MONDAY, JULY 18. 1989 ATcntice Dfilly Net PreM Rob The Weathef M Git rOURTEBIf For tha Weeti Boded Foreeawt «( 0 . • . Weatfeor I iHattrl|rstpr Ifmlb BUy tSrd, I95e Dfoudy, sltdwerg toMflrt.' Thrc« MaAchMter r««td«iti bt- deveiopera In town had also regia-1 12,925 ta ie. nmidy, olHweyt TPC to DisciisA teted similar objections. t can« V. S. cUlwiH m a caramony UAC Will Spend Mofabor o< tha A u«t Mgh 15 »« M. About Town ! at- th*. Fedfral Court, Hartford. Since the court action. Town ; $68 Million on Revising Rules Planning. Engineer BMward J. NOTICE ItarMU ef Oreulattou Mmehetter-^A City of VUlnge Charm Tha library committee and m rm -! Rybcgyk has been atddylng the barahlp committee nf the OWM of; «r* our Uady of St. .Barlholomcw'a'j^? Nurnia,, n« Main St.. Ea^ Research, Plants Oil Subdivisions i more controveraUI' parts of the. {regulations and will preient his j WE WILL IE CLOSED THURSDAY, JULY T^i MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, JULY 14. 1959 (U o a M M Ml Page 14) PRICE 1^1 VB CBN IE > pariah will hold a combined meet- ■*™’* * -^ I findings and suggestions at to- l V0 I4. LXXVIII, NO. 241 (SIXTEEN PAtsES) Ing tomorrow tilpht at a o'cl«>C'k in t>.h.b.h United Aircraft Oorp. enttmatee ! ''"suggested changes for proposed night’s meeting. SO OUR EMPLOYES MAY CELERRATE it will spend $68 million for ex- - revised Isubdlvlston regulations for - Bayer had suggested that meet S t at at! 'MefiiChester will be studied by the- THE lOOth ANNIVERSARY , . E. Miaaic TpKe^___ ^ ; the. \Vatk)na-Wesi Funeral Hhme! panMon and reodcimisatlon of pro- Rybexyk go over the briefs from the 'li'own Planning Cbmmlosion 9t a St. Margaiat a Circle': Dauith.;'^'’ r*V reaperta to Mra_ l^tttia duetlon and experimental fncilltlea ( court hearing, and also that he OF THE OIL INDUSTRY lodge. pieeting at 8 o'clock tonight in study similar aiibdivision reguls- - Ura of laabella, wftll hojt a " mcmb« of the lodge. during 16611 snrt 1960. WilllarA Pi j th,l Municipal Building. tions from other towns. .maa meetmg at the home of Men t Gwinn, preaident, said today. | Town' Chimsel Philip Ba.^er will Tlie l.adlea Auxiliary of the ___ _______ "Our Reputation LaBelle EtJier'"iil'mrin. 3S Oakw-ood. fid also attend the meeting to go over, i^ Z ip u r r nuh'wtll hold a picnic July A major share of the expendl.- la our Aasuranee” Ju ly at 8 p.m. lure a’lll t/e m ade tn the corpora­ the prdpoaals sdth the .commis­ DELCO-HEAT IP H U V ^ If I 2fi at Vienna Wood. East Hartford. sion. I Alt the members of the committee tion's Connecticut planU< In charge will meet Saturday, July The expanaior and modernixa- Last May, the Court of Com- L T, WOOD 00. 2,^. to do the cooking. tion program, which la." already rrton Pleas ruled the new subdfvi-' I"i«'y T’™*'Last Month slon regulations which the town ICE PLANT Court Position Washitigton. July 14 (tP)— nmlerw-ay, calls for the eaipendi- i B A N T L ^ n CO. me ture of $.69 million for research had adopted were . "Hlega! and 51 BI98ELL $ t . Questioning of the former Members of Hose Co, No 1, 8lh ) 3 I M AIN s t r e e t " MANCHESTER. COMM Washington, July 14 (4*)— r C/oseef and . development factlitiea, and void" because no public hearing CttheA-Crwili^il-ttlocfcn chief of the Cuban Air Force Dial net Fire Department, will was held before' they were put into Employment surged to a rec­ ' meet tonight at 8 o'clock at tbs ♦2# million foi production Atty. John D. LaBelle of Manche.iter today was named at a Senate hearing waa sud­ effect. : Telephone MI 9-4595—Rockville—Phone TR 5-3271 ord high of 97.342.000 in I firehouse. Election of officers ■will facilities All four opiating dl- Hartford County’a next State’a attorney by tbe judgea of the denly hglted today and specta­ For he hekl. ilstona of United Pratt and The court action'was brought bF Superior Court. An assistant State'* attorney now, LaBelle June. A gain of 1,326.000 was! Talks tors sent from the room. Sen. Whitney Aircraft. H am ilton E n g a g e d Bunder Alexander Jarvta who ob­ will succeed Albert S. Bill of West Hartford, whose resigna- built on strong factory hiring Mrs. Wilber.-lJUle. master of Standard. Sikorsky A ircraft, ^and jected to several of the provlaions James O. Eastland (D-Miss) The engager.-■ .1 of Miss Con- In the new regulations. Dther RbriI Herald Advi. tl«m will take effect the loot day o (| and sea.8onal ri.aes in farming Yaeation Manchester Drange, requests that Norden—are included in the pro­ aiance. Mae Bentley to Dennis' skid he had been told “an at­ gram as well as United .Aircraft's August. and construction. • W E M n , L ^ membera nf the Orange call at the Michael Santoro is announced/by The Manchester lawyer was ap­ tempt would be made to in­ The labor department roport WbtklnS-West Funeral Home to­ reaearOh-rtepartr.:«tt in P;sst H art­ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenheth Plants Set RE-OPEN TTESDAV, ford and United 'Research Corp, pointed to fill out the iinexpired jure the witness.” th a t unemployment rose slmiilir,: A cr.rsT lith. night between 7 and fl o'clock to Bentley. iSJ'Highlahd St. portion of Bill's latest 2-year term. Eastland aairi the Inforr.iatioh ay last respects In Mrs. Letltla o. Menlo Park, a California sub­ BLOCK ISUND FAMILY VACATION YEAR-ROUND RIR CONDITIONING taneoualy by 593.000 as two mil­ Her flan.'e ia the son of Mrs; Which ends Ju n e 30. 1960. j came in a telephone call jusi after lion stunents and new graduate! ady. a member of the Grange. sidiary; Albert Piacente, 7(i Fairfield St., * ' ..(b lltLIAM R LiaBelle and assistant State’s at­ "Our expanding role in the field MODERATE C'O.STS the Senate Internal Sec’jrity Sub­ floored the joh market. The num­ For Closing and Charles Santoro. Hartford. Eaiey a rad, raknlnq waak or two on cm Islond torney Douglas B. Wilght of W est. committee ha., begun questioning Jtiissell U Crawford Jr., avia­ of mlaallea and spoce systems is and maximum services are provided with ber out of work totaled 3.982.000 y/ilrose A 1959 g isd u ate of M anchester Hartford, who has been appointed | MsJ.-Pedro Luis Dlaa Lens. tion machlpiat's mate second class. largely reqsonsible for this $681 High School. Mias Bentley ia n'o'.v poraMlisa. Evaryihinq for avary mambar af your eqiial earnestness at the Quiah Funeral a'judge of the new circuit court. ■ for the month. 1 USX. son of Mr and Mrs. Russell rjlllion program,■’ Gwinn said. ) Home. Our entire modern faeilities are at Diar. reaigned his post June 30- As a result-unemployment re­ Dtess Shop employed 'sa a junior comp'.ilist at family at. your disposal in .tiiue of .need—whatever or will be suci;eeded as assistant ■ At Midnight |1L. Crawford, 20 Goociwln St., and "Mjderniiatlon and expansion Pratt an«i M'hitney Aircraft. Her State's attorneys by J. Rend Mur­ with s Maet s.' the regime of Fidel mained St 4.9 per cent of the civil- I wherever the time or day. Castro. He charge-' Coinmunists «U Main St. At Pearl : husl'and of the form er Mias nf sxisting facllitiee are also ner- fiance gTkduated from .Manchealer phy and George D. Stoughton, botli ian labor force, after allowing for^ were infiHrstlng Cuba's military seasonal fUictuatinnS. (Next To First National ■ Marian A Andrews of Vernon, e.»sary to meet our production re­ High School in 1957 and is now, Year 'Round Air Conditioning. of West Hartford. New York, .Inly 14 (/p ^A Bank) ' was promoted to his present rate quirements for nir’-oje' and tfirbo- with the Hartford Timea aa a Both LaBelle and Wright were forces. I- But the steep climb tn employ- Atlantic Apartments chairinsn m the sub- ment a gain of 4.600,000 since atppi 8 t r i k p at midnight j June 16 while ser\nng at the Naval I ' E astland, ff-r. engines, turbine-powered heli­ eJAssifled advertising autom otive W'llllain P. Htllsh reappointed last month for liew loompfi inpvitably today with Air Facility, Monterey, Calif. copters. ground sul^port equipment salesman. HIGH STREET —ILOCK ISLAND. R. I., 2-year term s to end June 30, 1961. I comm ittee. i/i’derer the hearing Feluiiary has seldom been and aircraft accessories, and a A -qinng wedding is planned. Kaj’mond T. Qiilih Resignation .Accepted ' room clia ed for 30 r.iinittes. He matched in ttlslory. It attested to union and industry negotia* wide variety of electronic prod­ Each aportmaflN-«na vvaak $60—Two waaks $110 The resignation of Wright, to : said reporters and others would be tha foi'ce of the business recov- tor.a going through the mo^ ucts. take effect Aug. 3 1 , w aa. accepted •' readmitted afte- their credftitlete ^ ery. department offi'cials said, Bros , where he was employed for M l 3 - 5 * 4 0 tions of fruitless last minata UAC has spei $27.6 nMlIion of by the judges today "wjth Ih^r-. had been cheolied. I Factory workers' average week­ 40 years. PHONE Ml 3-5326 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ly earnings also reached a record bargaining sp.s.8ions.
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