Volume15. Number2 SanDiego’s Progressive Bi-weekly 23rdYear of Publication 211/2¢ OctoberII-24, 1989 o The Summer of ’89: A Tale of Shutdownand Strugglefor the Caf June 1989, summer was quickly that unlawfulalcohol consumption by benefit. Activities.In theletter, Peterson cited arrivingand thingslooking up for the minorsand use of illegaldrugs has been Saturdaynight, Ch~ workersat the "the liabilityassociated with the Ch~ Caf~. The comingsummer promised observed.In lightof thisinformation, we eventinformed attendants upon entering unacceptablelevel of planningand betweentwo and four thousanddollars are herebyrevoking permission for the that the event had been declared followthrough thus far in connection in revenuefor thecollective as wellas eventsscheduled for July 14, 1989 and cancelledby the administrationand with the events sponsored by the great exposurefor a numberof local July15, 1989.Events scheduled for the handedout civildisobedience fliers. A collective"as groundsfor indefinitely bandsand some great fun for theirfans. remainder of the summer remain a totalof fivepolice cars carrying seven prohibitingthe "Collectiveto calender Concertshad been scheduledand bands questionuntil the currentsituation can officers, five Community Service and/or sponsor events/programs/ lined-upevery weekendfrom June 29th be resolved." All day Friday, Ch6 Officers,and Jim Carruthersappeared activitiesin, on, or at UCSDfacilities." throughAugust. The firsttwo of these membersasked the head administrators on thescene. The first officer to showup The followingday a meetingwas held showswent off smoothly,each bringing behindthis to substantiateevidence was Joe Connelwho at the time claimed with Ms. Petersonand Ch~ membersin in an estimatedsix hundreddollars. behindtheir claims. A royalrunaround thatit wasnot up to himwhether arrests which Ms. Peterson failed to UCSD police even commended the had been implemented. Carruthers would or would not be made. Knowing substantiateher claimswith evidence of Ch~’s event security and drug and claimedthat he hadtaken his directions thatthey could be thrownin jail,all of any’form. alcoholpolicy enforcement. The show from Vice Chancellorof Undergraduate thoseattending the showsat downwhile Before the following weekend’s scheduledfor thenight of thefifteenth AffairsJoe Watson.Watson was found the musicplayed and policesurrounded scheduledevents, signs stating"CHE was to be a benefit for San Diego to be on vacation, as were Tommy the perimeter of the Caf~. Police EVENT CANCELLED VEHICLES Straight Edge, a group which Tucker,(Assistant Vice Chancellorof stationedat both entrancesdemanded WILL BE TOWED" appeared at the encouragesteens to live drug-and- Undergraduate Affairs) and UCSD "student"identifications telling people two maincampus entrances to the cafe. alcohol-free.It is sadlyironic that the police chief John Anderson.Despite that the show had been cancelledand Anticipatingfurther police harassment, administrationchose this time to threatsby the directorof University that they would be arrested for thecollective decided to cancelits events attempta shut down. eventsand Student Activities that failure trespassingif they could not show and protest their unfair treatment to complywith Carruthers’ wishes would throughmeans of grievanceprocedures On July fourteenthat 1:00pmthe Ch6 themselves to be "students." Jim andlegal action. receivednotice from University Center jeapordizetheir statusas a student Carruthershimself was seen walking organization,Ch(~ membersdecided to around behind the Ch~ asking people Boarddirector Jim Carruthersthat "We The greivance was subsequently have been advised by Campus Police go aheadwith Saturday night’s anti-drug their ages and demanding student tossedaround by severaladministrators identification.At one point, he wentso and ignored until John P. M-rphy, far as to cardtwo parentsdropping off president, ACLU of San Diego/ theirkids. He demandedidentification Imperialcounties, began taking action from both students and parents and towards a politicaldiscrimination UnityBenefit for Fran Trutt subsequentlyordered them to leave. lawsuiton behalfof theCh6. Later, in a by Arnold’Anarchyamtch Possiblyto avoidexposure, the police meeting between Ch6 members, madeno arrestsat the incident. administrators,and politicalscience Thispast Fridayseveral local bands rhythms, with three drummers on That Wednesday, July 19, the Ch* professorPeter Irons, concessions were got together along with the Animal congasand bongosgave the eveninga receiveda letteraddressed to "Ms.Heidi madeto allowthe Ch6 to hold eventsif LiberationI.eague and BoderlandsAnti- rhythmicallysophisticated and intense Mitchum, PrincipalMember Ch~ Caf~ ticketswere sold through the university AuthoritarianCommunity at the Polish start. and Members, Ch6 Caf6 Worker’s boxoffice, (something the Ch~ hastried Americanhall in GoldenHill to beneifit Next on was Bizarro.One word can Collective"from Lynne C. Peterson, continuedon page 4 thelegal defense of animalrights activist bestdescribe this group,"loud". Real Director,University Events and Student loud.Real fucking loud. But seriously, if FranTrutt. Non-ProfitOrg. Thebands that lent their music to this youplug your ears or listenfrom outside New Indicator cause were Chango,Bizarro, Amenity, the hall,this band has a real-primal- Student/Co-opCenter U.S. Postage and Face Value. Also scheduled to scream-feeling-coming-from-the-lead- UC San Oiego, B-023 PAID perform was poet Steve Kowit. who singer-and-two-drummers-backed-up La Jolla,CA 92093 La Jolla,Calif. failed to show because he felt the -by-ultra-punk/thrash-bass-and-guitar. audiencewasn’t the type to listento Bringcotton balls, but this band is notto PermitNo. 256 poetry.I thinkhe’s full of shit.Despite be missed. this,the benefit went off rather well. FollowingBizarro, people from the Chango, an all percussion band, A.L.L.spoke on whatthis benefit was all began jamming while mest of the about.Fran Truttis an animalrights audiencewas arriving.While missing activistwho was jailed after being two members,their unique blend of continuedon page 4 2 3 stateto meetcapacity for handling hazardous wastethrough toxics use reduction and waste prevention.They must declarea moratorium October21 Announcements on newhazardous waste incinerators and landfillsuntil all options for reduction of theVhh’d BI-Nat~lwl UIbMexloo Conttret~ Col " es". Bureau-Crazy wastehave been exhausted. Tell the President on NicMagt~l.All daymeeting & workshop Sendnotices to: to prove his commitmentto "Pollution withsolidarity groups from Mexico and the NewIndicator Collective U.S. Speakersincluae Luis Vazques, Prevention"by redes -,cting federal policy away For the fourthconsecu year,the allowsa groupto useuniversity facilities 209,Student Center Bldg. A AutonomousUniv. of MexicoEmployees establishesa registration procedure for We think the first question the frommanaging pollution toward prevention NewIndicator Collective h; and applyfor university funding. Since MellCode B-023 Union,and Brian Willson. Workshop topics general campus groups. The UC-wide Committeeought to answeris whether at thesource. Force industry to reduceits regulationsfor the re Le Jolia,CA 92093 includeFeb. 1990 Nicaraguan elections & numerouscourt cases have held PoliciesApplying to CampusActivities, the restrictivemembership rules were (619)534-2016 waste! ThirdWorld Debt Crisis. Public invited. campusorganizations at UCSD. untversitiescannot Organizations,and Students,Part A, subjected to the mandated review SDSULatin American Film Serlee presents campusrecognition "LosTraidoras," 7:30 pro, Hepner Hall 130. Lunchavailable, l0 am to 6 pro,1st Unitarian It hasbeen our position that the rule Section 34.00, defines a campus process,prior to theiradoption in 1985. info:594-6685. Church,4190 Front St., San Diego. Suggested violatefreedom of association. rotectedfreedom of organization as one comprised of If not, then the enforcementof the donation$4. lnfo: 294-2385/296-2741. hy the Ist and 14th Amendments students,facuhy and staffwith others restrictions should promptly be Compiledh r the.Vew Indicator Collective and UnitedNations Day CaiM~rallonsponsored U.S. Constitution.Additionail 1985, lied"student" includedaccording to rulesadopted by suspended and the administrator(s) withspecial thanks to thePeace Resource October 13 October 18 by the Calif.Peace & FreedomParty. considerthat the rules are desi ns at were often each UC campus. The UCSD PPM is res singthe use of (’enter7s monthlrcalenuar. FreeSpeech Demonstration, at the (High) Values Through Toys Committee CelebrateU.N. Food Day with food and (I) cultivate the isolatio~ with campus supposedto be the campusrules which this new subjectedto PriceCenter. Noon to I p.m.Sponsored by SpeakersTraining. l’rain to be a volunteerentertainment.4-7pro, UCSD Int’l Ctr. $7. undergraduatestudents from those Membersl not implement and clarify the UC-wide formal ,y action. UCSD Free Speech & Legal Defense 456-0957(d), 476-9647 (e). EVERY MONDAY speakeror tableassistant for the Peace have gained more exper" ricted,otl~ an a policies.Yet, the UCSD PPMdefinition It ime thata Committeeand tbe StudentCooperative "ConcertDance with Flor de Clna," ResourceCenter’s Values Through Toys academic bt hat four or of campusorganization includes faculty, bureau policyby Silentvlglllin support of thePalestinian Union’sStudent Rights Campaign. Demand a Programwhich presents information about sponsoredby GrassrootsEvents, Inc. FreeSpeech Area at the(High)) Price Plaza!
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