1898.· CONGRESSIONAL -REOORD-SENATE.' 6689 Also, a bill (H. R.10888) to authorize the raising of 40,000 colored SENATE. troops-to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. ALDRICH: A bill (H. R. 10889) to punish offenses WEDNESDAY, July 6, 1898. against the elective franchise-to the Committee on Election of The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. President, Vice-President, and Representatives in Congress. Prayer by Rev. E. L. WATSON, of the city of Washington. By Mr. SKINNER: A bill (H. R. 10902) to provide for the On motion of Mr. WOLCOTT, and by unanimous consent, the authorization of a regiment of volunteer mounted infantry-to reading of the Journal of yesterday's proceedings was dispensed the Committee on Military Affairs. with. By Mr. BERRY: A joint resolution (H. Res. 293) tendering the REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. thanks of Congress to Commodore Schley, United States Navy, • and the officers and men under his command-to the Committee Mr. FAIRBANKS, from the Committee on Claims, to whom on Naval Affairs. was referred the bill (S. 1612) for the relief of the heirs of Henry By Mr. ROBERTSON of Louisiana: A memorial of the legisla­ Leef, deceased, owner of the bark Ma1·y Teresa, illegally seized ture of the State of Louisiana, concerning the improvement of by Alexander H. Tyler, consul of the United States at Bahia, Bayou Courtableau, in that State-to the Committee on Rivers Brazil, submitted an adverse report thereon, which was agreed and Harbors. to; and the bill was postponed indefinitely. Mr. CHILTON, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 10510) providing for the transfer from PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCED. the circuit court of appeals for the ninth circuit to the Supreme Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions of Court of certain appeals f1·om the district court for Alaska, re­ the following titles were introduced and severally referred as ported it without amendment. follows: Mr. HOAR, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was By Mr. ARNOLD: A bill (H. R. 10890) granting a pension to referred the bill (S. 2030) for the relief of the administrators of Mrs. Susan Sidenbender, of Medix Run, Pa.-to the Committee William B. Moses, deceased, and of Lebbeus H. Rogers, reported on Invalid Pensions. it with amendments, and submitted a report thereon. By Mr:. BRUMM: A bill (H. R. 10891) granting a pension to STEAMER TITANIA, Anna C. Morgan-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. EVANS: A bill (H. R. 10892) to increase the pension of Mr. FRYE. From the Committee on Commerce I report an Andrew J. Taylor-to the Committee on Pensions. original bill, and I am compelled to ask for its present considera­ . By Mr. GAINES: A bill (H. R. 10893) to remove the charge of tion . desertion against Robert C. Hoggins and to grant him an hon­ The bill (S. 4847) to provide an American register for the steamer orable discharge-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Titania was read the first time by its title, and the second time at By Mr. HANDY: A bill (H. R. 10894) for the correction of the length, as follows: military record of Capt. William H. Fairlamb, late of the Eighty­ Be it enacted, etc., That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby author­ eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers-to the Committee on Military ized and directed to cause the foreign-built steamer Titania, owned by John Rosenfield & Sons, of San Francisco. Cal., citizens of the United States, to be Affairs. registered as a vessel of the United States: Provided, That said steamer shall By Mr. HICKS: A bill (H. R. 10895) to correct the military not hereafter engage in the coastwise trade of the Republic. record of Harrison Defibaugh-to the Committee on Military Affairs. The VICE-PRESIDENT. Is there objection to the present con­ By Mr. KETCHAM: A bill (H. R. 10896) authorizing the Sec­ sideration of the bill? retary of the Treasury to issue bonds to Albert V. Conway, sub­ There being no objection, the bill was considered as in Commit­ stituted trustee, for certain registered United States bonds re­ tee of the Whole. deemed or assigned by the Government upon forged assignments­ The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered to the Committee on Ways and Means. to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, and passed. By Mr. MARSH: A bill (H. R. 10897) to grant an honorable ELECTRIC-LIGHT WIRES BEYOND THE FIRE LIMITS. discharge to Thomas Ward-to the Committee on Military Af­ fairs. Mr. GALLINGER. From the Committee on the District of By Mr. SOUTHARD: A bill (H. R. 10898) to pension David Columbia I report a joint resolution, and as it is a matter of pub­ Miller-to the Committee on Pensions. lic concern to which there can be no objection, I ask unanimous Also, a bill (H. R. 10899) to pension Joseph J. Colomey-to the consent for its present consideration. Committee on Pensions. The joint resolution (S. R. 182) relative to electric lighting By Mr. WARNER: A bill (H. R. 10900) to increase the pension wires west of Rock Creek was read the first time by its title, and of James Cooper-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the second time at length, as follows: Also, a bill (H. R. 10901) for the relief of William H. Dotson­ Resolved, etc., That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized to issue permits to existing electric-light companies in the to the Committee on Military Affairs. District of Columbia for the extension of existing overheaD. electric wires outside the fire limits and west of Rock Creek to be used for lighting pur­ poses only. PETITIONS, ETC. There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, the following petitions and papers Whole, proceeded to consider the joint resolution. were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: The joint resolution was reported to the Senate without amend­ By Mr. DAVIDSON of Wisconsin: Resolutions of the Wisconsin ment, ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third State Homeopathic Medical Society, in support of Senate bill No. time, and passed. 164, for nondiscrimination in the appointment of surgeons to the Army and Navy of the United States-to the Committee on Mili- BILLS INTRODUCED, tary Affairs. Mr. HARRIS introduced a bill (S. 4848) granting a pension to · Also, resolutions of the dah'y boards of trade of Plymouth, Louisana H. Delahay; which was read twice by its title, and, with Berlin, Reedsville, Chilton, and Fond du Lac, State of Wiscon­ the accompanying papers, referred to the Committee on Pensions. sin, in favor of the bill to make cheese part of army rations-to Mr. BURROWS introduced a. bill (S. 4849) for the erection of the Committee on Military Affairs. a. public building at Alpena, Mich.; which was read twice by its By Mr. GRIFFIN: Resolutions of the Homeopathic Medical title, and referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Society of the State of Wisconsin, in favor of Senate bill No. 164, Grounds. to p1·event discrimination against" homeopathic physicians and Mr. FORAKER introduced a bill (S. 4850) to quiet title to lot surgeons in the military and naval service of the United States- 11, block 12, South Brookland, D. C.; which was read twice by its to the Committee on Military Affairs. _ title, and, with the accompanying paper, referred to the Com­ By Mr. OTJEN: Resolutions of the Wisconsin State Homeo­ mittee on the District of Columbia. pathic Medical Society, favoring the passage of Senate bill No. 164, Mr. SEWELL introduced a. bill (S. 4851) for the relief of Com­ to prevent unjust discrimination in the appointment of surgeons mander Bowman H. McCalla, United States Navy; which was in the Army and Navy-to the Committee on Military Affairs. read twice by its title, and, with the accompanying paper, re­ By Mr. WM. ALDEN SMITH: Resolutions of Brotherhoods of ferred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Locomotive Engineers, Locomotive Firemen, Railroad Trainmen, Orders of Railway Conductors and Railway Telegraphers, in favor THANKS TO COMMODORE SCHLEY. of the passage of the anti-scalping bill-to the Committee on In­ Mr. PETTIGREW. I introduce:a joint resolution which I ask terstate and Foreign Commerce. may be read at length and referred to the Committee on Naval By Mr. WEAVER: Petition of the Woman's Christian Temper­ Affairs. ance Union of Troy, Ohio, favoring legislation providing that The joint resolution (S. R. 181) tendering the thanks of Con­ cigarettes impor~d in original packages on entering any State shall gress to Commodore Winfield S. Schley, United States Navy, and become subject to its laws-to the Committee on the Judiciary. to the officers and men of the sauadron under his command, was XXXI-4:19 6690 rCONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JULY 6, read the first time by its title, and the second time at length, as mind that he wo~d have sust~ina<l a gallant part in the battle follows: that was waged With the SpanlBh ships. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Mr. HALE. He was in consultation with the commanding America in Congress assembl~d, That the thanks of Congress and the Amer­ ican people are hereby tendered to Commodore Winfield S. Schley, of the general about important movements, in concert with ea-ch other. United States naval force operating against the Spanish forces in Cuban Mr.
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