E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2018 No. 29 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was When Mr. Wood and his family were is undocumented, without fear that the called to order by the Speaker pro tem- recently informed of his pancreatic principal will call ICE or the authori- pore (Mr. FITZPATRICK). cancer diagnosis, he was focused on liv- ties. f ing until this January, the 75th anni- A sanctuary city is a city that allows versary of his becoming a Scout. What DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO a senior citizen to go into an emer- an admirable spirit and a wonderful TEMPORE gency room to be treated in a hospital man. After a lifetime of service, Mr. without the fear that the nurse will The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Wood is now preparing for his next turn him or her in. fore the House the following commu- journey. A sanctuary city is a city that allows nication from the Speaker: Mr. Speaker, I commend Mr. Wood people who are living under the shad- WASHINGTON, DC, for his 75 years of dedication to the ows to go into a police precinct and re- February 14, 2018. Boy Scouts and Stokes County. I hereby appoint the Honorable BRIAN K. port a crime without the fear that they f FITZPATRICK to act as Speaker pro tempore will be deported. on this day. DREAMERS That is what a sanctuary city is. It is PAUL D. RYAN, an intricate part of our soul as a coun- Speaker of the House of Representatives. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from try of immigrants and States and cities f New York (Mr. ESPAILLAT) for 5 min- of immigrants. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE utes. The Senate process is far from being The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. ESPAILLAT. Mr. Speaker, I rise fair. A fair process would be to start a ant to the order of the House of Janu- today to express my concerns and my bipartisan debate on Dreamers. The ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- deep shame for many in this Chamber Speaker of this Chamber has yet to nize Members from lists submitted by who continue to gamble with the lives make a commitment to bring a clean the majority and minority leaders for of over 800,000 Dreamers, young people Dream Act to the floor. morning-hour debate. who are workers and students. They Dreamers are our children. They are The Chair will alternate recognition are teachers and members of our my children. They belong to all of us. between the parties. All time shall be Armed Forces. They are dads and When we look into their faces, I see my equally allocated between the parties, moms. own face. When I look into their faces, and in no event shall debate continue After five continuing resolutions, we I see a genius MacArthur Fellow win- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other still have left them out in the cold, ner like Cristina Jimenez and Ivan than the majority and minority leaders over 800,000 of them. This week, the Rosales, who is working toward becom- and the minority whip, shall be limited Senate is, once again, sandbagging the ing a doctor in the military. Dreamers. While Senator MCCONNELL to 5 minutes. There is so much aspiration in these has publicly made this an open debate, f Dreamers. This is why over 80 percent it is far from being a fair process. of Americans in red States and blue SALUTING LEWIS WOOD Just yesterday, a Federal judge in States and in Republican districts and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the Eastern District of New York ruled in Democratic districts support Dream- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from conclusively that eliminating DACA ers staying here in the United States. North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) for 5 min- and the benefits extended to DACA re- utes. cipients is an illegal act. Just as this is They represent the best of us. They Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, new Boy happening, the Senate continues and represent the foundation of our Nation Scouts make a promise to do their best begins to sandbag the Dreamers by and the tenets of what the Founding to do their duty to God and country first putting on the table the issue of Fathers believe in: that people should and to help other people at all times. sanctuary cities. come to America, prosper, and make Mr. Lewis Wood from Stokes County, Many have a flawed view of what her a better place for all of us to live North Carolina, has not only fulfilled sanctuary cities are. Many erroneously in. that promise, he has lived it to the think that sanctuary cities harbor Mr. Speaker, the fate of these young fullest. Mr. Wood joined the Boy hardened criminals. That is far from people rests right here in the palm of Scouts of America in January 1943. the truth. our hands. We need to ask ourselves: Later, he served as a volunteer and A sanctuary city is a city that allows Are we a nation of aspirations? Or are Scoutmaster for Troop 440 for 50 years. a mom to take her child to school, who we a nation of deportations? b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1129 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:24 Feb 15, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14FE7.000 H14FEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H1130 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 14, 2018 It is in our hands. We cannot keep de- To this day, the same regime that cards and candy at school. Young men ferring a vote on a clean Dream Act. A violated international law to kill Car- and women will gather the courage to deferred vote is a dream denied. Jus- los, Mario, Armando, and Pablo re- speak with their crush, and many cou- tice delayed is justice denied. mains as oppressive as ever, routinely ples will get engaged to marry. But I tell the Dreamers this: Don’t be beating and harassing peaceful pro- I sent my first Valentine, my moth- afraid. Don’t be discouraged. Don’t be testers and incarcerating journalists. er, flowers. I will spend this evening deterred. Don’t be dismayed. You have We cannot let anyone forget the telling my wife, Monica, and my girls, to continue to fight for the most im- blood at the hands of the Castro re- Sky and Sage, the many ways that I portant issues facing America. You gime. The Brothers to the Rescue and love and appreciate them over have done a tremendous job. Keep this their families will forever serve as an FaceTime. fight moving forward for justice in inspiration to those who are willing to But for many, today is not a joyous America. endure great sacrifices for the sake of a day. There are too many victims of do- f free Cuba. mestic abuse who live in homes of bro- COMMEMORATING THE 2018 FLORIDA ken hearts and who search for love but COMMEMORATING THE 22ND ANNI- INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY TORCH AWARDS find violence instead. No form of men- VERSARY OF THE BROTHERS TO Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I tal, emotional, sexual, or physical THE RESCUE SHOOT-DOWN would like to congratulate the recipi- abuse is acceptable no matter who it is The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ents of the 2018 Torch Awards from my from or under any circumstance, pe- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from alma mater, Florida International Uni- riod. Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- versity. I thank the many organizations, like utes. The Torch Award is the highest Shelter From the Storm, Coachella Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I honor given to both faculty and alumni Valley Rescue Mission, and others in rise to commemorate the 22nd anniver- by the FIU Alumni Association, high- my district, for the refuge and support sary of the Brothers to the Rescue lighting the excellence that they bring that they provide. shoot-down, where three U.S. citizens to their professions and the pride they To the victims: I want you to know and one U.S. resident were murdered bring to FIU as an educational institu- that you are not broken and you are by the tyrannical Castro regime. tion. Their exceptional achievements not at fault. You are a survivor and On February 24, 1996, Carlos Costa, and contributions not only to our uni- you have the courage. Help is only one Mario de la Pena, Armando Alejandre, versity but to our Miami community phone call away. Happy Valentine’s and Pablo Morales were on a humani- at large have earned them this pres- Day. tarian mission over international air- tigious award. f space, over international waters when This year’s honorees include: b 1015 they were illegally and brutally shot Alumnus of the Year Chad Moss, down. This mission over the Florida class of 1994. Chad currently serves as ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY straits sought to save the lives of Cu- the executive vice president of Moss FINANCIAL COSTS bans fleeing Castro’s grip of power in and Associates, one of Florida’s largest The SPEAKER pro tempore.
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