A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series a Family: 1910–1919

A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series a Family: 1910–1919

A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A family: 1910{1919 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 13 October 2017 Version 1.02 Title word cross-reference 30 [998]. 4th [232]. 9 [248, 740, 845, 937, 1015, 1087]. 2tes [7]. Abbott [150]. Abhilfe [423]. Ability [114]. -und [536]. Above [870]. Abridged [771]. Abroad [305, 428, 267]. Abstract [77]. Abteilung 10 [305]. 11 [459]. 12 [604]. 13 [603]. 1770 [7]. Accelerate [92]. Accident [1039]. [237]. 1789 [221]. 1790 [8]. 18 [1098]. 1800 Accidents [20]. According [437]. Account [120]. 1832 [940]. 1850 [337]. 1906 [521, 469, 92]. Accountants [1021]. [378, 95, 168, 421]. 1907 [276]. 1908 [274]. Accounts [358, 1021, 704]. Accuracy [270]. 1909 [110, 503, 140, 754]. 1910 Achille [657, 683]. Acre [56]. Act [110, 292, 615, 631]. 1911 [379]. 1912 [379, 754, 378, 5]. Actual [777]. Actuarial [375, 556, 411, 559]. 1913 [511, 562]. 1914 [605, 886, 605]. Actuelle [964]. Actuelles [638, 944, 857]. 1915 [756]. 1916 [1039, 968]. [206]. Adam [873, 999, 752, 799, 1018, 1034]. Additions [129, 160, 19, 38, 53, 72, 90, 108, 2 [937, 1015, 1087]. 20 [165]. 1 2 128, 265, 173, 185, 195, 211, 226, 241, 286, [500]. Andelsbevoegelsen [1020]. 264, 394, 302, 315, 331, 347, 357, 372, 415, Anderson [149]. Andrew [1021, 139]. 393, 529, 550, 434, 452, 465, 477, 491, 508, Andrews [1004]. Angel [103, 280]. Anglais 528, 669, 570, 587, 599, 611, 625, 635, 668, [190]. Angleterre [483, 164, 746, 595, 12]. 764, 763, 691, 713, 736, 863, 862, 790, 812, Anleihen [205]. Anna [337]. Annals 839, 953, 952, 900, 919, 932, 1028, 1027, 974, [165, 998]. Anni [499]. Annie [167]. 992, 1010, 1110, 1045, 1063, 1083, 1109]. Annual [129, 265, 394, 529, 669, 764, 863, Address [398, 112]. Addresses [927]. 953, 1028, 1110, 80, 535, 111, 110, 249, 248, Adeane [618]. Adelphi [110, 248, 375, 511, 376, 375, 512, 511, 639, 638, 741, 740, 846, 638, 740, 845, 937, 1015, 1087]. Adh´erents 845, 938, 937, 1016, 1015, 1087, 1088]. [138]. Adler [149]. Administration Annuities [166]. ans [948, 580]. Answers [45, 256, 1053, 915, 1021, 983, 782, 941]. [64]. Anthropological [577, 914]. Adolf [409]. Adolphe [829]. Adoption Antiquite [484]. Antonelli [659]. [757]. Adult [815]. Adultes [500]. Anwendung [215]. Appareils [202]. Advance [109, 544]. Advancement Apparences [882]. Appendix [123, 960]. [873, 398]. Advantages [828, 925]. Application [847, 212]. Applications [403]. Affected [955]. Africa [468, 304, 829]. Applied [806]. Appliqu´ee [11]. Aftalion [558]. After [793, 1035, 922, 945, Appliqu´ees [629]. Appointed [783]. 957, 1034, 895, 832, 962, 946]. After-War Appreciation [766]. Apr`es [947, 1019, 829]. [946]. Against [542, 324]. Age Arbeit [648]. Arbeiten [277]. Arbeiter [777, 198, 817, 135, 166, 5, 139]. Agent [892]. [337, 364, 7]. Arbeiter-Statistik [7]. Agents [256]. Ages [612, 162, 816]. Arbeitern [277]. Arbeitsbeschaffung Agglomerationen [485]. Agrarreform [291]. Arbeitsblatte [7]. [631]. Agricole [796, 293]. Agricoles Arbeitslosenstatistik [684]. [592, 219]. Agricultural Arbeitslosenversicherung [291]. [651, 254, 560, 756, 805, 400, 378, 518, 428]. Arbeitsolhn [503]. Arbeitsverh¨altnisse Agriculture [756, 833, 164, 378, 518, 805, [409]. Arbeitsvermittelung [291]. 1001, 1020, 593, 118, 429, 832]. aide [500]. Arbeitszeit [503]. Arbitrage [153]. Al [516]. Albert [381, 558]. Albin [875]. Arbitration [801]. Archibald [660]. Area Albrecht [322]. Alcoholic [419]. [56]. Argentine [294]. Arguments [880]. Alcoholism [114]. Alcool [969]. Arias [1093]. Arithm´etiques [202]. Alcooliques [834]. Aldo [117]. Alexander Armand [11]. Armenpfleger [685]. [909]. Alfred Armenpfleger-Konferenzen [685]. [565, 292, 946, 752, 804, 1089, 1103, 8, 10, 495]. Armenwesen [685, 685]. Arminjon [235]. Alg´ebriques [202]. All´egations [969]. Arnaune [258, 681]. Arne [847]. Arranged Allemagne [647]. Allemand [882]. [873]. Arthur [363, 1041, 59, 656, 878, 79]. Allemandes [807]. Allemands [190]. Allen Articles [1071]. Alli´es [947]. Alm¨anna [278]. Alter [18, 37, 52, 71, 89, 107, 127, 159, 172, 184, 194, [115]. Ambr [422]. America 210, 225, 240, 263, 285, 301, 314, 330, 346, 356, [884, 559, 783, 605, 231, 454, 806, 858]. 371, 392, 414, 433, 451, 464, 476, 490, 507, 527, American [1100, 621, 926]. Amerika [503]. 549, 569, 586, 598, 610, 624, 634, 667, 690, 712, Among [469]. Amount [133]. Amte [7, 81]. 735, 762, 789, 811, 838, 861, 899, 918, 931, 951, Analysis [927]. Analytical 973, 991, 1009, 1026, 1044, 1062, 1082, 1108]. [573, 590, 613, 627, 640, 749, 984]. Anatole Artificial [725]. Arts [110, 375, 511, 638]. 3 Arundel [831]. Arzt [460, 460]. be [288]. Beable [1097]. Bearbeitet [81, 7]. Ascertained [777, 1017]. Ascertainment Beard [784]. Bearing [865, 73]. Beatrice [869, 936]. Ascribed [288]. Ashby [745]. [504, 65]. Beaulieu [290, 470]. Bedeutung Ashley [881, 296, 66, 152]. Aspectos [887]. [10]. Bedrijfsleven [819]. Before Aspects [256, 758, 934]. Aspetto [747]. [305, 922, 327]. Begemann [444]. Beginn Assessment [1002]. Assistance [123, 219]. [361]. Behla [342]. Being Assisted [216]. Associated [641]. [521, 104, 1018, 910, 873, 756]. Beitrag [446]. Association Beitr¨age [82]. Bek¨ampfung [445, 28]. [521, 873, 1039, 398, 605, 348, 133]. Belgian [792]. Belgique [779, 592, 309, 62]. Assurance [605, 408]. Attempt [213]. Belgium [146, 76, 174, 119]. Belief [914]. Attributes [348]. Audacious [746]. Bellet [290, 924, 882]. Bellom [13]. Below Aufl¨osung [631]. Aufs¨atze [323]. Aug [133]. Benedict [1023]. Benefit [80, 420]. [681, 258]. Augier [280]. August [291]. Bengal [890]. Benn [856]. Benoit [592]. Augusto [98]. Augustus [232]. Bento [887]. Beoefening Ausbildungs [409]. Ausbildungs- [409]. [201, 537, 819, 980]. Bergfried [423]. Berlin Auseinandersetzung [631]. Ausgang [546]. Bernard [603, 947]. Berthold [306]. [337]. Auslande [85]. Australasia Bertillon [341]. Bertrand [581, 643]. [801, 454]. Australia [1017, 960, 1051]. Berucksichtigung [648, 145, 276, 631]. Australian [1075]. Austria [888]. Beruf [83, 115]. Beruflicher [342]. Berufs Austria-Hungary [888]. Auswanderung [276]. Berufs- [276]. Beschr¨ankung [445]. [446]. Authentic [831]. Authorities [146]. Besitzungen [168]. Besoins [502]. Autriche [647]. Aux [500]. Available [694]. Besonderer [145, 648, 276, 631]. Besse Avant [221, 1019, 829]. Avebury [496]. [164]. Besso [144]. Best [533]. B´etail [138]. Avenir [879]. Average [270, 817, 92]. Beteiligung [364]. Betrieb [83]. Betriebe Averages [177]. Avril [292]. Avvocato [648]. Betriebsz¨ahlung [276]. Betterment [706]. [703]. Between [146, 335, 904, 348, 94]. Bevil [540]. Bev¨olkerungs [536]. B [289, 782, 119, 778, 780, 806, 895, 133, 203, Bev¨olkerungs- [536]. 592, 151, 215, 580, 659, 708]. B^aties [351]. Bevolkerungsbewegung [485]. Bewegung Baab [291]. Babson [858]. Bachelier [337]. Bewertung [445]. Beziehung [342]. [403, 645]. Bad [558]. Bagehot [742]. Beziehungen [68]. Bi [763, 862, 952, 1027]. Baldwin [257]. Balkrishna [1079]. Ballod Bi-Monthly [763, 862, 952, 1027]. [536]. Banca [732]. Bancel [879]. Band Biddulph [871]. Bigwood [1057]. Bilan [685, 83]. Banerjea [295]. Bank [1038, 29]. [366]. Bilgram [654]. Bill [327]. Billiard Banking [310]. Banks [124]. Bannington [779]. Bills [153, 826]. Binney [386]. [782]. Banque [630]. Banques [630, 220]. Biology [1031]. Birmingham [709]. Birth Baranowsky [595]. Barbara [940, 327]. [848, 515, 701, 553, 641, 768, 935, 961]. Barbour [682]. Baron [1041]. Barrington Birth- [935]. Birth-Rate [848, 641, 961]. [742]. Barron [746]. Bart [176]. Bart. Birth-Rate.Part [701]. Birth-Rates [768]. [871]. Barth´elemy [501]. Barton [797, 725]. Births [535, 396]. bis [337, 444, 81, 168]. Bases [796, 994]. Basis [86]. Basler [277]. Black [149]. Bland [753]. Bl´e [15]. Bloch Bassett [541]. Baudin [825]. Bauer [277]. [351]. Boag [405]. Board B¨auerlichen [631]. Bauernfrage [631]. [189, 163, 76, 231, 556, 378, 95, 518]. Boards Baumwollindustrie [461]. Bayerns [145]. [1039, 754]. Boas [458]. Bodart [888]. 4 Bodily [458]. Body [1023]. Bogart [884]. 616, 618, 642, 655, 659, 660, 664, 678, 682]. Bohn [980]. Boissons [834]. Bonds [926]. Book Bonger [907]. Bonynge [847]. Book [686, 687, 703, 704, 705, 707, 726, 749, 779, [85, 99, 100, 146, 147, 165, 206, 207, 222, 235, 784, 799, 800, 802, 807, 821, 832, 833, 850, 236, 272, 273, 275, 277, 308, 309, 325, 337, 855, 878, 879, 881, 882, 883, 884, 940, 944, 343, 363, 380, 381, 405, 409, 410, 427, 442, 945, 947, 962, 965, 966, 985, 986, 1000, 1003, 443, 444, 472, 517, 520, 561, 562, 565, 620, 621, 1018, 1019, 1033, 1040, 1051, 1055, 1058, 1059, 628, 759, 998, 1041, 1092, 1097, 1104, 13, 24, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1078, 79, 118, 164, 178, 327, 27, 32, 45, 60, 62, 64, 80, 121, 122, 123, 124, 368, 480, 539, 540, 604, 652, 654, 746, 84, 98, 141, 142, 148, 199, 216, 217, 218, 256, 271, 102, 117, 180, 190, 201, 291, 367, 378, 441, 281, 289, 290, 292, 296, 305, 339, 340, 379, 389, 448, 498, 519, 538, 545, 557, 559, 583, 615, 401, 402, 406, 408, 420, 440, 470, 500, 501, 502, 630, 643, 661, 679, 680, 683, 702, 723, 724, 503, 504, 521, 541, 544, 563, 576, 582, 603, 614, 727, 750, 751, 773, 774, 775, 783, 785, 786, 617, 649, 651, 657, 658, 663, 706, 709, 729, 732, 795, 798, 822, 825, 854, 857, 874, 875, 877, 747, 757, 776, 777, 782, 796, 848, 849, 851, 873, 893, 909, 910, 914, 928, 941, 948, 964, 983, 984, 885, 890, 891, 907, 927, 961, 1038, 1039, 1053]. 997, 1002, 1005,

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