Bringing Africa South R1.00 (GST Inc.) Friday August 28 1992 marking its seventh ater· runs out anniversary with a special supplement, including a quiz, photos of our beau· * City faces c.risis * Restrlction,s 'coming s·oon tifuI country, poems from the AMA Poets ... and much more. GWEN LlSTER So make sure that your copy of today's · WINDHOEK is facing ,3 serious water ' The Namibian in· 'crisis .due to a combination of low dam c1udes the birthday levels and excessive use by residents. ' supplement. The situati~n is fast be· • about", said Cashman;' ~~~~~=~~~~ coming desperate. At the ' ,adding that Windhoek's , · cwrent rate of co~ption, .- water cODSumpti:<>-n for July Von Bach will be empty by h~a been a frightening 23 Outrage the end of next January and percent higher than esti· water restrictions,;lre-to be mated. over sex .' . · announced soon. - .~ Since calls for a volun- , .-- Yesterday the Depaftment tary 10 per Cent water re- " ofWater Affairs..annollnced duction had been ' ignored. abuse ... that a municipal request in . the-time was fast approach­ June asking.res,idents to cut " ing when compulsory re· WOMEN'S SOLIDAR· " , '" -, water consumption by at StriCtiODS, aDd various oilier ITY; an organisation of· . '. ! least 10 per cent, had been measures would be enforced, . fering support to victims ~ , largely ignored, resulting in , said ·Cashman. "They can­ fI rape acd violence against .. aserious·situatiQri. not now be. avoided." he women, has lashed out at Wattl; Affairs official , adde1. what it sees as a derisory Adrian Cashman declared , If State dams were not . response from Namibian the Omatitko dam empty, recharged in the coming courts to recent cases of. · yon ,Bach dam only,l7 per rainy season, the situation ',rape and sexual abuse. cent roll, aDd Swakoppoort . would get <Jesperate. Qnly "Last ,Friday a m~ 40 per cent full. If present SWakoppOortdam wouldbe' , named Lazarus Munganga trends continued ~ough- able to supply water to was convicted of assault~ out the summer, · t1'\e situ­ .. ation did '~not bear th!nking COm:: o!'{ PAGK2 - ~QNT. ONPAGE.2 ~: i r 1 ." , ~, >' " " *,. " :.. ..i- . .. .,. Republic of Namibia The President State House c Windhoek . i VIV A FRANKIE! VIVA THE NAMIBIAN ... The front page of The Namibian is used " 1 as part of a poster to welcome home Namibia'sOlynipic hero, Frankie Fredericks in Katutura. On August 30 The Namibian celebrates its seventh anniversary, and marks the occasion with a special supplement today. Photograph: Bruno Nebe CONGRATULATIONS! ..-/ ---- The President of the Republio of Namibia,' His Excellency Sam Nujoma, SA firm wins oil contract ,I congratulates The Namibian newspaper : . A SOUTH African oil explo­ bonds. The award of this li­ TOMMINNEY .'. i ration giant has become the cence signifies the beginning on its seventh birthday. I third winner of an agreement formally signed early next of a vibrant 'Chapter in our ' :;:. ; to explore for oil off Namibia's month. Sasol should start work emerging bilateral business May the staff of the newspaper keep up coast. Sasol Mining (Pty) immediately the deal is com­ relationship which is indica- Limited beat heavy competi­ , tiveofthe growing confidence their good work and continue their pleted and apparently 'offered. '". ; tion for licence area 2012 and the Govemment good wolk pro­ between our people." . tradition of truthfully infonning the has offered a good work pro­ grammes and tax rates if it Asked about recent calls in gramme including some US$10 starts production. Nyamu would Windhoek for members of the people of this country. million (R27,4m) worth of well not give exact details apart from new Southern A6ican Devel­ drilling and US$400 '000 . the tr.aining sum. opment Community not to ex­ (R1,lm) in training 'Namibi­ The deputy minister said the tend their links with South Af­ ans. deal was significant in that it is rica yet, he said there was no Deputy minister Qf Mines with a South African company contradiction: "It is understood and Energy Jesaya Nyamu . "because our two countries are . and ~ccepted ... that Namibia OF THE REPUBLIC yesterday announced the new inextricably linked by long­ agreement, which is set to be existing lV-storical and ecmomic CONT. ON PAGE 3.- " THE NAMIBIAN 2 Friday August 28 '1992 ; .. ( ( -' ~ --- -- 000 finc. Vice paid the fine Over 2500 people in ~~IWEATHER ~L=====::=1-1 . .SEXABUSE and lcft the court. Despite . Polytechnic Namibia are tested , - ' --FR, O~lPA(;El -- having a histotY. of sexual HIV -positive. Be 'Tile W eatller Bureau'sjorecastjQr Namibia: assault, and adiiiitting in in pipeline ' Fine ana~ annll\l.t hot in the north and partly cloudy and , ing an cight-ycar-old girl court that he had a "psycho- faithful to your part- , cold with fog patches over $e Namib coast. Wind - after an initial investigation logical problem", Vice was' THB Cabinet has agreed . =~~~~~~~~~~~m~o~de~r~at~e~s~o~u~th:-w~es~te~r~ly~to~n:o~rt~h: :W:~':~s:t:er~IY~.~, ~. ~~~~~ ' of rape. The sentencc handed riot ordered by the court to plans to prepare the laws . '~-,,~ down to him by the court seek psychiatric help. for a national polytechnic. \vas' 10.days injail or a R40 Women's Solidarity said The biD is to be drafted by fine ," the organisation said. it wa') outraged at the leni- the Ministry of Justice and Womcn's Solidarity also ,,~ encyoftheabovesentences this was one ofthree'deci­ referred to the recent case and condemned them out- sions, including ;l water Ministry of Health-·and in the Keetmalishoop mag- right. treaty and moves on Re­ istrate court in which Chris- "We believe that the courts hoboth land, which were Socia I Services topher Vice, 39, was found in this country make a taken by the top executive gllilty on two charges. The mockery ofjustice in hand- body on Tuesday, accord­ ing to an official press Physiotherapist/Senior Physiotherapist/ first was that of raping bis ingdown such obviously in- i4-year-old daughter iQan appropriate 'sentence .. We release. .. .. , Princip~1 ,Physiot. h~rapist: incestuous relationship- believe that until rape and A Permanent Water '0·· , Commission has been..agreed , , : State Hospital ' which continued for two other acts of violence against , Various posts: Wlndhoek years. The ,second' chaige' women are~n as the ,be~een Namibia and South was' ~me pf bCstiality. Vice tremely serious crimes that Africa. The Cabinet also : Salary: R31, 536 x 1 449· R37 332/R4.1 679 x 1 449 . R44 577 x 1 713 ' had trained his dogs to p;tr- they are, rapists and other decicted to accept a: treaty - R4'8 003lR53 142 xl 713 - RSS 281 , ' ' ticipatc in 'sex ~cts' with v~olent people will be free 'with the southel'Q neighbour , Minimum Requirements: Physiotherapist - Registration as a his daughter. 1bese acts were to attac~ and rape again and on a joint irtigation scheme Physiotherapist with the relevant council or authorization to practice as also fLlmed by Vice. The again," the organisation said at Vioolsdrift and Noor­ such in terms of existing tegislation,'Senlor Physiotherapist - As for doewer. Cabinet ·' further Physiotherapist plus 4 years post-registration/Post-authorization ex­ accUsOOwas not represented "We strongly believe that perience, . in court'liQd'pleaded guilty it is the duty of the legal decided that a 1976 act on as charged: , system in Namibia to take a registering deed., in Reho­ Enquiries: Ms, H, Coetzee, teL (061) 2032430 or Or. A, Obholzer, tel, MagIStrate Wouter Maske stronger stand in order to be both should be amended to (061) 2032035, found Vice ',guilty on both effective in discouraging and bring it in line' with the counts. alid 'sentenced him , preventing violence against Constitution, No more de­ Applications (on form Z83 or ZO/1229(1) obtainable at all to one ycar in prison or a R3 women in our country." tails were available last night Government Offices) must be submitted to: The Perma­ nent Secretary: Health and Social Services, Private Bag to water re4>trictions and higher 13198, Windhoek. W~r-~~ :: J3~I~IS ~~:g7::e:~;79;;:=0:; tariffs applied fQr excessive usage". Closing Date: 25 September 1992. ::: ~R()Mt:AGEj ( ::: !::a~d v:.:::=~~::p;!: In the meantime, all con­ Windhoek. Okahandja, Otjihase projects, such as Omatako, had sumers have been called upon An attractive range of benefits includes a 13th and oilier consumers on the ensUred that higher levels of to save water and prevent cheque, a housing subsidy subject to certain Von Bach-Wmdhoek pipeline. domestic demand could be met, wastage. It would only be possible to ' but "we still must, rely op ~iun­ " ''The situation is extremely , conditions, rental'allowance, assistance with supply five rttillion cubic metres ' fau as the sQurce ~f all 'our " serious; water is running out removal expenses, pension fund, medical aid from this 'Source to Windlioek, ' water". Water Affairs called and so is the time we have left . scheme and ample vacation and sick leave. and residents would face cuts on Winc:thoek residents to re- to do anything about it. Sacri­ of up to half their normal sup- consider expanded garden plans, fices are going to have to be Working for a better future ply asthi,s would be "all that is saying "they can only blame made if we are to come through left", said 'CaSbIDan. ' themselves if they a.re forced this peri<Jd,~ ' the statement' LlNTAS:NAM IBIA 9212306 A Oishman added that the situ- to abandon theu- gardens due concluded, REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA MINISTRY OF JUSTICE The Ministry of Justic.e regrets to announce the untimely death of Advocate Kayone Simon Akwaake, Deputy Pennanent Secretary~ He is survived by four (4) children and a wife.
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