Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.55.639.26 on 1 January 1979. Downloaded from Postgraduate Medical Journal (January 1979) 55, 26-29. Scurvy and vitamin C deficiency in Crohn's disease B. D. LINAKER M.B., B.S., M.R.C.P. Department ofMedicine, Hope Hospital (University of Manchester School ofMedicine), Salford M6 8HD Summary joints and general weakness and a 2-month history of A case of scurvy presenting in a patient with Crohn's spontaneous painful bruises on the thighs and lower disease is reported. A normal response to replace- legs. Clinically the Crohn's disease was quiescent ment therapy is seen. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and she had received no drug therapy for approxi- deficiency was found in 7 out of 10 patients with mately one year. On examination she was well clinically quiescent Crohn's disease, 4 of whom had an nourished. There were some petechiae and ecchy- adequate oral intake of vitamin C. There was no moses on the lower limbs only. The remainder of the significant difference in oral intake between patients skin was normal and she was edentulous with with Crohn's disease and matched controls but there normal gum appearance. These skin appearances was a significant difference (P<0O001) in leucocyte suggested early scurvy. ascorbic acid levels. It is recommended that patients The following investigations were normal: full with Crohn's disease be screened for vitamin C blood count, platelets, prothrombin time, partial deficiency and receive prophylactic vitamin C sup- thromboplastin time, fibrinogen concentration, plements daily. fibrinogen degradation product titre, ESR, urea, electrolytes, serum proteins, serum and red cellby copyright. Introduction folate, vitamin B12 and calcium. However, leucocyte Several vitamin deficiencies have been described ascorbic acid concentration was 25 nmol/108 white in association with Crohn's disease, including the blood cells (normal 119-301 nmol/108 WBC). The B complex, B12, D and K. Other deficiencies may safe antiscorbutic level is 85 nmol/108 WBC (Hughes include iron, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, and Williams, 1978). sodium, potassium or zinc (Avery Jones, Gummer Oral vitamin C, 600 mg daily for one week and Lennard-Jones, 1968; Donaldson, 1973; Bockus, rapidly led to resolution of the skin lesions and non- 1976). specific complaints of malaise, joint ache and As recommended treatment include low weakness. The treatment was continued at a lower may http://pmj.bmj.com/ residue diets or parenteral nutrition, both of which dose of 100 mg/day. Subsequent dietary assessment have a low vitamin C content, and the disease itself showed a very low daily intake of ascorbic acid of often causes malabsorption, it seems possible that less than 10 mg daily. This was due to a self-imposed vitamin C deficiency may be relatively common in low residue diet adopted by the patient because of Crohn's disease. It has been shown by Gerson and occasional colicky abdominal pains. Fabry (1974) that vitamin C (ascorbic acid) con- In view of this experience, it was decided to ex- centrations in patients with Crohn's disease are amine the next 9 out-patients with proved Crohn's decreased compared to normal controls. They disease for evidence of scurvy. Assessment of the on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected postulated that fistula formation could be due to ascorbic acid status, dietary intake of vitamin C and local ascorbate deficiency. Hughes and Williams the macroscopic extent of the disease was also done, (1978) have recently reported low concentrations of in order to establish whether subclinical ascorbic leucocyte ascorbic acid (LAA) in Crohn's disease. acid deficiency was as common in this group of There are no reports in the literature of scurvy in Crohn's cases as in other series. association with Crohn's disease. The following case is thus reported. Methods Leucocyte ascorbic acid, which most reliably Case report reflects the state of tissue saturation (Burns, 1975), A 28-year-old female with small bowel and was measured by the method of Denson and Bowers colonic Crohn's disease (radiological and histo- (1961). The normal range of this method measures logical evidence) of 3 years' duration attended out- the ascorbic acid content of the buffy coat, i.e. patients with a 3-month history of malaise, aching leucocytes and platelets and is referred to as the 0032-5473/79/0100-0026 $02.00 ( 1979 The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.55.639.26 on 1 January 1979. Downloaded from Scurvy in Chron's disease 27 0 CuC Cr C c ,0'UCCun ~y 00C o'u u C)aU o o C C s~~v~sC C) C C C) u C~u 0 cn 0 -la -., 0 09 Cu 0 o co oo C) .Cu c E0 C CO Cu E C Z E E CuZ0E 'a) '0 U C od 0 CuCEE ° E 0) 0- 0 C C) co Cu ' 0It C e :~Ke c~ u: by copyright. la C 0u U, Cu .,0 C u o o oo - r tn.0 0C U C u 3 Cuu 40 u 1 .Cuw 0 c U C u ·r.0ti eq http://pmj.bmj.com/ C),c0. Cu r. C o0 6cn 0 . o u 2 00 CfiOu ' * ^ O _ o1 N N V o2 _ > > > es r_ - CO: n. - rDCu 0 e e0 n n0 +1 "U,"e. m Fc 0 " on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected csb .Cu 0CC-A_ 0 Cu - ^. 00o en tn - +tn ,,,- +, Cu 00 eq en 1-t or) in vrt-- ,(N0 '<Cu B Cu Cu cj 'Cu C)>, Cu0 ( U,x Cu Cu *o C: r~ 0, I 004Cu Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.55.639.26 on 1 January 1979. Downloaded from 28 B. D. Linaker 'leucocyte ascorbic acid'. This range was used. mation due to failure to convert proline to hydroxy- However, later work by Gibson, Moore and Gold- proline and failure of synthesis of chondroitin berg (1966) altered the normal range by measuring sulphate, an important constituent of ground ascorbic acid in leucocytes only. Conversion factors substance. Wounds therefore heal poorly. There is a based on leucocyte and platelet counts can be ap- failure to utilize iron and convert folic acid to folinic plied to results obtained by Denson and Bowers' acid with the potential to develop folate deficiency method for specific leucocyte ascorbic acid levels. and anaemia (Schrimshaw, 1975). Some of these The dietary intake of vitamin C was estimated by features are seen in Crohn's disease and it is trained dieticians using McCance and Widdowson possible that deficiency of vitamin C may be a factor food composition tables. A control group of healthy in their aetiology. adults with no evidence of bowel disease and matched However, it should be noted that vitamin C de- for age and sex was included, and dietary assessment ficiency is not specific to Crohn's disease and is well and LAA measurement was performed in them. recognized in conditions which damage the body, Comparisons between controls and patients were such as burns, fractures or surgical operations. performed with the unpaired 't' test. These lead to rapid disappearance of the reduced vitamin (Davidson et al., 1975). Deficiency is also Results seen in a wide variety of chronic illnesses, especially The results are shown in Table 1. sepsis, neoplastic disease, etc., and is thought to be No clinical evidence of scurvy was detected in due to increased utilization of the vitamin (Burns, any of the 9 patients examined. The Crohn's 1975; Latner, 1975). disease was clinically quiescent in all patients apart Vitamin C is a simple sugar with a molecular from patient 7, who had colicky abdominal pain weight of 176. It is water soluble and an acid. It has requiring intermittent pentazocine. been thought to be absorbed throughout the small Seven of 10 patients had low LAA levels. Of these, intestine by passive diffusion (Nicholson and 4 had a low dietary intake by any criteria. Two of the Charnock, 1942), but recent work by Stevenson patients had LAA levels below the safe antiscorbutic (1974) and confirmed by Mellors, Nahrwold and concentration of 85 nmol/108 WBC despite an Rose (1977) shows an active transport mechanism by copyright. adequate diet. of absorption by the ileum. Even after major Overall, the concentration of LAA in Crohn's resections of the small intestine resulting in a state patients was significantly lower (P<0-001) than resembling starvation, absorption of vitamin C is in matched signals. There was no significant dif- still maintained and deficiency is not usually a ference (P>0-1, <0.5) in oral intake of vitamin C problem (Stewart and Booth, 1964; Preston and between controls and patients with Crohn's disease. Ascunction, 1968). However, LAA levels have been found to be decreased in steatorrhoea and clinical Discussion evidence of vitamin C deficiency has been reported James has Lind (1753) probably recorded the best (Williamson, Goldberg and Moore, 1967). The http://pmj.bmj.com/ clinical description of scurvy. He stated that the present patients had not had small bowel resections first sign of cutaneous bleeding was often to be and radiology had not shown internal fistulae. There found in the lower thighs just above the knees. Large was nothing to suggest steatorrhoea clinically, spontaneous bruises almost always appear first on although faecal fats were not measured. the legs. This was the case in the present patient who Gerson and Fabry (1974) suggested that low LAA also exhibited the early non-specific symptoms of concentration in Crohn's cases could be related scurvy, namely fatigue, malaise, lassitude and joint to low dietary intake.
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