,,, . ,^,.^rr'fr< r .»•»». «-»-«»»«ft»f. f\}V *>** *V V 5 t^^tmifl' •''r*r(^-»:;.-'^-—-^ Eauii lir.veti, Coiia THE BRANFORD REVIEW, BRANFORD, CONN., APRIL 10, 1041 I'age Eight THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A TUE HOME TOWN PAPER \ Stony Creek j VITAL FORCE IN EVERY, TOWN A Recruit For Safety of Riverside News NORTH BRANFORD BRANFORD-NORTH BRANFORD PORTRAYING AS IT DOES By Jean Altermatt STONY CREEK—PINE ORCHARD LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK April 1(1 and May 2. Mrs R. Earle Jean Marie Ablondi eelcbratcd FAMILIAR LANOUAGE UV liLKANOR I'OIJLTON CHURCHES PREPARE Beers Is captain of North Branfotd GRANNIS CORNER—MORRIS •^ ' .v>>.^ t- t. f-r" iiA\/r-k.i k.ir\A/c SPECIAL EASTER her birtliday by a parly given Sat­ COVE—EAST HAVEN urday night. AND EAST HAVEN NEWS A party was given on Tuesday CHURCH SERVICES iilsht for the children who were Mr, and Mrs Earl Colter wore surprised on Sunday by a gathering Miss Vera Hlnc of Milford was a Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, April 24, 1041 Price Five Cents members of the Junior Auxiliary. VOL. XIV—No. 3. and dinner party In honor of their week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Services In the local churches at thirtieth wedding anniversary. Tho I Earl Bcrger. The Ladles Auxiliary will meet at the Easter Season will bo; ftlvci.-ilde Hall on Thursday, April "bride and groom" wore presented Candle light Communion Service with flowers In honor of the oc­ Mr. and Mrs. Prank Bernard an­ 1 Vat 8:00 o'clock. The feature of Parent-Teacher Spurt In Spring Building at 'the Congregational Church on casion, a throe tier wedding cake, nounce the birth of a six" lb. boy Canvassers Tea Bonds, Stamps , the evening will be a fuod demon­ Blue, Gold Varsity Show \ Thursday evening at 7;30 o'clock. and may gifts of furniture and (Thomas Gerald) at 8 o'clock Mon­ stration. All members are urged lo Altar Service at Zlon Episcopal furnishings as well as personal day morning. Launches Drive Help Defense attend. Church at 11 o'clock on bood Fri­ gifts. SowoXTo Led By Factory Additions; day morning. Guests Included Mr, and Mrs, Norman Smalley was home from To Be Presented Tonight Mrs. Elmer Cass of Hilton Avenue 1 0 Raise IPOUUU \ The united States Defense Sav- Stations' of the Cross and Camp Devens for the week- end. Is recovering from her recent-Ill­ Jamieson and daughter, Evelyn of ing Bonds and Postal Saving Benediction of the Blessed Sacra­ Cohoes, N,Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ness. A meeting ot the captains and Stamps will be placed on sale In There were 00 present at the Many Houses In Process ment at 3 o'clock at St. Augustine's H. A.slolt, Nowburgh, N. Y.; Mr. and Dov/ey Thomas was home from R. C, Church on Good Friday after By Athletic Association solicitors of the Branford Visiting uio Branford, Conn.[Post Office at April meeting ot tho Short Beach The McDcrmolt home on the Mrs. James Williams and grand­ Fort Terry for the week,end. Parent-Teacher Association held noon. Confessions will be heard children, Margaret and Jlmmle of Nurse association drive was hold I ^^.^^ opening of busiricss on Thurs- river hps been torn down to make Monday evening In the school. after 2:30 and for a .short while Chester, Conn; Mr. and Mr.?. Burton Arthur Johnson Is homo from the ' • 1Frida Fridayy afternooafternoonn inin th thee Tabo Tabor r Lu-k^^LU' y j^^^^^ j^ ^,5 p^^t ^f the National way for the now bridge. Mrs. Victor Hutchinson an­ Atlantic Wire Co. And Nutmeg Crucible Steel Co. Build after the Benediction. Colter, Burton Colter Jr., Thomas t Haven High School Auditorium Will Be scene UI| theran church. Rev. A. T. Berg-l ^^ ^^ make America Impregna hospital. East Haven High School Auditorium Will Be Scene Of i theran church.. Rev. A. T. Berg nounced that tho association would Early morning service at the Colter, M1.S3 Eunice Colter, Robert Additions — New Dwellings Favored Over Repair sponsor "Stops of Uncle Sam" to Congregational Church on Easter Colter Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brindley, Fourth Annual Show-Staged By Arthur Hoyt and ^^^^^^^Zi^Z^^nwelcome. Mrs. Norma n I'^Lamb.'b.eV. Lamb,'bio. _ •_ __ Work—Several Developments Now In Process Joe Loban Is in the hospital. be presented May 10 by tho Good Benk Statement morning at 7:30 o'clock. The Young Miss Ethel Brlndlo, Prank Haslett, president of the association talked. Postmaster Joseph H.iDrlscoll an­ Pidge Newton. "' " "" Fellowship Dramatic Club In Rlv- People's Society will bo In charge, Anthony Daly, Mr. find Mrs George Large fireproof structures have Mr. and Mrs. Herman Edwards on tho duties of the association | „(,un(,ed today that pian?. are nearly ei'slde Hall. Mrs. Charles Gaugglo REPORT OP CONDITION OP THEj Serving on a special comlttcc tor Lln.sley Natalie Colter, Earl Colter motored to Mystic, Sunday The fourth annual Blue and Gold and called attention to the large c(„„pioted tor this community, - , „„,,„,„ been added to two Branford tao- this service s Miss Ethel Maynard, Women Discuss torlse during tho past few weeks. BRANFORD TRUST COMPANY and Ralph Colter. Varsity Show will be given tonight Films On China of 13RANPORD, CONN., at the 'this service Is Miss Ethel Maynard, Miss Ann Orr spent the week end and Friday night in the East Ha­ rrthJ Thoora::^ c^mZ^!^'-^ -'«' '-^ousands of others '---^j^-Uerwore played by The larger being an addition to tho ?hUU e 11worl1 ^"^ « ooi.4.««—t the ,mirse s ot'today. , form coast to coast, to do its full]M,.s, Andrew Danlelson and Mrs. Atlantic Wire Co. Church Street cloto of business on the 4th day 1)lrd. in Stony Creek. ven High School Auditorium by the the work ot the nurses ot today Members of tho North Branford part at the opening bf ,lhe pavings' Ri'ohard Shannon, Present Bills and being located between the fac­ of April, 1041. An Easter breakfast will bo served athletic association. Will Be Shown with that of a number ot years Fife and Drum Corps and their program. It is expected that the Mrs. John Martin reported on tory proper and the railroad tracks. In the chapel at 8:15 o'clock wlthj Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson The entire production has been ago. ASSETS guests who attended the recent Selectmen and olhei! civic leaders legislation of Interest to tho as­ Tho other Is an Elm street ad­ the Y. P. S. In charge. Serving on' scholastic were here during the week end. staged by Arthur.Hoyt assisted by The speaker ot the- afternoon, In Legislature Loans and discounts $ 50,543,30 banquet in Milford -were Earl B. .,., ... Connor, vj.*mii;^,Litui, \jiiMiiiiioniijinji u.. will bo among the first purchasers sociation and Mrs. Stephen Wolfe dition to conform with the main tho committee will be Miss Vera standing. By enrolling in tlie league, she becomes Pidge Newton with music by Ed­ Sunday Night Mrs. Arthur Rlnden of New Haven, Wm UU UlllUllB WiO .„o„ t,>..^..„a^... SOCIUUUU i.llu ....... v,.-, .- U. s. Govornmont obllga- Colter, leader, Alexander Mc Motor VchiclcH, an oiillnisijistic cru.'iadGr for safety, building of the Nutmog Crucible Barker, Vincent Orlswold, Alfred j clij^ibic to compete for one of the 08 university Mrs. Anthony Cinquanta and ward Simoni and scenery by Bill of savings bonds and stamps here, ami Mrs. Robert Lockyer reported A legislative program was con­ tlon.% direct and fully is shown onrollinjj Anna Cl.iirc Pclcr.sen, 1(1, in the scholarships—40 for Rirls and 49 for hoys—olTercd former missionary to China de- Steel Co at Elm and Harbor I Kerman, Miss • Shirley Saunders, Bahnsen, Jr.; Mtes Eunice Colter, Ford Good Drivers Lenguo, which was organiicd by son returned home Tuesday. O'ConneU. Katherlne Minlter and "What is happening In China' The High, school' baMd will playlon the recent county council meot- ducted, Monday afternoon al tho guaranteed 51,975.00 Ralph Colter, Dominic Marrone, hy Jlr. Ford to winners of safe driving tests to bo o-conneu ±s.ainenne m.i..i,=x "..-, - ,, . , , scribed public health work In China Streets. Miss Shirley Harrlscfn, Miss |Mary Edscl Ford to promote .safe dnvinj!^ by the nation's hold in each state, with national linah ;it Dearborn, Merrllt Thompson have arranged >ill be the subject of three edu-I ^^^. ^^ „f 15 years. -The patrlotic airs and't^ere, will be a ing. homo "of Mrs. Alfred Hammer by 11 Other bonds and stocks .. 104,048.07 Miss Evangeline I-Iines of Stony MLss Peterson is a niomlicr of tlie Safe All contractors oontaotod: report Llnsley, and Burton Colter Jr, voiith. •VVoof Tl,.vH'.,rrl Mrs. Leila Robins Is spending the Merrui inompsu. i catlonal films to be shown in the^^^^^^^j directors served tea. Miss flag raLslng ceremonj'. ; | Tjie speaker of the evening. tho Woman's Club. Mrs. Stephen Real estate taken for Creek, Joseph Marrone, Miss Natalie „(. TT..n T-T:MI «Mionl in a busy season with unlimited odd Sunday School will convene at week in New Haven. "co^-general managers Marion'parlors"' oT^the"'congregational Madolln R. Zacher and Mrs. Ru­ Postmaster General .Frank C._Robert E. Laramy, Jr., was iptro- Wolfe brought to attention bills of debt and other real es­ 10 o'clock with Mrs. Alfred Hawkins Colter and An&iony Daly. Walker, In a letter to. .Postmaster' duced by Mrs. D. W. Owens, pro­ Jobs but a tcndeney to build rather EASTER TOYS dolph F.
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