CODE SWITCHING AND CODE MIXING ON KOREAN TELEVISION MUSIC SHOW AFTER SCHOOL CLUB FITHRIA LUTHFIYANI NIM. 1110026000020 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT LETTERS AND HUMANITIES FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2014 CODE SWITCHING AND CODE MIXING ON KOREAN TELEVISION MUSIC SHOW AFTER SCHOOL CLUB A Thesis Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Degree of Strata One FITHRIA LUTHFIYANI NIM. 1110026000020 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT LETTERS AND HUMANITIES FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2014 ABSTRACT FithriaLuthfiyani, Code Switching and Code Mixing on Korean Television Music Show After School Club. Thesis. Jakarta: English Letters Department, Adab and Humanity, Jakarta Islamic State Syarif Hidayatullah, 2014. Keywords: code mixing, code switching, English, Korean The aim of this research is to find out types and influential factors of code mixing and code switching in music show After School Club. The writer uses descriptive analysis method by watching and marking some utterances containing code mixing and code switching and then analyzing them. The instrument of this research is the writer herself by watching the video, marking the utterances containing code mixing and code switching, writing the utterances in a note, and then analyzing by using Janet Holmes theory. The writer found sixteen utterances identified as code mixing and code switching. The results of this research show that there are 7 of 16 utterances are classified as code mixing cases and 9 of 16 utterances are code switching cases. The most frequent factors that influencing code mixing and code switching phenomenon are participant and topic that the speaker mixes or switches the language because the change of particular participant or topic in the conversation. i APPROVEMENT CODE SWITCHING AND CODE MIXING ON KOREAN TELEVISION MUSIC SHOW AFTER SCHOOL CLUB A Thesis Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Degree of Strata One FITHRIA LUTHFIYANI NIM. 1110026000020 Approved by: Advisor I Advisor II ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT LETTERS AND HUMANITIES FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF SYARIEF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2014 ii LEGALIZATION Name : Fithria Luthfiyani NIM : 1110026000020 Title : Code Switching and Code Mixing on Korean Television Music Show After School Club The thesis entitled above has been defended before the Letters and Humanities Faculty’s Examination Committee on November 21st, 2014. It has already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata one. Jakarta, November 21st, 2014 Examination Committee Signature Date iii DECLARATION I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in text. Jakarta, November 21st, 2014 Fithria Luthfiyani iv ACKNOWLEDMENT First of all, the writer would like to express the most gratitude and praise to Allah SWT, the Lord of the universe for His help, affection and generosity in completing the writer’s study in the State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Then, peace and blessing is upon to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW and all of his family, his disciplines, and his followers. On this occasion, the writer would like to say her sincere gratitude to her beloved parents, Junaedi and Alm. Sri Insiah and also Kadarwati,who always become motivator and give her love, advices, support, and pray for her every time and everywhere. Also many thanks for her little brother, Muhammad Fikri Mubarok who always be her mood booster. The writer also wants to give her gratitude to Mr. Dhuha Hadiyansyah, M.Hum and Ms. Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed as the writer’s advisors for their time, guidance, patience, kindness, contribution in correcting and helping her in finishing her thesis. Also, the writer wants to say many thanks to the people who give much contribution while the process of writing this thesis, they are: 1. Prof. Dr. Oman Fathurahman, M.Hum, the Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta; 2. Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd, the head of English Letters Department and Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum, the Secretary of English Letters Department; v 3. All lectures of English Letters Department who had taught and shared her a lot of things during the study. 4. Keluarga HAHA, Rana Meisara, Thia Askayuli, Bagus Putra Ramadhansya, Debi Novianingrum, Yuliana Kuslambang Ningrum, Muhammad Sazali and Fahmi Fahrurroji. Thank you for the memories, laughs, supports, spirit, knowledges and love. 5. Her superbestfriends who have been regarded as her own sisters, Ika Nurmala and Thia Rahma, thank you for always there. Wish us always keep this friendship forever and support each other. 6. KKN Yellow (Youth Influential Fellowship), Muhammad Adi Rahman, Muhammad Reza Hermanto, Ridho Alvin Harfian, Shakuntala Febrina, Melina Hadera, Christie Adi Oktaviyana, Pranisa Syifadelima, Andriesta Saputri, Nurali, FatihAdzkia, Leiza Sixmansyah, Rian Lisandi , Muhammad Semmy, Rana Meisara, Thia Askayuli and Bagus Putra Ramadhansya. Thanks for the good memories. 7. The writer’s roommate, Asisah, and other boarding house friends, Fita Rahmawati, Ristha Ingrid Mandela, Epida Sari, and Dian. 8. Girls’ Talk, Izmi Istiqomah, Anjaswari Redno Pratiwi, and Fajria Ulfa. At the beginning, we only just a circle of workmates, but now we can share, laugh, hangout, talk about random things like best friends 9. Kim Seokyung 언니 and Ha Donghwa, 지금까지내친구주셔서감사합니다. 10. EXO, Kai, Sehun, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O, Suho, Xiumin, Luhan, Lay, Chen, and Tao. Thank you so much for always be her happiness, vi her inspiration, her energy, and herdream.You guys always give the writer spirit to do this research. EXO-L will always love you. We are one! EXO 사랑하자! 11. The employers of some University Libraries who have helped the writer in finding some references. 12. Classmates in Elbie, Linguistic A, fellows and acquaintances in English Letters Department 2010. 13. To all people and friends that are not mentioned, thank you very much. May Allah SWT always bless, protects, and gives them more than they have given to the writer. Hopefully this thesis will be advantageous for all people who read it. Jakarta, November 2014 Fithria Luthfiyani vii THE LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 : Table of the technique of data analysis …………………..…..... 10 TABLE 2 : Table of Data 1 ……………………………………………........ 29 TABLE 3 : Table of Data 2 ……………………………………………........ 31 TABLE 4 : Table of Data 3 ……………………………………………........ 32 TABLE 5 : Table of Data 4 ……………………………………………........ 33 TABLE 6 : Table of Data 5 ……………………………………………........ 34 TABLE 7 : Table of Data 6 ……………………………………………........ 36 TABLE 8 : Table of Data 7 ……………………………………………........ 37 TABLE 9 : Table of Data 8 ……………………………………………........ 38 TABLE 10 : Table of Data 9 …………………………………….……........ 39 TABLE 11 : Table of Data 10 …………………………………….……...... 41 TABLE 12 : Table of Data 11 …………………………………….……...... 42 TABLE 13 : Table of Data 12 ………………..………………….……........ 43 TABLE 14 : Table of Data 13 ……………………..…………….……........ 45 TABLE 15 : Table of Data 14 …………………………..……….……........ 46 TABLE 16 : Table of Data 15 ………………………………..….……........ 47 TABLE 17 : Table of Data 16 …………………………………...……........ 48 viii ix x TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... i APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... ii LEGALIZATION.......................................................................................... iii DECLARATION……................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................. v THE LIST OF TABLES…............................................................................ viii TRANSCRIPTION ………............................................................................ ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ….......................................................................... xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 1 A. Background of the study .............................................. 1 B. Focus of the study ........................................................ 6 C. Research questions ....................................................... 6 D. Significance of the study …………………………….. 7 E. Research Methodology ................................................ 7 1. Objectives of the research ……………………….. 7 2. Method of the research ........................................... 7 3. The Technique of data analysis .............................. 8 4. The Instrument of the research ............................. 9 5. Unit of Analysis ……………................................ 9 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................. 10 A. Previous Research ........................................................ 10 xi B. Concept ........................................................................ 13 1. Language Choice ................................................... 13 2. Bilingualism …......................................................
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