News Mosaic Sports Newark teen arrested for Spinning the Wheel- UD Eddie Conti signs with making terroristic threats students on game show the New York Jets See page A2 See page Bl See page B8 An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • Non-Profit Org. ~Rev iew Online • THE U.S. Postage Paid ewark. DE www. review. udel. edu REV IE Permit o. 26 Free 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Friday Volume 125, Number 48 Apri123, 1999 Greek ticket sweeps '.99 DUSC election BY SUSAN STOCK A d vocat es , r eceive d ' 3 4 and 12 t oward personal co nt act w ith man y Stude-nt Ajjairs Editor percent of the vote respecti vely. students. Th e Greek ticke t. h ead ed by There was a t o t a l o f 3 ,740 votes " Rather th an showing it o n campus , pres id e nt A nd rea Hin c hey. wi ll cast in this year· s e lecti o n. Last year we actu a ll y we nt a nd ta lke d t o m a in'ta in control of the D e l aware o nl y 86 s tudents vo t e d , a nd thi s peop le.'· she said. Undergraduate Student C o ngress and year 's total doubled the a m o unt o f Hinc hey is j o ine d o n her ti cket b y lead - th e univ e r ity' -student vo t es fr o m th e past fo ur years Vice Pres id e nt Andrew T u rczy n . governme nt into a new centu ry. combined . Sec retary Laurie W a lter, T reasure r The ti cket won the first-ever o nline Director of th e Stude nt Ce nters J a m es B e dle and Fac ulty S e n ators e.lecti o n , h el d o n Tu es day a nd Marilyn Prime said s he sees the hig h Kim Franchino and Tom Evrard. Wednesday, claiming 53 perce nt of voter turnout as a good s ig n. Turczyn said he think s the Greek the total votes w ith 1.924 votes. " Thi s begins a new e ra in student campaign appealed to m ore st ude nts This year. fo r the first time in three leadership," she said. th an just th ose in vo lved in Greek years, the re was a contested e lection, Hinc he y said. " I ' m ha lf-d elig hted o rganizations. with three parti es participating. and half-shocked. I' m so pleased with --;_ W e really do want to be the voice. THE REVIEW/ Bob Weill Th e two c h a ll enge rs, the th e a mount o f s uppo rt we got." .The members of the Greek Ticket running in the DUSC election learned Thursday L eaders hip P a rt y and the Student She said the campa ign was geared see G REEK page A 7 morning they had swept the eventg. RWJF efforts at other schools BY JILL CORTRIG HT Copy Desk Chief A lcohol traditionall y has been a part of college life, but universities around·the-<:ountry are beginning to take ll t6ps to change tho culture of high-risk drinking. Over the past th ree years, I 0 colleges, inc luding the univers ity, h ave received a g ra n t from t he Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to use for reducing student binge d rinking and alcohol abuse. From providi ng a lte rna t ive activities to tougher enforcement of alcohol p.olicies, the fo rms of attack vary from un iversity to university. P ART I: But they a ll have a common goal: THE CULTU RE OF red uc ing the amount of' b i nge drinking done by their students. ALCOHOL ./ FAMILY L IFE PROVIDING ALTERNAT IVES ./ CAMPUS LIFE Alternative activities are a focus PART II: of the project at the _University of ALCOHOL ON CAMPUS Wisco n sin at Madison, w h ich. recei ved the gran t in the fall o f .I WHAT UD H AS D ONE 1997. ...:.: LESSONS L EA RN ED Rob Adsit, the school's RWJF projec t coordinator, said the P ART III: university, ranked by T he Princeton THE G REEK BATTLE Review as the No. 2 " party sc hool" THE REVIEW/ Bob Weill fo r two years in a row (the State • NATIONAL UNIVERSITY D EBATE Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., D-Del. makes his way to the top of the. Amtrak platform at the Wilmington train station to hold a Uni vers ity of New York at Albany • NATIONAL CHAPTER D EBATE press conference about his recent trip to the Balkans. is No. I ). is focusing on promoting • L EGALITIES I NVOLVED • R EACTION FROM UD CHAPTERS Biden in national spotlight over Kosovo ~ee OTHER page A6 BY ERIC J .S. TOW SEND " At sta ke a re the lives of "Through thi s resolution we are necessi ty of ground troops a nd Flagg's Natumal/Swre News Eduor millions of displaced persons and putting Milosevic on notice that accounts from refugees were both WILMINGTON A re fugees, the stabili ty of the United States and its alli es are discussed by the senato r at th e resolution authori zing President southeastern Europe and the future deadly seri ous about doing what it Wilmington Train Station. Bill Clinton to u c ·'all necessary of NATO as an a ll iance." takes to compel him to withdraw Alth ~ u g h the topic o f groun d attorneys force-" in Kosovo was introduced Biden's trip included a vis it to from Kosovo," Biden said. troops has dominated headlines in to Co ngress Tuesday by Sen . NATO headquarters in Brussels, The McCain/ Biden Resolution recent weeks, Bide n said, after Joseph R. Biden Jr. , D-Del.. less Belgium, and to refugee camps in is co-spo nsore d by seven o f speaki ng with mi litary begin his than 48 hour after his return from Albania. He spoke with e thn ic Eiden 's coll eagues, and it is now commanders, he does not beli eve a weekend trip to the Balkans. Albanian refugees, mil itary leaders referre d to the Senate Fo reig n they will be neeessary fo r some "[Yugoslav President] Slobodan and political o fficials as part of an Re lations Committee for further time. Milosevic has caused the greatest e ffo rt to gauge s uppo rt fo r debate .- '·They are convinced that the air defense humanitarian catastro phe in continuing NATO airstrikes Biden held a press conference campaign can do one of two things Europe since W orld W ar II.'' he against Serbia and Montenegro, the w i th reporters T uesday before w ith th e same o utco me ," he said in a speech s upporting the t wo republics compris ing returning to introduce hi joint BY DAWN E . MENSCH Nt! l• '.~ Editor resolution on the Senate noor. Yugoslavia. resolut ion in Was hingto n . Th e see BIDEN page A9 WILM I NGTON - D o nald A . F lagg' s defense attorneys began the ir case Thursday by calling to the stand Dr. Carol A. T avani, a psyc hiatrist w h o repeatedly Child porn continues on newsgroups interviewed Flagg after his arrest. F lagg. w ho has c ha rged with the murder o f Anthony Pug li si as BY SHAU GALLAGHER carr y pi ctures d e pi c ting c hild u sing a computer to un lawfull y "A few m o nths ago, havi n g well as for th e kidnapping and rape Stuff Rt<porter pornography o r so licitation for depict a c hi ld e n gag in g in a always re s p ected academic of his wife. Debra, has e ntered a The uni versity c urrent ly a llows unde rage sex. prohibited sexual act. freedom and never e dite d the m. plea o f not g uilt y by reason of Flagg we m a de a decision .'· s tud e nt s a nd fa c ult y t o h ave · According t o ·a federal A ss is t a nt U .S. A tt o rney insanity. the \\TOn!!fulness of his act. access to Internet newsgro ups th at a ffidavit , th ese newsgro up s a nd Edmo nd Fa lgo wski , who reviewed A llme ndinge r said. '·There may be De fense attorneys admit Flagg Her t e-s timon \ marked th e ftrst carry c hild pornog raphy . The others like them were the source the case, comme nted that in an y a dozen o r o that we h ave committed the cri m es he 's been time T avani tesiified in a ca e 111 Review has le arned, e ven tho ug h o f the po rn og raphic m a t eri a l case of c hi ld porn ogr a ph y. a b locked be cau se th ey a r e c h arged w ith but conte nd Flagg which the defendant had pleaded system administrators have the police found s to red o n the person found in possessi o n o f a o bvio usly c hi.ld pornography.
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