Palestinian Olive Agony 2018 ( A Statistical Report on Israeli Violations) Prepared by: Monitoring Israeli Violations Team Land Research Center Arab Studies Society - Jerusalem March 2019 ARAB STUDIES SOCIETY – Land Research Center (LRC) – Jerusalem 1 Halhul – Main Road, Tel: 02-2217239 , Fax: 02 -2290918 , P.O.Box: 35, E-mail: [email protected], URL: www.lrcj.org The olive tree have always been a thorn on the Israeli occupation’s side Deep rooted in the history of this land.. its oil is still sacred enlightening its temples Its branches play with farmers’ children.. and suffer from agonizing pain when touched by a settler’s saw That is, the Palestinian olive tree.. standing still on the face of the Israeli occupation’s sadism Burnt.. but reborn from its dust like a phoenix Cut.. but grows anew from its roots Stolen.. and when planted in their settlements. .becomes darkened and cloudy The Israeli occupiers tried to contain the olive tree , but it refused.. so they decided to uproot it from the land of Palestine , but failed and will fail The olive trees are a constant tar get by the occupation but they are still steadfast and refuses to surrender .. The olive tree stands for Palestinians' very existence, and their cultural identity and civilization, it is a testimony from history on the Palestinian land’s Arabism. Jamal Talab Al -Amleh LRC general manager Jerusalem – Palestine ARAB STUDIES SOCIETY – Land Research Center (LRC) – Jerusalem 2 Halhul – Main Road, Tel: 02-2217239 , Fax: 02-2290918 , P.O.Box: 35, E-mail: [email protected], URL: www.lrcj.org In 201 8, Land Research Center documented attacks that targeted olive trees, though daily monitoring: • 117 attacks took place , 90 of them were perpet rated by settlers from settlements nearby olive groves, while 27 were perpetrated by the occupation forces. • 9,200 olive trees were damaged through the following: 8,300 olive trees were directly damaged. 2,450 trees were soaked in sewage water. 2,819 were uprooted or cut. 1389 were ravaged. 1,672 were torched. 900 trees are threatened f uprooting by the Israeli Nature Authority. 6,085 trees were completely destroyed , while 2215 were partially damaged. 2034 are saplings, 1413 are 5 to 10 years old trees , 5835 are aging trees. 830 trees were stolen to b e planted in Israeli settlements. ARAB STUDIES SOCIETY – Land Research Center (LRC) – Jerusalem 3 Halhul – Main Road, Tel: 02-2217239 , Fax: 02-2290918 , P.O.Box: 35, E-mail: [email protected], URL: www.lrcj.org Table 1: a trees in the West Bank (including the Occupied City of Jerusalem) during 2018: Damaged trees Perpetrators Governorate Uprooted Threatene The Israeli Total Soaked or cut Plowed Burned d of occupation Colonists in sewage down removal Army 1120 0 103 0 0 2 2 1223 Jerusalem 0 168 335 0 40 7 6 543 Hebron 50 35 50 200 0 1 4 335 Bethlehem 245 988 18 400 0 2 23 1651 Ramallah 0 0 22 0 60 2 0 82 Jericho 450 784 50 1050 0 0 34 2334 Nablus 315 152 660 22 0 1 11 1149 Salfit 230 22 61 0 0 0 7 313 Qalqiliya 0 320 0 0 800 10 0 1120 Tubas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tulkarm 40 350 60 0 0 2 3 450 Jenin 2450 2819 1359 1672 900 27 90 Total 9200 117 9200 *Source : Field Research- Monitoring Israeli Violations Team- Land Research Centre, 2018 ARAB STUDIES SOCIETY – Land Research Center (LRC) – Jerusalem 4 Halhul – Main Road, Tel: 02-2217239 , Fax: 02-2290918 , P.O.Box: 35, E-mail: [email protected], URL: www.lrcj.org The map shows number of attacks that took place in West Bank and Occupied Jerusalem (2018) 40 350 1180 313 2334 1149 82 1651 1223 335 543 ARAB STUDIES SOCIETY – Land Research Center (LRC) – Jerusalem 5 Halhul – Main Road, Tel: 02-2217239 , Fax: 02 -2290918 , P.O.Box: 35, E-mail: [email protected], URL: www.lrcj.org Table 2: sewage-induced attacks on olive fields (2018): Number Damaged area No. of Colony/ military of Location (dunum)\natu damaged Nature of the plot Remarks camp attacks re of land trees Kharayib Umm al Fahim is 1 located between Beit 'Anan and Beit Loqya. A sewage pipeline coming from Har Adar penetrates the Khirbet Umm al agricultural lands of the Har Adar 214 1000 agricultural Fahim area leading plants poisoned. The sewage water collected during winter is disposed onto the village lands via huge pumps. Intermittent stream 1 Nabi Samuel Har Samuel 3 120 2 Jerusalem 217 1120 Wadi Fukin Betar Illit 10 30 Planted with olives Intermittent stream 1 and almonds Planted with olives 1 Wadi Fukin Tzur Hadassah 20 20 Seasonal (during winter) and almonds 2 Bethlehem 30 50 Al Mazra'a Al 1 Horsha 13 18 agricultural Intermittent stream Qibliya Al Lubban Al 1 Beit Arye 13 40 agricultural Intermittent stream Gharbi Al Luban Al 1 Efrayim 38 35 agricultural Intermittent stream Gharbi and Abud 1 Turmus'ayya Eli 26 45 agricultural Perennial stream 1 Dolev and Al Janiya 28 47 agriculture Intermittent stream Talmon 1 Safa Kiryat Sefer 18 60 agriculture Intermittent stream 6 Ramallah 136 245 Salim, Deir al 1 Alon Moreh 48 180 agricultural Intermittent stream Hatab 1 'Awarta Itamar 21 39 agricultural Intermittent stream 1 Sabastiya Shavei Shomron 20 11 agricultural Intermittent stream ARAB STUDIES SOCIETY – Land Research Center (LRC) – Jerusalem 6 Halhul – Main Road, Tel: 02-2217239 , Fax: 02-2290918 , P.O.Box: 35, E-mail: [email protected], URL: www.lrcj.org Number Damaged area No. of Colony/ military of Location (dunum)\natu damaged Nature of the plot Remarks camp attacks re of land trees 1 Qaryut Eli 30 60 agricultural Intermittent stream 1 Qaryut and Talfit Shilo 11 40 agricultural Intermittent stream Jaloud and 1 Shevout Rahil 15 80 agricultural Intermittent stream Qaryut 1 Burin Jiva’at Rounin 12 40 agricultural Intermittent stream Nablus 157 450 7 Mas-ha Etz Efrayim 17 60 agricultural Intermittent stream 1 Bruqin and Salfit Ariel 120 150 agricultural Perennial stream 1 Peduel and Eli Valleys /Planted Kfar Ad-Dik 55 15 Perennial stream 1 Zahav with olives Bruqin Bruchin 15 34 agricultural Intermittent stream 1 Qarawat bani Valleys /partially Karyat Netavim 12 20 Intermittent stream 1 Hassan agricultural Marda Ariel 12 18 agricultural Intermittent stream 1 Israeli Mekorot Marda 12 18 agricultural Intermittent stream 1 Company Salfit 243 315 7 Jinsafut Emanuel 80 60 Planted with olives Intermittent stream 1 Kafr Laqif Karne Shomron 40 60 agricultural Intermittent stream 1 Deir Istiya Revava 45 20 agricultural Intermittent stream 1 Ras Tira & ad Alfei Menashe 46 70 agricultural Intermittent stream 1 Dab'a Kfar Qaddum Kedumim 34 20 agricultural Intermittent stream 1 Qalqiliya 245 230 5 Umm ar- Rihan Shaqed 31 40 agricultural Intermittent stream 1 Jenin 31 40 1 Total 1059 2450 *Source: Field Research- Monitoring Israeli Violations Team- Land Research Centre, 2018 ARAB STUDIES SOCIETY – Land Research Center (LRC) – Jerusalem 7 Halhul – Main Road, Tel: 02-2217239 , Fax: 02-2290918 , P.O.Box: 35, E-mail: [email protected], URL: www.lrcj.org A map illustrating the locations affected by Israeli pumped sewage water 2018 ARAB STUDIES SOCIETY – Land Research Center (LRC) – Jerusalem 8 Halhul – Main Road, Tel: 02-2217239 , Fax: 02-2290918 , P.O.Box: 35, E-mail: [email protected], URL: www.lrcj.org Table 3: torched olive trees - by governorate (2018): Damage Age (years) Perpetrators Governorate Total The Israeli Above Full Partial Seedlings (1-5) (5-10) occupation Colonists (10) Army Bethlehem 200 200 0 0 0 200 0 1 Ramallah 400 400 0 0 0 400 1 1 Nablus 1050 639 411 62 7 981 0 8 Salfit 22 0 22 0 0 22 1 0 Total 1672 1239 433 62 7 1603 2 10 *Source : Field Research- Monitoring Israeli Violations Team - Land Research Centre, 2018 1050 400 200 22 Salfit Nablus Ramallah Bethlehem A graphic shows number of torched olive trees in 2018 ARAB STUDIES SOCIETY – Land Research Center (LRC) – Jerusalem 9 Halhul – Main Road, Tel: 02-2217239 , Fax: 02 -2290918 , P.O.Box: 35, E-mail: [email protected], URL: www.lrcj.org Table 4: plowed trees - by governorate (2018): Damage Age (years) Perpetrators Governorate Total The Israeli Partial Above Full Seedlings (1-5) (5-10) occupation Colonists (10) Army Jerusalem 103 103 0 0 0 103 2 0 Hebron 335 335 0 45 80 210 4 0 Bethlehem 50 50 0 50 0 0 1 0 Ramallah 18 18 0 18 0 0 1 0 Jericho 22 22 0 0 22 0 1 0 Nablus 50 50 0 0 0 50 0 2 Salfit 660 660 0 310 350 0 1 2 Qalqiliya 61 61 0 0 0 61 0 1 Jenin 60 60 0 0 0 60 1 1 Total 1359 1359 0 423 452 484 11 6 *Source : Field Research- Monitoring Israeli Violations Team- Land Research Centre, 2018 800 700 600 500 400 682 300 200 295 100 103 50 50 61 60 0 18 22 Jerusalem Hebron Bethlehm Ramallah Jericho Nablus Salfit Qlqilya Jenin Graphic shows plowed trees by governorate in 2018 ARAB STUDIES SOCIETY – Land Research Center (LRC) – Jerusalem 10 Halhul – Main Road, Tel: 02-2217239 , Fax: 02-2290918 , P.O.Box: 35, E-mail: [email protected], URL: www.lrcj.org Table 5: uprooted or cut down trees - by governorate(2018): Damage Age (years) Perpetrators Governorate Total The Israeli Partially Seedlings (5- Above Uprooted occupation Colonists cut (1-5) 10) (10) Army Hebron 168 133 35 100 0 68 2 6 Bethlehem 35 35 0 0 0 35 0 1 Ramallah 988 669 319 660 11 317 0 16 Nablus 784 354 430 142 135 507 0 17 Salfit 152 152 0 110 42 0 0 2 Qalqiliya 22 22 0 0 0 22 0 1 Tubas 320 320 0 150 170 0 1 0 Jenin 350 350 0 0 0 350 1 1 Total 2819 2035 784 338 358 1299 4 44 *Source : Field Research- Monitoring Israeli Violations Team - Land Research Centre, 2018 988 784 350 320 152 168 22 35 Graphic shows uprooted or cut off trees by governorate in 2018 ARAB STUDIES SOCIETY – Land Research Center (LRC) – Jerusalem 11 Halhul – Main Road, Tel: 02-2217239 , Fax: 02 -2290918 , P.O.Box: 35, E-mail: [email protected], URL: www.lrcj.org Other attacks: Table 6: stolen and threatened- of-removal olive trees- by governorate (2018): governorate Stolen trees Threatened trees Jerusalem 0 0 Hebron 105 40 Bethlehem 0 0 Ramallah 0 0 Jericho 125 60 Nablus 0 0 Salfit 0 0 Qalqiliya 0 0 Tubas 290 800 Tulkarm 0 0 Jenin 310 0 Total 830 900 *Source : Field Research- Monitoring Israeli Violations Team- Land Research Centre, 2018 ARAB STUDIES SOCIETY – Land Research Center (LRC) – Jerusalem 12 Halhul – Main Road, Tel: 02-2217239 , Fax: 02-2290918 , P.O.Box: 35, E-mail: [email protected], URL: www.lrcj.org Table 7: perpetrators and number of attacks 2018: No.
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