
H1228 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 10, 2010 Administration, the Federal Motor rect fashion for 1,922 career profes- Whereas the courage, discipline, and sac- Carrier Safety Administration, the Na- sionals in transportation of the U.S. rifice of these marchers caused the Nation to tional Highway Traffic Safety Admin- Department of Transportation. respond quickly and positively; istration, and the Research and Inno- Again, I express admiration for Sec- Whereas eight days after Bloody Sunday, President Lyndon B. Johnson called for a vative Technology Administration. retary LaHood for taking the initiative comprehensive and effective voting rights These employees were furloughed to bring this issue forward and to find bill as a necessary response by Congress and through no fault of their own. They be- a funding solution for it as well. the President to the interference and vio- came unwitting victims of an arcane We have got to be able to pass this on lence, in violation of the 14th and 15th practice in the upper Chamber that al- a voice vote and to do good by these Amendments, encountered by African-Amer- lows one Member’s objection, irrespec- 1,922, and we need to set a good exam- ican citizens when attempting to protect and tive of merit, to grind to a halt the ple for the other body as well. exercise the right to vote; work of the American people. I yield back the balance of my time. Whereas a bipartisan Congress approved The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and on August As my colleagues will recall, an ob- 6, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed jection by one Senator from Kentucky question is on the motion offered by this landmark legislation into law; led to the lapse of authorization for the the gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. Whereas the Voting Rights Act of 1965 Highway Trust Fund despite the objec- OBERSTAR) that the House suspend the stands as a tribute to the heroism of count- tions of 21 of his Republican colleagues, rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4786. less people in the United States and serves as a majority of the Republican caucus, The question was taken; and (two- one of the Nation’s most important civil who supported the ultimate extension thirds being in the affirmative) the rights victories, enabling political empower- on a 78–19 vote. rules were suspended and the bill was ment and voter enfranchisement for all peo- This bill does two simple things: It passed. ple in the United States; A motion to reconsider was laid on Whereas the Voting Rights Act of 1965 ef- authorizes those workers who were fur- fectuates the permanent guarantee of the loughed to be compensated at their the table. 15th Amendment that ‘‘the right of citizens normal rate of pay for the 2 days in f of the United States to vote shall not be de- which they were laid off, and it ratifies nied or abridged by the United States or by b 1045 actions taken by DOT during those 2 any State on account of race, color, or pre- days to maintain minimum essential COMMEMORATING THE 45TH ANNI- vious condition of servitude’’; services. The Congressional Budget Of- VERSARY OF BLOODY SUNDAY Whereas the Voting Rights Act of 1965 has fice says this legislation has no new increased voter registration among racial, Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I move to ethnic, and language minorities, as well as costs associated with it, as the chair- suspend the rules and agree to the con- enhanced the ability of those citizens to par- man indicated, as the funding will current resolution (H. Con. Res. 249) ticipate in the political process and elect come from existing expenses. By tak- commemorating the 45th anniversary representatives of their choice to public of- ing action now, this Congress will pre- of Bloody Sunday and the role that it fice; and vent a 20 percent cut in the next bi- played in ensuring the passage of the Whereas the citizens of the United States weekly paycheck for these dedicated Voting Rights Act of 1965. must not only remember this historic event, public servants. The Clerk read the title of the con- but also commemorate its role in the cre- There is a clear precedent for this ation of a more just society and appreciate current resolution. the ways in which it has inspired other type of restorative action dating back The text of the concurrent resolution movements around the world: Now, there- to the much longer government shut- is as follows: fore, be it down in the late 1995-early 1996 period H. CON. RES. 249 Resolved by the House of Representatives (the during the Clinton administration. Whereas brave people in the United States, Senate concurring), That Congress— During that period, there were two known and unknown, of different races, (1) commemorates the 45th anniversary of funding gaps totaling 26 days which af- ethnicities, and religions, risked their lives Bloody Sunday; fected more than 800,000 Federal work- to stand for political equality and against (2) observes and celebrates the 45th anni- ers. As part of the final appropriations racial discrimination in a quest culminating versary of the enactment of the Voting in the passage of the Voting Rights Act of Rights Act of 1965; bill for FY 1996, the Republican-con- (3) pledges to advance the legacy of the trolled Congress restored compensation 1965; Whereas numerous people in the United Voting Rights Act of 1965 to ensure its con- for those employees. It was the right States paid the ultimate price in pursuit of tinued effectiveness in protecting the voting thing to do then, and it is the right that quest, while demanding that the Nation rights of all people in the United States; and thing to do now. live up to the guarantees enshrined in the (4) encourages all people in the United I thank Chairman OBERSTAR for his 14th and 15th Amendments to the United States to reflect upon the sacrifices of the leadership and for his collaboration States Constitution; Bloody Sunday marchers and acknowledge and generosity on this important legis- Whereas the historic struggle for equal that their sacrifice made possible the pas- lation. I urge my colleagues to vote voting rights led nonviolent civil rights sage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. ‘‘yes.’’ marchers to gather on the Edmund Pettus The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, in Bridge in Selma, Alabama, on March 7, 1965, ant to the rule, the gentleman from a day that would come to be known as Tennessee (Mr. COHEN) and the gen- closing, I wish to express my great ap- ‘‘Bloody Sunday’’, where their bravery was tleman from Texas (Mr. POE) each will preciation to Mr. MICA, the senior Re- tested by a brutal response, which in turn publican on our committee and my sent a clarion call to the Nation that the ful- control 20 minutes. partner and good friend and co-partici- fillment of democratic ideals could no longer The Chair recognizes the gentleman pant, in all of the works of our com- be denied; from Tennessee. mittee. Whereas, March 7, 2010, marks the 45th an- GENERAL LEAVE I share with him this tragic fact of niversary of Bloody Sunday, the day on Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- the loss of pay for these 1,922 employ- which some 600 civil rights marchers were imous consent that all Members have 5 ees. He immediately said, We have to demonstrating for African-American voting legislative days to extend their re- rights; fix that. We have got to make it right Whereas Congressman John Lewis and the marks and include extraneous material by them, and he volunteered to cospon- late Hosea Williams led these marchers on the concurrent resolution under sor the legislation, which he has done. across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, consideration. I am delighted he designated the gen- Alabama, where they were attacked with The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tleman from North Carolina, Mr. billy clubs and tear gas by State and local objection to the request of the gen- Speaker, who a great advocate for our lawmen; tleman from Tennessee? committee, a great participant in all of Whereas during the march on Bloody Sun- There was no objection. our work and who is also a very good, day, Congressman Lewis was beaten uncon- Mr. COHEN. I yield myself such time scious, leaving him with a concussion and as I may consume. fair and decent-minded Member. countless other injuries; Today, we will do something really Whereas footage of the events on Bloody Mr. Speaker, just this past Sunday, good and decent. We can all go home Sunday was broadcast on national television on March 7, we commemorated the 45th and feel we have accomplished some- that night and burned its way into the Na- anniversary of Bloody Sunday, one of thing useful in a very specific and di- tion’s conscience; the most significant moments in the VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:33 Mar 11, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10MR7.012 H10MRPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with HOUSE March 10, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1229 civil rights movement. It was a day in versary of Bloody Sunday that forced Congress, when too many times we do which I was in Selma, Alabama, with this Nation to live up to its ideals of work on military solutions rather than JOHN LEWIS, one of the heroes of this justice, freedom, and equality in soci- peaceful solutions, and we worry about United States of America, one of the ety, generally, and in the realm of vot- materialism rather than spiritual great saints and heroes of this United ing rights, specifically.
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