60 Acta Zoologica Lituanica. Entomologia, 1998. Volumen 8. Numerus 3 ISSN 1392-1657 INITIAL DATA ON FUNGUS GNATS (DIPTERA, MYCETOPHILIDAE) OF LITHUANIA Jolanta RIMÐAITË Institute of Ecology, Akademijos 2, 2600 Vilnius, Lithuania Abstract. There are 25 species of fungus gnats (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) registered in Lithuania. 22 of them are new for the Lithuanian fauna. All these species belong to 5 subfamilies. In this work the check-list of found in Lithuania species is presented. For each species information on its locality, finding date, the number of collected specimens, sex and, for many species, fungi genus and species, biotopes are pointed out. Key words: Diptera, Mycetophilidae, ecology, fauna INTRODUCTION (v. Stanuliðkës), Ðalèininkai district (v. Papiðkës), Ðirvintos district (v. Pajuodþiai), Ðvenèionys district (v. Meðkerinë, Fungus gnats (Mycetophilidae) is one of the most abun- v. Paþeimenë, v. Obelø Ragas), Trakai district (v. dant families of Diptera order. There are more than Pastrëvys), Varëna district (v. Darþeliai, v. Margionys, v. 3000 described species, with a world-wide distribu- Maskauka, v. Puvoèiai), Vilnius district (v. Gudeliai) and tion (Krivosheina et al., 1986). It is a specific group of environs of Vilnius (Smëlynë, Verkiai, Visoriai). insects widely distributed in coniferous, deciduous and Imagos were caught using an entomological net. Fruit- mixed forests, where they can be seen from early bodies of fungi with the larvae of fungus gnats were spring till late autumn. The most characteristic feature collected and placed into jars filled with damp peat and of the larvae is mycetophagia (it is especially evident covered with thick material. Expupate imagos were in Mycetophilinae subfamily). Imagos are aphagous collected with an exhauster and fastened with pins. or they feed on nectar (Sakharova, 1977). All the collected material is kept in the Institute of Ecol- Fungus gnats due to their abundance and way of feed- ogy, Akademijos 2, Vilnius. ing play an important role in the biocenoses of forests as initial destructors of fungus fruit-bodies and dis- tributors of fungus spores. RESULTS At present, Mycetophilidae family is subdivided into 7 sub- families: Mycomyinae, Sciophilinae, Gnoristinae, Metane- From the material collected in 1997 we managed to psiinae, Leiinae, Mycetophilinae, Manotinae (Zaitsev, 1994). describe 23 species of fungus gnats (Diptera, Myceto- Species found in Lithuania belong to 5 subfamilies. philidae); 22 species of them were new for Lithuania. In Lithuania this group of insects is poorly investi- For Exechia nigroscutellata, which was registered ear- gated. Only 3 species of fungus gnats have been reg- lier (S. Podënas, 1988), a new locality and new spe- istered (Valenta, Podënas, 1985; Podënas, 1988; cies of host-fungus were established. Imagos of four Pakalniðkis, Podënas, 1992) until now: Mycomya species of fungus gnats were swept with an entomo- pseudoapicalis (Landrock), Exechia nigroscutellata logical net, 20 species were reared from damaged by Landrock, Boletina dispecta Dziedzicki. the larvae fungi. The largest number of species (16) The purpose of this work is to present some initial were reared from Basidiomycetes Agaricales s. 1. data on the fauna of fungus gnats in Lithuania. Clements, 4 species of fungus gnats were reared from Basidiomycetes, Agaricales s. 1., Boletales, 2 species were reared from Basidiomycetes, Aphyllophorales. MATERIAL AND METHODS Cordyla sixi Bar., Mycetophila fungorum Deg. and Sciophila lutea Macq. were expupate both in Basidi- The data were collected in 8 administrative districts of omycetes Agaricales s. 1. Clements and Basidi- Lithuania: Pakruojis district (v. Laborai), Prienai district omycetes, Agaricales s. 1., Boletales. Exechia pallida 61 Fungus gnats in Lithuania Stann and Mycetophila luctuosa Mg. were reared from 10. Exechia fusca (Meigen, 1804) unindentified fungi. Varëna distr., Darþeliai, 28 09 1997, Russula sp., New host-fungi genera or species were established for imago 14 10 1997, 1F, leg. R. Sprangauskaitë. Coelosia tenella (Ztt.), Allodiopsis domestica Mg., 11. Exechia nigroscutellata (Landrock, 1912) Mycetophila flava Win., M. signatoides Dz. Ðvenèionys distr., Obelø Ragas, 26 09 1997, Lactarius torminosus (Fr.) S. F. Gray, imago 10-13 10 1997, 4C1F, leg. S. Pakalniškis. CHECK-LIST OF SPECIES 12. Exechia seriata (Meigen, 1830) Varëna distr., Margionys, 12 08 1997, imago 18 08 F. Mycetophilidae 1997, 1F. Subf. Sciophilinae 13. Tarnania fenestralis (Meigen, 1818) 1. Sciophila lutea (Macquart, 1826) Ðvenèionys distr., Obelø Ragas, 26 09 1997, Prienai distr., Stanuliðkës, 04 09 1997, Gyrodon Cortinarius armillatus (Fr.) Fr., imago 17-21 10 lividus (Fr.) Sacc., imago 26 09 1997, 1F; 1997, 3C1F; Hygrophorus sp., imago 13 10 1997, Ðvenèionys distr., Meðkerinë, 28 07 1997, Russula 1F, leg. S. Pakalniškis. sp., imago 05 08 1997, 1F; Varëna distr., Margionys, 14. Tarnania tarnanii (Dziedzicki, 1910) 13 08 1997, Lactarius deliciosus (Fr.) S.F. Gray, Varëna distr., 28 09 1997, Tricholoma flavovirens imago 30 08 1997, 2F, Puvoèiai, 31 05 1997, Suillus (Fr.) Lund., imago 10-14 10 1997, 7C1F, leg. R. granulatus (Fr.) O. Kuntze, imago 18 06 1997, 1F. Sprangauskaitë. Subf. Gnoristinae The species Coelosia tenella (Ztt.) emerged from the 2. Coelossia tenella (Zetterstedt, 1852) latter sample together with the species T. tarnanii Dz. Varëna distr., Darþeliai, 28 09 1997, Tricholoma 15. Mycetophila blanda (Winnertz, 1863) flavovirens (Fr.) Lund., imago 04 11 1997, 1F, leg. Varëna distr., Margionys, 13 08 1997, Lactarius deliciosus R. Sprangauskaitë. (Fr.) S. F. Gray, imago 20-23 08 1997, 4C1F. The species Tarnania tarnanii Dz. emerged from the 16. Mycetophila flava (Winnertz, 1863) latter sample together with the species C. tenella (Ztt.). Vilnius, Smëlynë, 14 09 1997, Pleurotus sp., imago Subf. Leiinae 24-26 09 1997, 2C3F. 3. Leia bilineata (Winnertz, 1863) 17. Mycetophila fungorum (De Geer, 1776) Vilnius, Verkiai, 12 05 1997, Phellinus sp., imago Pakruojis distr., Laborai, 25 09 1997, Lyophyllum decastes 19 06 1997, 1F. (Fr.) Sing., imago 07-10 10 1997, 2F, leg. S. Pakalniðkis; 4. Leia picta (Meigen, 1830) Prienai distr., Stanuliðkës, 04 09 1997, 2C, leg. S. Vilnius distr., Gudeliai, 27 06 1997, 1F, leg. S. Pakalniškis; Prienai distr., Stanuliðkës, 04 09 1997, 2C, Pakalniškis. Mixed forest. alder grove. Ðalèininkai distr., Papiðkës, 23 09 1997, imago Subf. Mycetophilinae 14 10 1997, 3F, leg. S. Pakalniðkis; Ðvenèionys distr., 5. Allodiopsis domestica (Meigen, 1830) Meðkerinë, 28 08 1997, Russula sp., imago 05 08 1997, Vilnius, Smëlynë, 05 10 1997, Lepiota clypeolaria 2C; Ðvenèionys distr., Obelø Ragas, 26 09 1997, Amani- (Fr.) Kummer, imago 14 11 1997, 2F. ta muscaria (Fr.) Hooker, imago 13-17 09 1997, 3C8F, 6. Brevicornu sericoma (Meigen, 1830) leg. S. Pakalniðkis; Ðvenèionys distr., Paþeimenë, 17 09 Vilnius, Verkiai, 07 07 1997, 1F, deciduous forest. 1997, 2C2F, mixed forest; Trakai distr., Pastrëvys, 18 7. Cordyla fusca (Meigen, 1804) 09 1997, Amanita muscaria (Fr.) Hooker, imago 06 10 Ðvenèionys distr., Meðkerinë, 28 07 1997, Russula sp., 1997, 1C1F, leg. S. Pakalniðkis; Varëna distr., Dareliai, imago 05 07 1997, 1F; Varëna distr., Margionys, 13 28 09 1997, Russula emetica (Fr.) Sing., imago 14 10 08 1997, Russula sp., imago 21-23 08 1997, 6C4F. 1997, 2C, leg. R. Sprangauskaitë; Varëna distr., 8. Cordyla sixi (Barendrecht, 1938) Margionys, 12-13 08 1997, Russula sp., imago 19 08 – Ðvenèionys distr., Paþeimenë, 17 09 1997, Amanita 11 09 1997, 19C11F; 12 08 1997, Suillus sp., imago 20 citrina (Schff.) S. F. Gray, imago 29 09 1997, 2C1F; 08 1997, 1C; Varëna distr., Puvoèiai, 06-08 07 1997, Varëna distr., Maskauka, 21 09 1997, Boletus pinicola Russula sp., imago 17-20 07 1997, 3C1F; 20 08 97, Vitt., imago 08 10 1997, 2C2F, leg. S. Pakalniškis. Russula sp., imago 28 07 1997, 1C1F; Vilnius, Smëlynë, 9. Exechia dorsalis (Staeger, 1840) 22 06 1997, Suillus granulatus (Fr.) O. Kuntze, imago 28 Širvintos distr., Pajuodiai, 11 09 1997, Collybia sp., 06 – 01 07 1997, 5C3F; 27 07 1997, Russula sp., imago imago 01 10 1997, 2F, leg. S. Pakalniðkis; Ðvenèionys 05 08 1997, 2C; 07 09 1997, 1C, mixed forest; Vilnius, distr., Obelø Ragas, 26 09 1997, Hygrophorus sp., Visoriai, 09 09 1997, Macrolepiota procera (Fr.) Sing., imago 13 10 1997, 1F, leg. S. Pakalniškis. imago 19-22 09 1997, 2C1F. 62 Rimðaitë J. Species Cordyla fusca Mg., Mycetophila strigatoides European part of the USSR. Moscow (in Russian). Landr., Sciophila lutea Macq. emerged together with Pakalniðkis S., Podënas S. 1992. 258 new to Lithuania the species M. fungorum Deg. Diptera species found in 1964-1992. In New and 18. Mycetophila ichneumonea (Say, 1823) Rare for Lithuania Insect Species. Records and De- Varëna distr., Darþeliai, 28 09 1997, Lactarius scriptions of 1992. Vilnius, 56-83. torminosus (Fr.) S. F. Gray, imago 17 10 1997, Podënas S.K. 1988. 36 new to the Lithuanian SSR 2C1F, leg. R. Sprangauskaitë. Diptera species, found in 1972-1987. In New and Rare 19. Mycetophila laeta (Walker, 1848) for the Lithuanian SSR Insect Species. Records and Pakruojis distr., Laborai, 25 09 1997, Fomitopsis Descriptions of 1988. Vilnius, 67-76. (in Russian). sp., imago 12 10 1997, 3C4F, leg. V. Jonaitis. Sakharova A.V. 1977. On the fauna of fungus gnats 20. Mycetophila luctuosa (Meigen, 1830) (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) of the Moscow Region. Prienai distr., Stanuliðkës, 04 09 1997, imago 15 09 Revue d’Entomologie de l’USSR 56 (1): 71-78 (in 1997, 2C1F. Russian). 21. Mycetophila signatoides (Dziedzicki, 1884) Valenta V.T., Podënas S.K. 1985. 161 species of Diptera Prienai distr., Stanuliðkës, 04 09 1997, Gyrodon new for the Lithuanian SSR found in 1904-1911 and lividus (Fr.) Sacc., imago 16-17 09 1997, 6C2F. 1982-1984. In New and Rare for the Lithuanian 22. Mycetophila strigatoides (Landrock, 1927) SSR Insect Species. Records and Descriptions of Pakruojis distr., Laborai, 25 09 1997, Lyophyllum 1985. Vilnius, 70-97. (in Russian). decastes (Fr.). Sing., imago 07-10 10 1997, 11C7F, Zaitsev A.J. 1994. Fungus gnats of Russia and adja- leg. S. Pakalniškis. cent regions. Moscow (in Russian).
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