Fa c e m oH T E E H ^atidreBter Ettm ing Ifm tld nuUAT, AFRn; 8,1W6. The Benson Furniture Company AVERA04S DAILT CIBCCl.A'nON James Marks of Pittsburgh, Pa., THE WEATHER has completed moving from the a student at Trinity College, Hart­ for the Month o f March, IBM A B O ^ W N store that they occupied in the ford, is spending the Ehuter vaca­ HOPETO RENOVATE ForeiDMt of U. S. Weather «nv«tn Johnson building to the larger store tion with Bob O’Malley, also of Hartford Mrs. WlUiaaj ipume of Buckland in the Same building formerly oc­ Trinity, at his home, 71 Chestnut 5 , 8 4 8 ftu returned Mter a two weeks' cupied as a barber shop. street. YUlt with relntivee In New York RECASWPAJOB BIsnbMr f t tba Aodit Oslr tonight and Soadaqr, slowlj Clt7 , during which time ahe visited Bnreaa of Ctreolatlons. rising temperiitare. The rain of yesterday and last The A. Li. Brown Junior Court of The Parade of Easter Styles m number of placae of interest. night did more to clean up the Maccabees will meet Saturday after­ MANCHESTER — A (’ITY OF VILLAGE CHARM streets than has been done by the noon at 1:30 in Tinker hall. The The Manchester klwanls club street department men. Gutters Committee To Meet WHIi G. <«rhich has been meeting each week meeting Is for both the younger VOL, L V - NO. 159. (UassUled Advarttslag on Pnge Ubj (TWELVE PAGES) that were coated with smjd and members and the older members of MANCHESTER, CONN,, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1936. PRICE THREE CENl St the TM.C.A. during the winter gravel were nearly all washed clean y months, will return to the Manches­ the Junior group and is being held K WaddeU To Discoss For Women, Misses and Children today. ter Country Club, Monday at 13:1S. tomorrow afternoon as an Easter party is being arranged to be held Eowell Cheney will be the speaker, Coach Ernie Dowd has called a and is sure to have an Interesting at that time. A t 10:30 tomorrow Necenary-Work. meeting for tomorrow at 1:30 at morning the degree team will meet message. Walter Gorman will furn­ the Royal Oaks clubhouse on Clin­ ish the attendance prize. in Tinker hall as there Is a drill to As Portrayed By HALE’S ton street This is open to any ball be held that will be used in connec­ The Recreation committee will Forget-me-not Junior circle of player in Mi-nchester or anyone tion with the afternoon meeting. meet Saturday at 2 p. m. with Kings Daughters will meet tomor­ wishing a tryout George H. Waddell. ■ponvor*i agent row afternoon at 3 o'clock with Center Church Women’s Qulld in Manchester for the Works Pro­ HAUPTMANN SILENT END Miss Doris Christensen of <6 Wood­ Group No. 0 of Center Church will meet Wednesday afternoon, gress administration, to approve a land street. The leader will be Miss Women, Mrs. Rollln Hitt, leader, April 18 at 2:30. The guest speaker W PA project to renovate the EJaat SPORT COATS Marlon Pearl. announce a food sale for Thursday, will be Mrs. R. D. Brown of West and West Side Recreation buildings. Jaunty sport coata have their way in the world April 9 at 2:30 p. m. In the base­ Hartford who will give a travel talk Most of the work will oc done in of fashion this season. Camel’s hair and tweed are Stage Set For Last Scene the East Side building under the REVISION (atOUP JAP ARMY HEAD A "Parade of the Months" party ment of the J. W. Hale Company's on her recent trip to Hawaii, Illus­ the predominating fabrics. Styles Include Reef­ will be given tonight at the Second store. In addition to the usual trated by colored motion pictures proposal of some of the members of ers, Balmacaan, (^esterflelds and Jiggers. Congregational church by the Wom­ variety of home made cakes, pies taken by herself. Mrs. Brown Is the Board of Education and approv­ en’s League. Dessert will be serv- and baked beans, the group will widely traveled and favorably ed by the selectmen. GOV. HOFFMAN FAILS SEEN FAVORING SAYS RUSS WAR ' ed at 7:30 and a miscellaneous en­ specialize on home-made Hot Cross known about Hartford for her Another project, to Increase the tertainment will follow. The church buns, orders for fWKlch should be travel talks and pictures. Those athletic faclliUes of Mt. Nebo field $10-95 to $22-75 . people and friends will be welco.me sent in by Monday night by dialing who have heard her give this talk and enclose It with a fence. wlU be ENHRKHANGE prepared later,'It Is expected. IS m S S IB L E to attend. Mrs. William McCormick, 3873, or on Hawaii before a largo Hartford Main Floor, Rear. f i t } Mrs. Arvld Seaburg, 6908. Audience speak highly of it. Chil­ The projects will have to be ap­ Group 1 of the Memorial Hospital proved by State Administrator Mat­ TO ISSUE A REPRIEVl dren will be cared for In the kinder­ auxiliary, Mrs. James M. Shearer, thew A. Daly in New Haven and Adjutant William Valentine will garten. The hostesses will be Mrs. First Meeting Sentiment Indi Nishio, New Vice-Chief of leader, will meet Monday afternoon give a’Serles of beautifully Illustrat­ B. F. Andrews. Mrs. Christie Mc­ again by the Federal ofTlcials of the at 2 o'clock at the 'iT.M.C.A. ed lectures each evening next week Cormick, Mrs. Ernest Bengston, W PA in Washington before work can bo started. including Saturday, beginning at Mfs. Fred Carpenter, Mrs. Robert cates Committee May Seek Staff, Urges However Foil TRAGEDY FINIS Adjutant William L. 'Valentins of 7:30, to which all will be welcome Lathrop, Mrs. Wlnthrop Merrlam, the Salvation Army left today for without admission charge. New Swagger Slajrer Is UnshakenL Boston where he will speak tonight The weekly meeting of the Man­ ANOTHER “BINGO” PAR H Complete Rebnilding; R. J. Preparedness; Pojnts Out at the provincial headquarters, the IS DESCRIBED Jacob Hampton of Summer street chester Veterans Association will "People's Palace," In place of received word today that his son, bo held this evening at 8 o’clock In Major Ralph,Miller of Hartford who the Army and Navy club. TO BE B E D TONIGHT Smith Is Chairman. Huge Soviet Armament has been called to New York. Ad­ Clifford Hampton, Is a patient at COATS As He Goes to Chaii the New Milford hospital to under­ BY AJITNESS jutant Valentine was accompanied go an operation for appendicitis. The usual weekly "Bingo" party to Boston by a male quartet com­ A considerable sentiment for a Tokyo, April 4— (A P ) — Lieut. posed of Harold Turklngton, first Clifford Is employed In New Milford POST OFFICE RECEIPTS will be held In Tinker Hall tonight and Dress Coats tenor; David Addy, second tenor, by the Southern New England Tele­ under the auspices of Division No. complete rebuilding of Manchester’s Gen. Juzo Nishk) became vice-chief Veteran Kidnap Case Report­ Wife Hysterical When She Finds AO Hope Gone Robert Lyons, baritone and Fred phone Co. 1, A.O.H., and their auxiliary. There form of government was apparent of the Japanese army general etaft will bo regular prizes for each of These new coats have Just Clough, bass. FOR QUARTER INCREASE been received and to say we lost night as the 15 citizens appoint­ today, with a declaration of his con­ The Walther League of Zion the first eleven games played with cation Delayed for 40 Minutes to Allow Time for a special award for the winner of are enthusiastic about them ed by the Selectmen to a Charter viction that a war with Soviet Rus­ er Tells Moment-to-Mo- The advisory board of Townsend Lutheran church will meet tonight is putting it mildly. Fine Club No. 1 at Its regular meeting at 8 o'clock; all bjembers arc re­ Comparison With Corrc.spond- the twelfth game. Seven special Revision committee met to organize sia was impossible, but that Japan games will follow. materials, smartly . tailored for their five months work. must follow a policy of prepared­ Final Moves— Hanck Refuses to Act On Compli on Wedeanday evening, decided to quested to he present for choir re­ ing Period Of Year Ago .that make you look your menl Story of Tense Peri­ -omit the next regular club meeting, hearsal at 7 o’clock'; 'There will be no Friday night Robert J. Smith, who was an as­ ness. Show Local Office Income games played next week as It Is best. which would .fall upon the evening sessor, a selectman and a town The installation of General polledWM “ ve Hauptmann from the electric chair, a cordon of of Good Friday. Agents of the John Hancock In­ Better. Good Friday and the games schedul­ representative for six years in each was set tor th f Jersey penitentiary in Trenton, N. J„ as the sUge od, Death-House Scene. Made by Defense. ed for that night will be po.stpOnCd. Nlshlo, former chief of staff of the was sec for Uie last acene of 'The Crime of the Century." surance Company connected with office and state Senator for eight Japanese army In Maneboukuo, as Robert Doellner, violinist,, and the local office, were guests of Man­ Monthly Increases over the cor­ years, was chosen chairman. Dur ■vice-chief of the general staff made f ,•?>- Trenton, N.
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