fOrRIEJ! r-STABIJMtEt» OCTOBKR 8. UM. * «W " h-TABLI8III£D JL'XE Z, 1*4. PLAINFIELD, N. J.. TTESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1894. PRICE TWO CENTS BOBBED IN THE NI8HT. PRETTY ROUSH TREATMENT. WOMEN WHO WANT TO VOTE YESTERDAY AND TODAY S TIL AFTER THE MONUMENT WOULD NOT PAY MORE FANE I | U 1 CLOTH f 8 TIKIS FKOH III >• Keaton Wh» 7 hete Hen Sbornii he FlaiaBsMsn tabs Active Fart la The >vw* «T Tvwa ato Cs stry Act* apt b* B ile to Salas TVs* ■«• Carrito by En.-iW* to This KOOKS 01 BILLSIDI AVIBUE. ftm*4 Like Th«. iks ■cvtiac af tbs Mew J 1 -1*7 Sal ■ » • • v and M i A. V ■ *a Vesto City Vara They O*» to Us h » p assist! oa Satardav Iasi Three Seventh Hay Baptists living In — No Courier-New» on Thursday. take tba T. M. Vrela--- V, Tk* Ik’riilrf kid (0 Brtik 1 Wind«*, Aakto to Ito sloe Creek Township, near Bridgeton The annual meeting o f tbe New Jer­ — Tbe Victor Wheelmen will give an this mate, were arrested a lew day* Fair. fire* « Boll. Cither »p the 4vv»r«l led sey Women Snffrage Association waa entertainment Thursday night, agn for gunning on Monday. They were Vsre Fiato Bat Agfcalto 6ft oot le <ea M inai*« i t the Kisk e f held id tbe Y. M. C. A . rooms. Orange, Tbe G. Jl R. men, who hart studied Joseph Fogg, Edward, Thomas and — A brilliant meteor shot across tbe Saturday afternoon. About lony women and worked bard to get a soldier’s mon- Brill DuccrereO. Richard Rimer, and il waa expected aky from North to Sooth early Coodnetor Prall, who rena oa the and one man attended. They re elected evening. nmeot erected here, thus lar without that wheo their case« came up before Philadelphia train paving here at 1.14 Mr*. Florence Howe Hall, of Plainfield success, are inclined to 117 again this Jus'ice Woodruff they would resist and — On Priday night a dance will be a. m , came back today to sppeor in Anoiher robbery wa» committed Uat president; Dr. Mary D. Husery, of Winter to accomplish their e‘ m. T ^ y make an interesting teat of tbe law. The riven oy Amo* Wilson, to a number of court against two o f his passengers who Ilf hi and a man'll dom e* to the value E«at Orange, corresponding arereiarv, snggrot that when tae Y. to. C. A. lair men were charged with having gunned his friends bad given him iron ole en south. Ho of |6o were taken during Inn absence and Aaron M. Powell, of Plainfield, to over, Uie budding be kept open fbr on Hutiday, November 11, the day tbe — A dance will be given by tbe said they got oa st Trenton Jwactiou to (or i ntiort tirhe from bin I'xiiring». the one man hi attendance, auditor. them U>continue tbe fair on their own go to Duoetien Tost he told them season for rabbits, quail, etc., opened. Catholic Yoone Men's Lyueum In their Tne man *bo »as robbed la Fred The offices were filled aa follow«: Vice account lo retoe lands for tbe monu­ they would have to get off at Bound As they observed thesevenlb day oftke hall Thursday night. £altwiMer. the coachman d o r H A . President, Mrs. Mary Campbell; re­ ment. Brook and wait for tbe local because week as Sunday, sod as a special pro­ Btrriill, ol llil'tiile avenue. » H e occn- cording secretary, Mr a L. Blackwell, — Frank Links announces the sale of A number o f men stand ready to go bis train did not atop between there vision of the law permits them to go on pie* a room in the bam anil keep* nev- of Ei xibeth; treasurer, Mra 8. R some very cb .ice sines for tbs Holi­ down in tbelr pocaeia lor tbe ax mo­ and Plainfield They said they had a their own 'premise« on the Aral day o f rral luiU !h> re (or tbe illffereDt fire»* Krom, of Plainfield. days and Thanksgiving. ment, to tbe extent o f $500 ticket for their destination and after a the week, tbe gunners declared that In which he m required ;o drive lor all Mr*. Hall opened tbe meeting with a — Tonieht tba Plainfield Bowling provided enough money can be parley told him be would have to stop Ih-y were innocent of any violation of IIDill ul weather. Last night » 'tne report, in ..kick abe allowed to the sne Ont) s i 1 have a practice game on tb# raised to complete She land. Tbelr de­ and let them off He did not aod they the »taint8 JDCHIW" of In« employer’« lau.ilv were ceaa of the women vo'era In Colorado Board of Trade alleys with the Colls. sire is lo have it rerecied in Hillside came through He aak*d them for the •tltie V M C- A. l/atlilioR erraBiilnn A t Uie hearing il w u shown that the and ihe detest of Brertinfldge in where the late Job Male lufended to extra fare to this city and they refused offender* h d gunned off their own — TOO lovcre of delicious mince plea for the leir ami he wia to go alter Kentucky, largely ihrougi the eff.ria »r« Dow Seeling lo W. J. SiepbeoftoQ'i g if « t place for IL To do IP's 13,500 to p»y He hid ih$ offii'or u k e them jiropeny, and Justice Woodruff imposed is needed aud the G. A . B. men unoa iheiu about 11 o'clock, lie lelt tbe o f women. She alao re'erred to the od North avenue,alter pies for Tbaoks- up on reaching here. * fine o f $20 each u.»on tbe trio. Rsih barn at II 10 o’clock and was bark recenl derision» of the Supreme ,-otirt givittit. with a strong puli and • long pull Urey The men were tbe Harris broiber*,of er thau lake the matter op to a higher can raise It tbia season. (rn minutes later. Dunug that time denying to women tbe right to vote at West Beveotb street. Tuey came u p court the men paid the flues — There will be no meeting in the nouie one broke through the window »chool or any other elections in New •W.U. T (J rooms Thursday after for a hearing la the city court thto iod entered the bam. then forced tbe Jersey, and Ihe barring out of Mia« noon. M. Tomliuaon, Corresponding The kkkton ciak taBatsrtaia. » morning and testified In some parties- bolt on the doqr o f the clu*et Mary Pbllbrook, who had sindled law Secretary. Next Thursday evening tbe Schubert ^#r* 10 *5* oontrary of the conductor's «here the clothea hung, ionk PERSONALIA and wished to be adm'tted to tbe bar. — The Epvorth League of the Metb Club o f New Market will give a reerp-- , t ®'7 , ,Ttt® were 0n^ 15 emcft* all he con d carry arid got out. .-he sa’d, in conclusion, however, that odlal Church will be at tbe meeting in tlonLion and dancerianos in FriendshipPn.nHahlo Hall .» »PP*al«i the case Toey were re- Mr Khliwunacr liaa a auapieion as lo ..Henry McLean, of Liberty street, the ontiook lor women suffrage that place, admission to which will be presented by W a An/rieman. tbe party and haa (mi .be police on good, and advised the sex to prepare tbe church tonight 10 receive contribu­ Is confined to his boma by sickness. tions for the needy. by ticket. The reception will open track . He judges it must Lave been for tbe duty of citizenship. .Mrs. Herbert Williams is quite ill —At the meeting of the Plainfield with a concert given by the lady mem­ WHAT TH f SOIL 1« AT aXTUgWOOD. aouie one who kuoiwa pretty well where The most extensive report waa that bers of the orchestra. Tbe programme at the home of her father J. 8 . Garretaon Building and Loan Asaociauon L A glass to be haa just been placed the dollies were, and must have beeu of Mis S. R Krom, of Plainfield, for will include a banjo trio by Mrs. J H o f Lee place. ■light, twelve shares were sold at a pre­ in the office o f tbe PlatnOeid Water hanging around in the dark waiting tbe committee on school suffrage. She Buckley, of Plainfield, Miss Boice, of ..] Mr«* M Seboettlin, of Som­ mium o f 13 ceota Sapply Company, abowiiig the differ­ lor the coachman to go away He alao ««id that 126 women had vot'd in Ber­ Daneilen, and Miss Nelson, a piano so­ erset street, were the guests Sunday of ent kinds o f toil through which the oust have known that the m»u had to gen county, and ^400 in Burl nglon, — Tbe public are advised to watch oot lo by Miss Irene Day, a violin solo by H Miller, o f Ounetlen. for a very daogrerous $2 counterfeit drill* passed in reaching the fifty loot go | a', that particulnr lime, and tbe wnere sevui women were elected trus­ Mra. Bnckiey, accompanied oo tbe pi­ sliver certificate It well nigh defies level for tbe wells which were recontly leniflti of ha trip. The act was a very . .George B. Titsvorth. of M*dison tee«. Toree women succeeded at the ano by Miss Baybert, a violin duet by polls In Merchaulville.
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