RECENTLY CATALOGED TITLES JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2020 Title Author ISBN# Call # Publisher Focus I want a dog Agee, Jon 978-0-525-55546-9 * Age Dial Books for Young Readers Read-Aloud Snow leopard: Ghost of the mountains Anderson, Justin 978-1-5362-0540-4 * And Candlewick Press Picture Ghost cat Atteberry, Kevan 978-0-8234-4283-6 * Att Neal Porter Books Picture Henry and Bea Bagley, Jessixa 978-0-8234-4284-3 * Bag Neal Porter Books Picture A is for another rabbit Batsel, Hannah 978-1-5415-2950-2 * Bat Carolrhoda Books Alphabet Sofia Valdez, future prez Beaty, Andrea 978-4197-3704-6 * Bea Abrams Books for Young Readers Picture Long ago, on a silent night Berry, Julie 978-1-338-27772-2 * Ber Orchard Books Picture The moose of Ewenki Blackcrane, Gerelchimeg 978-1-77164-538-6 * Bla Graystone Kids Picture Mini Rabbit is not lost Bond, John 978-0-8234-4358-1 * Bon Neal Porter Books Picture The secret garden Brill, Calista adapted by 978-0-06-293754-4 * Bri Harper Collins Picture Little Frida: A story of Frida Kahlo Browne, Anthony 978-1-5362-0933-4 * Bro Candlewick Press Picture Brown, Karamo with I am perfectly designed 978-1-250-23221-2 * Bro Henry Holt and Company Picture Jason "Rachel" Brown Bad Kitty: Searching for Santa Bruel, Nick 978-1-250-19843-3 * Bru Roaring Brook Press Picture I am enough Byers, Grace 978-0-06-266712-0 * Bye Harper Collins Picture The thank you letter Cabrera, Jane 978-0-8234-4250-8 * Cab Holiday House Picture Little Juniper makes it BIG Cassie, Aidan 978-0-374-31045-5 * Cas Farrar Straus Giroux Picture Simon & Schuster books for young The balcony Castrillon, Melissa 978-1-5344-0588-2 * Cas Wordless readers Poppy & Sam and the mole mystery Cathon 978-1-77147-379-8 * Cat Owl Kids Books Picture Hair love Cherry, Matthew A. 978-0-525-55336-9 * Che Penguin Random House Picture Overground railroad Cline-Ransome, Lesa 978-0-8234-3873-0 * Cli Holiday House Picture Please don't eat me Climo, Liz 978-0-316-31525-8 * Cli Little, Brown and Company Picture Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services | Recently Cataloged Titles | January - February 2020 Page: 1 111 RECENTLY CATALOGED TITLES JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2020 Title Author ISBN# Call # Publisher Focus The word pirates Cooper, Susan 978-0-8234-4359-8 * Coo Neal Porter Books Picture Curry, Parker & Jessica Parker looks up: An extraordinary moment 978-1-5344-5186-5 * Cur Aladdin Picture Curry Dakos, Kalli and Deborah Get me out of this book: Rules & tools for being brave 978-0-8234-3862-4 * Dak Holiday House Picture Cholette Pete the cat, five little bunnies Dean, James & Kimberly 978-0-06-286829-9 * Dea Harper Collins Picture Deedy, Carmen Agra & Rita & Ralph's rotten day 978-1-338-21638-7 * Dee Scholastic Press Picture Pete Oswald Bunny in the middle Denise, Anika A. 978-1-250-12036-6 * Den Christy Ottaviano Books Picture Tomie dePaola's the quicksand book DiPaola, Tomie 978-0-8234-4237-9 * deP Holiday House Picture When everyone was fast asleep dePaola, Tomie 978-0-8234-4281-2 * DeP Holiday House Picture Grace goes to Washington DiPucchio, Kelly 978-136802433-4 * DiP Disney Hyperion Picture and then the SEED grew Dubuc, Marianne 978-1-5253-0207-7 * Dub Kids Can Press Picture The hike Farrell, Alison 978-1-4521-7461-7 * Far Chronicle Books Picture The bold, brave bunny Ferry, Beth 978-0-06-285031-7 * Fer Harper Collins Picture Fogliano, Julie & Loren If I was the sunshine 978-1-4814-7243-2 * Fog Atheneun Books for young readers Picture Long Simon & Schuster Books for Young Pokko and the drum Forsythe, Matthew 978-1-4814-8039-0 * For Picture Readers Stormy: A story about finding a forever home Guojing 978-1-5427-7176-8 * Guo Schwartz Wade Books Picture Swim swim sink Harney, Jenn 978-13605276-4 * Har Disney Hyperion Picture Shhh! Tenemos un plan Haughton, Chris 978-84-17673-21-5 * Hau NubeOcho Picture No tengas miedo, cangrejita Haughton, Chris 978-84-17673-19-2 * Hau NubeOcho Picture This is not that kind of book Healy, Christopher 978-0-525-58029-4 * Hea Random House Picture Who wants to be a pirate: What it was really like in the Heos, Bridget 978-0-8050-9770-2 * Heo Henry Holt and Company History and Social Studies Golden age of piracy Bruce's big storm Higgins, Ryan T. 978-1-13602622-2 * Hig Disney Hyperion Picture Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services | Recently Cataloged Titles | January - February 2020 Page: 2 111 RECENTLY CATALOGED TITLES JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2020 Title Author ISBN# Call # Publisher Focus Mighty reader and the big freeze Hillenbrand, Will 978-0-8234-3992-8 * Hil Holiday House Picture The golden acorn Hudson, Katy 978-1-68446-036-6 * Hud Capstone editions Picture Hello Ikegami, Aiko 978-1-939547-58-3 * Ike Creston Books Picture Mr. Scruff James, Simon 978-1-5362-0935-8 * Jam Candlewick Press Picture Let's scare bear Katakawa, Yuko 978-0-8234-3953-9 * Kat Holiday House Picture Otto goes north Kestere, Ulrika 978-1-776572-41-0 * Kes Gecko Press Picture Little mole's wish Kim, Sang-Keun 978-0-525-58134-5 * Kim Schwartz Wade Books Picture The serious goose Kimmel , Jimmy 978-0-525-70775-2 * Kim Random House Picture The luckiest snowball Kreloff, Elliot 978-0-8234-4105-1 * Kre Holiday House Picture A big bed for little snow Lin, Grace 978-0-316-47836-6 * Lin Little, Brown, and Company Picture Fry bread: A Native American family story Maillard, Kevin Noble 978-1-62672-746-6 * Mai Roaring Brook Press Picture As warm as the Sun McMullan, Kate and Jim 978-0-8234-4327-7 * McM Neal Porter Books Picture The piano recital Miyakoshi, Akiko 978-1-5253-0257-2 * Miy Kids Can Press Picture Two for me, one for you Muhle, Jorg 978-1-776572-39-7 * Muh Gecko Press Picture Something for you Mylie, Charlie 978-0-374-31235-0 * Myl Farrar Straus Giroux Picture When Julia danced bomba/cuando Julia bailaba bomba Ortiz, Raquel M. 978-1-55885-886-2 * Ort Pinata Books, Arte Publico Press Picture Nya's long walk: A step at a time Park, Linda Sue 978-1-328-78133-8 * Par Clarion Books Picture Pink is for boys Pearlman, Robb 978-0-7624-6247-6 * Pea RP Kids Picture I got next Peoples-Riley, Daria 978-0-06-265777-0 * Peo Harper Collins Picture Tallulah the tooth fairy CEO Pizzoli, Dr. Tamara 978-0-374-30919-0 * Piz Farrar Straus Giroux Picture Snowy race Prince, April Jones 978-0-8234-4141-9 * Pri Holiday House Picture Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services | Recently Cataloged Titles | January - February 2020 Page: 3 111 RECENTLY CATALOGED TITLES JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2020 Title Author ISBN# Call # Publisher Focus Pumphrey, Jarrett and The old truck 978-1-324-00519-3 * Pum Norton Young Readers Picture Jerome When the snow is deeper than my boots are tall Reidy, Jean 978-1-250-12712-9 * Rei Godwin Books Picture Why? 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Seeger, Laura Vaccaro 978-0-8234-4173-0 * See Neal Porter Books Picture Roy digs dirt Shannon, David 978-1-338-25101-2 * Sha The Blue Sky Press Picture Simon & Schuster Books for Young Spencer's new pet Sima, Jessie 978-1-5344-1877-6 * Sim Picture Readers Simon & Schuster Books for Young Spencer's new pet Sima, Jessie 978-1-5344-1877-6 * Sim Picture Readers Old MacDonald had a baby Snape, Emily 978-1-250-30281-6 * Sna Feiwel and Friends Picture Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services | Recently Cataloged Titles | January - February 2020 Page: 4 111 RECENTLY CATALOGED TITLES JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2020 Title Author ISBN# Call # Publisher Focus My Fourth of July Spinelli, Jerry 978-0-8234-4288-1 * Spi Neal Porter Books Celebrations The boy and the bear Stein, Peter 978-0-8234-4095-5 * Ste Holiday House Picture This book of mine Stewart, Sarah 978-0-374-30546-8 * Ste Farrar Straus Giroux Picture Tractor Mac: Autumn is here Steers, Billy 978-0-374-30920-6 * Ste Kids Can Press Picture Suneby, Elizabeth and No room for a pup! 978-1-5253-0029-5 * Sun Kids Can Press Picture Laurel Molk Honey: The dog who saved Lincoln Swanson, Shari 978-0-06-269900-8 * Swa Katherine Tegen Books Picture Snail crossing Tabor, Corey R.
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