- ~• • A.. I ll q, I I t ~. V T,ight ·~ 1 Seatt:le .... 1.t .. tal Affa1.-s Er.v j ----,... -inu1.en. ..on ·...."fC"· .!. ,. ce 0..1.~ ..... 1 f:~ r~W<J. ... sh1r1g!,,. .3Ha:,., c. "' ·1 t ' ' ,.. Ir:.•11:~tlr;a t"r•rs:__ ' ._ ,~r Hunt -, r.ra1-..1g- \"& ,. ,.. J:.hnson f Ilr<mda ~ • I I I 3 !nc, Eiiosysterr..s ,A.na:Ly . -a Str-?etis. ~ J7 Clc:n-,1'tir. 94105 I San ·~r:inc.i" ·~ .... i 8·co ' CA I St-pternb~r, ,.,. •Of;l., - I I ~· Your Seattle· City Light Nlemorandum DATE October 7, 1981 TO Mayor Charles Royer Paul Kraabel, President, Seattle City Council FROM Joseph P. Recchi, Superintendent 1·· SUBJECT ; }J~;sE.~~~~j of Final Bald Eagle Report t The two years of wintering bald eagle studies associated with the Copper Creek Dam environmental assessment have concluded. The final report has been submitted by our consultant, B~osystems Analysis, and copies are attached. I This report deals with a close examination of dynamics of the Skagit River's eagle population, their dependency on salmon as I a major food resource, and the fate of a segment of this popula­ tion if displaced directly and indirectly by the construction of a dam at Copper Creek. ln the course of the study, significant -1 new insights were gained on regional eagle movements, habitat interactions and feeding dynamics. Future management of this threatened species will benefit as a resul.t of our support of this research. 41 If additional copies of the attached report are needed, please call Cheryl Tenney at the Environmental Affairs Office, 625-3151. I SR: sjh I cc: City Council Members I cc: Recchi w/Attachment Cowan " Directors " I & Staff Bishop/Freitas' " Ralph I OCR (4) " OEA Staff (1)" OEA (3) I OEA Library " File I I . ' I ... January 15., 1981 I To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed is the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Copper Creek Project. Also enclosed are Appendix D: Comment Letters on I the·Draft EIS and City Light Responses and Appendix E: Public Hearing Transcripts. We will keep you informed by newsletter of upcoming I City Council hearings on this project. Sincerely, I {Sgd.j L. l r.-H~ltr L. Joe Miller I Acting Superintendent TC:rps I cc: AJJ· Directors Enclosures Cro 11 OEA (3) I Fi 1e I I I I I I I SPONSOR Seattle City Light proposes to increase its firm elec­ trical energy resources by 49. 3 megawatts and its peak­ ing capability by 110 megawatts with the construction of I a hydroelectric dam just below Copper Creek on the Skagit River. Specifically, the action is Seattle City Light's preparation of an application for a Federal Energy Regu­ I latory Commission (FERC) license to construct Copper Creek Dam. I LEAD AGENCY The lead agency is the proponent, Seattle City Light. The responsible official is Mr. L. J. Miller, Acting I Superintendent of Seattle City Light. Comments may be addressed to Ms. Katherine Fletcher, Director, Office of Environmental Affairs, Seattle City Light, 1015 Third I Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104. Phone (206) 625-3105. I AUTHORS AND CONTRIBUTORS, EAGLE ADVISORY GROUP See list on following pages. I LIST OF PERMITS The specific action contemplated by this Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), the preparation of a FERC li­ I cense application, required no licenses or permits. If a decision is made to prepare and file an application for a FERC license, then a number of local, state and I federal approvals would be needed before FERC would grant a license for construction. Tab le 22, which is in the Land Use Section, is a list of those approvals. I LOCATION OF EIS BACKGROUND DATA The following background data is available at Seattle City I Light, Room 926, 1015 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104: EIS Support Documents: I • Hydrology • Vegetation • Fisheries and Aquatic Biology • Human Environment I • Recreation • Bald Eagles I Other Reports: • Copper Creek Environmental Assessment Final Environmental Report and 18 Technical Reports I • "Preliminary, Interim, and Final Reports on Geologic Feasibility Studies for Copper Creek I Dam" by Fugro Northwest, Inc. I I I o "Skagit River Chum Salmon/Carcass Drift Study," Technical Report by Bierly & Associates, Inc. o "Impacts of a Proposed Copper Creek Dam on Bald I Eagles," by Biosystems Analysis, Inc. o "Copper Creek Hydroelectric Project. Phase I - Project Review and Evaluation," December 1980. I By International Engineering Company, Inc. o "An Alternative to the Copper Creek Dam - Conservation, Decentralized Solar and Peak Load Management," Mathematical Sciences Northwest, Inc./ I Shapiro and Associates, Inc. Much of the more technical detail has been reserved for the I above support documents to which the reader is referred. I COST OF EIS The first 500 copies are available free; thereafter $10.00 each. I DATE OF ISSUE OF FEIS I January 15, 1981 I I I ,,I I I I I ii I I I•: IS /\Uil!OkS /IND O'Nl'1U lllJfOKS I The follCMi.ng group of City Ll.ght, Office of Envir011IlJ2[ltal Affairs eJll)loyees an<l consultants helped I prepare this Ib=t. TEAM AREA OF RESPONSIBLE I MEMBER EXPERTISE CREDENTIALS FDR Anthony Botany M.S. Biology, W.W.U.; Vegetation irrpacts; Basabe former botanist, Wash. rare plant survey I Natural Heritage Program Steve Botany B. S. Biology, W.W.U.; Vegetation inpacts; Caicco fonner botanist, Wash. rare plant survey I Natural Heritage Program Tinothy Geology M.S. Geology, U.W. Geology & dam safety; I Croll Project Manager beginning 8/4/80 I Scott Fishery M. S. Biology U.W.; 10 Fisheries irrpacts Edson Biology years experience in fisheries, especially I salllD!1ids Elizabeth Writing & Four years free lance Editing of EIS Gjelten Editing writing & editing I experience David Fisheries Ph.D. Fisheries Biolo­ Fisheries & wildlife I Hoopes & Wildlife gy. Iowa State; B. S. iripacts Wildlife Mgmt. lhiv of Alaska; 25 years re­ I search & oonsul ting experience William Energy 14 years experience as Project alternatives I Kock Syste.ns power system design engineer I Ted Socio­ Ph.D Econcmics Consultation on Lane economics 15 years experience inpacts to local consulting on social conmmities & econcmic inpacts of I projects Jim Ecology Ph.D. Biological Project Manager I Mangi Sciences, State lhiv. ( through 8 / t+ I 80 of N.Y.; 6 years ex­ perience as scientist, I manager and writer I I iii I EIS AUIIDRS AND ffiITRlBUIDRS (cont'd) TF.6,M AREA OF RESPONSIBLE I MEMBER EXPERTISE CREDENTIALS FOR I Suzanne Human B.S. EnvironnEDtal ll!l'acts on local Matchett Ecology Studies, Huxley College; COCTITUlities previous experience in socioeconomic irrpact I assess11E11ts Fisheries B.S. fuvironrrental Fisheries irrpacts I Biology Studies, Huxley College; two years experience with fish hatcheries I Stephen Wildlife M.S. Wildlife Biology, Wildlife irrpacts Ralph Biology & U.W.; six years ex­ Fisheries perience as researcher I & consultant on wild­ life & fisheries problems I Jeremy Eagle M.S. Environrrental llll'acts on Bald Robertson Studies Science, WSU; five Eagles years in research, I policy analysis & consulting on energy and ecology issues I Mary Comrunity Master of Public Affairs, Irrpacts on Local Savela Planning Seattle U. , six years Conrnunities experience in cormrunity I planning and research Mark Hydrology; B.S. Civil fugineering; llll'acts on Physical Siegenthaler Geology B.S. Geology; three years Environrrent I consulting experience in runoff, sed:inEntation & related problems I Lou Technical B.S. in Biology; Editing of EIS Taylor writing & M. S. in science writing; I editing five years writing experience Ron Recreation 'lwenty years experience Recreation and I Th()[l{lson Planning as regional planner & Aesthetics consultant, with enphasis on recreation I Gordon Urban Fnergy lli~rgraduate & graduate Project ThClll.5on Planning work in planning & social alteniatives rnanage1101t of technology; I two years experic"!lce in energy planning I iv I I I EIS l\lJlIDI<.<; AND lUN'l'lUHLJlURS (cont'd) TEAM AREA OF RESPONSIBLE I MEMBER EXPERTISE CREDENTIALS FDR Judit.1-i Social Master of Public Local connunities Wirth Sciences Affairs, U.W.; I eight years experience in social and health I services O:ruglas Econanics M.A. Econanics, Univ. of Project Woodfill Calif., Berkeley; 13 alternatives & years experience as Econanics I governnEI1t econanist and as consultant with enphasis I on energy & natural resources I ORGANIZATIONS: AREA OF EXPERTISE RESPONSIBIE FDR Biosystems Wildlife Ecology Wintering Bald Eagle Analysis, Inc. Studies I 1-bntagne-Bierly Wetland Ecology Salrocn Carcass Drift Study I Fugro Northwest Geophysical Sciences Geological Studies Mathematical Energy Systems Project Alternatives I Sciences N.W. Fisheries Research Fisheries Irrpacts on Salrocn Institute, lhiversity I of Washington International Engineering Dam Engineering Preliminary Project I Co. Engineering OizM-Hill Environrrental Consulting Author of Environm:mtal I AssesSllEilt GEOL(X;ICAL ADVISORY BOARD I Dr. Howard Coonhs lhiversity of Washington I Dr. Eric lheney University of Washington Dr. Scott Babcock Western Washington University I I I V I EAGLE ADVISORY GROUl' Rick ..\nderson .Tamie Hartley Sierra Chili North Cascades Audubon Society I Alexandra Barrie-Bakewell Verne Huser Seattle Audubon Society Office of Environrrental Mediation I Loma Campion Fayette Krause Chairwoman, Conservation Comnittee Northwest Land Steward I Seattle Audubon Society Nature Conservancy Washington Field Office John !bbler U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Russell Orell I Skagit Laboratory Steve Fransen, Biologist Washingt ,m Departrrent of Fisheries Skagit System Cooperative I SLeve Ralph Bob Gerke Habitat Managerrent Bob Wasem Departrrent of Fisheries North Cascades Carrplex I National Park Service Dr. Pat Goldsworthy North Cascades Conservation Council Rich Howard I Endangered Species Program Tony Angell, President U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Washington Nature Conservancy I Rick Knight Larry Broder NongaIIE Program Washington Departrrent of GanE I Eric Cum:nins Nongarre Program Margaret and Joe Miller Washington Departrrent of Garre North Cascades Conservation Council I Jim Fielder G.)rdon Orians Zig Zag River Runners Institute for EnvironI1E11tal Studies University of Washington I Dave Galvin, President Seattle Audubon Society Susan Skagen, Preserve Steward Skagit River Bald Eagle Natural Area Ken Gilbertson I U.S.
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