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Sheridan Rd. 945 Washburn St. 6005 120th Ave. enosha, WI 53140 Oshkosh, WI 54904 Kenosha WI 53142 THE FREE SATURDAY HIV results 262) 694-6769 (920) 235-2012 (262) 857-9922 Open 24/7 •pen 9am-Mid 7/days/week Open 24/7 , Special Sovenirs Until 2am Fri. & Sat. Super Video & Variety MORNING CLINIC in 20 minutes 9800 W. Greenfield Ave. '-::.-'9284 Skyline Dr. Selective Video Milwaukee, WI 53214 -c--'Allenton, WI 53002 For men who have sex with men 2709 B eItli n e Hwy. (414) 258-3950 (920) 488-2704 Open 2 ucces Video Madison, WI 5 313 Open 24/7 Super Video II Saturdays 9 a.m.—Noon 1819 Douglas Ave. (608) 271-3381 5049 S. Pennsylvania City News & Vide Racine WI 53402 Open 24/7 Select Video Cudahy, WI 53110 1606 Pearl St. or schedule an appointment (262) 638-2435 , ,,.2 16475 W. Russell Rd. (414)744-5963 c:.i-_, Waukesha 53186 :-7---'. ,_ Zion, II 60099 during the week (8 a.m.-6 p.m.) Open 9am-Mid 7days/week Open Sam-3am - (262) 513-8481 Until 2am Fri. & Sat. (847) 395-6142 Open 24/7 FREE SYPHILIS AND HIV Open Noon-Mid, Mon.- Sat. OUTREACH TESTING SCHEDULE OUR NEWEST LOCATION Super Video III IN1 Club 219 • Saturday, June 26 N6441 5th Ave 9 1 Plainfield, WI 54966 Harbor Room • Wednesday, July 7 (715) 335- 8277 Mde- 3 94 North • Wednesday, July 14 of Videos & DVDS for rent or sale! s 14 Boom • Thursday. July 15 uy o a in age tagazines, Fluid • Wednesday, July 21 DVDS & Videos... Stop in Tue-Sun 9am-3pm Club 219 • Saturday, July 24 ash or .P.. tore Credit! All testing times 10 p.m.-1 a.m. S4SO-LOS-4 Must be 18 to enter! Valid Drivers License or State-issued II) " lUIRED! • • • Buy any $9.95 DVD I With this coupon I With this coupon The "GET POKED" People for only $5.95 with receive 20% off any Buy 2 panties get I this coupon store purchase I the 3rd free! 3251 N. 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GWM,GWM, 6', 6', 155, 155, shaved shaved head, head, goatee, goatee, me and tell me about yourself.yourself Pic apprerciat-apprerdat- NWVINW WI GWM, 63, 63, 5'4", 5'4",lap 180, good shape shape & & heavilyhtrypierced&tattnd pierced & tattooed, ed. spankingdadl3ahotmail.comsDankinrful3®homailcom [2][2] flflvennan219461966Chofroiail.cowlyerman2194619660hoftnail.com 2a94'2004 size, uncut,uncut, HIV ITV neg., neg., N/D, ND, N/S, Nrs, ISO ISO same sane in in TwoTwio RiversRIvers GWM, 35, 35, short short w/ w/ an an athletic athletic OR GWM, 5'10", 5'10", 245, 245, shaved shaved head, head goatee, goatee, young maverickmaverick 30-50s30-5ts forfor I;TR,LTR, smallsmall build seeks other guys in the t+froantyt.r./manty area to pierced & tattooed, statured a a +. +. Polk, Pong Burnett, Bumett, Barron Barren Co.Con area. aea. p+erced & tattooed, get together for long walks, biking, quiet nights [email protected]/ahoocom. ContactContact eithereither or gettQgetherforlong`whks,biking,quietnichts Gary (715)015) 653-2632 653-2632 [2] and such. Lookingh]olchg forfor guysguys 2540:;25-40; respondrespond to StgurthoSbiderrdb%g@fty3 ,J P.O. Box 1961 both.bohoth.113avename,phoneno.&shortmessage. Leave name, phone no. & short message. jeff-tworiversagay.comieff-tworiverscavcom [2][2] BiBiwM,63,5'11",200,bl/gr,65"thickuncut, WM, 63, 5'11-, 200, br/gr , 6.5" thick uncut, YourYou piepic winwill getget ours. [2] Green Bay, Wi WauwatusaWauwatosa area.area. Ii)olchgLooking forfor anyoneanyone 45+ GWM ISO other men to enjoy diaper play.play. I'll Iu Attention! GMs 40+! Interested in watching? 54305 who qujoysenjoys giving & receiving oral. wearweardiapersforyouorputyouindiapers-ages diapers for you or put you in diapers - ages Kick back and enjoy a privateprivate strip show. CLUB NIGHT nom393fuailstation.comnorm393CWmailstation.com [2][2] 18-45.1845, GreenGran Bay.Bay. [email protected]@wetwetwet.com ;; OUT 0 Telephone Evenings best.best. WausauWausau area.alca. (715)015) 845-6467845-6467 Greeen Bay,Bay, 53, 53, GWM, CWM, 67', 6?, 185, 185, not not looking loolchg all responses answered.ansvered [2] (Green Bay Office) GWM,G"50yrtymuscularbodyoandscaperbulld), 50 y.o.. muscular body (landscaper build), for hookup.hockup. LTR-minded.IThminded. Please,Please, no marriedmanied oror Tall handsome very fifitt GWM seeks very well 5'11",5'11",lap 190, 6" 6" cut, cut, ISO ISO relationship/lover. relationship/lover. PreferPrefer 920/655-0611 bi. Smoker/socialSmdhatsocial drinkelidrinker. (920)pro) 497-1377 497-1377 [2][2] hung black studs for eveningsevenings Ofof sexual pleas- 2533 Hwy. MM •. Stevens Point,Point, WIWI 18-32,18-32, HIVHIV neg..peg., Asian Asian w/ w/ smooth smooth body. body. Call Call or or ure; older black stallions welcome, too.too. I+3aveLeave Milwaukee (Sales Only) Check out our new Leather/FetishLeather|Fedsl. webweb write RIchardRichard lj3e,Lee, 102102 W. W. Bent Bent Averty Ave., Oshkosh. Oshhosh,h, message. I'll1" ret`rmretum your call. (920) 907-1844 414-243-2106 /xzges/pages! Questgzeesf hashas anan expandedexpanded areaarea forfor clubsdubs WI 54901 or (920) 426-2683. [2] Stamiy,Starring, and links galore! lustJust go to: http://www.quest-httDMhrwwauest- AttrachveAttractive Black male in the Mi]waulroeMilwaukee area Fax Line BiwI\¢BiWM, 42,42, 5'9", 5ry, 6" 6" thick, thick, BOTTOM/top, B0rlroM/top, ordine.com•onlinexrm: then then select select m&ch4^esr midwest AaczAfoc* leather. seeks Viagra in exchangeexchange for ??? Serious only HollyHo//y HotHcit Damn Damn —~ MssMiss GayGay I/I/WI / 1./SotA U SofA playful, affectionate,affectionate, passionate, passionate, may may be be gen- gen- 920/4 33 -0789 MilwaukeeMmraukee EastEast side: side: `hle We wantwant GreekGreek topstops (414) 256-1770 [3] erous, luv lingerie, ISOISO youngyoung exoticexotic versatile versatile Ginger Snapp Snapp —~ Miss/I//iss CentralC8ntra/ GayGay 1_/SorAU Sof:A E WIN Address: ONLY for away @ 2pm weekdays. Rusty, 36, pre op transsexual or passable transvestite for ISO a few newnew friendsfriends toto givregive a nice massage [email protected] 6'2",175, 7" cut; Al, 49, 5'10", 220. Both vers, fun, partying, possible relationship, travel part- to & a lilittlettle moremore fromflan timetime toto time.time. Best times hung, tight-rear. ElsieE/sic Bovine —~ MSS/I#iss M/W/ / US° U SofA fA C/assicClassic Web Site: :LT;¥:fifrt?¥L%4P::;yl¥d:,%8o#ii:¥;¥,,apE£¥galfea::¥o:#¥dltepw;°:HIV neg, dd-free only. (414) ner, discount roommate; have girlfriend who to call 10am-9:30loam-9::30 weekdays; weekdays; weekends weekends 10am- loan- http://quest-online.com 278-9198 [2][2] may may participate. participate. New New Berlin hQDdQg=homdoe- 6 pin.pm. (920)(92Q) 707-3944.707-3944. FoxFox ValleyVlney area.area. [3] SSa.8. FoxFox ~ — Miss Miss Gay Gay lwausau Wausau UUSofA SofA Publisher. Mark Manucn 23 yr. old college jock Contributors News Bureau We Fitzpatnck, Columns: Michael Sapp, Safoncla doing rubdowns in the Registration 9pm •. InterviewInterview 9:30pm .• PageantPageant 10:30pm10:30pm LARRY BEMIS. C.M.T Production: Katie / Za Certified Sports Milwaukee, Madison, For moremore InfoInfo Call Call Katrina Katrina Kaye Kaye .• 920-435-4107 Photography: Katie Photography Massage Therapist & Green Bay areas. 920-435-4107 8,0im anvner r & Ohm Advertising Teddy ,IGatte,David Muscled, cute, tan, friendly. Printing, Bindery, Delivery Reasonable rates. David, Greg, Lori, Carl, Andy, Za Professional Sports Massage Therapist Quest is published bi-weekly, every • mrrn.
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