TIGHT CONTEST NEW PRESIDENT SPLIT RESULT Steve Brown was announced as the new Redcliffe Leagues Padres Major A Grade yet SPORT Redcliffe Leagues Padres in action against the Carina president of the Redcliffe Tigers AFL Sporting again came away from the weekend with a Redsox. Club after their annual general meeting on series split, this time with Carina Redsox. Sunday. Chris Nicholson was named vice- They lost 4-3 at Talobilla Park on Friday night PICTURES BELOW president, Matthew Palmer was named and won 5-2 on Sunday. They will face 70 treasurer and Debbie Dickfos is secretary. Surfers Paradise at Talobilla Park on Sunday. Gators no Game on as players go full swing match for BASEBALL: The Redcliffe Padres took on the Carina Redsox on Sunday, Decem- hot Norths ber 4. The game was played at CRICKET: Sandgate- Talobilla Park, Kippa-Ring. Redcliffe’s season troubles Herald photographer Sarah continued on a brilliant sur- Keayes was there to capture face at Albury Oval on Sat- the action. urday with a 97-run loss to Norths. The Gators would have loved to have batted first, but could only watch on as an in- form Norths batting line-up took advantage of the excel- lent conditions. Jacob Judd managed three wickets for the Gators as brothers Andy Michael (73) Redsox’s Ian Hooper. and Dom Michael (123 not out) struck the ball to all parts to take the score to 4-309 from 50 overs. Sandgate-Redcliffe was EYE ON THE BALL: Padres’ Jeff Tazak prepares for a big hit. always going to be playing catch-up, but Corey Barsby tried to set the tone with 50 runs before falling to Graeme Skennar. Trevor Irvine stuck around for 37 and Matt Dolan 53 but in the end it was too much with the Gators out for 212. Next week the Gators get into T20 mode against Redsox’s Cale Bainbridge. Padres’ Nathan Corscadder. Some of the action. Padres’ Kevin Hoef. Padres’ Nathan Haung. Souths and Sunshine Coast. Join for FREE and get your FREE MEETING POINT personals ad call 1300 132 684 Australia’s Largest Personals Community – call 1902 962 962* *Calls cost $2.60 per min inc GST. Higher from mobiles/payphones. Salmat Interactive. For terms and conditions and helpdesk, call 1300 132 684 or go to www.personalscommunity.com.au 32YO MALE, VHHNLQJ<2VLQJOHODG\ NORTH SIDE PDOH<2FPVROLGEXLOG LOOKING FOR someone, about 5'10", nice BRISBANE SOUTH side, 49YO guy, average WRPHHWXSZLWKIRUVRPHIXQPXVWEHRSHQ VK\'7(166'KDUGZRUNLQJVHHNVODG\ VKRXOGHUVHQMR\V¿VKLQJEHDFKRXWLQJV looks, 5'8", 80kgs, seeks CRO, DMO, prefer 1 How to place your free ad Male seeking Female minded, CRO. VMB26098 slim/medium build, any nationality. VMB26068 PRYLHVVRPHRQHWRVSHQGOLIHZLWK, P<2 masculine, hairy guys, 40-55YO. REDCLIFFE AREA, easy-going, unattached, SINGLE MALE, <2OLNHV¿VKLQJ%%4V ROUND TWO as round one advert failed to smoker. VMB26394 VMB26399 Call on 1300 132 684 anytime day or night sincere, retired, young 67YO male, seeks slim, slim, S/S, S/D, Tradie, WLTM honest, female, produce attractive, slim, educated, articulate LOOKING FOR DJHQXLQH'7(SHUVRQZKR MY GOAL LVQRWWREHDORQHLQ/RYH attractive, 60YO+ female, for friendship, outings quite nights, VTPR, genuine replies only. lady, mid/late50s, still convinced you're out loves to live life to the fullest and is loving, young guys, love older men. Call me to meet. to place your free newspaper ad. If you would like and overseas travel. VMB26093 there. VMB25070 caring and honest. VMB26385 Baz VMB26322 to speak to one of our friendly consultants they are VMB26602 NICKNAME: YOSEI NICKNAME: LADYLUCK26 CURIOUS, LOOKING for a good time, age available Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm AEST. ROD, 56YO, single male, slim, very clean, MALE, 50S, RZQKRXVH:/70ODGLHV Female seeking Male MAX, WHO UHVSRQGHGWR90%SOHDVH EHWZHHQ<2 VMB26295 honest, loves being nudist, seeking perm/lady <2DQ\QDWLRQDOLWLHV9735DQGWRH[SORUH ULQJDJDLQZLWK\RXUFRQWDFWQXPEHU HI, I'M a stunning cross dresser, lovely body, nudist, DTE, ARA, WLTM, NTW age open. $XVWUDOLDDQGWKHZRUOG VMB26065 64YO ASIAN, educated Catholic, loves music, VMB26357 VMB26568 dining, short trips, markets, DTE, WLTM caring, ZD[HGVHHNLQJELVH[XDODFWLYHJX\SUHIHUV SINGLE MALE, 45-50YO, likes camping, LADY, ATTRACTIVE, sincere, 60s, Redcliffe, ROGHUJX\V,KDYHRZQSODFH HI THERE, looking for lady, to have some fun, KRQHVWXQDWWDFKHGJHQWOHPDQ<2XSZDUGV loves animals, painting, reading, music, movies, How to respond to a VMB ¿VKLQJFDQRHLQJ%%4VGULYHVURPDQWLF ))9735 VMB26559 VMB26280 2 <2OLNHV¿VKLQJZRUNVYHU\KDUGKDYHD dinners, listening to music, prefers slim lady, GLQLQJRXW:/70VLQFHUHJHQW))WRVKDUH SLIM GUY 48YO, seeking to meet similar guy, quiet beer, interested. VMB26549 ))9735 VMB25961 MY NAME is Carmen, 49YO, long hair, green life. VMB26343 H\HVQRJODVVHV/RYHGRJVZDONLQJFRRNLQJ for friendship, possible relationship, for good Call 1902 962 962* (calls cost $2.60 per YOUNG LOOKING JHQWHPSOR\HGRZQ BRIBIE GUY 57YO, slim build, enjoys beach, VMB26504 LOOKING FOR someone, about 5'10", nice times. VMB26256 home, seeks Asian or Indian lady, 55-65YO. :/70JHQXLQHJX\))9735 gardening, dining out, quiet nights at home, VKRXOGHUVHQMR\V¿VKLQJEHDFKJRLQJRXW REDCLIFFE MALE 55YO, to meet cross min inc. GST – higher from mobiles/payphones) and VMB26536 S/D, S/S, seeks lady 45-60YO, VTPR. NICE LADY, <2ZKROLNHVPRVWWKLQJVLQ JRLQJWRPRYLHVVRPHRQHWRVSHQGOLIHZLWK life, WLTM nice man. VMB26433 VMB26278 dresser 55YO+, for fun times, Redcliffe area, follow the instructions to leave a message for the GOLD COAST, WDOO<2¿WZHOOSUHVHQWHG VMB25802 ARA. VMB26221 honest, sincere, N/S, S/D, likes outings, LADY WHO likes cooking and meeting people, HI, BRISBANE ZRPDQ¿WDWWUDFWLYH<2 VMB of your choice. Worried about giving out your ROUND TWO as round one advert failed to 60YO CROSS dinners, travel, WLTM sincere lady, 50-65YO. produce attractive, slim, educated, articulate VHHNLQJPDOHIRU))9735 VMB26349 looking for single guy, for a permanent GUHVVHUZHOOJURRPHG personal details? After listening to a member’s VMB VMB26434 relationship. VMB26261 slim, N/S, straight, seeks slim guy, for fun lady, mid/late50s, still convinced you're out NORTH-SIDE 39YO, 6'66EURZQKDLU times. VMB26113 just press 2 to set up your very own VoiceMail Box so 40YO GUY, *62+¿WHDV\JRLQJOLNHVGLQLQJ there. VMB25072 green eyes, size 18, looking for friendship and WANTED, MAN for all seasons, medium build, that you can keep your details private and they have out, movies, bands, markets, WLTM female 39YRS, 6'0", EURZQH\HVKDLUROLYH IXQZLWKKRQHVWPDQXS<2 VMB26290 <2,SVZLFKDQGVXUURXQGLQJDUHDV,DP ZLWKVLPLODULQWHUHVWV VMB26427 FRPSOH[LRQPXVFXODUDFWLYH166'RZQ NICKNAME: SHELLY39 <2KDSS\HDV\JRLQJ*62+))9735 Female seeking Female somewhere to respond to. VMB26189 GENUINE WHITSUNDAY Australian gent, KRPHVHHNVWDOO¿WDFWLYH16ZRPDQ)) LADY, ATTRACTIVE, sincere, 60s, Redcliffe, FEMININE GAY lady, loves dancing, hugs, 64YO, GSOH, open minded, healthy, naturist, VMB26610 loves animals, painting, reading, music, movies, ASIAN LADY 41YO, single mother of one, kisses, cuddles, affectionate, romantic, WLTM WLTM Asian lady, 50+, N/G, VTPR, marriage if IPSWICH GUY, seeks nice lady, late 40s-late GLQLQJRXW:/70VLQFHUHJHQW))WRVKDUH attractive, slim, honest, considerate, N/S, N/D, VVKRQHVWIHPLQLQHODG\VL]H)) suited, ARA. VMB26403 50s, for day trips, candle lit dinners, markets, life. VMB26282 seeking an Australian man, 55YO VTPR, NTW. VTPR, NTW. VMB26464 VMB26156 How to respond by SMS GENUINE WHITSUNDAY Australian gent, movies, picnic, etc, VTPR. VMB26603 TINGALPA CHICK, happy, honest, loving, LOOKING FOR a friend, someone to ring up, 3 single Mum, slim, 37YO, loves camping, 64YO, GSOH, open minded, healthy, naturist, HI VALERIE. You left a message on VMB ALIVE AND kicking, 51YO lass, loves camping, tired of being lonely, go out to have coffee or using PersonalsChat WLTM Asian lady, 50YO+, N/G, VTPR, VZLPPLQJPRYLHVDQGDOZD\VRSHQWRQHZ ZDQWVWROHDUQDERXW¿VKLQJDQG[LQJ$Q\ EXWGLGQRWOHDYHFRQWDFWQXPEHU3OHDVH adventures. VMB26217 ZKDWHYHUVRXOPDWH VMB26449 marriage if suited, ARA. VMB26401 FDOODJDLQZLWKQXPEHU VMB26600 takers ?.... Please? North Side. YOUNG, LOVE life, looking for relationship, VMB26104 DTE, F/S, couple 50s, looking for female If an ad has a NICKNAME you can SMS them. QUEENSLAND MALE, OLNHVFRRNLQJ¿VKLQJ HI VALERIE, you left a message on VMB FRPSDQLRQKRXVHLQZDWHUQRUWKVLGHRI country drives, N/S, S/D, GSOH, WLTM lady I'm a S/D, N/S, GSOH, DTE type of person. LADY 70YO, slim, 5'0", blue eyes, WLTM gent First register your own nickname by sending SUBSCRIBE EXWGLGQRWOHDYHFRQWDFWQXPEHU3OHDVH VMB26152 Brisbane, VTPR, live in, ARA. <2ZLWKVLPLODULQWHUHVWV))9735 FDOODJDLQZLWKQXPEHU VMB26598 N/S, S/D, for outings, overseas travel, movies, VMB26073 and then your nickname, age, then postcode to VMB26374 38YO WIDOW, IDLUFRPSOH[LRQZRUNLQJ South Side only. VMB26066 MALE, SEEKS $VLDQODG\<2IRU FEMALE, 49YO, VHHNLQJ'7(ELVH[XDO 0428 631 576 35YO, N/S, 6''7(KREELHV¿VKLQJ full time, loving and caring, WLTM caring SINGLE MOTHER of one, 46YO, DTE, honest, . For example “SUBSCRIBE SHUPDQHQWUHODWLRQVKLSYLHZWRPDUULDJH gentleman, 45-55YO, kids ok, VTPR. IHPDOH&52ZLWKPHDQGP\PDQ6'$5$ camping, 4WDing, dining out and movies, nationality no problem. VMB26594 genuine, GSOH, N/S, S/D, enjoys movies, VMB26039 PrinceCharming 56 4000”. Confirm your nickname EHDFKZDONVVHHNLQJODG\<29735 VMB26097 socialising, music, seeking similar genuine NTW. VMB26340 HAPPY, CHRISTIAN JX\<2:HVWHUQ I WOULD like to meet Aussie partner, N/S, N/D, male, 38-50YO. VMB26030 KEEN, HONEST, open minded, Bi, curious, and start chatting! Text the NICKNAME of the VMB Suburbs area, seeking like minded lady, for female,
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