$1.50 PER YEAR rOMiiNA (iRA>4<!E. tilVEN SCRtJICAL IMiSITIOV. t'linton County i’omona (iraiigc will Maurice Ixiree, a senior in the medi­ meet with iiengul Crange Wednesday, cal department at the IVof .M., has ro- yii February 7. Fiftli degree at 10:00 ; cently been made an interne in the yiir- o ’clock, foi rtli degree at 10:30. Iteg- glcal department of the I'nlversilv hos ­ ular order of business, followed by re­ 99 cess for dinner. pital, fur a period of five years if he .chooseH to remain. Mr. Ixiree is a HTEIIir“‘; .he program, which begins at 1:30, graduate of the St. Johns high school is as follows; Sung, quartet; wel- and county normal training class. He ....... ........come address. Win. T. i’lowmun, .Mas- •IBOL’T 130 .ITTEXIi .iL MEET- (gi- of Bengal: response; instrumental OFKICEILS AM) DIKEi TORS has majiy friends here, who will con ­ PKIN. C. T. DRAWN OF MT. PLEAS­ gratulate him upon his advancement IIKLU S. S. MKETINti. ISO AT COUKT HOrSE./ "o'o. Alice I’adgett; recitation, Mrs. ELECTED FOR YEAR. at the Cnlverslty. ANT ( ONDI'CTS SESSIONS. I There was a large attendance at the Estes; discussion. “Covert Road Act," J “Torrens I.*nd System of Transfer," Sunday hc Iioo I board meeting of the STRONG CASE COMES. l PnCCCV CIUEC riMC TAI V ^^gar Burk of Banner (Irange; music, W• L bUriLl UllLU nilL IRLlt orchestra; recitation, Alberta Sturgis; On Tuesday, February 6, at 9 o'clock E BEST OF PROSPECTS , in the morning the trial of Jonathan WANT HOMES FOR SMALL BOYS ________ j “Cooperative Buying. The ('.range DR. N.G. SCHAEFFER SPEAKS Strong of Eagle on the charge of < i as Instructor. ^The card system for en- [Contract Systeim” Marc Cutier, South S.ILIEXT I’OIXTS OF SCHOOL LAW Itlley, and Will Bearndt. Banner; in- FACTORY’S PROOKESS IS VERY . murder, w ill commence in the iHtMl LITTI.K O.XKS .IKi; XMV |\ roHment was also discussed. I Circuit court. It will be remembered PROF. HAROLD JARVIS DELIGHTS CAREFILLY EXPLAINED. strumental solo, Neva I'iowman; re- SATISFACTORY. STAMrKH FXVELOPKS IX'KEASE. I citation. Merle IMowman Harper; dis- , that Billy Eddy of Eagle was fatally HTTil MI'SK AL Nr.MRERS. I cussion, “How can we best cooperate ; shot on Hallowe'en night by a gun In j On account of the increased paper the hands of his uncle, Jonathan : prices, a slight increase has been made Several Districts Oi>*Oif) For Recog' to get a living price for our produce"; .New Boiler uiid Sprinkler Are In; Strong. i'iiiitoii Count) Cares For Tweiit)— , by the post ofllce department in the i "Cooperative Marketing," Frank Fai- .Miss Folc oK M. A. Outlines Bojs* nition as Standard Schools \ ll.> .Men Now On The ; price of stamped envelopes, in .^00 and 'ver, South Riley. Tyler Hill. Bengal; and (liirls* I'luh H'ork For YiMinirsters From .St. .loliiis I reading, “What Every Woman Cun Do," ARRESTED IN LYONS. ! 1,000 lots. Those which have the This Year. Pay Roll. I Earl W. Fisher was arrested in Ly- Find Plat •es. largest Imal sale are No. 5 two-cent Mrs. Anna Shafley. Bengal; song, Rural Distriets. quartet. I ons on the complaint of Albert Ros- , envelopes. They were raised from sow, Saturday, on the charge of sim- $21.24 to $21.60 per thousand. Tlie old About 130 school directors were •At the annual meeting of the Hayes I pie larceny. He was brought before Nearly every teacher in the county While making a trip through Clin ­ price of 54c per package has not been present In the court room, Wednes ­ .Motor Truck Wheel Co., on Thursday, ton county, Otto Luodders. the state [Judge J. (’has. Flynn, plead guilty and was present at the annual Institute changed. .\o. 13 envelopes, also two- day, at the annual Clinton county January 25, a report of the year’s pro ­ was placed on probation for one year, ag'ent for the .Michigan state public cent, have been raised from $21.26 to which was held Friday in the high school directors ’ meeting. Represen ­ LANSING COMPANY PLATS gress was read by Manager Smith, [ after the payment of costs of $8.95. It school room. Many residents of St. school at Cold water, gave us a few $21.74. Envelopes of other sizes and tatives from 100 of the 129 districts showing the company to be in a thriv ­ facts concerning the school which will 45 (is alleged that he stole a pair of trou- I Johns and vicinity also took advantage denominations have received a similar in the county attended. ing condition. The prospects for the 1 sers from Rossow, who was his room- he of Interest to all. raise. « IN DEWITT TWP. ! of bearing a literary and musical treat. W. L. Coffey, chief clerk of the state future are very bright and tlihy have ! mate. I The morning session commenced at The school is maintained by the department of public instruction at | ‘ ------------ ^ every expectation of trebling their out ­ state for orphaned, neglected and de­ 9:30 o ’clock with the singing of “Amer* I.anBing, talked on some of the salient ' TU E.NTY ACRES H ILL BE CALLED put this year. lea,” by the Institute. Rev. R, Ked- pendent children from four weeks of Last year 66,000 wheels were man ­ W. age to fourteen years. The chlhlren points of schuul law in the morning. u tii 397^11 ,.zle gave the invocation and Prof, Har- HOPES TO BAN THE DEADLY He also explained the new teachers ’ I ARK. ufactured, bringing $260,000. The pay EXTENSION [ old Jarvis of Detroit sang Tennyson ’s are cared for in cottages of which roll now covers 145 men. The new there are nine, each with a competent pension law. “Crossing the Bar,” followed by “Du In the afternoon County School boiler which they have been installing Blst De Wle Fine Blume,’’ as an en ­ matron. There is an average of about CIBAREnE FROM OUR STATE l..ansing is due to have a pbenominal will be ready to fire next week. The SCHOOL COMES TO RILEY 200 children in the school at one time. Commissioner T. H. Townsend told of core. the large amount of improvement I growth, if. it ever... comes anywhere, , near sprinkler system for fire protection is Re.-^ides regular studies the children which has been made in the schools ' niost recent suburb subdivision to Prof. C. T. Grawn, the principal of practically complete, with the excep ­ the state normal at Mt. Pleasant, gave are taught the many things pertaining REF. IH’LSE RE-INTRDDn'ES OLD of the county during the past summer V"''.''' tion of the big pressure tank which is IK K RES (ilVEV IN GK a VLE to their personal life which they need vacation. At the last directors ’ meet-i'^^-' '‘*'® purchasiHl tlie east twenty a short history of the county institute, Bil l, IN IIDI SE. to be placed on a tower. The material BALE XE\T WEEK. which commenced as four-week In ­ to tit them to enter a good private ing. the qualifications of a Standard ^ Doughner farm, for the tower is now here and it will home. The average st;i^' of a child in which is located on the southern line struction schools and had gradually school were presented uqd a number probably be erei ted next w eek. shortened, until now their pur ­ the Coldwater school is from three to of Dewitt township, about one-half The oHicers and directors of the .^11 farmers in Riley and surround ­ four months. Another attempt baa been made by of the schools are in shape to receive pose was changed. Their purpose was Representative C. .A Huisc* to safe­ the bronze plate, "Standard School, ” mile east of the electric car Hue. company were elected as follows: ing territory will be interested in the .At present there are a fine lot of It is divided into 120 lots, part of for inspiration and entertainment. guard the health and intelligence of as soon as the state Inspector can come President, (’. B. Mayes; vice-president program which will he given by the He talked on the subject, "Mhy boy.s betwei u the ages of six and ten which arc 44.\lo«H-j feet and face the and treasurer, N. S. Potter; secretary in the school w'hich the authorities our young manhood, by reintroducing in the spring. Mr. Townsend says that State .Agricultural Extension depart ­ Some Teachers Fail." He spoke of the a hill in the house known ns the antl- ns much improvement has been made north and south highway which forms and general munuger-, A. I). Smith; ment on Tuesday, M'ednesday, an 1 would like to see jilaced in gooil homes. the eastern boundary of the plat. The two types of teachers, those whom the c ig;irotte bill. during the past year as during the en ­ vice-president and timber manager, W. Thursday, February 6, 7 and>,S, in the children loved and were glad to work .An application for one of tliese boys, others are 40x132 and face on east C. Morrey; superintendent. M. J. Kell- or a child of any r,ex or age will be The Detroit Free Press gives history tire live years previous. South Riley Grange hall. fur and those whom the pupils disliked of the bill as foIl(>\vfl. ‘ The Hiil.se bill •Mr. Townsend also mentioned a sys­ and wosi streets which have been ar.
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