INDEX A adaptations Abbot and Costello (animated series) book to animation, 150, 187, 232 (1967), 96, 162 comic to animation, 94 Aboriginal live-action to animation, 192, 195 animators, 194 Adlide, Tim, 230 themes, 194 Adolf in Plunderland (1940), 65 Aboriginal Arts Board, 194 Adventures of Blinky Bill, The (1993), Aboriginal Nations studio, 191, 145 193 Adventures of Bottle Top Bill, The Abra Cadabra (1983), 155, 234 (2003–04), 189 abstract animation, 219 Adventures of Hot Chunks, The (1999), Abstracted Refections (2011), 234 202 Abstract Iterations II (2016), 234 Adventures of Sam, The (1996–97), Accents 189 American, 3, 181 advertising Australian, 3, 71, 181, 203, cinema, 2, 10, 25, 26, 60, 81 206 print, 20, 23, 27, 72 British, 3, 71 television, 76, 79, 81, 102, 193, character, 181 195, 201 mid-Atlantic, 3, 181 Aeroplane Jelly (1942), 66 ACME registration system, 85 After All (2017), 235 Ada (2000), 225 Agdag, Daniel, 230, 235 Adam and Eve (1962), 75 Air Cartoons (radio program), 27 Adams, Merredith, 220 Air Programs Australia (APA), 88, 89, Adams, Phillip, 149, 151 104 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018 241 D. Torre and L. Torre, Australian Animation, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-95492-9 242 INDEX Air Programs International (API), 3, independent, 4, 71, 72, 97, 101, 79, 88, 89, 91–93, 99, 104, 108, 133, 202, 211, 212, 214, 215, 120–122, 132, 162–166, 179, 220, 221, 228, 230, 231, 233, 181, 182, 194 237, 238 Ajax Films, 100, 189 materials, 15, 65, 109, 232 Aladdin (animated series, Disney), timing, 85, 187, 190 121 animation camera, 14, 23, 74, 100, Aladdin and His Magic Lamp (1970), 147, 213 122 3D system, 156–157 Aladdin and the King of Thieves aerial-image camera, 111, 141 (1996), 199 camera operator, 8, 18, 190, 213 Aladdin-Return of Jafar (1994), 199 Animation Co-Op (Sydney), 220 Albert’s (proposed animated series), Animation Game, The (1980), 229 188 Animation International, Inc., 107, Al et al. studio, 148, 150 111, 126 Alhambra Theatre, 9 animation techniques Alice in Wonderland (animated), 180 cel animation, 55, 63, 64, 94 All India Radio, 237 cut-out animation, 14–16, 26, 75, All-New Popeye Hour series (1978), 76, 101, 215, 234 171 paint on glass, 225 Ally Sloper, 32 stop-motion animation, 8, 15, 55, Altair in Starland (2001), 202 60, 64, 102, 136, 201, 215, Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan, 228, 233, 237 The (1972), 96, 166 Are You Positive? (1957), 46, 84 Amazing Stories (series), 190 Ariel Productions, 110 Ambience Entertainment, 206 Armchair Productions, 207 Analog Stress (2004), 220 Around the World in 80 Days (ani- Anatomy of a Businessman (1984), 233 mated flm), 91 Anchor Bay, 184 Around the World in 80 Days (ani- Anderson, J.L., 18 mated series), 92 Anderson, Will, 34 Around the World with Dot (aka Dot And the Lighthouse Made Three, 232 and Santa Claus) (1981), 141 Anifex, 201, 235 Art Alive (2003–2005), 145 Anim-ads, 76, 101 Arthur! And the Square Knights of the Animal Logic, 205, 206 Round Table (1966), 89 animation Artransa Studio, 99 animated documentary, 46, 84, 99, Ashton, Julian, 10 180, 227, 236 Asia, 2, 110, 182, 208 computer, 130, 197 Atkinson, David, 148, 151, 211, experimental, 101, 114, 214, 218, 212 220, 236 Augestin, Cliff, 47 inbetweening, 180, 181, 212 Australia felix, 35, 36 INDEX 243 Australia Film Development B Corporation, 92 Babe (1995), 205 Australian Academy of Cinema and Babe, Pig in the City (1998), 205 Television Arts Awards (AACTA), Baby Felix, 48 229, 230, 235 Baker, Jeannie, 229 Australian Baker, Steve, 230, 236 accent, 3, 71, 181 Baker, Suzanne, 196, 213 animals, 3, 57, 58, 62, 64, 74, Balinese Slapping Fish (1998), 202 141–143, 145, 185, 191 Ball, Murray, 200 animation, 1–4, 38, 41, 53, 54, 58, Balnaves, Neil, 169, 171, 173, 174, 80, 82, 92, 97, 108, 112, 114, 176, 177 120, 133, 138, 139, 147, 161, Balty, Jean, 97 163, 165, 167, 175, 176, 182, Bannah, Max, 232 189, 190, 192, 194, 200, 203, Barbera, Joe, 161, 163, 168, 172 206, 209, 211, 215, 221, 224, Barker, David, 17, 18, 26, 28 232, 238 Barrackville Breakfast Cocoa (c1920), isolation, 1, 53 26 landscape, 4, 57, 135, 139, 172, Barre, Raoul, 14, 34, 41 224, 238 Barry, Stuart, 91 vernacular, 3, 38, 145, 203 Bartle, Ray, 91 Australian Animated Cartoons (stu- Barton, Ellsworth, 47 dio), 60, 62, 65, 80 Barton, Kathryn, 230 Australian Broadcasting Corporation Baseball, 171 (ABC) television network, 81, Base, Graeme, 235 203, 225 Batchelor, Joy, 58, 59 Australian Film Commission, 139, Batman, 87, 126, 206 228, 230, 232, 233 Battlefront (video game 1986), Australian Film Institute (AFI), 204 220–222, 224, 225, 228, 229, Bauer, Eli, 110 233–235, 237 BBC, 191 Australian History (1970), 57, 213 Beached Az (2010), 206 Australian Tax Offce, 202 Beam Software, 204 ‘Australian Walt Disney’, 3, 4, 53, 58, 87 Beatles, The (animated series), 86, 98, Australia’s Wonderland theme park, 173 195 awards Beauty and the Beast (animated flm), AACTA, 229 184 Academy Award, 4, 161, 196, 205, Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted 206, 213, 228, 231, 232, 235, Christmas (1997), 199 236 Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971), 121 AFI, 220, 224, 225, 228 Beetle Bailey (animated series), 86 Emmy, 206 Bennett, A.E., 82, 83 Ayers Rock Animation (1985), 224 Beowulf, 150 244 INDEX Beresford, Bruce, 215 Bogle, Jack, 42 Bergner, Marcus, 219, 239 Bogue, Jo, 188 Bernstein Bears (animated series), 171, Bold King Cole (1936), 45 172 Bonkers (animated series), 199 Bertie the Aeroplane, 66 Book Keeper, The (1999), 235 Besen, Naomi, 204 Bottersnikes & Gumbles (2016-), 206 Betty Boop, 32, 47 Brian Henderson’s Bandstand (series), 137 Big Brother Australia (live-action Bright Spots (2016), 235 series), 189 Brilliant Digital Ideas, 190 Big Sound, The (radio series), 88 Brodax, Al, 86 Billy and Tilly Bluegum, 58 Bronze Mirror, The (2008), 233 Billy and Tilly in Harem Scarem Brooke-Hunt, Tim, 180 (1934), 58 Brother (1999), 228 Bimbo’s Auto (1954), 67, 68 Brother Bear 2 (2006), 199 Bimbo’s Clock (unreleased animated Brown, Bryan, 202 flm), 68 Browning, Mike, 155 Binding, Graham, 142 Bubica, Zora, 89 Bird Brain (1983), 233 Bulletin, The, 32, 132, 207 Bird, John, 137, 211 Bunch of Fives, A (1998), 233 Bird King, The (2004), 231 Bunyip (1986-87), 142, 191 Birthday Boy (2004), 230 Burbank Animation Studio, 183, 184 Black Arrow (animated flm), 91, Burbank Films, 179–182, 207 180 Burge, John, 91, 196, 197 Black Fungus (1971), 218 Burgess, Darren, 228 Black Planet, The (1982), 192 Burstall, Tim, 75 Black School (2004), 231 Bush Mechanics (live-action series Black Sorrows, The, 227 2001), 195 Blackton, J. Stuart, 15 Bush Mechanics Animated (2014), 195 Blanc, Mel, 113 Blinky Bill the Movie (2015), 145 Blinky Bill: The Mischievous Koala C (1992), 144 Cambridge Films, 74 Blinky Bill’s Extraordinary Balloon Camel Boy, The (1984), 144 Adventure (2004), 145 Campbell, Ron, 89, 195 Blinky Bill’s Extraordinary Excursion Cancer: Captain Bill Sails the ‘C’ (1995), 145 (1985), 233 Blood on the Chandelier (1995), Cantrill, Arthur, 214, 239 229 Cantrill, Corinne, 214, 239 Blue Heelers (live-action series), 189 Cantrill, Ivor, 215 Blue Rocket, 203 Cantrills Filmnotes, 215, 239 Bluto (1967), 217 Cape Qualm (2009), 236 Bogan Entertainment Solutions (BES), Captain Comet of the Space Rangers 203 (animated series), 94, 125 INDEX 245 Careful Koala (1952), 71 Cinderella III: A Twist in Time Carnival, The (2015), 237 (2007), 199 Carnivore Refux (2006), 235 Cinemagic, 189, 190 Carr, Gerald, 37, 49 Cinesound, 59 Carter-Hansen, Jill, 234 City of Dust (2007), 236 Cartoon Filmads, 2, 14, 15, 18–21, City Symphony Noise Poem (2013), 236 23, 25, 26, 28, 56, 60, 64 Clardy, George D., 34 cartoonist Clark, John, 215, 216 newspaper cartoonist, 41, 58, 212, clayographies, 228 232 Clements, Stan, 60, 64 political cartoons, 212 Clutterbuck, Lucinda, 226, 230 Cartoons of the Moment (1915–16), Cmielewski, Leon, 237 13 Cobwebs on a Parachute (1967), 76 Castle Jackson advertising agency, 97 Colgrave, Felix, 237 Catfap Animation, 203 Collette, Toni, 187, 228 Cat Piano, The (2009), 230, 235 Colman, Dianne, 104, 161, 169, 176, Catts-Patterson, 26, 27 208 Cause, Bill, 34 colour Cautionary Tail, A (2012), 230 comics, 20 CBS (American television network), flm, 20, 74, 81 48, 91 hand-tinting, 20 Ceberano, Kate, 227 comic strip, 27, 32, 34, 35, 40, 44, Chainsaw (2007), 223 45, 55, 57, 86, 94, 97, 149, 191, Challenge of Flight, The (1962), 89 200, 201 Challenge of the Sea, The (1962), 89 Commonwealth Film Laboratories, 62 Chandler, Wendy, 229, 231, 234 Commonwealth Scientifc and Change of Place (1985), 224 Industrial Research Organization Channel Nine Network, 96, 99, 197 (CSIRO), 97, 190 Channel Seven Network, 197 Computer Enhanced Classical Channel Ten Network, 185 Animation Production System Chansons sans Paroles (1958), 136 (CECAPS), 184 Chaplin, Charlie, 37, 43, 44 Connelly, Dennis, 53, 58, 59 Charlie (or Charley) animated series, Conneticut Yankee in King Arthur’s 37 Court, A (animated flm), 92 Charlie at the Beach (1919), 37 Conreid, Hans, 113 Charlie on the Farm (1919), 37 Contemplation of the Cross (1989), 218 Chataway, Richard, 201, 229 Cooke, Gairden, 91, 158, 167, 176, Chin, Lili, 202 194, 198, 208 Christiani, Quirino, 15 Cooke, Kaz, 229 Christmas Carol, A (1984), 180 Cook, Kenneth, 202 Cinderella (1950), 54 Cool McCool (animated series), 87, 88, Cinderella (animated flm), 184 195 246 INDEX Cooper, Sal, 237 Delirium (1988), 224 Copland, Bill, 94 Deneen, David, 196 Cornwall, Peter, 236 Denison, R.E., 80 Corsican Brothers, The (animated flm), Dennis the Menace and Gnasher 180 (2009-13), 204 Count of Monte Cristo, The (animated Denton, Andrew, 213 flm), 93 DePatie-Freleng, 111 Court of Old King Cole, The (1939), 69 Digby, Desmond, 206 Cousin (1998), 228 Digswell Dog Show (1998), 185 Cowan, Paul, 158 Disney, Walt, 2–4, 32, 40, 53, 54, 58, Cox, Lindsay, 231 59, 64, 67, 72, 74, 77, 78, 117, Craven, Howard, 65 126, 140, 174, 182, 185, 197, Crocadoo (1996-98), 185 204.
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