1 GI FEB 7019 DATE ; DAY : rri-PF, NiEWS Strategic Communication and Initiative Service I I LLJ UPPER PAGE I RAMIER EIMORIAI CART0011 SPORT SIORY Lei WRIER -waxiaacr f 7 059 Deportment of (nub volumed anti Nntufo! Resources STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION INITIATIVES SERVICE NEW DOT PROMO TO BE LAUNCHED FE FROM DUTERTE, A SUGGESTION TO MAKEf I IllsRISM AD MORE -FUN By Christine O. Avendafio cay after Mr. Duterte described er change their gan like @mavendanoINQ the island last year as a Malaysia's 'Truly Asii ' tourism "cesspool," and is now focused campaign, as well as at of In- Apparently for President Duterte, an cleaning up Manila Bay. dia's 'Incredible India!" she said. it will be more fun if the three Puyat said the President The department's1 ew cam- secretaries on top of the country's made the joke after she present- paign would focus o sustain- big-ticket environment cleanups, ed during lait week's Cabinet able tourism, she add . 5uch as Boracay and Manila Bay, meeting the new advertisement "Whereas it was a • r domes- appear in the advertisement re- of the Department of Tourisrn tic tourists who madthe 'It's freshing the slogan "It's More Fun (DOT) that would kick off the More Fun in the , hilipines' in the Philippines." reinvention of the catchy, world- memes trend back W en it was , "The President made the renowned tourism campaign "It's first launched, rio foreign joke and said that (Environment) More Fun in the Philippines." tourists will play a ve big role Bernadette Romulo-Puyat Secretary (Roy) Cimatu, (Interi- In our campaign," Pu4t said. or) Secretary (Eduardo) Ano and Continuity from P-Noy years In the neW comm rcial, she I should be in the commercial," The slogan Was coined in 2012, said, about 4.3 milIidn people by 7.6 percent in 2018. Tourism Secretary Bernadette during the administration of for- who have used the slog n obliged Presidential spokesperson Romulo-Puyat told the Inquirer. mer President Benigno Aquino III. to have their picture's t4en. Salvador Panelo said at a receAl Conceptualized to lure more In a text message, Puyat said Malacanang briefing that 7.1 mill- tourists into the country, the it didn't matter that she would Despite Boracay sh tdown lion tourists visited the country new 18-second advertisement be the third tourism secretary At the Cabinet niee ing, Puy- last year, up 7.65 percent °' r will be launched on Feb. 18. to embrace the slogan, adding at said the President as "hap- the 6.6 million arrivals in 2017. The triumvirate of Cimatu, she believed in the "continuity" py" that despite the ix-month It was the biggest number f Ano and Puyat spearheaded the of a thing that "works." • closure of Boracay Ithand last tourist arrivals in a year in t e country's history. massive rehabilitation of, Bora- . "All the other countries nev- year, tourist arrivals 'ncreased fel Puyat said rehabilitation of the United Kingdom with Boracay, the countily's flagship 201,039 arrivals; §ingapore, destination, opened opportuni- 3.71,795; Malaysia, 14 2; India, ties for alternative attractions, 121,124; and Hong Kot1, 117,984. such as Siargao, Iloilo, Palawan, Puyat said diat Isince the La Union, Romblon and Siquijar. DOT had a modest udget to "This is a time that cele- promote the couTrilfy, it was brates-the 7.1 million tourist ar- partnering with hi corpora- rival count, the highest ever in tions to help the gds nment at- our country's history," Puyat tract more tourists,, said In a statement. She said jolt b —"which has Introduced th 1Filipino Koreans, Chinese top visitors palate to more peopl ilacross the South Korea remained the world"—was helpi in the country's. top source of tourists, DOT campaigns and ad actual- with 1587,959 arrivals, while Chi- ly made a DOT. coin ercial us- na was a most improved market, ing its own resource growing by 29.62 percent, with "We also have a campaign 1,255,258 arrivals, for second spot. with Cebu Pacific sustain- The United States remained able and responsib tourism. in third place with 1,034,396 ar- Bench decided to; hoot [its] rivals, followed by japan, 631,801; summer ads all overt e country Australia, 279,821; Taiwan, and is also using titi ersionj of 240,842; and Canada, 226,429. 'It's More Fun iiiu e Philip- Completing the Top 12 were pines,— Puyat I I PAGE I TIMMER EDIFORIAt CARTOON STORY STORY 2 019 Department of Environment aral Natural Resourtes STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION INITIATIVES SERVICE DATE PUT PEOPLE IN REHAB PLAN-GROUPS By Mariejo S. Ramos @,MariejollamosINQ Twelve people's organizations joined forces and formed the Kilusan para sa Makataong Rehabilitasyon ng Manila Bay to demand a propeople reha- bilitation of Manila Bay. The organizations that signed the unity statement in- cluded Pagkakaisa ng mga S.amahan ng Mangingisda (Pangisda), Greenpeace, Oceana Philippines, Focus on the Glob- al South, Tambuyog Develop, ment Center and Lila The alliance demanded that the government "put the people back into the dis- course" and develop a "truly sustainable plan" that includ- ed more than 200,000 families in Metro Manila, Central Lu- zon and Calabarzon (Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon) that depended on the: bay for their livelihood. Questions Pangisda spokesperson Pablo Rosales said the bil- lion-peso reclamation pro- jects in the p peline raised se- rious questions. President Duterte last week signed Executive Order No. 74 that transferred the power of approving reclama- tion projectslfrom the Nation- al Economic and Develop- ment Authority to the Philip- pine Reclamation Authority. On Jan. 29, the Mak- abayan bloc in the- House filed Resolution No. 24521 seeking a postponement of INQ the bay rehabilitation._ - Lf VPERI PAGE 1 BANNER EDITORIAl CARTOON ;;;--T- STORY STORY 11trixliO110-11-7—r .71—Lirt12.11-Thiliiirn(5 ' Snit- 1900 5 PAGE LOWER 10 FEB 7n1C) Depaitment of Environment and Nat lila I Resources MANILAPBULLETIN STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION INITIATIVES SERVICE THE NATION'S LEADING NEWSPAPER DATE Culture change ne ded to restore Manila ay 77 than% DE VERA.RUIZ including information and education campaign on the impo ance of keeping Culture change among Filipinos is Manila Bay clean. needed if the polluted Manila Bay is to The remaining r 6 billion will be be restored and preserved for the long- spent . for relocation rid provision of term, according to Environment and support systems like a Cess to jobs and Natural Resources Secretary Roy Ci- livelihood and construd ion of town cen- matu. ters with recreational oreas, markets, "If they ask me what is the most dif- church, schools and ho itals. ficult part in rehabilitating Manila Bay, "The more difficult art is the relo- I would say it is to change our people's cation of over 220,000 ouseholds. But behavior and attitude," Cimatu pointed the most difficult is t maintain and out. sustain its clean condi 1on for the next HoweVer, the Department of En- generation," Cimatu s d. vironment and Natural Resources He pointed out tha the immediate (DENR)• chief said the seeming enthu- goal is to -reduce the c liform levels in siasm and willingness of a lot of people the bay and its connecti g estuaries and to take part in the effort to rehabilitate creeks. Manila. Bay shows . that there is still Fecal coliform leve in Manila Bay, hope for such change. prior to the launching o the Manila Bay Last January 27, over 5,000 people RehabilitatiOn, Was at 30 million most joined a massive cleanup activity along probable number (MP ) •per 100 mil- ROMS Boulevard in Manila to mark the liliters (mil): The acce I table ievel for launch of the three-phase Manila Bay Class SB water is 100. M N/100 mL. rehabilitation program. , "There are about 47 steros leading At least £42 billion is allotted for the to Manila Boy arid we '11 be cleaning implementation of the project within all these esteroS one at time or simul- three years and at least 13 government taneously," Cimatu said agencies will be working together to The concentration the rehabilita- carry out the mission dubbed as "Battle non efforts will be, alon the stretch of for Manila Bay" the bay area from.the M Mla Yacht Club According to Cimatu, around £6 bil- to the United States Em assy, where all lion, Or roughly 14 percent of the alloca- solid and water pollut6n converge and tion, will be used for cleanup activities, the fecal colliorm count highest. PER PAGE I BANNER EDITORIAL CARTOON STORY STORY I I PAGE LOWER vierigtisse""" vahrirwinolos Itivzitreale— 10 FEB zoig Department of Environment and Natural NeSOLIPCCS STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION INITIATIVES SERVICI www.DaiIyTribuneCOm DATE Eleazar says bars ba dippeis. Eleazar added while most of the garbage werre cleaned up, M nila Bay remains polluted and not conducive to swimming By Elmer N. Manuel conducive to swimmingi "We put up barricad or the sole purpose of National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) preventing people to sw in Manila Bay," Eleazar director Chief Supt. Guillermo Eleazar yesterday said. said the barricade they installed along the walk "We did it despite the act that there are already area of Manila Bay was designed to prevent people ordinances which state hat swimming in Manila from taking a dip in what he described as still Bay is prohibited," he a ded. polluted water. This follows after so! e queries regarding the Eleazar added while most of the garbage were police actions to put up arricades weeks after the craned jp, Manila Bay remains polluted arid not relatively clean Manila I Sy had drawn in hordes of people to enjoy the clean surroundings, with some cited for vio ation of polhition laws, as the massive even taking a bath in the murky Water.
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