13426 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 10 May 21, 2009 joined The Plain Dealer as a politics writer after all, is the name of the country. Taipei is Holupka, recipient of the Citizen of the Year then later as a columnist. In 1991, he was merely Taiwan’s capital. Award from The Optimist Club of Dundalk, Inc. named director of The Plain Dealer’s opinion When I was elected to the U.S. House of Scott has dedicated his time and talents to the pages. Brent Larkin has been honored several Representatives in 2002, some of my col- constant improvement and revitalization of the times over the years for his work in journalism, leagues had already been campaigning for Dundalk community. including an induction into the Cleveland Taiwan’s inclusion in the WHO for more than Scott is a life-long resident of Dundalk, Press Club Hall of Fame in October of 2002. five years, ever since Taiwan launched its Maryland, and a native to the Three Garden Brent’s editorial columns deftly highlighted campaign to participate in the WHO in 1997. Village in southeastern Baltimore County. He Cleveland’s political and social scenes for I am concerned that that Chinese approval went on to attend nearby Dundalk High Ohio’s largest newspaper. is becoming a prerequisite for Taiwan’s partici- School. In 1983, he graduated from Johns Madam Speaker and Colleagues, please pation in any international organization, and Hopkins University with a Ph.D. in sociology. join me in honor and recognition of Brent that countries will begin to view China as Tai- Soon after graduating, he returned to Dundalk, Larkin, upon his recent retirement from The wan’s suzerain. If this view becomes the ac- where he immediately began working on a Cleveland Plain Dealer. Fearless in expressing cepted international norm, Taiwan’s current project called the ‘‘Greening of Dundalk.’’ The his opinion, his columns were entertaining, in- status as an independent, sovereign state recycling effort included in this program was formative and above all, his ability to zero in would be undermined. the first of its kind in Baltimore County. on the heart of an issue in just a few strategi- It is an outrage that China has essentially Since then, Scott has held positions in many cally written paragraphs earned him a con- blocked Taiwan from participating in the WHO community organizations including president of stituency of readers that kept coming back to for so long. I firmly believe that the health of the Board of the Family Crisis Center, co-cre- see what he would write next. Taiwan’s 23 million citizens should not be ator of the Southeast Neighborhood Develop- used as a political weapon. I therefore urge f ment Coalition, member of the Baltimore Citi- my colleagues to join me in continuing to sup- zens Planning and Housing Association, presi- TAIWAN’S INVITATION TO THE port Taiwan’s full and equal membership in dent of the Greater Dundalk Community Coun- WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY the World Health Organization. cil, and cofounder of the Dundalk Renaissance f Corporation. These organizations are just a HON. SCOTT GARRETT INTRODUCTION OF THE NORTH glimpse into the busy, community-oriented OF NEW JERSEY MAUI COASTAL PRESERVATION lives Scott and his wife, Amy, have led. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ACT The Citizen of the Year award is given an- Thursday, May 21, 2009 nually to an individual in the Dundalk commu- Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. Madam HON. MAZIE K. HIRONO nity who demonstrates leadership, civic re- Speaker, at the end of last month, Taiwan re- OF HAWAII sponsibility, and accomplishment. Scott not ceived an invitation from the World Health Or- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES only possesses all of these qualities, but he goes above and beyond in every community ganization (WHO) to attend this year’s World Thursday, May 21, 2009 Health Assembly (WHA) meeting as an ob- activity in which he is involved. He was re- server under the name ‘‘Chinese Taipei.’’ The Ms. HIRONO. Madam Speaker, I rise today cently inducted into the Dundalk High School WHA weeklong meeting started a few days to introduce the North Maui Coastal Preserva- Alumni Hall of Fame, and will soon receive an ago on Monday, May 18, 2009 in Geneva, tion Act of 2009, a bill directing the National award from the Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Switzerland. Park Service to study the suitability and feasi- Association. This week marks the first time Taiwan has bility of designating certain lands along the Madam Speaker, I ask that you join with me been allowed to participate in a meeting or ac- northern coast of Maui, between Sprecklesville today to honor Mr. Scott Holupka on this tivity of a specialized United Nations agency and Paia, as a unit of the National Park Sys- memorable occasion. Scott is admired by oth- since losing its UN membership to China in tem. ers in the community, and deserving of the 1971. I have seen some label Taiwan’s partici- The citizens of Maui strongly support pres- prestigious Citizen of the Year Award. His pation a ‘‘breakthrough’’ and I have heard the ervation of this coast, which provides impor- dedication to Dundalk is apparent in every as- ‘‘goodwill of the mainland authorities’’ praised. tant open space and public beach areas. pect of his life, and the community is truly a Yes, we should celebrate the announcement Thousands of post cards in support of creating better place because of him. that Taiwan will finally be permitted to partici- a national park or national seashore along this f pate in the WHO. But we also need to remind coast have been sent to me and to my prede- ourselves that participation as an ‘‘observer’’ cessor. IN REMEMBRANCE OF DR. HENRY does not give Taiwan the right to vote. In addi- This beautiful coastline is under significant T. KING, JR. tion, Taiwan’s participation is not permanent; it development pressure. Its closeness to major comes only under Beijing’s sponsorship on a population centers in Maui and its popularity HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH one-year-at-a-time basis. While we are grate- with both visitors and residents makes pro- OF OHIO tecting access a major concern. ful that Taiwan has been given the chance to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Supporters of this park have asked that it be attend the WHA meeting, I hope that Taiwan’s Thursday, May 21, 2009 23 million people will one day be represented named after Congresswoman Patsy Takemoto at the WHO as a full fledged participant. Mink, a native of Maui who grew up in the Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise We all remember that in 2003 Taiwan was Hamakua Poko/Paia area. While this bill, today in remembrance of Dr. Henry T. King struck by an outbreak of Severe Acute Res- which authorizes a study, does not direct what Jr., a renowned lawyer and great man of piratory Syndrome, or SARS. By the end of the prospective national park would be named, peace, and in honor of his dedication to his May 2003, 483 probable cases had been re- I would certainly support naming it after Patsy country, community and to international ported. A total of 60 people died. Worries over Mink, whose commitment to the people of the human rights. Dr. King died at home on May SARS subsequently hampered international island and state was without question. 9, 2009, at age 89. travel and commerce, dealing a serious blow I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- Dr. Henry King was a distinguished scholar to Taiwan’s economy. This morning, Taiwan porting this bill. of international law, international trade, and reported its second case of H1N1 flu. f international human rights. Shortly after grad- Despite these outbreaks, China continues to MR. SCOTT HOLUPKA uating from Yale Law School and while prac- block Taiwan’s full and equal membership in ticing law in New York at Millbank, Tweed & the WHO. Disease knows no borders and I HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER Hope, Dr. King learned about Supreme Court believe the current threat of a worldwide epi- Justice Robert Jackson’s appointment as OF MARYLAND Chief Prosecutor of war criminals at Nurem- demic demonstrates Taiwan’s need for the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES highest level of access to the WHO as pos- berg. With the encouragement of his wife, he sible. Thursday, May 21, 2009 left for Nuremberg in 1946 with Justice Jack- In addition, I would prefer to see Taiwan join Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Madam Speaker, I son as one of the youngest of 200 prosecu- the WHO under the name ‘‘Taiwan,’’ which, rise before you today to honor Mr. Scott tors. As one of the prosecutors working on the VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:05 Sep 19, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E21MY9.000 E21MY9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD May 21, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 10 13427 Nuremburg Trials, he worked on the convic- CELEBRATING THE 100TH After his retirement from the Navy in 1946, tions of many Nazi officials, including Walther ANNIVERSARY OF NAACP Claude purchased a farm in Santa Rosa von Brauchitisch, Erhard Milch, Hermann County, Florida and began a lifetime of service Goring, and Albert Speer. Dr. King was deeply HON. DEBORAH L. HALVORSON to his local community. He was the first agent affected by what he saw upon stepping off the OF ILLINOIS for the Florida Farm Bureau Fire Insurance Company, where he remained for 25 years.
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