DOCUMENT RESUME BD 096 906 HE 005 933 AUTHOR Mills, Gladys H., Comp. TITLE Graduate and Professional Education (Clinic 3). INSTITUTION Education Commission of the States, Denver, Colo. Dept. of Research and Information Services. PUB DATE 73 NOTE 7p.; Bibliography prepared for the Annual Meeting of the Education Commission of the States (1973) !DRS PRICE MF-$0.75 HC-$1.50 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS *Bibliographies; *Graduate Study; *Higher Education; *Professional Education ABSTRACT This is a selected bibliography covering one subject under consideration at the annual meeting of the Education Commission of the States. The documents included in his 30-item bibliography on graduate and professional education include books, monographs, bibliographies, and journal articles. (PG) od.r COMMISSIONEDUCATIONOFSTATESBEST THE COPYAVAILABLE GraduateEducation and Professional considerationThisGladysis H.a Mills,selected at Resource the 7thbibliography Annual Center Meeting. Coordinator,covering It one was with subject compiled assistance under by NATIONALDtDUCATION PARTME INSTITUTE NTIL WELFAREOF NEAL OF TI4 from ECS Project and Department staffs and the Colorado State .IIIf %fEDUCATIONI 4 .:.MIf f.f F I w Library. .f;; .4 %:..44 I}WIFI _ANNUAL1973MEETINGRussellDepartmentECS Resource B. Vlaanderen, of CenterResearch Director and Information Services MBLIOGRAPHY GRADUATE AND (ClinicPROFESSIONAL 3) EDUCATION BarCOPYAilAniji.E "TheAmericanResearchDescription," American ReportsCouncil Graduate by 6(5).onJohn Student:Education. A. Washington,Creager.A NormativeOctober ACED. C.: 1971. An cation,toAnnotated190 thepp. Costsby BibliographyJohn and H. Benefits Powel, ofJr.ofLiterature Graduateand Robert RelatingEdu- D. Graduate66Lamson. pp. SchoolsWashington, in the D. U.C. :S.CouncilED069200March 1972.of An Annotated27Board1971-1972. pp. on GraduateBibliographyWashington, Education. onD. GraduateC.:OctoberNationalEducation, 1973. An AnnotatedResearchPersonnel.1950-1971. ,:Guncil, BibliographyWastC.ngton,July 1971. Office on D.215 ofGraduate C.: pp.ScientificNationalEducation, An AnnotatedEducation.27Board pp. on GraduateIntecufficeChampaign, Education. BibliographyIllinois:May 3,Nationalon 1972.Graduate AssessingUniversityBlackburnand Correlates Quality and of PaulMichigan, inof Doctoral Excellence,E. Lingenfelter. School Programs: byof RobertEducation,AnnCriteria T.Arbor: FebruaryCenter for 1973. the Study47 pp. of Higher Education. 1 BESTCOPY AVAILABLE BlueprintCollege for Teachers, Change: by DoctoralPaul L. DresselPrograms and for California200AmericanFrances pp. H. SupplyCollege Delisle. and Testing DemandIowa Program. forCity, College Iowa:1972. Edu- CommitteeJohncation,Sacramento:cated R. Manpower O'Toole,Coordinating on theCalifornia in MasterJr. Selected andCouncil Plan Legislature,Perry Occupations, ,'orfor E. HigherRosove. Select Edu-by "ChangingcationEducation. Doctorates,"EmploymentJune 1972. Patterns by A.166 S. for pp.Higgins. New Edu-Phi The JosephADeltaCosts Commentary Kappan L.and McCarthy Benefits 54:412-414.With Recommendations,and of DavidGraduateFebruary R. Deener.Education: 1973.by ElementsWashington,andSchools. Benefits RelatedMarch D. of toC.: 1972. GraduatetheThe Determination 42Council Education,pp. of Graduateof by Costs John ExceptionalMarchH.ton, Powel, D.1972. C.: GraduateJr. 291Counciland pp. RobertAdmissions of GraduateD. Lamson. at theSchools. Pennsyl-Washing- vaniathePennsylvaniaand LarryStudy State L.of University, Leslie.HigherState University,Education.University by Manuel Center MarchPark: G. Gunne 1972.for 47 pp. 2 An Exploratory StudyBES1 of Legislators'C6?1korai! 3 Attitudes,a theP.cationPerceptions Gra Graduate am.in the andDoctoralDenver,School State Expectations of Colorado:ofThesis Education,Colorado, presentedof UniversityHigher byUniversity Ronald toEdu of GraduateMayhem.Denver.of Denver. EducationNovember[Sacramento] in 1:171. California, Joint87 pp.Committee by Lewis on B. the GraduateMasterPotential.Legislature. Education: Plan forWashington,February HigherPurposes, 1973.Education, D. C.: Problems,51 Nationalpp. California and GraduateCollegestaiaabraduate18 pp. Programs and Universities, inEducation. South Dakota by RichardNovember State D. 1972. TheGibb. Nowlis,Education.Graduate Pierre:Kenneth StudentJune E.South14, as Clark 1972.Teacher, Dakota and 53 MariamRegentsby pp. Vincent Rock. of ;raduateEducation.Washington,,tudent D.1968. SupportC.:71American pp.and Manpower Council Resources on Office.cationton,the- NatioiirK1WiceFoulation.washing-D. _uate No.C.:September NSF ScienceU. 70-40.) S. 1970.Government Education,84 pp.Printing Fall(Publi- 1969, by BEST COPY AVAILABLE "Graduate Study and College Teaching," by D. R. GraduateHones.58. January TeachingJournal A1973. Review AssiAantsof Chemical of Recent in EducationAmerican Trends 50:57-Uni-and 0E-S8039.)Office.Recommendations,versities:ton, D. C.:May 1970.U. S.by GovernmentJohn70 pp. L. Chase.(Publication PrintingWashing- No. A MasterSouth1970. DakotaDakota,Plan38 pp. for Regents by Public Richard of Higher Education. D. Gibb. EducationPierre:December in MeetingofEducation.York, Regents. the by NeedstheAlbany: JanuaryRegents of Doctoral 1973.NewCommission York Education State on Doctoral Boardin New Post-Doctoral"TheSocietiesDavid National D. Henry. NewsletterEducationBoard Americanon Graduate23:26-28.in the Council Ontario Education,"Fall of Univer- 1972.Learned by "QualityMarchCanada:sities 1972.of 1969-1970, FacultiesCouncil78 pp. of by andOntario L. ProgramsC. Payton.Universities. ED069246of GraduateToronto, AdministrationbyDepartments1972. R. T. Gregg of QuarterlyandEducational P. D. 8:67-92.Sims. Administration,"EducationalAugust 4 Reform in Graduate BESTEducation, COPY AVAILABLE by Lewis B. The Atlanta,Mayhem.EducationStudent Georgia:in SREBBoard. Graduate Research1972.Southern School, Monograph51 pp.Regionalby James No. 18. SurveyAssociationHarvey.1972. of Citizenship73 Washington,pp. for Higher of D. Graduate Education.C.: American StudentsJanuary Presidents1969).1970ProgrammesEnrolled (withToronto, in ofComparativeat Master's UniversitiesOntario Canada: and UniversitiesStatistics Doctoral Committeeof Ontario. for Degreein of 1968-1969- SurveyGraduates:May 11,of Employment1970.1964-1969.25 ofpp. OntarioToronto, Ph.ED069251 D.Canada: "TightOntario.Committee Market DecemberofMay Presidents Squeeze 1972. Quantity of39 Universities pp.ED069262 and Enhance of "WhoQuality54:278-279.Budig Should and of Pay R.Education K.Decemberfor Reckewey. Graduate Doctorates,"1972. Education?"Phi Delta by G.Kappan by A. JohnDivision.Supplement.for EducationalD. Millett.DecemberWashington, Development,Management 1972. D. 5C.: pp.Forum,ManagementAcademy Vol. 1. S BESTcontwhiL.,-...LE SEMINARS Separate bibliographies are available onCLINICS the following subjects: 2.1. DoesThe Courts Money and Make School a Difference? Finance 2.1. ChangingCoordination StateState in PostsecondaryResponsibilities Responsibilities Education for for Consumer Planning Pro-and 4.3. Reform?PropertyFailuresEducation Assessment and the Disadvantaged: and Exemptions: Successes rime and for 4.3. GraduatetectionEducation is Postsecondaryand in the Professional Health-related Education Education Professions 5.6. secondaryNationalEqual Rights Commission Education for Women on in theEducation Financing of Post- 6.5. andYoungEducation Priorities Children for the and Handicapped: Their Families: Legislation State Politics and 8.7. NewConsumerLitigation Developments EA In: in WhatNational Subject Assessment Matter? checkshown.Loan copies for In either. the of case these ECS of publications publicationsan ERIC publication maymay bebe availableordered (see number directly from theat from end public, Commissionof document), university headquarters, or your state hurary library 1800may near hay:Lincoln you. the Purchase St, original Suite copies document300, Denver, shouldand/or Colo.be ordered the 80203. ERIC from microfiche; the sources so,.
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