i ifHlMHHIWtCT.! -- Who is Your Favorite School Teacher ? if Evening lfsr" L. School J.: Bulletin TUB MOST POPULAR VOTE EARLY AND OFTEN. TEACHER. Vol. VIII. No. 1549 12 PAGES HONOLULU. H. I.. MONDAY, JUNE 4, 190012 PAGES Pbiob 5 Cento. Free Trip to San Francisco HENRY T. OXNARD IS HERE DEMOCRATIC ASSEMBLAGES CONVENTION OF HAWAilANb Do Thou Likewise. Judge Davis Stays. y for Hawaii Teachers A- - John Emmcluth was Joking George A. Davis has been ro-- The Great Beet Sugar Man Visiting Nearly Tbree Handled Eligible Voters X-- about the disposal of tho balanco ): Delegate Elected at Gath.rlig Held quested by tho Executive to con-- X-- of his Juryman's fees on draw- - V tlnuo acting First Circuit Judgo 4 Honolulu on Pleasure. Attend Mass Meeting. Ing it at noon. It was suggested 4- - at Willcko, Hani, of the First Judicial Circuit nntll Tho school children who nro got-- .Y-- to him that the Hospital for in- - ;'.' J tho admission of tho Territory of ting votes for their favorite teach- - 4 ctirablca needed money for run- - Hawaii. Beyond that event Judgo era should take noto tho op- - nlng expenses. Mr. Emmcluth In H-- Davis has the matter in his own Same TweDty- - one Report f portunlty offered them to sccuro Joorntjlng Home From Orient- -la CnnmltlM of Plan tf stantly set nsldo $12 for that ob-- iV Not Disposed to Affiliate Wnb Democratic or It , hands. He has received an official ono of tho valuablo prizes offered ' Jcct. If tho other Jurors followed . request from Washington to ac-- Bvat'Witb BiWJll Bat Don't Wut Crflatilziiion and Adtrtss 10 Ptopie dtptndtnl Patiy Suggestion 10 Wail Till . to tho person who shall bc ure tho X-- this example, the hospital would it ccpt tho appointment as Judgo X-- most subscribers to tho Bulletin 4 any More Island;. 1 ScTtral Spetcbts Dtllwid. bo secured In expenses for two Wllcux and Queen Art (hard From from President McKlnlcy. Thin 4 by July 31. A good chunco for 4 X-- or three months. Mr. Emmcluth's V. fact would Indicate, as uo Is filling 4 some bright young boy or girl to 4 X-- generosity Is the moro marked In tho fli st Judge's scat, that Judge send their favorite on a vacation X-- view of his having been fined 125 ft Perry will be promoted to tho Su- - 4 4 great sugar People wcro slow in coming to the Wnlluku, 2. poli- trip to Franclico'rnd at the Henry Oxnard, tho beet V-- by tho Court for being tardy. & Juno Tho native prcmo 4 ban 4 registered at Democratic mass meeting on Saturday. Court 4 same time get a brand new 70 4 man of America, is the A ticians of Walluku, Walkapu, Walhu 4 bicycle. ' 4 Hawaiian hotel from Oxnard, Califor- At 8 o'clock many were massed In tho and ,ulehu held a meeting In tlu nia. He arrived from the Orient in doorway and not a third of tho 300 jkatlng rink in this town last Wedncs-Ja- y the America Maru and will resume bU chairs on the floor wero occupied. Ten CIRCUIT COURT CLOSING evening for tho purpose of electing PLANTERS IN CONVENTION Tho teacher who shall havo secured homeward journey in the China tomor- minutes later tho nsccnt of Or. w x delegato to the convention of tho Ha- Mo most votes at tho end of this con- row. ' and Col. McCarthy caused n rush waiian party to bq held in Honolulu test will bo given a frco trip to San a Dullctln representative met Mr. to tho seats, about as'many choosing to At 4:55 p.' m. Saturday Judge Stanley J. E. Kaluo, a staunch Hoynllst, vrat Tho labor convention under tho" nus-jlc- cs 'ranclsco and return. Oxnard this morning just as ho wns stand along the walls as would have adjourned the May terra of the First elected chniiman of tho meeting ird a of tho Hawaiian Planters' Asso-Intlo- n The old standby, the Australia, which starting out with an excursion party filled tho seats. Mr. Mnhuka wan elected secretary, Circuit Court slno die, coses nut met at tho ofhro ot C. M. Cooke, can always bo depended on, plague to tho Pall. Tho meeting was the re- Col. C. J. McCarthy, temporary vice all ibero was a largo attendance of Ha car of Bank of Hawaii, this morning or no plague, territorial law or no ter- newal of n casual acquaintance of last president, at onco opened tho business heard being continued until next ivallans nt tho meeting and tho pro- ind Is in session this afternoon. A ritorial law, Is tho ship that will carry summer. by reading a report from tho commit-te- o term. This closed the last session ot ceedings wcro carried on very orderly. 'cw hours may completo the business, socurcs twenty-on- e. the fortunate teacher who the Mr. Oxnard anticipated any question of tho court ovor to be held In the Repub- Messrs. Thomas Clark, John T, Alull jr sccral days may bo consumed. prlzo on her well deserved outing trip. by ho was merely on a pleasure S. E. Kaluo mado stirring speeches, saying Matters In Report. lic of Hawaii, and None of tho affairs will bo given out Everyone knows tho Australia, and trip. "You havo a beautiful Island. 1 explaining according to own con- The report recommended a delega- Tho dlvorco case ot Henry E. Cook their for publication until after tho close though sho docs roll Just n little bit. am delighted tho cllmato ceptions, the relative merits of both kind- with .and tion to tho National Democratic Con- vs. Anna M. Cook was partly of tho convention. Through tho tho food you get Is so good It simply Ho was awaro of tho labor heard tho Republican Democratic par-- follow- scenery." vention, and for this and tho purpose when tho court adjourned. and ness of C. Bolto, secretary, tho has to stay down. Tho genial captain question confronting tho Hawaiian tics, 'i ho wniheo nnd Waleliu con ing of gentlemen in attendanco is of perfecting a permanent organization Judgo Davis grantcu Kamahi Knme-l- u list nnd purser will undoubtedly do all In planters nnd of tho conrcrcnco tncy tingency favored ery strongly the obtained: r power delight of tho Democratic, party, that a Terri- a dtvprco against her husband, Kn- - their to mnko tho trip a wcro holding today on the BUbjcct. In iinlon of tho Hawaiian with tho Demo- Managers from Island ot Hawaii ful timo long to bo remembered by the torial convention be called to meet hlaloa ICahlamoe. Corrca for plaintiff: At Omaha Mr. Oxnard had said to Honolulu Monday evening, Juno 11, at cratic party; but some ono In tlu audi Messrs. A.' Mooro, Paauhau; Horner, teacher who Is declared tho most popu- "You would no appearand) ot or for defendant. ence hlm tho head In tho same Interviewer: 8 o'clock. That this convention shrill Judgo Davis granted Rebecca reminded thnt Kukalau: J. A. Scott, Walnaku; Mulr, lar of tho Islands. The return ticket E. Haka-In- u; never havo cot annoxatlon If It had not bo composed of ninety delegates appor- Honolulu ot tho Democratic party was Honomu; Hind, Kohnla; Ross, will bo good Johnson a dlvorco against William II. Kukui-.aol- e; for four months and the boon for tho war with Spain." This among representa- Dr. McUrcw, who Is known throughout watt, Honokna; torlx.8, visit at the Coast will bo limited In tioned tbo several Johnson. Do Dolt for plaintiff; no - was readily admitted, from internal follows: First, Second tho Islands ns '"lho Father of Anuuxj I.ldgatc, Pnaullo; Hewitt, Na- tlmo only by tho desires of tho teacher. Ha- tive districts, as of or for defendant. knowledge of tho campaign at the and Districts, twclvo delegates tlon," nnd therefore there a no con- alchu. you Sixth Judge Stanley fined Ah Tuck, who n, If want to glvo ono of your end of line. was known sistency for the Hawaiians to unite Managers Ahl-bor- waiian tho It each; Third, Fourth and Fifth Dis- pleaded guilty of battery, from Maul Messrs. teacher friends one qf tho most pleas- that Mr. Oxnard and associates wcro assault and with tho Democrats. Wells, Walluku; ant summers they hava aver enjoyed opponents tricts, eighteen delegates each. to pay a duo ot $50 and costs, which he upon among tho most formldablo Primary in two Oahn Mr. Alull urged the meeting OJerdrum, Hana; Harry Baldwin, Pala; Just cut out tho votes which appear In arguments had to elections the paid. Ah Sam, n of Ah It was wlso nor politic of annexation, whoso wero recommended to bo held wns that neither tor Pogue, Kthel; I.owrle, Sprcckclsville; tho upper right hand corner of this con- districts Tuck had pleaded not guilty nnd tho to Demo- bo met In a rational manner lor on Thursday, Juno 7, tho polls to b) acquitted by Jury. Hawaiians Join with the Hocking, Nahlku; Hancbcrg, Olowalu. pago In each lssuo and deposit them In vincing tho United States public that a cratic party now as both tho Managers from Oahu Messrs. Chal- tho ballot box at tho Bulletin office. open In each precinct from 5 to 7 p. m. C. J. McCarthy vs. J. S. Walker has they wcro a false alarm. Delegates nro apportioned to the and U. W. Wilcox wcro now on their mers, Wnlmanalo; Bull, Hcela; It your are not satisfied with thU slow you formo'd any Impression, been settled out of coui t.
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