EYE LOOK I Devoted to Developing the Great Bey District Member Associated Press—Established Oct. 13, 1875 VOLUME LVH NUMBER 130 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JUNE I, 1931 PRICE TWO CENTS j^gjHARVARD OFFICERS INTOXICATED, CHARGE Young Bakers to Rockefeller Interests Take Strong j j^ ^m{\ Legion Commander Blames Reds for Ship Crash Probe Action to dtop tutting ot Wages Pacifist Attack on R*0.T.C. Training DENVER, June 1 (U.R>—John D. Rockefeller, jr., who came to the aid BALDWIN, Kan.. June 1 (U.R*-—Asserting that "everything we hold Submit Products of melting stock values soon after the crash of October. 1929. was credited By Mussolini Ban most dear is being subjected to the hatred of communism " Ralph T To Center About here today with making his first move to stop wage-cutting. Rockefeller'! O'Neil. national commander of the American Legion, today vigorously influence was seen ia the action of iht Colorado Fuel and Iron Co a attacked "determined efforts to eliminate the ROT C . a vital part of Rockefeller concern, in answering the call of the Colorado industrial com- our democratic system of national defense." Speaking before the gradu­ mission for voluntary action to hold, -—— ating class of Baker University, his,— To Judges at 10 to the commission declaring "no [ On Student Riots alma mater, the Legion chief de- "Everything we hold most dear. Alleged Drinking |up wag s. I benefit""could result from wage rc- I Ptored "increasing efforts to destroy | our bellef ln God our belief in fam-1 Arthur Roeder, president of the C. I ductions. , .a . all means of maintaining the peace „ ,,. .. Name of Winner to Go to F. <k I., which produces more coal The letter was regarded as ihe Prospects of Settlemen t of our nation." adding that, while "V *nd democratic liberty, ln theU! . S. Steamboat Inspector and steel than any other firm west company's answer to a recent plea such opposition to preparedness has I maintenance of law and order. _n Los Angeles as Entry of the Mississippi river and is the by Thomas Annear. chairman of the Bright as Newspaper come to be known as pacifism, it is j the protection of Ufe and propertv Seeking Witnesses for largest employer of labor in Colo- I commission, for maintenance of interwoven with the objectives of are being subjected to the hatred! in Regional Event rado. sent a brief but strong letter' existing wages. Hostilities Cease the communists. of communism." he said Federal Hearing By Harold Bell Wright Exhibition and sale sf cakes ROME, June 1 (UP)—Prem- j SAN PEDRO, June 1 (UP)— Chapter 1 entered in the Samohi girls' ier Benito Mussolini belat­ Reports of drinking aboard "POOR OLD TONY" cake baking contest tomorrow edly was informed today of' the liner Harvard, which went HE people of will open at 1 o'clock in the Crash Injuries iClark Will Offer secret plans by Rome univer- Fine Julian on Church Supports jo n the rocks off Point Ar- Orchard Hill, a Outlook lobby, according to sity students to hold a huge guello Saturday, will be in­ • nail country vestigated as soon as reliable wit­ town ln Ohio, call final plans made public today. demonstration tonight ..p.HUM the him "Poor Old For two hours tht cakes will be Vatican. Mussolini immediately or­ nesses ran be located for question­ Tony" aad laugh. sold at 75 cents apiece; after 3 j Fatal to Woman, No Defense Now dered the demonstration abandoned. Assault Charge Pacifist Members ing. Capt. 8. A. Kennedy, inspector I have often won­ o'clock, if any remain, they will be It had been planned for Rustl- of hulls for the U. S. steamboat in­ dered why they sold at 50 cents. All receipts are to cucci square, adjoining St. Peter's spection service, said today. Capt. laugh. SO to the Samohl Girls' league. Alice Baker, 70, Founder• Witness Fails to Identify square and commanding a full view , Impose $5,000 Penalty as Presbyterians Opposed toi Kennedy will conduct a hearing here Antonio, him­ All Girls Eligible of Christ Way College, Suspect as Man Who of the Vatican. Kidnap Complaint Military Condition of Into the causes of the accident. self, when hs no­ Judging will start at 10 o'clock. It was announced officially that Will Quiz Officers tices my indigna­ Cakes are to be judged on appear­ Dies in Hospital Ran From Room Mussolini's order disbanding the j Withdrawn U. S. Citizenship tion, always says ance, texture and flavor. Any high j Catholic young men's clubs had been The Investigation according to in his gentle way, put Into effect throughout Italy Captain Kennedy, will center around school girl is eligible and she may One woman Is dead and five per LOS ANGELES. June 1 (URi—Da­ LAREDO. Texas. June 1 1.1*1 - PITTSBURGH. June 1 (_vi — The "Never mind; in enter any kind of cake she chooses, i sons are recovering today from in without untoward incidents. I support of the Presbyterian church the actions of licensed officers of laughter fools be- vid H. Clark, accused of the double I*he Italian government and theCharge s against C C. Julian. Okla- Winners of the Outlook's three Juries as the result of traffic acci murder o_f_ Charle s Crawford. poll- h mB 1 in the United States was given to­ the Harvard Drinking on the part tray their ignorance; wise men cash prizes of $15, $10 and $5 will dents occurring in the Santa Mon-1 tician. and Herbert Spencer, maga- vatican took steps today "to smooth ,? .1' 5P?I^______9_____* _!.____ day to any of Its 2.000.000 communi­ out friction between fascists and Clay Mann, in connection with an of passengers * is their own business." their understanding.'' I be announced at the opening of the | ica Bay district during the past sev- zine editor, will "not show his hand" cants who profess conscientious ob- Kennedy said. Catholics, which had led to a grave alleged attempt to abduct Lamar 8. 1 Jectlon to war and military training. Among those who know hia his- I sale and exhibit. eral days. at his present preliminarv hearing. n "Our Jurisdiction is over the li­ tor.—.y and appreciat.. e his character. ,. j. ,Th e ,,gir, l who is_.__,-_ adjudge_d cham Alice J. Baker. 70 years old. found- w. I. Gilbert, defense attornev. an- situation threatening in*open break • wer??!L*e dispose__„Hld * o_ff l.!n_ distric_____t_ cour_!._t! The action was taken through the Antonio Latour is not a person to pion will represent Santa Monica in er of the Christ Way College of Oc- nounced today, between the pope and Premier Mus general assembly of the church bv censed officers of the ship." said solinl. today when Julian and Boren were Captain Kennedy We will take excite ridicule. His name once the Southern California high school cult Science, died yesterday morn- Shortly after the hearing entered assessed fines totalling $r> 000 and reaffirming the stand taken ln 1930 promised to. endure with the names girls' cake baking contest, to be ing in the Santa Monica hospital. n third dav Gilbert disclosed that Ill feeling has been kept alive by declaring that "the right of citizen­ testimony from officers, crew and s a newspaper controversy, the fascist Indictments against Mann were dis­ others who care to make statements. of Booth and Barrett and Irving held in Shrine auditorium next Sat- she was injured in an automobile the defense planned to rest without missed ship should not be conditioned upon and Mansfield and other actors of urday under auspices of the Na- collision at Beverly boulevard and calling a witness for Clark press accusing the Catholic laymen's the teat of ability or willingness, So far I have not heard official organization. Azionc Cattolica. of Kidnaping and conspiracy indict­ testimony. We will inquire into the their day and rank. You who are tional Business and Professional cilffwood avenue, Brentwood Park.' ments (lending against the three men contrary to conscience, to bear arms old enough to remember - ie thea- Women's club of Los Angeles. Thursday. An inquest will be con­ Fall* to Identify indulging in political activity look­ or to take part as a combatant of actions of the licensed Officers. It ing toward the establishment nf a were dismissed upon motion by Dis­ war." any of the licensed officers were fer In the years from "76 to '88 will Select Champions ducted in the Price-Daniel mortu- Miss Mildri Roll-back, stenogra- trict Attornev John A Vails, after drunk we will find that out." recall the great artists with whom Many cities and towns already j ary in West Los Angela, pher in an office near the Holly-' Catholic party in opposition to wood office of Crawford, Where the fascism, and the Vatican organ de- fines had been assessed In the other , OppoM-- * Compulsor- _ ,y- Trainin.. g . Four hundred and ninety-seven he was associated. He had only have selected their champions; Long Resident Here rive Years cases. H small parts, it is true, but. tne cnt- | Beach is holding its elimination ton | Mrs. Baker had made her home at double shooting occurred on Mav nounclng the fascist for attacks on Julian and Boren were fined $1,000 \ of '"ul.^""^^.*^Christian education to ^suppor i were on the Harvard at ire snoke verv itinrilv nf his work I y™"*_. i'"""."» *!"•* "**_-••«* "Y" _.'I mi a. o«R*t.- 20. was called aa the first witness j Catholics.
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