U. ' VOL. XV. CRANBURY, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1899. NO. 21. Alter all, the groat oo-odacationol J OPPORTUNITY of his hurts were Berions. As for States, Germ nny and Englnnd for Its ac- 1 HE NEWS - EPITOMIZED. Institution is marriage. Tige, whon atlast Bendix went to tho tion, aud then tnlces up the nuhjeot of tbe A craven bung alons the battle's edae, Then enmo tbo king's son, wounded aoro condition of Cuba nnd Porto Rico since to* BIG BATTLE WITH B0B3S. And thought, "Had I a swocd ot keener besot door to look for him, ho was uowhoro PHILADELPHIA'S BIB FIRE trenty of penco with Hpnln wns signed. / The New York Independent says stool...._._. And weaponless, and anw the brokon «word, to bo'scon, and calls and whistles He distinctly nnys tbnt tbe pledge, ai Admiral Dewey will walk tt the bead ot "Kipling has reoontly written eome That blue blade tbat tbo king's son bears-' Hilt burlod In the dry nnd troddon oand, failed to bring him. proclaimed in the Joint resolution adopted Iho army and navy at tbe White Home re* but this Aud ran and snntohod It, nud, with battle- Bendix wont down on tho shore, l»y Congress on April 19,1890, by whioh tin Laree Force Encountered by General Nearly $2,000,000 Worth ot Busi- f option on Net? Year's Day, Instead of treues that are not poetry. Blunt tbloff!" he Bnnppod and flung it shout United States disclaims nuy disposition ol General Miles, because be ranks, with *- from his hand, Lifted afresh, ho hewed his enemy down. and from thoro saw, far out on tho nteotlon to exeralso sovcrrlgnty, jurlsdto « Methuen at Modder River. ness Property Destroyed. full Gonernl ot the array, wullo Ullea.belDa. And lowering crept away and loft the field. And saved a groat cause that herolo day. lako, a dark, bounding figure disap- Ion or control over Cubn, except for tbe only n Major-General, rank* with a Boor- / Gentlemen who happened to bo inclflciitlon thereof nnd tbe dotermlantloo Admiral. pearing in tho distanoe. Tigo had ro- but whon tbnt was nocompllttbed to lonvc bhrlatenod "John" should join in pro- vivod only to desert tbo camp. ho government nnd control of tbo Island TEN HOURS' STEADY FIGHIiNG. Mr. Corliss, of Mlcblgio, will Introduce test against this tendenoy to allude Warmed by a blazing fire and hot o UH people. Is of tbo blghept hooorpbli LOSSES COVERED BY INSURANCE. fn tbe House a bill providing for tho oon-- tea, tho hunters camo to no harm obligation and must be sacredly kept. HtxuctloD, by tho Governmoat.of s cable to every Blasher who tarns up as of National Affairs Laid Diplomatic Kelntlom With bpaln. from the PaolQo ooust to Manila* by way of - from their oxposuro. As a crumb of aeneml Uetliueu Culls the Italtlft the Honolulu and Gaum. ./: Following tbu ezchango of rntincntloufi Two Flrei Occurred at One Tlmo^Llp- comfort for what tho; bad undergone^ Usrdeit and Moit Trrlng Fight In the Representative Dick, of Oblo, eald that A Winter Night's Chase. they had two lynx skins, for the next Before Congress. of tbe treaty of pence tbo two Govern- plnoott PablUhlnff Company and Do* ho favored bold lug the fiipublloaa Nationalv ments acaiedltcd ministers loenab other, AnnaU of tho DrltUli Army—Another pnrtment Stores Were tbe Chief Losen Convention In New York City, and probably morning they found tho lynx Spot had Spnln sending to Washington thoDukoof voiced Sir. Haona'd sentlmont. - : / Franoe, whioh was against the first attacked, and whioh he had Arcos, nu eminent diplomatist, while the Vlrltlon of the Recontl Arinj Corps tu —Central Uuilnc» lllock tn Philadel- By Clarence F»ullen. United Htatos transferred to Madrid Hon. Be Mobil (red-The Official DUpatch. phia Nearly IlitloeJ. Boar-Admiral Fradorlob Bodgpra, Prajl* united States with Spain, has now killed before it could reach the nhoro. Bellnmy Btorer, its Minister nt Brussels. deot or tbo Naval Inapeotloa Board, bos They remained at the camp hunting a In addition to its consular repre.tnntntlou LONDON (DV Cable).—Tbe War OfQce has Informed tho Nnvy Department that, tba concentrated its hatred upon Great PHILADELPHIA (dpeolal).— Nearly $2,030,- forreotod otllclal epeed ot tlie battleship • fortnight longer, with no further mis- In the United Htntcs, tlio Stmnloh Govern- received the following from General Buller: Britain. Folly eooms a French na- adventures. ment tins appointed consuls lorCubn, who 000 worth of proporlv was dojtroyed by Ijro Kentuoby on her trial trip was 10.897 knots tional characteristic. H E timo w them*. There was no large tree on bnve boon provisionally recognized during "Cape Town—General Sletliaon roporte: flrosla'tlie henrt of ttio business seo tlon ol an hour. This Is regarded as an excellent '. I The new two-dollar bills are said to It was on their way homo about the Hi ft military administration of the nfftilrs " 'Modder River—lioo on not t red at 5 a. m. tbe city a fow days ago. Tbe greater of thfl showing. about the end of the point iu whioh to take refuge, the middle of March tbat the hunters got of thnt Island. two fires etartod In tbo big department Tbe son of Captain Grid ley, who aonv February. Silas dog was preBBing him close, and the enemy's position on River Modder nnd *08 very artistic. It is to bo hoped their first nows of Tige. Tho morning Th» President recommends npproprlnte found them strongly Intrenched and con* store of Purtrldge h Rlotiflrdaon, at tht nianded tbe Olythpla at Manila; will be ap. Bendix and Icha- Declares For Gold Standard and Re- pointed o. llent«cant ot Marines. Tfie that some sohemo may bo devised to camp with ire open doorway lay direct- after tho fight with the lynxes ho had gl-Qllon In order to curry Into execution cenled. No means ot outflanking them. eoutbeoet corner of Eighth and Filbert bod Trandy wero ly in his path. Into it tbe lynx dis- Article VII of the Tronty of Pence with President and Admiral Dewey will pfty'Dl*- visited a lumber camp forty miles to commends Congressional Re- Spain, by wbloli the United Stntes assured Full action commenced with artillery, streets, tbo ooatro of tbe shopping district* eipensea while studying for examination., ' have them stop long enough in the onoamped in thoappeared, with Tige at hie beels, and at 6.30 a. m., and bofore tbe flames were the southward, where tho cook had tho payment of ceitnln clnlms for Indem- mountod Infantry and cavalry nt 6.30. The War Department recetvod on'ofuola ; . avorago citizen's possession to be ad- foreBt on the shore instantly thero came from the darkness under control they spread to adjoining > > fed him. In the afternoon he had striction of Trusts. nity of UH citizens ugafnst Spain. Guards on rlgbt, Nlntb Brigade on loft. report on the condlt!ont.ofi.tbotran8D p £K*'- mired., of Clieeunoook within the noise of a snapping fight. disappeared. Claims Against Turkey• Attacked position in widely extended form- property nnd cauied a loss of about tlf700,* Mqaanenae, abowlna that tbo voiael was W": " . Lake, far north in "ThiB is more fun thau I havo bad 000. While tbls flre was lo progress and good condition and well provisioned when' .", Bendix found him at homo, where The United States Minister to Turkey ation at 6.80, and, supported by the firtti- .she sailed from San Franclsoo. > . -. -^ I A Now York City waiter has bought tbo State of Maiue. In a year," said Bendix, as, laughing, continues, undor Instructions, to press fot lery, found Itself In front of tbe wbote Boer spreading another Qro broke out fourblooko he had arrived two days after he had a money payment In satisfaction of tho nwny, on the fourth floor- of No. 419 Mar- Contracts for six 8300 ton cruisers bare ., " An $18,500 home, which he paid for They were making the two hunters ran to the cmnp. Independence For Cahn JFhon tlin People force, 8000 sfroag, with two large guns, a regular business left the hunting camp, having traveled lust claims for Injuries suffered by Amerl* ket Btroet. Tbo loss nt thin Ore Is esti- boea awarded by tbe Nnvy Separtment. - ' Jaith money saved from his "tips." It But before tboy could get there Tige over a hundred miles in that time. Are Itcady—A Terrl&nlal Organ I ia- can cltlzena In tbe disorders of several four Eru Dps, oto, mated at 8110,000. Tho tosses at tbe two The British Ambassador* bos Informed 9f supplying tho neighboring lumber bad all the fighting be wanted, and years pant and for wrouga done to them " 'Tbe Naval Brigade rendered great as- the Secretary of State tbat a stato ot vox He could novor bo induced to accom- llon For Porto ILIco-TreatT IilghU or Urea are more than covered by Insurance. Isn't likely that he ever permitted oampB with mooao beef and deer meat. was yelping. Ho evidently had some ?y tbe Ottoman authorities. Borne o) fltatonoe from tbo railway. bus actnnlly existed sinoe the llth of <K». himself to laugh at the way people On a point of land projeoting into the difficulty in getting clear of the lynx, pany his master again up to tho great Alleoi-Piiclflc Cable Needed-Parti- these claims nro ol many jmirB'etnudfng. " 'After desperate, bnrd fighting, will all Tbe Eighth street fire was no ugly one tobcr between Eogland und the Boutt* lako stood their snug log camp, woods.
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