Training Programmefor Railway personnelfrom LeastDeveloped Countries and other south and south-EastAsian Countries 7. In the first meeting of chief executivesof railways of The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-SectoralTechnical and Economic Cooperatign (BIMSTEC) held in Delhi in september 2004,Indian Railways made a generous offer to train the railway personnel from the member countries, free of cost.This was in recognitionof the specialproblems faced by the comparatively smaller railway systems of these countries in providing training to their personnel. 2' This important initiative was brought to the notice of the parliament while prescnting the railway budget in February 2005.The House was informecl that this gesture was widely appreciated by the member countriesof BIMSTEC.The first training coursewas held in March 2005in tl'reNatic-rnal Academy of Inclian Railways, vadodara (the then Railway StaffCollege). 3' Drawing cor-rfidencefrom the successof the courses,in February 2006 the Parliament was informed that the training programme had rcccived ove'rwhelming response and generateclgoodwill fgr Indian Railways. The decision to extend the training programme to Mek,ng- canga c..peration countrieswas informed to the House. 4. with the finalization of the Trans-Asian Railway network, the regional transport networks have emerged at its important building blocks. Keeping this in view, Malaysia and indonesia were also brought under the ambit of the training programme since their railway systems form a part of the southerncorridor of the network. 5. Meanwhile, India's engagementwith the south Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries,which had languishecifor quite some time, was revived. Keeping this in view, it was announcedin the Railway Budget speechin February 200gthat the training programme would be extendedto SAARC countries. 6' The scope and reach of the training programme was further enhanced in the budget for the year 2070 when a clecision to open Indian Railways' training institutions for the railway personnel from South and South-eastAsian countries was announced. ! 7. The conference of the united Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAp) Committee on Managing Globalization held in September 2007 in Bangkok noted with appreciation the valuable role of Indian Railways and Asian Institute of Transport Development in arranging training courses for railway personnel from south and south-east Asia to assist in the development of the Trans-Asian Railway network. B. To date, 18 courses have been organized providing academic and field training in specialized subjects to more than 300 managers from the railway systems of the regicxr. Each training programme is conductecl on a specific topic which is idcntified in consultation with the member countries so as to meet their specific needs. 9. Thc training courses have provided valuable footprint of tndian Railways in the region extending from Malaysia to pakistan. More importantly, it has generated tremendous goodwill for the country. 10. The details of trainings held (from 2010 onwards) and participants who attended it from different cour-rtries,are given in the lists below. LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Eleventh Training Course on Development of Rail Infrastructure - Financing and Project Management 19 |anuary to 04 February 20'1,0 Name Designation & Organisation Tele Fax & ema Sri Lanka I Mr. D.T.S.Nilantha PlarrrringAssistant Te'l:+94-ll-2435U45 Fax:+94-1 1-2446490 PlarrrrirrgUnit, CM's Officc, M: +94-11-714407607 transpslr(rryahtro.con1 Sri l-ankaRailways nilan tlraclts(ri,yaho<t.c<>r-r-r PO Box355, Olcott Mawatl'ra Cokrnrbo10, Sri Lanka 2. Mr. R.A.M.M. Banclara Plarrrlirrr:Assistant Tcl: +94-l1 -2435845 Fax: +94-l 1-2446490 Plannir.rgUnit, CM's Officc, M: +94-11-714407608 transpslr(i)yah(x).c()nr Sri l-ar-rkaI{ailways band ara rarnntforyahoo.conr PO Box 355,Olcott Mawatha Colombo 10,Sri l-anka Bangladesh 3 Mr. Qazi Md. RafiqLrlAlanr Divisitxral Railway Managcr, Tcl: +8U-0591-61353 Fax:+ufl-0591-61353 13anglarlcshRaillvays M: +lJ80l-711506136 d rnrlnrh<i, Lalktrthi, Mirprlly Pl111n 1. Mr. Md. M.rlrhtrbrrlH.rt1rrt. f)eptr ty Dircctor, l:istatc, M: +lJf|-0I-7I1692940 Bakshi Banglarlcsh Railways [)hannroncli, L)hakr 'Icl: 5 Mr' S. M. Manzr,rr Aharncrl Dcptrtv Dircctor,lrinancc & +8U-02-956I9l'17 Aclnrn.,llanglaclcsh llailways M: +l3lt{)l-711692952 'I-cjgaon, Dhaka Myanrnar 'fcl: t- l\lr'. Arrng Z.r1'M1,i111 Assist.tttt C(,ll(' itu't.'t',.,g*, +95-t)2-55054 Fax: +95-02 55094 'fal: Mcchanical & Elcctrical +95-67-77(ll1 arrrr gzaynryintnrdy(')gllail.c()nl Enginccrirrg Dcpartrtrcn t C/o Dy. Ccncral Marragcr Myannra Railways gnr-mltc(o) 7 N'lr.Kvaw Kyaw Myo IJivisiorralTra f fic Marragcr Tal +95-l-72-22277 Fax: +95-1-7221549 OpcratingDcpra11p1g11, M: +95-92130624 Kya w kya wmv1l. 111r(rirgnra i l.con-t 28,Officcr's Quartcr C/o Dy. Cencral Managcr Myanma Railways l]lr1-m n c(o\r p t r-rrai l. nct. mm at. Mr. Myint Maung Assistant Managcr (Firrance) Tal: +95-67-77016 Fax:+95-67-77018 Finance Dcpartnrcnt C/o I)1'.Ccncral Manager Naypyitaw, Myanma Railways glr-mn e(r)mp t nra i nr Lao PDR 9 Mr. Hinphct l-akhotrcvorrgDcputy Dircckrr Tcl: +856-2]-412297 Fax:+U56-21-414539 ErrcinccringDivision M: +856-205908179 hinlakhonvon g(4ryahoo.conl Lao RailwayAuthority Vie nam t, Mr. Ngr-ryr:nDac Phuoc Projcct Managemcnt Exprert Tel: +84-43-9420137 Fax: +84-43-9420144 lloit'r t Irrrplt'nrcut,rtion Dept. M: +84-983756562 n gllycnd acphLlocadrPmLl.conl.vtl No. l, Raihvay Projccts [email protected] Managemcnt Unit Victnam Railwavs 1l Mr. Dinh Duv Khanh Expert of Planning Dcpartment, Tel: +84-43-U730147 Fax: +ti4-43-8730146 Ha Hai Raih.vayManagemcrrt M: +84-986661996 khanhd d_2009(qryahoo. com. vn Company Viehram Railw,ays lndonesia 12.Mr. Hcru Isnadi Gcnc'ralManager, Tel: +62-21-82407958 Fax: +62-21-88474t14 Railr,r'ays Tcchnical'l'raining M: +628158822286 hc1.1isnad i{r', Centre, IndonesianRaiiways 13.Mr. Muhamrrad Barlian Vicc President,Sur-nate.ra Tel: +62-61-4520760 Fax:+62-61-4534468 PropcrtyAssct M: +6281809145274 barlianc) lncloncsianRailwavs 14.Mr. M. Pakih Fazarur.t Sta[fof Vice'PresidentDircctor Tcl +62-22-4230031 rlpakihficrya h(x).conl Irrctrnc.sianRai I ways M: +62U121032199 'l'cl: 15. Mr. Yanril I-JansHaignran Sr.rb-Dircctora tc of Rail.,r'av +62-21-3BlI30ll Exl Fax+62-21-3506525 'I'raffic anclT'ransport lrrtcrcitl' 3159 h ai g r-r-ran(r)dcp hu b.go. i d, DircctoratcCcncral of Railways lvl:+62 8128466051 h aigman_alcxantlcr(oryah<xr.con.t Ministry of Transportations Jakarta,Incloncsia Malaysia '16. Mr. Muhanracl Alpriza bin Perrtt.trtt,ntW.rv |:rrgi rrt't'r Tcl: +60-5-2548951t Fax:+60-5-2541J95u Chc lbrahinr Pcnrtancnt Way Dcpartrncnt M: +60-1965u0503 aI pi zaiii) K I M Bcrhad, rrr alpiza@)hotmail.conr 38, Jalan Lang Inclah 4, Dcsa Lang Inclal'r, 3(X)I0II'OH,PERAK K'I'M Bcrhad Tha land 'l'cl: l7 Mr. Scrtchai lin{:inecr Inchargc, +662-22045()9 trax:+6(r2-2204504 Chansatlritarron I'rojcct & ['larrning Division M: +66-u3u396073 scrtchai45(th()tnrail.conr Mcchanical [:lrrginccling scrtchaitryaltrxt.crtrr Dcpartrlcnt Stat0 Raillr'ay of Thailancl 'l'cl: I8. Mr.'fhana Jaikla [)ivisiona] finginccr, Pcrnrancnt +662-2204406 Fax: +66?-2204437 Wav Divisior-r M: +(r6890U05205 thanaiaikla(r)hotmail.cotlt Pcrnrancnt Way Ccrrtlc CiviI Enginccring Dcpaltrtrcnt St,tt(,Railw.ty o[ | lr.tilarrt. India (Indian Railwavs) t9. Mr. SatvanaravanaRaiu Dv. CE/WCISiSCR M:9701371935 Fax: 040-27822481 C.V.V llcs:Flat.No-501, gottuiitd9496Grgurail.conr, D.No-7-4-414/29, wcsprsc(trgmail.cot-tt; Sai[)hanranr, Srinivasa Colony (E),Anrccrpct, Hydcrabacl- 50(x)3fl 20. Mr, RavindcrCoyal CTPM, Wcstcln Railway Mun-rbai CONCOR 21 Mr. K. Sivaramaklishr-ra Ccneral Managcr CONCOR, Nagpur AIl D 22. Mr. SatishBahl Direckrr'(Training), AITt) n? Mr. V. S.Chai Dy. Director(Training), AITD LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Twelfth Training Courseon 'Preservation of Railway Heritage' 21 Novemberto 06 December2010 Name Designation& Organisation Telephones Fax & email Pakistan I Mr. M. FarrukhTainrtrr Dy. Ccncral Manager Tcl: +92-42-992016(X) Fax: +92-42-99207760 Khan Pakistan Railways Headqtrartcrs Rcs:+92-42-99201t330 f.r r rr rklr t.rirr rr rrrr'y.lhr x r.corrr Lahorc, Pakistan Mobi Ic: +92'30U-44460(X) 2. Mr. AshfaqAli Tabassanr JointDircctor, Busincss ancl Tal +92-51-9242772 Fax +92-51-9270921 Tou risnr Mobilc:+92'331 -51 15353 alitabassanr@'ya hoo.cottt PakistanRailn'ays Aclvisory & ConsultancyScrvicc (PRACS) Rar,r;alpindi,Pakistan Viel nam 3. Mr. PhanTri Dung Chicf Ctrarti of Sai (irn Coach Tcl: +tl4-U-3U4415l5 |ax: +tl4-il-3tl44l51 5 Entcrprisc, Victnarl Railrvays Mobi lc: +ll4-c)1J959671J5Ernail: phantriclung(a)yah(x).conl 4. Ms. NgtrycnSong Ha Expgl[ 1yfOprcration Btrsincss Tcl: +lt4-43-9424504 Fax:+84-43-942302t1 Dcpartnrcnt, Victnant Railways Mobilc: +84-c)u285854ti Ernail: songha/J(rynhoo.corn, songh a T3.tagrn ai Indonesia 5 Ms I.icla Ubaidi f Icacl of Corrscrvation and l'cl: +62-21-37095553 Fax: +62-21-37175959 lJcritagc Dcpartnrcnt Mobilc:+62-tl I -61141637 Er-r-rail: cllar.rba icli(r,gnrail.cortr InclorrcsiarrIlailways Officc: Clanrbir Railway Statiorr, 'l'intur Mcclan Mcrclcka Jakarta t0tI0 ( Mr. Sacfutlin Marragcr, Conscrvatior.r 'lcl: 7 Mr. SrrkcrrclalMulya Managcr, Hcri tagc Rclation +62-8112235555 Enrail: Irrt'loncsiarrRaillvays +62-8179235599 su kcnd a r. nr r,rl ya((i)gr)rail.conr Ca bodia Mr. Vong Sovanna Dcptrty f)ircctorof Exploitation v( )nSs(rv (r n n(-l{.ryi h(r(). c()rn CanrbodiaRailway Sri -anka 9. Mr. Wijaya Samarasinghc Transportation Supcrir-rtcnclc.nt,Dircct: +94-1I -2435U45 transpsi r@)yah()o.c()rt'l and l{ailway MuseunrDircctor Tcl: +94-l l-24272tll wi PlanrringUnit C)fficc Ex.571 Railway l{cadtpralters Rcs: +94-.1l-2788625 Sri l-anka Railways M: +94-071-4393102 Colonrbt>,10, Sri Lanka I0 Mr.
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