' -Good Luck . :. .·:. :. ·-~-- on :. · ~ Finals • .,I. .' ·' •• -- ~ ~ .., ••.,. ~ • Official Undergi:aduate :J~·ewspapef of Yeshiva College •. ,,._/ • : VOLUME XXXYI I NEW YORK CITY, .THURS~AY, JU~E-4, · 1953 . : ,. DR. ISAACS ENDS 15 YEARS ·At P9Stf: By Irwin Witty Special to the Commentator The resignation of Dr. Moses Legis Isaacs, Dean of Y eshitva College, eJ;f ective Sep­ tember I, 1953, was revealed by Dr. Samuel Belkin, President of:i the-University. Dr. Isaacs' resignation terminates 15 years of teen years. You may i remember that I served as a member of the Executivie Committee of Yeshiva College service as administrator of the College, 11 years I . ., under your chairmanship during the administration of my of which he served in the capacity of dean, and late predecessor, the sainted Dr. Bernard Revel of blessed comes at the end of 25 years of instruction as memory. I say in all sincerity that I never met a man a 01e01her of the college faculty. No im.01ediate more honest, sincere, and self-effacing than you. · successor has been ·named. "I can readily understand, however, thlt a position Dr. Belkin also announced that he expects of a dean-at best-is a very difficult one r;ndeed, it is Dr. Isaacs to remain with the faculty in the ca­ almo~t ~possible to satisfy a faculty, a student body, and alunµii. • pacity of Professor of Chemistry. "You Will always be remembered in the annals of In his letter to Dr. Is~cs, dated June 1, the Yeshiva College for having been greatly· instrumen~ in president wrote : . making three major contributions toward the advance­ "I deeply regret that a few weeks ago .}(OU informed ment of Yeshiva College: -~. me.. that it is .y_o1tr~ !\nal-decieiotk-19~e.sigi:i~u.-.Qm .tht\ dean".':. ___ _, _,. -, •.~X.<.>u. 1~!'.ked dlligeplfY--~ -- ' ~gan~J._~ .[~-:~- ~------~--~--- ship of Yeshiva College, effective as of September 1, 1953. faculty. "I genuinely regret your decision because you and "Through the many years of dedicated service you Dr, Moses L. lsaa~s I have worked together in harmony for more than four- were chiefly responsible for having developed our College to · the high academic level so that it finally achieved accredita­ Y. U. Philatelists tion by the Middle States Associ­ Hold Suceessf ul ation of Colleges and Secondary. Judge Hand, Mayor, Dean S~r Schools. "You instituted discipline in the Stamp Exhibitio1t College. · An all-day exhibition of Israeli "I wish you , great success in stamps was held at Yeshiva Uni­ To Receive Honorary Degrees your fut~e endeavors both in the versity's Pollack Library, Sun­ • fields of research and teaching." day, May 31, to mark the estab~ Judge Learned Hand, Chief Pennsylvania, Harvard, Prince­ Telshc Yeshiva and attended the The letter concluded with': the lishment of the Israeli Philatelic · Justice of the Second Circuit ton, Amherst and Dartmouth. Mt. Vernon Collegiate Institute president's greetings of "g~nuinc Society at the University as the Court of Appeals of New York, Mayor Impellitteri received his and the University of Maryland affection for you, both as a second chapter of the Society of the Honorable Vincent R. Impel­ law degree from Fordham Uni­ School of Law. -He has been as­ person and scholar," and was Israel Philatelists. litteri, Mayor of the City of New versity in 1924, and in 1929 be­ sociated with Yeshiva since Hfl9, signed simply "Samuel Belkin, The presentation ~eremony York, and Mr. Samuel L. Sar, came an Assistant District At­ and· was secretary to the Board President." took place at 4 p.m.' ~orton Dean of Men of Yeshiva Univer­ torney. For a short period of of Trustees until 1943. In 1937, Dr. Isaacs came to Yeshiva Richter •55 acted as Master of time, he practiced law: in a firm .__I sity, will be the recipients of he was appointed Dean of Men University as an Instructor in Ceremonies. Dr. Louis A_ Sar- honorary degrees which will be with Judge Samuel Leibowitz. and Professor of Bible. Chemistry ·in 1928, wlien tJie Col- row, President of the Society of conferred by the University, at and . served as law-sec,-e~ry to Mr. Sar served as a member leg~ was finlt· orga.nize4. F,le was - larS:Lel Philatelists, presented the State Supreme Court · Justice commencement exercises to be of an American Jewish · Commit­ appointed Associate Professor .of charter which was accepted by held Tuesday, June 23, in Petet. Scl:umick. In 1945, he was tee to study conditions of Jewish Chem\fltry .in - 1~36, ~d- s~ry~ Jack Reiner '54 President of Ye­ elected President of City Council, the Nathan Lamport Auditorium. d~placed persons·- in Germany as 'Assistant to the President·'and shiva's Stamp Society. me guest and four years -later became Guest speaker at the exercises, and , Austria in- 1945, . and as . as. a·rmenibe~ .:of~the _ ~uttve speaker, Mrs. Helene Blumkin, will be Herman Wouk, Pulitzer . Mayor after William O'Dwyer European director of a Central · committee ·-Of. the . College,: -l>ef9re representing the Stamp Service Prize winning novelist, and Visit­ resigned. In 1950, he ran as an . - I t,. • ~ • ,_. - 1-.: • --.. - • .J • • a, '._;; '~ 0:-• • • . , , Orthodox Committee, aiding in he was appointe.d De,-n an~ Pro- of the Youth Department of the ing Professor of English at independent and was el~cted to the religiotls ·and spititual re- fe8$0r: of -aemtstey:rin --~1942.·-' ·', Jewish Agency for Palestine, dis­ Yeshiva. complete a full term in,• oflice. •. In ~~.. Di;. ·: ~ -. w~ ,a-j-::• cussed "The Drama of the New Judge Hand, 81, will receive the Dean Sar is a gtad~ate of _the_ ( Continued on Page 4) ~ .,.. If . • J)Qinteq to, _~e , ~iptt a! f9l.ppt:­ State on Israel Philately." degree of LL.D. upon the oc­ .. -· -.•. :, ; ... - -· - .. bia;· wliete'11e-seri'4!d-·tor .16~years~ The exhibition consisted of a casion of his retirement from a At tlie .tinle df .· his ··:d~parture rhilatelic survey including col­ period of forty-two years on the fro~ C<?l~b~~-~'? .to~!·· lections of Palestine stamps, Is­ bench. During this . period, he · the d.eariship of Yeshiva, he ~eld rael forenmners. provincials, has co~e to be known as a -the ·rank· -ot ..Assisbinf Profe$Sor and a complete collection of Is­ "judge's judge" "11d recently .an­ of Saniq,.ry ' Scien~e; ~ . ___ _ _ rael philately. Part of the dis­ nounced his plans to retire when He is a member. of-Phi Beta i: Iay was the mounted stamp col­ court sessions end this· montli Kapp~- -a·:' distin,c®It: hi. sli~~s lection of the Stamp Sez-yice of \: With~:} his , sevett' Ji,rottiers .. and the .Jewish Agency. · Philatelic Hand Honored . Judge Hand ,served as judge of l' ::.< , , material prepared by the Jewish SiJrte~lt _ _, • , ~-- 1 the United States· District Court Dr. Isaacs is President. of·)the- Agency, and a· ~ially prepar~ ' .. ~-' . " ' _.. , ...,_,: t -_ ·--~ 1 ·~ . ·. • -:- ,.. • ,:~··.-:. i .. ·- :"> ·:·.' ·~- --- .~ .- <;·_. .. '. .-. --.~-,r,:.. :•:::;: exhibition item were distributed. for Southei,i New··York :·from · New ,· York' etty. ': Jlt.anch'•;p(\ #le" . - ~- . -· . 1909-24, ua· was;appointed to- his prese9f position in 1_9~. ..__ ·since ; Senior ·oinner 7 his flrst appointment ·to:the bench 1 . -Reservations'' at· $5 ,'per-- plate by· ·President. Taft. .. tbirteen,_ . ~years-· ,:'i r ::,f~,,;( ·· for the Senior DfunEU" to be held follo~g. his ~duation :fro~- ·1 • '~\:; . ' . ' . .· .. ~ .:~; at-the Hotel Brewster should .be Harvard~- Law . $cJ(odl; J;udge 1 ,~ submitted ~to Em&Jiuel Forman Hand has rendered ·over J-:i;-800 - -,lo ~ : ' ~53;_-vice-p~dent o~ the ,.-Senior _ decisi_t>ris, and has recelyed} llo,ior.:. - class. by June 5. ary degrees fl'C)m Columbia, Yale, , · ' ,·,-: t, · ~ -:.: . _;,: .... _=.,~~/(\ _.:, .· i •• ~j,1+:~} .-.~ PAGE"TWO THE COMMENTATOR ,:ku~~~)';JUijft~:I!~~,~{: ,' :' • \ . • , ·•· : .-, • . • . ; • :: •:.:; .''. ,. : .. : : .,,. · C ;J ' • .. :; ·. ti(ft C!cnmnttntatrlr · ·Bresident, Editor ·Follow· Frem_:::'6-,~Ji(!l'tj '" YESHIVA COLLEGE Tak.e BoU)i for Initial .1: V. ,4jipJitiJj~~~~~/ By Heary. Kreuel escaping madness. ing confid~t. that -tbese(~,s ·· . GOVERNING BOARD We had been prepared for al- The normal video fare had, wQµld interest his readers ; im- SHELDON RUDOFF ________Editor-in-Chief most anything "7hen ~e brought however, not prepared us fo:r"the mensely. This 1s :1nd~)J1. .w~st MICHAEL ROSENAK. _______________Associate Editor the insidious machine to life by sight of the flabby pouch, baggy repiarkable piece '. of psy~Iogl- turning a knob. tweeds and ready grin of Yitz cal insight on the part Of-,& mere . FISHEL PEARLMUTTER Managing Editor The commercials have accl.13- Witty who overcrowded the little Hel:),rew major. / BERNIE HOENIC ports Editor tomed us to living in a state of screen on WNBT May 19. Ha ·, Dr. Belkin,, acting ,<Jll ' the ·as;. IRWIN PECHMAN Business Manager constant fear, foreyer afraid to was part of a panel of college sumption that anythij{g ~}iCQfu.; lose our girls through B. 0., bad newspaper editors on the Kate mie" editor '.can dd:hei ·can. >do EDITORIAL BOARD breath, flat feet or a thousand Smith show who hugely enjoyed better, appeared /'on : ,fw.Atll>~$ MARTIN CREENHUT ____NeW$ Editor and one other infirmities that the~el~es dis~g certain "This Week· in ;8~~11,t' J~'UD.- . SHELDON KORNBLUTH ______________Copy Editor are - thank goodness - all cur- cru~1al 1SSUes facmg them and day, ~a~ ~4,;. ~u~h:' ~me v~ry HENRY KRESSEL ______ ___________Feature Editor · able through as many wonderful therr papers. · , # intellig~t·· questioning~ Rabbi MURRAY BOMZER _______________Circulation Manager remedies. The comedians~ heaven During the proceedings one of Heshel Sch,-cter. '38,: cthe ,inteJ:­ JUDAH HARIUS _____ _ ________Editorial Assistant help them, have even made us go the questions ori the floor was viewer, brQiight out -Se>me iiit~r:.
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