- • ,~~-;.-~¥~.-.~ * 1932 * Tbe Students' Voice for Over 50 Years * 1986 * Vol. 53 No. 10 Barada College, CUNY February 11, 1986 . '. ESSA t and Evening Three year trend of radal composition of entering Freshman Pre8ident of classes. All figures In percentages. BLACK Under Director Trade Charges 83 '85 Inv~ation '14 By Neeraj Vohra By MoDy Ko.. Terry Morris, president of the and to allow me to get back to my 25 Evening Session Student Assembly, meeting. It was at this time that Mr. A student leader was investigated has formally complained to the Lyles took two steps away from me 20 by the Office of the Dean of Office of the Dean of Students and began to threaten me. 'Iam go­ Students for having sponsored an aboutUtbe behavior of one [of the] ing to take you before the disci­ IS activity in Room 114 of ISS E. 24 employees in the department of plinary committee for spreading lies St. without proper authorization. student services, namely Mr. about me.. Did you hear what I to Jocelyn Murphy, president of Charles Lyles, director of evening said? I am going to take you before BLACK - Black Leadership and graduate services." the disciplinary committee.' " S Through Action, Collectiveness, But according to Lyles, Morris's and Knowledge - and a member of "letter is in response to a memo According to Lyles, Morris o the evening government, used the "provoked a situation by not I room on the evening of Nov. 22 to that I sent to the dean (ofstudents) BU-cK ORIENTAL PUERTO RICAN HISPANIC host a talk without first securing about abusive language that Morris "BITE . (Continued on Page 8, Col J) used." A copy of that letter,dated For more resalts of the Aaaal Freshmaa Sarvey, see page 6. the approval of Charles Lyles, Jan. 30, 1986, was also sent to Mor- r----:------------===========================~director of evening and graduate ris, and it says in part: students services. " "I had hoped you had accepted Security Incidents "What I did, I violated the stu­ or at least understood the respon­ Minority Alumni Committee dent code," said Murphy. "I didn't sibility with which this office is During January get permission to use this space." charged, especially pertaining to As a result, Murphy said she was Calls for Convocation Rally told she was guilty of the following the _review of student fee alloca­ . ••. to· ,. _. • Called 'Modest' offenses, listed in the under­ tions. However, your memoran­ By Eric J. Fox By Caitlin Mollison graduate student handbook under dum !If 1-28 and your emotional "Regulations Governing Students- outbursts on 1-30 suggest that you The Baruch College Black and Security incidents during Conduct": do not understand my function and Hispanic Alumni Association Ad­ January were running at about a) Violation of regu1&tiona relating moreover, that you areincrealiqly hoc COI1lmitto: ~ pbm.ning. a pro- '-:: ' ~·ooe. pet: day"_~toDavid to the entry au4.uscofiDstitutional ,~, vice-~- .~... ,". ~.."8Ii~ g)1llc.idF.,. , .o. for Ad- facilities indumlll closing hour ftlinistratiou. '. location.n . " '~':. : ~ .: , . '" -WiD prOtesttTie-refiiSif -or ~ Segall. president of Baruch Col­ on pretiminaryresults received . from security. lege, to recognize the group as a separate alumni association. Several Baruch students told Tht! "This demonstration will expose Ticker that they had several items the insensitivity and racist policies stolen from their handbags in the ofBaruch College against its black journalism room, a subdivision of and Hispanic students," said the Engtish department located on Joseph Sellman, chairperson of the the 10th floor of 46 E. 26 St. Other reports by students were that four ad-hoc committee. electric pencil sharpeners and a Sellman said that he contacted toaster oven had been stolen from David Dinkins, the Manhattan Joel SepII, prell....of..1IdI CoIJeae· III E. 18 St. Another report. in the borough president, who has been same building, was that a woman invited to speak at the-convocation, The lawsuit is based on first returning from the bathroom. and asked that he meet with amendment rights and civil rjghts' found a man rummaging through a-Ia L,Jes. 6ector of eYeIII.. aM representatives of the ad-hoc com­ laws recognizing the right of a her purse. gnMI_e It1Ideat services Terry Morris. praideBt of the ESSA mittee. social or ethnic group to form an Dinkins was unavailable for organization based on free associa- Henry J. McLaughlin, the direc­ b) "Advertising, soliciting, or sell­ becoming an impediment to the comment, but David Kirby, who is tion, provided the organization tor of security, would not confirm ing merchandise or service or does not advocate violence or il- any ofthese incidents, except to say fulfilment [sic] of that function." in charge of scheduling for Dinkins soliciting of information on cam­ In the Feb. 3, 1986 memorandum said that Dinkins would appear as legal activities to achieve their that the report about the man going pus without the permission of the goals, according to Randolph through a purse was "a sent to Dr. Henry Wilson, Jr., dean scheduled on Feb. 23. Kirby spoke Office of the Dean of Students." of students, Morris wrote that "on before he received the letter from Scott-McLaughlin from the Center possibility.tt "People don't secure c) "Failure to comply with'direc­ two occasions during the Fall Sellman and based his comments for Constitutional Rights, one of their own possessions. People tions of duly authorized and iden­ semester of 1985 Mr. Lyles bursted on background information read the attorneys handling the ad-hoc shouldn't leave their handbags and tified college officials acting in per­ [sic] into my office while I was over the phone by a Ticker committee'scase. .. not lock their desks,tt said formance of their official duties." engaged in COBYefsation with reporter. McLauahlin· hcc'.c~1IdIG".- ~,~MtLaUahfin -MJlrAU4_....- Wqj:,W!d. <If, theIe students, inten1iptea-my conversa­ tr.is not dear wRetJier, DiBk'iAS AccorcItnB-ttTaD BIt· .._IWli'J"'it:\:_ -wou!d.not' say just .. offeDIes by Lyles and did not know tions, raisecl his voice at me and will meet with the ad-hoc commit­ teepress JeIeasc, the main speUen at the rally will indUde C. Vernon (Continued on PQge 6, Col. 5) (Conlimled on Pqe p, Col. J) stormed out of the office angrily." tee. I.. The letter said that although When .contacted, Joel Segall Mason, who ran unsuccessfully Morris was willing to overlook president of Baruch College, said for Manhattan district artorney, those incidents, Lyles's "actions at he was unaware of any planned ral­ and Asssemblyman 'Roger L. approximately 7:15 p.m. on Thurs­ ly and refused coment because the Green, chairman of the New York day, Jan. 30, 1986 cannot be issue of recognition of the ad-hoc State Black and Puerto Rican, forgotten." committee was in litigation. He did legislative caucus. Sellman said be. According to the letter, on that' say that "it would bea shame" if expectedthe turnout to be apPJ'OX-" evening Lyles stormed into the the rally interrupted mid-year con­ imately 150. ESSA office and interrupted a vocation. meeting ·tbat·, Morris was having The ad..hoc committee -filed a The mid-yeai' ..convocation is a graduation students· with Earlie Butler, a member of the lawsuit in Oct. 1984 with Sellman ceremony- for who graduated inJaa1Ub')' 1916. It ESSA. As Morris wrote in his com­ charging that Segall's- position op­ wiD be held Sunday, 23, ill the plaint, 161 then asked Mr. Lyles to posing recognition was Fe1J. auditorium 17 LtWugton Ave. put what he has to say in writing "arrogant.U o.f ··OLD:BLACI{ Page 2 Thencker February 18, 1986 Febnary II, 1986 TbeTicker EDITORIALS LETTERS OP-ED Annoying Confrontations Students Should Pitch In A Day In The Life of a Hack To the Editor: selecting menus on a weekly basis. Unfortunately, this issue of The Ticker had to report on two incidents By Travis Bickle When I walk into a room littered But we can't do it alone. We Responsible for enforcing the hundreds of with empty cups and cigarette need student cooperation to help ing rush hours. The main problem with that concern administration/student confrontations. While both situa­ obscure and unworkable regulations that these fares is that once you drop them off, ashes, I can't help dividing the ameliorate the subway-like condi­ plague the industry, these people remind me tions involve Charles Lyles, director of evening and graduate student The Ticker's Last August, I began driving a taxi at you'll find it difficult to pick up a Manhat': blame between the people who were tions described in of smegma (look it up). We have only services, it seems that conflicts are based on misunderstandings on both supposed to clean up and the people cafeteria critique (Feb.3). Creating Dover Garage to help pay for my education tan bound passenger and you'I1 stand emp­ sides. who shouldn't have left the refuse a congenial environment for and to gain a Perspective on life that I ty for a half hour on your way back to the there in the first place. Cleaning up socializing while enjoying snack thought would assist me in a Journalism city. If you do get a fare back, chances are While Terry Morris, president of the E.S.S.A., has a legitimate com­ .is everyone's responsibility! food and beverages requires com­ career. Eight months later, I feel I have suf­ someone will jump in and say "Bushwick" plaint regarding the expenditures of small amounts of student fees, it While it would be ideal if the mitment from the people who use ficient experience to comment on the (Gulp!).Remember, if someone opens your Auxiliary Enterprises Corporation the space, as well as from those who vicissitudes of life behind the wheel of a back door and asks you ifyou want to go to also seems that he is being petulant and uncooperative in his dealings could afford a 10 or 12-hour-a-day maintain it.
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