Cash Want Ads-Read about our Offer FREE Theatre Tickets with * Look!\ _ Today’s Radio Features TEXAS MARTIAL1 CLASSIFIED I I Rentals Rentals | Timei Rates and Rules r R1DAY, DECEMBER 11 (Central Standard NOTICE TO THE PCBLIC 32 Print. Office Suppls. 63 Apartments 65 Houim P. M. unless indicated. Programs and station lists subject to change. Advertisement* will be accepted The business of the Welch Til* St over from those — »aui tbe phone having jk iBy Tha Associated Press) 9:00—Pageant aiso Marble Co., with address at 536 S. DAVIS COURTS: Flvt room ‘fur- KMOX regular charge accounts. Other WREC WOWO WBBil WCCO LAW NEARS END E. Texas: JOB end COMMERCIAL nished Twj bedrooms must be ac- 13th street, Brownsville, apartments FOR RENT t* 4*4.3—WEAF-NBC—660 KMBC KFJF KRLD classified advertising was room All con- — W BCM by cash in no connected and Is In Also four cottage. • :00— Nanette Btrr Trie—Also WWJ 9:30—Round Tcwnara Alan — companied way WK.N'K WIBA WOC WHO WOW WREC WLAC WBRC WISN WTAy No advertising accepted on an no way affected with the closing of PRINTING veniences. electric refrigeration, Unfurnished Home, modern. 3 WACO order. A WTMJ KSTP WAP1 KOA WCCO WMT KTRH KTSA "until forbid" specified the John Re re it Ornamental Iron garage. 2nd &nd St. Charles, S E. bed rooms, $18 00. West end. — — AUSTIN. Dec. 11.—PD—A feel- •:1ft— Lanin Orth.—WEAK chain 9:49 — Tito Guizar Alan WBCM number of Insertions must be given Ruling Rubber Stamp* Works, his business having been at phone 1420. S151 Unfurnished Home, modern, • :30—Allcs Joy—Also WTAM WSAI WREC WLAC WBRC WMT; Myrt ing was apparent here today that The Herald reserves the right to Quality Work WDAF WIBA WTMJ KSTP WEBC and Marge — Only WXYZ W’LAP place all advertisements under the same address. V. n. Welch. Coral near Court House, $22.50. the of martial law in the east RECIO BROS. SWEENY APARTMENTS—One up- W’DAY KKYH WOAI WKY WBBM WCCO KMBC KDYL KLZ days proper classification and reject un- Gables. Florida: M. P. Mull. Unfurnished Home in country, — • WTAM WWJ 10:00 — Crosby (Repeat) Only clean or Phone 927 — 722 per and one lower apartment, well :4ft—Goldbergs—Also Bing Texas oil field were limited. It objectionable copy. Brownsville, Texas. V68 Twelfth 8t. on paving. 2 garages. Chicken WBCM WLAP WfT>OD -mm WSAI WENR; Stebbins Boys—Only WON WO ST Obituaries, resolutions and cards iin— furnished; modem, electrical re- WLAC WNOX WBRC WDSU was believed Gov. R. S. SterlingI house and runway. Electric KVW WOC WHO WOW WDAF WMC WREC of thanks in classified section will frigeration, some maid service, WSH WSMB WFAA WISN W( iWO WCCO KSCJ WMT be taken at the regular classified lights, hot and cold water. WNAX W1BW was hopeful the Texas Railroad' —|i front and back outside 7:00—Orch. and Cavalisra—Also WFAA KMOX KMBC KLRA rate. In other part of paper reader private 00. KDYL KL.Z TAXIDERMIST $35 Exceptionally nice. WBKN WCAE WTAM WWJ WSAI KFH KFJF KTRH KTSA Commission would arrange to take rates applr. ELIZONDO’S entrances; everything furnished or WHO WOW WDAF 10:15 — Street Singer — Alan WBCM Unfurnished Home In country, KYW KSD WOC field of The oubllahen are not respon- partially; garage. Walking distance. KPRC WREC WLAC WBRC WISN KTRH the back for administration Standard museum methods on WTMJ KSTP WEBC KTHS sible for copy omissions, typo- Reasonable. First and Adams U214 paving. Lights, water, gar- WOAI WKY KOA KSL ** SA WACO KFRC conservation laws next year. a _ early graphical error or any unintention- Deer heads and 'ish sp*:ialty- age $30.00. 10:30 — Cuban Orch. — Also WREC PRINTING SHOP • :00— Eskimo Night Club—Also W’WJ It was pointed out that his, al error that may occur, farther Quarter-Hour (Repeat)—Only AN ATTRACTIVE 3-room apart- Partly Furnished Home, modem, WSAI WLS KSD WOC WHO WOW WBRC; order of than to correct In the next Issue All work guaranteed. WON WOWO KTSA KDYL KLZ yesterday cutting the; 2 bed rooms. West end. WDAF after 1t Is brought to their atten- Will Sav. You Mont; ment, everything furnished Very $22.50. 10:45 — Olsen Orch. — Also WREC field allowable to 100 barrel* dally H. C. BLANCHARD • :JO— Reisman's Orch—Also WTAM tion All advertising order* are ac- reasonable. Telephone 1163W. V7 WOC WHO WOW WLAC WBRC for each of the 3.380 — WSAI WENR KSD producers cented on this basis only. ll33 Washington Phone 1068 A. R. Foster 11:00 — Berme Orch. — Alan WXYZ 802 Film ore—35 yen’ experience. Realty WDAF probably would last some time, Telephone No * and dictate your MODERN DUPLEX WTAM WBCM WISN WCCO WMT KRLD apartments. • :00—Artists* Program—Also new to an Company KTRH KTSA since it would require 620 advertisement experienced |_ Garage and all conveniences. Fur- WWJ WSAI WMAQ WOW 21$ Merchants Bank — classified writer. — WBCM 8:30—Theater of the Air—Also WTAM 11:30 Krueger Orch. Al»n wells to put the aggregate produc- 40 Services Offered nished and unfurnished. 1112 W. Bldg. KTSA To insure Duplication same dav 6 Personal Phone 2*0 WWJ WSAI WlTNK KSD WOC WHO WISN WCCO WMT KTRH tion back to 400.000 barrels dally, Elisabeth. or copv should be presented not later Phone 1013 1252. U212 WOW WTMJ WDAY KKYH WIBA the 394.5—WJZ-NBC—760 maximum fixed for it. than 1« a m. Copy for Sunday MRS RUDD. medium, WHAS WMC W1B WSMB WJDX Spiritual Six hundred and twenty wells Issues should be in not later then 8 FREE BEAUTIFUL APARTMENTS for 67 Room St Board WOAI WKY KOA KSL 4:30 — Phil Cook — Also WENR KWK readings daily. Circles Tuesday are 4 00 n m Saturdays to Insure proper rent sea 10:00—Marion Harris—Alao WWJ KSD approximately one-fifth of the St. For we de- * by the shore Electric WREN dim.) ration p m. 856 s. E Chicles St, phdne a limited time, will — claas'fl _ 10:15 — Alice (Repeat! Only 7:00 — Orch. — Alan WJR tolal number In in the one lights. Cook and heat with gas. Hot two Joy BrueilOfTe brought classrrrrr* *nt*nmsiNO monstrate our service by scrubbing, i ROOM AND BOARD for young WENR KSD WOC WHO WOW WCKY WLS KWK WHEN KFAB 1529._ and water. Winter surf bath- year the field has been in exist- RATES and one cold men in private home. Phone 552. — waxing, WHAS WSM W MC W SH W SMB 7:30—Trad* and Mark Alsu WLW polishing buffing j ence, and it was not new ?C words or less, one Insertion 40c CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS—A cup ing In warm Gulf water. Fishing St. U23$ WJDX KTHS KVOO WHAP KPRC! W’LS probable bedroom free of charge. No obliga- Ill 8t. Charles wells now be Over 20 words, one Insertion 10c. and hunting. Reasonable rates. 10:30— Lopes Orch.—Alao WOW WWJ 7:45—Sister* of the Skillet—Also WLW from on. would put of hot milk chocolate special ti *n on additional nrork. Valley Only word . WCFL KSD ) WLS KWK WREN KFAB down so as in the six per Fresh stock of Jacobs and John- a few minutes from Brownsville. _ rapidly past Insertion* run ■~on- Waxing Service. Phone 118. P. — — O.! 11:00—Ralph Kirberyi Calloway Orch. 8:00 Jones and Hare Also W’JR Subseouent Paved months. word.l'ic stons candy $1 lb. Calderonl s Foun- hlgl^way. Del Mar Incor- — Also KSD WOW KSTP WTMJ Mi KY KYW KW K WREN WTM.I secutlvely. per Box 1316, Harlingen. U132 Gov. had the 10 words taln. Del Mar. P. O. Texas. U137 KFYR WEAP KSTP WEBC W HAS WSM WMC WSB Sterling requested Minimum . 1144 Washington,V67 porated. Real Estate — Rv per word 30c ""1 11:30—Funks Orch. Also WTAM. WAPI W'SMB MTAA KPltC WOAI rait'oad conuni^ion, administra- month ac- KSD WOC WHO WOW WIBA W’SB WKT KOA KSL tor of conservation laws In tne No classified advertisement 8 Travel Opportunities FURNISHED three and five-room .. for Sale — 40c Houses — W1R cepted for less than 70 WBAP 8:30 Koestner's Orch. Also state and apartments. View Palm other fields of the LOCAL READER RATES Valley Apts., WLW KYW KWK WREN WTMJ Blvd. 348.6—WABC-CBS—860 KSTP WEBC WRVA WJAX WIOD normal time guardian of the east Readers, per word .4c Financial vat 1:15 — Bing Crosby — Also WXYZ WHAS WSM WMC WiB WAPI W’JDX Texas pool, to call a hearing to Readers per Inch .H 25 UNION BUS LINE dare. FITCH APTS—Comer WTAQ KRLD WACO WSMB KPRC WOAI W’KY KOA KSL consider conditions in the area Second and third 3«'fe per West 8th FINE 6:30 — Boswell Sisters — Alan WXYZ 9:00 — Whiteman’s Band—Also WJR word: fourth, fifth and sixth dars Leave Mo Pac. Sta.—Mission and St Charles. with an idea of Modem, complete- 1VISN WCCO KMOX KMBC. Southern KWK WREN WTMJ resuming 3c word: 7 consecutive days 2’ic 41 Real Est. Loans WCKT WENR super-1 per Union Bus Sta.—Laredo ly furnished, reasonable. Phone 558 8-room. 2-story tile and concrete Orch. — WGST WDOD WNOX KSTP WEBC WDAY KFYlt WHAS vision. per word, per day. Only with hot WBRC I WSM WMC W’SMB M'JPX com- notices 1c word each In- a 45 V10 house gas. electricity, _ W£B Members of the railroad Legal per Lv.
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