VOL. XXVIII, No 42 HOMEWOOD, BALTIMORE, MD., MARCH 18, 1924 PRICE 5 CENTS 22 STATES AND 4 FOREIGN SILICA GEL OFFERS BIG POS- CAST OF "THE ,GALLOPER" ENGINEERS WILL ESTABLISH WELSH AND BAHLKE STAR COUNTRIES REPRESENT- SIBILITIES FOR BOOT- INCLUDES MOST EXPERI- CHAPTER OF KNIGHTS AT E. C. S. A. CHAM- ED IN DORMITORY LEGGERS ENCED MEN IN BARN- OF ST. PATRICK PIONSHIPS 13 Graduate Students and Several In- Dr. Patrick Lectures on Uses of Prod- STORMERS CLUB Society Fostered by Electrical and Me- Rutgers Captures Team Honors. Two chaniral Enerirkeers tr* Create F. C. 5 A structors Also in Residence at uct. Custom House Officials Par.r- 11! •bvdt. by Strong Organization Black Horucvu t,.1" klat:ing . Can be Fooled Acted in "The Purple Mask" and Blue Fish Statistics regarding the Alumni Bootleggers will soon be using Welsh and Bahlke of Hopkins Leading parts of "The Gallop- CORRECTION Dormitory, which were Memorial Silica Gel to fool custom house of- er", to be presented by the Barn- It has been brought to our were the star performers in the recently made public, show con- ficers, according to Dr. W. A. Pat- stormers' Club on March 28 and attention that in the issue Eastern Collegiate Swimming As- clusively that the Johns Hopkins rick, who delivered a leture on of March 7 some details were sociation championships held last Undergraduate School enjoys 29, are divided between men who this product to a large assemblage incorectly stated concerning Saturday at local reputation. The have had much experience in act- New Brunswick. more than a the abandonment of plans last Thursday. • Welsh was the individual announcement of these facts ing and others who have had prac- for the installation of a chap- star of. should prove a decided set-back to Dr. Patrick, Professor of Chem- tically none at all. ter of the Knights of St. the meet, winning both the fifty -studying-med- the "Oh-so-you-are istry at Johns Hopkins, and dis- . R. F. Passano, who has been Patrick. The News-Letter and hundred yard swims. His icine" habit. regrets the mistake. We are coverer of the compound's uses, chosen to play Copeland Schuy- time of 57 2-5 seconds set up a Twenty-two states are now rep- printing a correction of that went on to demonstrate the article. new E. C. S. A. record. Bahlke resented in the Dormitory alone. ler, the leading part, will be re- unique absorbative qualities of was -with 31 students; membered as having played the second high point scorer with Maryland leads The more important details of New York has 10; Pennsylvania, Silica Gel, which is capable of tak- seven due. to his win in the 220- part of Majolin in the "Purple organization and future work of 8; Virginia, 7; Ohio, 5; District of ing up fifty per cent of its weight yard dash and his third in Mask," which was given by the the Knights of St. Patrick will be the cen- Columbia, 4; North Carolina, New in water, or other liquids, without tury. His time of Club last year. Although this discussed at a meeting of the As- 2 minutes, 33 Jersey and Connecticut each have growing any in size. It is this re- sociation of Collegiate Engineers 4-5 seconds is also a new E. C. S. 3; South Carolina, Kentucky and part was not the largest hi tile markable quality that would be of to be held on Tuesday, March 18, A. mark. Texas each have 2.; and the fol- play, it was very important and use to bootleggers, Dr. Patrick at 4 P. M. Most of the Electrical lowing states have one each: Rutgers won the meet with a pointed out. demanded capable acting. It was and Mechanical Engineers are in -West Virgiriia, Indiana, Colorado, total of 41 points. Hopkins was • "An imported cargo of silica the type of part which is a bad favor of the new society and are Illinois, Wisconsin, Massachu- second with 33, Lehigh 13 gel," he said, "would be likely to failure unless it is exceedingly giving it their hearty backing. The and setts, North Dakota, Washington, be passed by the customs officials Swarthmore 10. The teams fin- well done. Civil Engineers have not yet ex- Minnesota and Michigan. The as a mere shipment of a peculiar ished in the same order in the dual • He also played an important pressed their approval or disap- following coutries are each repre- looking sand. It could, in reality, meets of the year. Rutgers cap- part in "Helena's Husband," a proval of the project but it is sented by one man each: Canada, contain gallons of pure alcohol, tured four first places, Hopkins one-act play given by the Barn- thought that they also will favor Porto Rico, China and England. for it is able to absorb the illegal three, and Lehigh one. All of the stormers in the fall of 1922. This the organization. Enrollment is 98 liquid and yet be odorless, dry, Hopkins entry of six men scored was one of the plays given by Freshmen and Sophomores will The present enrollment of the and without additional volume. points in the meet. Dormitory numbers 98 men. This candidates and coached by the be admitted as Guards of the Or- Continued on page 3, col. 2 Welsh Wins 100 Barnstormers for the purpose of der, and the Juniors and Seniors includes undergraduates, gradu-, The greatest race of will be made Knights of St. Pat- the day ates and instructors. There are 13 discovering talent. brought together FIRST BASEBALL PRACTICE rick. The knighting ceremony will Welsh of Hop- men •of the Class of 1924, 15 Dunning New Discovery kins and Foster of Rutgers. TO BE HELD THURSDAY take place at a dance following the These Juniors, 10 Sophomores and 25 F. Dunning, who will play the two stars have forced each other residents of Carlins Secured for Practice Ground. engineering "Show." Quite con- Freshmen. Thirteen 40 Candidates Out very important part of Billy Ashe, to make records. In the Rutgers- pursuing trary to a recent report, there is the Dormitory are Manager Francis Gluck, of the also played in a one-act play. He Hopkins' dual meet this year, Fos- the graduate schools. no secret ritual. The main purpose courses_ in baseball —team_ has announced. that ,played the leading part in "The ter won from Welsh by a touch and of the association is to form a Of these, Physics, Biology initial practice.will be held next Very Naked Boy." With this sex-. and hung up a new mark of 58 sec- 3; strong engineering organization Political Economy each claim Thursday afternoon at Carlin's, or ception, Mr. Dunning has had no onds. Welsh came back Saturday Psy- made up of three integral units, Romance Languages, 2; and as soon after as weather conditions other experience in acting at Hop- and clipped 3-5 of a second from History, Chemistory and whose sole aim will be to draw all chology, will permit. The batteries have kins. Until his tryout for the Foster's time and beat him by student engineers into closer relation. This I athematics boast one been warming up and it has been part, however, the Club had been about a yard. , each. Several instructors also live plan, however, will in no way in- decided to issue the uniforms at entirely at a loss to find someone Hopkins took first and second Memorial Dormitory. terfere with any of the present at the time of the first practice. who could play. Ashe. His very in the fifty when Enander and The contention thlt-the Dormi- engineering clubs. To date some forty candidates first reading of the part scored a Foster of Rutgers bumped at a tory group is a representative one It is the plan of those who are have reported, among whom are big hit with the Club. turn and were left behind. Dun- further supported by the fact working for the establishment of a is numerous men who come with hieh Hugh Smallwood, who will play ning lost to Potts of Rutgers by a that nearly every religious faith Hopkins Chapter of the Knights of reputations and should add material the part of Kirke Warren, last yard in the 200 breast but his time is represented in the group. The St. Patrick to first form a local strength to the Hopkins team dur- year played Armand de Treviere, was better than the old Hopkins Episcopalians lead the list with 25 whose record shall be the main ar- ing the coming season. The Black the leading part in the "Purple record for the distance. Howard men; the Hebrews come next gument in favor of nationalization and Blue pitching staff will be con- Mask." In "If I Were King," and Hambleton finished second with 16; Southern Methodists fol- into the main body. siderably augmented by •Winken- presented by the Club the year and fourth respectively in the low with 14; Presbyterians have before, he played the part of Rene werder, a southpaw, and McNeal, A. A. BOARD AWARDS LET- plunge. 11; Baptists and Catholics each de Montigny. who does his twirling with his right TERS TO MEMBERS OF The Summary have 5; Lutherans, 3; and the hand. Both these men have shown Female Impersonators Inexperienced - CROSS COUNTRY The summary of the meet fol- Congregationalists and thq Re- excellent ability and need only a The female roles will all be Verne Booth and Lee Wasson lows: formed Church each have 2. Six breath of spring to emerge into played by men who have had no were each awarded the Varsity 200-Yard Relay—Won by Rutgers men profess no religion.
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