Hartley, Smilh Peroldical Room Top Opposing Slales Duke T3. Library In Coming'SGA Battle Duke University 9Tbre totejk (fftoui Durham, H.C. Founded 1905 - No. 24 Duke University, Durham, N. C. Friday, April 11, 1947 Hartley, Smith Enter Race For SGA Presidency Convention Adopts The Interested 1-2 of 1% Elect Class Campus Elects Nine New Constitution Candidates Candidates April 24 Fraternities Gain 18 Legislators Separately Statements By Presidential Nominees, By PHIL TBELEAVEN Trinity College class offi­ cers—rising Seniors, Juniors Party Chiefs Reveal Election Policies Drastic revisions in Trinity's outmoded SGA Constitu­ «r*^i and Sophomores —will be Union party candidate Gordon tion were passed at the first post-war SGA Constitutional elected in open class meet­ L. Smith, Chattanooga, Tenn., Convention lasSI .Monday night by a unanimous vote of 13—0, ings, the Men's Student Gov­ engineering student, will head with less than one-halt of one per cent of the eligible under­ his party's lissktst ernment council has ruled, graduate electorate in attendance. as sMntratant for changing a precedent of The lack of attendance was attributed by SGA members the Men's SGA eral years' standing. prs^sdency in the to insufficient publicity of the meeting time and place and The: coming April 24 "the general apathy of Duke undergraduate men towards •'•' student government activ' " a larger vote." according •:>•(•:- :••' . 'ss-sss. SGA official, will take effect im Lou sBello, current SGA presi- mediately. Schedule 1 Union party were a brief history of the proposed Pan-Hel Dance SGA also announced tht Lowell .liickstsit, ssosistitutional revisions and an schedule for class elections an< nominated for the offish of swre- Massey {competing explanation ol the procedure ot Ticket Sales elections for posts open on ths tary, and Winston H. (Bakie) of SGA secretary) and J the evening. He stated that most University's PublicaUons Board Palmer, named as candidate for Quaritius, candidate for tr of the credit for the drafting of To Begin Soon The schedule, as released, is as the treasurer's office. Huddled together to keep from getting lonely in follows: Pub Board Candidates Pub Board Candidates given to Norris Hodgkins, if Trinity College students unanimously adopted a Tuesday, April 15—Publica Union party candidates for the University party candid CHUONUSLE Editor, "who tiosis Board petitions due in tht Publications Board seats repre­ for the six Publications Bi i-rsiy Iss Trinity undergraduate ml engineering student. The above hands of Bill Raup, SGA s senting Trinity College sand the open posts are Johnny Balds leded students who psissed tl i new constitution, is a graphic illust iscludc I College of Engineering include Welsford Bishopric, Carl Duke campus. ge 4) (Continued on Page 6) Proposals Rt>ad Huckabee Names 39 To Coed Baldwin To Blame: ,t Ed Koffenberger then Final Trial Issue Text Of Constitution Freshman Advisory Council After the cost of the danci duties, advisoi us been determined, each pur. Collets/: five in a dt laser will be assesst^i her share heading a group of seven or eight of ihe expenses. Mary Emily eek were appointed by Miss fre si sm . CSi.iir. n of the i cil hy Associate Editor Johnny n. publicity chair lien Huckabee, official advisor 19* 7 -'48 is Katherine Ter­ Baldwin, assisted hy Managing that the fee will not exceed i the Freshman and Sophomore rell, also appointed by Huck­ r one night Editors Clay Felker and Char­ ast campus classes, as a prelude abee, who serves on WSGA in Matthaus and B lie Sydnor, Coed Editor Helen an ex-officio rapacity. of tl Mercner, and Photographic New council members now are Duties of the new council— attending classes (conducted by Editor Walt Shackleford. Buffa Garrett, chaperons; Sail) itterned afler this, year's ex- Dr. Herbert Brownell, educa­ The second sislative -section. Ass this ar- Bell, decorations; Shirley Clev. sday afternoon and the Publica nple—include supervision of tional psychologist) which em- of I • CHRO le now stands, the legislature enger, figure n;-:-. the Chan He pttasisw liie.r y^aition and re­ V.IIS edited by Managing Editor to be enlarged from ten to Hollmeyer, breakfast; Jam Smiling broadly for probabl.. thc last time until the out ime of the elections are the followin. f the purposes ai " " sponsibilities both in the dorml- Sydnor lasl week—this edition out thirty-six members, rep- Brssckney, bids; and Louise Gur ambitious denizens of Pub Row, (left fo right): Bill He ck, IV ell sf ord Bishopric, Joan Ange WSGA, and gene idental on marks the last before next sen ting a much larger cross- ney, printing. vine, Charlie Sydnor, Maggie Carter, Johnny Baldwin, I •t Way, Pete Mass, and Marcia Nor stion of Trinity College and ous campus organizations. Tuesday's Publications elec­ ; College o£ Engineering, At intermission time, Satur Duke academic and social life. New Members tions (see story elsewhere In jhteen will be fraternity day night, the new Pan-Hellenit Selection Members of the 1947-'4B council will be presented. Freshman advisors, usually Fresh man Advisory Council Other CHBONICLE candidates Men students with wives, oi sr will repre indcpenden •pointed from the rising senior include: Sydnor and Chan Top Pub Row Posts Change Hands udents. junior classes, are selected by Alspaugh: Clara Evans, Nancy Hadlock, for the editor's posi­ Huckabee, once recommenda­ tion; Houck and Jack Quari- tions have been made by the out- tius, running for the post of Twenty-Four Face Publications Board Tuesday Afternoon Aycock: Elizabeth Ashley, business manager; Nancy Mall Fifteen candidates •, CHBONICLE and "Duke 'i and bouse counsellors. Chosen Louise Bleckley, Ethel Howe, and Marcia Norcross, who will will face the Univer- ulty - student board dot. y Publications Board Tuesday next year's Pub Row (Continued on Page i) sis of a C-average, and Betty Kuhl. Betty Lou McNary. compete tor the coed editor­ miikis I's-itsssds and per­ ship. (Continued on Page School Of Law Scenes From ''Idol Chatter" City Alumni, wene, the Amal Names Kramer 1 tage"; (top siss Freshmen Plan To Faculty Job Yell Contest Attempting to enliven school soeialcd with thc law firm ( spirit at athletic meets through Paul. Weiss, Wharton and Hai developing new cheers, the rison in New York City, has Freshman class, in cooperation '.th the Athletic department and If • Alun ced plan through April 16. Three prizes are being offer. ;es Court of Appeal: for the best cheers submittc 11 begin hiss duties s: Duke con: icncfng with the Fall term, IBs Bachelor i Chici f Ordins i the n with tl Legal Divisit ing military service, Kramer was an attorney with the Nsitionss Labor Relations Board in Wash ington, working first in the Re Hoof 'n' Horn Brings Amazon Jungle To Stage Appellate Litigation Division Subsequently, he served tw< Whalen Enlivens Show With Dances Tropical Settings Characterise Musical Nineteen Students months as attorney in the De Army Awards Still By TOM LANGFOHD parunent of Justice, Anti-Truts "Legion Of Merit" "Idol Chatter" is the result of a blend of a greater num­ Earn Certificates Division. After weathering a storm of bad advance publicity and Winning high recognition for ber of types of dancing talent, unusual props, and mass ef­ Nineteen University stu­ The new Duke faculty mem rumor, "Hoof 'n' Horn" lasl night in Page auditui.um came his war-time service, Dr. fort than any previous production presented by Hoof 'n' dents—ones who completed ber was born in Davenport through with one of the liveliest and most enlertaininK musi­ the special 18-month course Ifon To Direct Bayrd Still was presented the Horn, members of tho oi-ganization revealed this week. Iowa, and graduated from publit in laboratory technique at the II Yon, chairman of the yell Legion of Merit award last cals in the organization's history—the 1947 production. "'Idol schools there. He Is married tt Among the props which aid in providing the jungle set­ University's School ot Medi­ est, will direct all plans of Monday in a rorinal ceremony Chatter." the former Mary Roiney Gaston tings for the .show are a stuffed ape from the Museum of cine—were awarded certifi­ Un: jst-ojotst. Judgra will be se- held at Pope Field In Fort Climaxing months of writing and rehears.r.g. last night's Kramer Is a mtsmber of thi Natural History in New York, Spanish Moss shipped from cates In medical technology 3 from the student body and Bragg. premier rated audience applause for clever s'.ugmg snd cos­ Florida, and native-carved heads from the East Indies. recently. the faculty. Dean Shepherd, who an Paramount in signiHtsancsc tuming, good direction and singing of generally high calibre. Dr. David T. Smith, profes- i will t The "Fire" and "Tom-tom" dances are based on authentic nounced the addition, was re was Dr. Still's part In editing The show includes a lady Tarzan who swings across tho need i sd by the cently appointed to head th< Indian dances taktsn from the repertoire of Pat Watkins, the the text of the recently pub­ stage to get the show started, torrid dance numbers, a host leaders at some future Schol of Law, succeeding for choreographer. Bill Whalen, the male dancing lead, learned Smulssy night Sing before exams. lished "Official Pictorial His­ of singers, a easl so big that it nearly crowds itself off the mer Dean Hugo C. Horack. Ho tory ot the AAF, his steps from an old colored man in his home town in was the featured speaker of thc Entry blanks may be procured rack's resignation took cilec! stage, and all the scenery that the stage hands and lighting evening's exercises, held in the n thc Union Lobby or in the lii.ii |>I»1 1 sit Georgia.
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