This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (44 USC 2107 Note). DATE: 11-14-2017 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/21/201 Identification Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER : 124-90066-10209 RECORD SERIES : HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER : CR SEE TITLE Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: NY TO: HQ TITLE: [Restricted] DATE: 05/21/1962 PAGES: 9 SUBJECTS: SALVATORE GRANELLO [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE : PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION : Unclassified RESTRICTIONS : 4 CURRENTSTATUS: Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/24/1998 OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE COMMENTS: MEMO v9.1 20 Docid:32327968 Page 1 e e y Assassipaf"i~~ Records Collection Act o:f 1992 ( 44 ~~S:1!-.Q7_ .~ l... .:. ~ - - 501G-104 . ;:, .. ,·.1 . UNITED STATES G_.RNMENT ·---. <,i :Memoranaum 0 TO DIRECTOR, FBI (131-7461) DATE: 5/21/62 ' . ' ,.,SAC, NEW. YORK (1$37-7694) :. ~ <]>" ~oNF. JNFP,; I / . "'tst:>. ·Q ;~, ~~ ;'~ ··~ SUBJECT: .1~ . ,~~68-:-c~ I~ NY 3368-C-T.E was interviewed by SAS WARREN J. DONOVAN and JAMES P.·FLYNN on 5/15/f2 and furnished the information set forth below: ( ALL INFO i~f:i;;TlGN CONTAINED ~ ~ c~:~~Ag~MMrssroN; ET\G; :~/-_~ ~:_c~~{~rln;~;~ jl{(.. ol · NY File 92-2300 UI"'JtJ ,. , 9 NY 3368-c~TE advised that a ritual i~ part of the formal induction of' a sponsored Italian hoodlum1 into the · organized criminal element. as a '.'button man". Prior to this ritual, the sponsor, already in the organized element, brings the candidate around to meet the various caporegima in a particular "family";. The purpose of' ./ ' .! this introduction is to determine whether any information is known to them that would be an impediment to acceptance of' the candidate .1Qto the family. ~~- If' rio impediment is uncovered, such as having been at one time a pimp (procurer) or ever having furnished information to the police, the candidate is "made" by a caporegima, underboss or boss. Only they hav~ the power to make button men. · . ' J \~iy,s informant pointed out that _§_WAT§j~~Q.A:N. · · ,'I (~MIN;I;Q.K-J~lM'-F . Q~) cannot&·~- -. · ·e a ,button-:b.ec.a-y§,g Jie. was--.a..·.. p. imp, rr( fi bllralso aovis'"efl;; ·that gARL~It~~a ~p~ of Trentont...-r;li~w . l~ Jersey was made a button d Spite tne-fact tfiat he was known eo . \; · .... naveacted as a police informant in the past. According to the · 1 \ ,: 1:· fl£1 source, the fact that IPPOLITO is a money maker, one who has . th~ .! ~ \.~ talent for making money in the rackets or legitimately, wa~ the - -__.,_ 1!) deciding factor. It is his opinion that IPPOLITO is not trusted ,\'~, L/J by his fellows atlQ{-'4 . ~. not permi.tted to know about matters of II\ \9 absolute secrecy. · ~ · · · .._: . \ · · . · · '~Ol- 3 BE~ 5~ . 1 f!>l- Bureau(l37-:(;~6~). REC-13 ' /.:§ 7~ ·~·~ -·LLJ:/~-~_:.: . /J.-, 1 - New York (l~.!..~<D. 0 Sub' A) gi · / .#' . /7~~ .. .~ . t.. · - . 1 - New York ( 9~-63~ ~ tl ; . :--;=---- .. - ~ ;.~-r·N\ - r-v 1 - NewYork (137•7·P>9J. ~~·A~A.f\~ ... MAY22 ·g·"6? ··. _·i/.:.. ·1;l.c.-:-?-< :<1c. fF:pc~Jt~;{~~~)~yj}Pf%7(~{it~ j,~~~AjJ' ~ '·· ·:.:r/ 1 . r~~. ·.- . ,~ 5 JJ :·.: ...:· ..:· . t.. 1J~~~r .~t!(r.:· ~ ,~- · ~ \.J 4 f 11~1 1 rt\. • ., ~,j .FiJ ~ , , , · D ({JY'f:_:~ G:f.... ~- •. Docra: JI1:H\~ D ~~n .. ( } "---" ,, : ~ :.. .. :-. ·:Rel_ea8ed- unde-r ·the John · F. Kennedy Assassinat·i.:_on.-·:Records ·collection Act o:f 1992 ( 44 USC 2107 Note) . 0 0 pATE: · i1-14-2017 .d' ·. 4 .. NY 137-7694 , The informant stated~- that ·among~ the many button men in the United States are n~mbered men in the professions and respectable occupations. :He added that doctors and lawyers ·' are included, naming an (F~) LONGO, an attorney in Brooklyn, New York, as an e~.B).e. • . J:Ie also cit,6·e· d one of . JUDY GARLAND's husbands, ~~I ,t a Holly;wo .~· producer, as a . button man whowa'~iHaae'"Ty JOSEP . · .. • .-1f:!£'=\ .. _ ~ · fl' ~ fi,~i>.~ l f~ It is to be noted that this i:aformant=w~tt""±n= california knew the following to be important members of the organized· ·-- ~ criminal element: .;-r ' \ . I / FRA · "C.A~~ - (ph) in San F~ncisco ):: SEBA IAN ,· .. ~ ~ ':Ji.-.~cf~ .-- .,· .·AG .. 'A/ . ·-his son, J.AOK, JC~~'ifes . '!~lt@ (ph), now ~S!...§.Ek(j.. "' The inf'orrnant again iterated that in the New York area there are five "families", and that the head of each family l.S . a member of the "Connnission". He , pointed out that throughout the United States, there are approximately 30 members of the 11 11 "Connnission , :J,.ndicating that there are as many "families , each headed ·by a boss, underboss,and consuleri with caporegima and button men, numbering approximately 10 to. each caporegimao ·.,_ The informant advised that the boss of each family is supposed to be chosen ,by the button men, ·and is known .by them as the "padrone'' or "old man". His underboss is often called ''padronesul.ta". (ph) o The . "consuleri" is usucUly semi-retired and does not=.. ·u~u'a.lly have any bu.tton men . directly under him, but receives ·a' piece of the action of mmny of the 11 family" members. i j :tJ This source also pointed ou~ that the Chl.cago "family" · I conducts its internal organization l.n a slightly different .' ! manner, selecting a new 'boss about every four yeam The former I boss is promoted to semi-retirement, . deriving income from the ''family" o He cited ROCCO FISCHETTI as being in thl.s category 1 todaye He explal.ned that this. is a truer form of organization, allowing many more to make money than the New York system where a 1 boss, like PROFACI, can be in power and derive a lion's share of the money for over 30 years. I I - 2 ... _________ ___:__ ___ •-=- - "' ~ -- --- - ~~.- --~- ; Docid: 32327968 Page 3 I ·· -ReJ.eas.ed -tinder the Johri F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act o:f 1992 ( 44 USC 21in Note) . ~ DATE:' ~11-14-2017 NY 137-7694 He also pointed out that under the nold country'' rules, if a father was a button man, his son, during his father•s lifetime, could not be a button man, but cou:.ta . be in on everything c - · / in the !!family". The purpose was to avoid a "blood line" which would influence decisions to the detriment of those button men in the "family" not of the !!blood line'' • ./ The modern, or Americanized, rulej does not prevent ; ~the "making" ·£..father and so_n during the lame\ lifeti e. He ·i,_.,,-·;6ited_ LBE •. NAST~--~IA · as am ·ng the first - ~th- e _mode _n bosses. 1 • 11 He sta ea a ~ ~"" New rk area, V _ . - ~ nd JOSEPH I V 4_· ___ P__Ro_ . ~~- - ~cu:r__ /f _QJ.low the :_9ldco . t_ ry rules, wh e g _ _ · . o_, ' -t.,.=~~~F~~ and _:osEP ~:~~are moderr1.1n , ir· rule. ~- The informant s.tated above that the button men are supposed to select the3i:r own boss. He pointed out that more often than not, the Commission will appoint a boss of their own choosing. He did not cite an example of thiso / In further explaining the function an~ authority of a consuleri, the informant stated that in the absence of boss or underboss, . the consuleri makes minor decisions. He is at all times an advisor to. the bosses, underboss, caporegima and the button men. The informant stated that the caporegima is often called a captain, but added that such terms as general colonel, etc., have no meaning or comparison with existing organization in the criminal element. 11 Concerning the expression "the geep , the informant advised that this is applied to a person of the old rule, often called "mustaches". It is a term used, but not to the face of the person ·to whom referred. PROFACI family has as t., Brooklyn 3 - • Docid:32327968 Page 4 ~ Re1eased under tne John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Co11eotion Act o~ 1992 (44 U~C 2107 No~e~ 'f))..TE: · ll-14-2017 \ NY 137-7694 ;· \ l . ~ The informant added that A~, and ,_Am'.HQ.NX_. ~ A,QLIQCCO answer to th ' - rother, i6SiPH MAGLI()CC"~Thq, same if} .~- [~~:~:~~:~~~:e!g:r ~~~:~~~:~~:~~= Jf~:~;~L~~- ~~= The informant advised that JOE PARISI's sister, who is employed by the Compen 'on Board, has in · · e-- past been the girl friend of JOHN . -Q~QL~XO and .. ~ A,?ULA~·'"""' He stated that she is now the' g r r -rieooo f ' CARMINE -:Km . '" ~~~~;-~~-- The informant named the following' as caporegima II I ·I \'~ in the VITO GENOVESE family: !. ! \ .,_, - 4 - ' \ L ___ - o- . J Dooid:32327968 Page 5 ~ Released ~ under the ~ ~John F. Kennedy -~ASsass~nation Records Collection Act o:f 1992 ( 44 u.sc 21Q'1- ~ote) . .,. DATE :• ~1-14-2017 ::- ... ;· . a .. I 1 -I The informant advised that BENJAMIN DE MARTINO aka Benny the Bum is a caporegima with \VITO GENOVESE and has tne Bronx area, as well as part of westchester, in which to operate. The informant will attempt to determine additional information regarding his operations and activities. He also advised that the following are members of DE MARTINO's crew operating in Manhattan's East Harlem area in shylocking: LITTLE MIKE (not otherwise known to informant) JERRY (.runs a candy store at 120th Street and 2nd Avenue) 1 PHIL {owns the candy store - occasionally drives a taxi for cover) The informant advised that LITTLE ROCKY is a button I i ' .
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