost ot the R. L. WRITER Martin Yates sold one of RANGE LARGER MEETING publications. niente Mascarefias, Taos; Jose car hogs. G. Tracy to V. C. Bindle. a prosper-- 1 i ne - was Wilton Invited Ramirez, San Miguel; W. A. Hinder, stock- nought from farmers nils farmer on the Carlsbad protect The While both houses com- - an state senate on Mnmtnv affVr referred to Juan; Fowhatan Carter, Lea. ".' '"" - . rnniinnni. w, has a farm ad -- already liomtng nnon passed the nrnhihitinn r..c,.l mittee resolutions offered bv the Public Defense and Reconstruction Special to State Record. hi i ne siiipiiicm consisren ot the orchard. The Xew Mexico Editorial assoc- Democratic C. - 71 ,. tion hy a vote of 12 to 4. members, favoring a lea- - Manuel Trujillo, Sandoval, chair- Washington Ian Th r.,1;,-- mail ami me average. weu'iit was .SKI The in... rr.r il,; r..urA iation which met in Santa Fe Mon- - or F. R. L. - hea'l- In Appointments Received P"e nations on the W'lsnn plan man; Faircloth7 Guadalupe ; of the War Department in demob!- !rr tfrs car were three planted twentr-fiv- c years ago, and in lla'. plan big get together meet to . The appo'ntment of Fidel Ortiz,;'1 voted invite the President to Baca, Santa Fe; Jose G. I.obato, Rioflizing our troops exceeds, if possible lima no"s soin ny J.x'W two carloads of pearlie, wen- - ing on or near the occasion of the as superintendent of thp statn rwn -- ivew mcvico on ins pronosed Arrina ; narr Hanson. McKinlcy. in its utter lack of orderly system Joe Gooddale Rowell Star. shinned to ("in-- nn.l ,,., in ivoosewli .Memorial dav. February and of 'peaking circuit of the United States Public Institutions the record the Department has set Si t S is given as the date itcntiary, n probable of George H. Van Stone as state b.antc on ' "Is re'-r- from Europe, C. R. Mascarefias. chairman; 1st- - in most of its big undertak;ncs Cr"' Oil Excitement ..till ,ear. althoH"h the or, hard as t the meeting. examiner were confirmed lw rh.. ipn. Bills Introduced loro Armiio. Dona Ana : I. F. Cum a. throuehout the war Th The Parroek well came In last u.,ni ;9'm,.i, .t :, V- - ..... xi. Discuss op of the publication rates Several bills R. L. as a tit - Ic-'- ate. referring to legal pro-- ! Mora; Dan Padilla, Bernalillo; that the sign'ng of the armistice ,an,l res. .;reat evrite- .ropertv ron-ist- s of twentv acres of for notices which are lower in Cha- - on re'l A Slock Feed Rate Memorial was ccedure and designating roads as Baca, Santa Fe; G. H. Herbert, found the United States without anv nu'nt 's '""'"tf 'he Ranker irrigated land and acre- - of hud Xew Mexico than in anv other state hiidiwavs Fol- - T,1's - sivy nasseil hv hoth hniir in hehalf f slate were intro duced. ves; H. O. Norris, Snay, plan whatsoever for the intelligent f'''1!1' wc" iv, three and one- on which no water has 'been in the union and said to be less by H.-il- a nrilcs the live stockmen ealline- nnon lowing conference with leading Public Lands 'withdrawal of our men from the ,,:l,f "f. 4he Bordcanx It borders on the I'ecos river, has a half than those m force in Colonda Holden regional director to continue bankers the governor has approved W. K. Blanchard, Lincoln, chair- - tigliting forces, and their replace- - 'rac' an" lnii means much to the fipe anc of hiir Cottonwood tre at'd Arizona, occupied some of the '. B tni. 1.1, nl. !.... the emergency railroad rate of half "'"l wi" recommend a draft of the man; Dan Padilla, Uernalillo; Ed- - mcnt in the industries of peace. in this cotnpapv. The and is one of the spots of of the two meetint's held hrr-gin- in pictiircoue '"'',:"" price on feed. Bryant in the senate '''"e 'aw regulat:ng the practices ward W. Tamony, McKinley; David To the officials at Washington "de- - of this well extends the the project on Mondav. one at the ("aoitol in and Lnwood in the house introduced stock selling corporations Padilla. Colfax; Oliver lee. Otero; mobilize" meant simply to discharge, Rawr field nearly to the l'.or- - the afternoon and one 'n the even- - I ; 1J. Uv- - ana aux ann ts the resolutions. House Committees Jonn W. itrner, Urant Larl on that assumption they have " tract mere now I'tti S. S. Ward and Mr. rauning shin-'- "' the DeVargas Hotel. A leg- - Memorial to Soldiers ingston, Eddv. worked. doubt hut that the precious, black ped sV) cattle to Kansas (ilv commi'tee composed of Baca in Agriculture in - ,,cs beneath Roswcll B and Armiio the house in Basilio fir:ego, San chair- Public Printing Military units France, arbitra- '"u" Star. tiesday from the Artesia pens. Th Frank Staplin, If. Hening. R M. bill Miguel, Padilla. llo. : rilv troduced this week a calling for man; jAhelipo Valencia: Dan Berna' chairman selected bv General Pershino stork were from the hiving H icnnerson, is. i. council and Nes- - . H. Farm As A inc crecuon or a at.i.ui mtrnnna r. I k,. r: a..-i.- . ir i r Abelicio Sanchez. Valencia; A. 'from the standpoint of the;r use- - Side Issue ranch. Artesia Advocate. tor Montova will prepare a hill to r. v arr-ve- building to New Mexico's soldiers and H Llewellvn. Dona Ana: Dan Carter. Socorro; liasilio tiriego. san ttilness to his military needs, have r"u ft;""re here .Monday submit to the general meeting next build W. been remain He niMtit h. the ng to be placed on dilla. Bem-il- o; T. T Roberson of Miguel; J. Linwood, Colfax; and are being brouirht home, indefinitely. hasj GRANT - the Ramsev - R. the site of the present Santa I'e arm- - i!inn r F ii,lnir Ralph A. Lvnd. Luna: W.
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