DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS Vol. 38: 71-74,1999 Published October l1 Dis Aquat Org l NOTE Sea urchin Meoma ventricosa die-off in Cura~ao(Netherlands Antilles) associated with a pathogenic bacterium 'Carmabi Foundation. PO Box 2090, Piscaderabaai zln. Curaqao. Netherlands Antilles 2~aboratoryof Aquatic Ecology, University of Nijmegen. Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands 3~epartmentof Biology. University of South Carolina -Aiken. 171 University Parkway, Aiken, South Carolina 29801, USA ABSTRACT. During January 1997 a die-off occurred in the urchin disease (Maes & Jangoux 1984) the causative sea urchin Meoma ventncosa in Cura~ao,Netherlands agent was of bacterial nature (Gilles & Pearse 1986), Antilles. The mortalities were characterized by a progressive while a marine amoeba was suspected as the causative loss of spines and death. Mlcroscopy of affected tlssue revealed amorphous catch connective tissue of the spines, agent mass Strong~locentrotusdroe- contaming Gram-negatlve bactenal cells Deliberate infec- bachiensis (Jones & Scheibling 1985). tions of the urchin ~ytechinusvanegatus wlth 1 of the 2 bac- In the Caribbean., imassi\ mortalities have been re- terial isolates resulted in signs similar to those observed in parted for a variety of echikoid (see review by affected M. ventncosa in the field. The M ventricosa die-off was restricted to an area of 3.5 km along the coast just down- Lawrence 1996), such as Diadema antillarum (Lessios current of the maln harbor of Cura~ao,and caused a s~gnlfi- et al. 19841, AstropYga magnifica and Eucidaris tribu- cant decrease In population size of M ventncora In this area. loides (Willlams et al. 1986), Tripneustes ventncosus In the impact area the percentage of affected urchins was and ~~t~~hj~~~vanegatus (williams et 19961, ~~j~- similar, but the percentage of dead urchins dropped from 83 sus unicolor, Echinometra lucunter, E. viridis, Echi- to 0% with dlstance down-current from the harbor It is likely that polluted water from the harbor increased the density of "Oneus cyclostOmus and Paraster flOndiensis (Hendler pathogenic bactenal strains causlng the infection 1977), and Plagiobrissus grandis (B. Boekhoudt, Department of Agriculture, Husbandry and Fishery, KEY WORDS: Mortality. Pathogenic bacterium. Sea urchin. perS. comm,), the present study we a Meoma ventncosa . Infection . Lytechinus variegatus die-off in the sea biscuit Meoma ventricosa (Echi- noidea, Spatangidae) which occurred in Cura~ao (Netherlands Antilles) during 1997, and appeared to Mass mortalities of echinoids have been recorded be associated with a pathogenic bacterium. worldwide. They can be caused by unfavorable envi- Materials and methods. Quantitative data on urchin ronmental conditions, diseases, or a combination of mortality were collected in Curaqao during February both (e.g. Scheibling & Hennigar 1997). Mortalities 1997, at 5 different sites located down-current of the resulting from unfavorable environmental conditions harbor (Table 1). At each site (except at Holiday are often caused by sharp or sudden changes in any of Beach), 3 or 4 belt transects of 5 X 15 m were placed at a wide variety of abiotic factors. In the Caribbean variable water depth in sand patches on the coral reef. region, mortalities have been associated with factors Urchins were localized by searching the sandy bottom such as earthquakes, strong water motion from storms by hand. The condition of the urchins was categorized and hurricanes, exposure during low tides, high sea into: dead (only skeleton left), affected (showing loss of water temperature, decreased seawater salinity after spines) and normal (no signs). The densities of normal heavy rain fall, phytoplankton toxins and pollutants urchins in the impact and reference area were com- (Cortes et al. 1992, Lawrence 1996). pared using a nested ANOVA on log transformed data. Mass mortalities resulting from diseases are often Homogeneity of variances was tested with a Bartlett caused by microorganisms (Jangoux 1987a,b). How- test, while normality was tested with a l-sample Kol- ever, the causative agent has been identified for only a mogorov-Smirnoff test (Sokal & Rohlf 1995). In the few of the reported mass mortalities. In the bald-sea- impact area, the percentages of dead urchins per site were compared using a Chi-square test, while the esti- mated pre-mortality urchin densities were compared 0 Inter-Research 1999 Resale of full arhcle not permitted 7 2 Dis Aquat Org 38: 71-74. 1999 with the post-mortality densities using a Student's t- test (Sokal & Rohlf 1995). Necropsies were performed on normal, affected, and dead Meoma ventricosa. Intestinal tract tissue was removed from 2 normal and 5 affected urchins; dry weights were determined and results were normalized by dividing tissue weights with tests weights. Spine counts were made on the aboral surface of each animal from 3 areas of 18 to 80 cm2 (mean + SD = 41 * 18 cm2) depending on the size of the urchin. Intestinal tract weights and spine counts were compared between normal and affected urchins using a l-way ANOVA 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 and a nested ANOVA, respectively, after testing for Normalized weight of intestinal tract homogeneity of variances and normality (Sokal & Rohlf 1995).Comparative microscopy was performed on var- Flg. 1. Meoma ventncosa. Mean spine density as a function of ious tissue samples from affected and normal animals. the intestinal tract weight (normalized for the test weight) Affected tissue was Gram-stained to look for the pres- ence of microbial cells were already dead. Dead specimens and skeletons Two types of bacteria isolated from the base of the were always found above the substrate and were spines of affected Meoma ventricosa (from catch con- never buried under the sediment. nective tissue), which were not present from normal Necropsies on affected Meoma ventricosa showed specimens, were used to test their potential for initiat- significant reductions in spine densities (nested ing the infection signs as observed in the field. Healthy ANOVA, F,,, = 120.200, p < 0.001) and intestinal tract sea urchins (5 each per aquarium) of the species weights (l-way ANOVA, F,,,= 25.850, p = 0.004), Lytechinus variegatus were deliberately infected with which were positively correlated (Fig. 1). Comparative subcultures of both bacterial types in separate aquari- microscopy of various tissue samples from affected and ums (along with 5 controls). The inoculum (each bacte- normal urchins revealed differences only in the spine rial treatment) was introduced by spiking lettuce with catch connective apparatus. In affected urchins, tissue each strain (lettuce was immersed in a 106 concentra- was amorphous and contained bacterial cells that tion of each strain) and by adding suspended bacteria stained Gram-negative, whereas in unaffected tissue (1.0m1 of a 108suspension) directly to separate aquaria bacterial cells were absent and intact collagen fibers (containing the urchins in sterile artificial seawater). were present. Results. At the end of January 1997, numerous skele- Two types of bacterial isolates (VL-1 and PL-1) were tons of Meoma ventricosa were observed at the Holi- obtained from affected tissue of Meoma ventricosa, day Beach reef in Curaqao, Netherlands Antilles. Over which were not found with unaffected tissue. Deliber- 125 skeletons were found scattered on the reef in a ate infections of the urchin Lytechinus variegatus with large sand patch approximately 300 X 20 m in size and the VL-1 strain caused signs similar to those in M. ven- situated at a depth between 15 and 25 m. Underwater tricosa (progressive loss of spines and death) within 3 d surveys at this and other sites revealed normal, (feeding experiment) or within 2 wk (direct seawater affected, as well as dead urchins. Affected animals inoculations). All controls and PL-1 inoculated L. varie- were distinguished by loss of spines in patches of vari- gatus remained unaffected. A more complete descrip- able size on the aboral side of the skeleton. The tion of isolation techniques, identity of the putative patches always had a darker coloration than the pathogen, possible pathogenic mechanisms and host remaining part of the skeleton and were purplish/ range studies are reported in Ritchie et al. (unpubl.). brownish in color. Affected urchins were found buried Inquiries addresed to dive-operators and several sur- about 1 to 5 cm under the substrate together with nor- veys along the coast revealed that the die-off was mal animals. Affected animals were still able to direct restricted to an area of approximately 3.5 km along the their spines upon manipulation. Progressive loss of coast and was situated just down-current of the spines resulted in a completely spineless aboral side of Willemstad harbor. The CARICOMP network, a re- the skeleton. These animals were often found lying on search and monitoring network of marine laboratories, top of the substratum or partly buried in the sediment. parks and reserves (CARICOMP 1997), and the Such animals appeared to be moribund and responded Caribbean Aquatic Animal Health Project (E. H. very slowly to tactile stimulation using only few of their Williams pers. comm.) were contacted, but other spines. Ultimately, the spines on the underside of the reports of mortalities in Meoma ventricosa in other skeleton were also lost, but at this time the animals Caribbean islands or countries were not encountered. Nagelkerken et al.: Sea urchln die-off In Curaqao 73 In the impact area, located 1.0 to 3.5 km down- die-off on the population size of Meoma ventncosa in current of the harbor, the percentage of aberrant ur- the impact area. chins (i.e. sum of dead and affected urchins) was simi- Discussion. The present study is apparently the first lar at the 3 sites and ranged between 70.0 and 84.8% report of a die-off in Meoma ventricosa associated with (Table 1). The percentage of dead urchins showed a a pathogen.
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