TM Published Quarterly by Oregon Women Lawyers Volume 26, No. 1 Winter 2015 26 years of breaking barriers Queen’s Bench Honors Women Judges 1989 -2015 By Joanna Robinson or the 24th consecutive year, Queen’s of women Bench, the OWLS chapter in Portland, hon- and mi- ored Oregon women judges at its annual norities, President F Kendra Matthews Queen’s Bench Holiday Luncheon, which took not just at place on December 9 at the Sentinel Hotel in the judi- Vice President, President-Elect Elizabeth Tedesco Milesnick Portland and featured the Honorable Adrienne cial level, Secretary Nelson of the Multnomah County Circuit Court but across Angela Franco Lucero as keynote speaker. the broad Treasurer A string duet played beautifully as the festive spectrum Laura Craska Cooper tables throughout the ballroom were filled. In at- of legal Historian tendance were many women judges from federal service. Amber Hollister and state courts, each of whom was recognized Empha- Photo: Dreams in Bloom Photography Board Members and shown appreciation for contributing to the sizing the Hon. Jill Tanner (left) and Hon. Allison Boomer Donna Maddux at the luncheon Hon. Frances Burge advancement of women in the judiciary. need for Megan Burgess Mary Dougherty, the outgoing president of diversity in law, Judge Nelson urged each of us Maya Crawford Queen’s Bench, summarized the chapter’s ac- to attempt to tell ourselves a “new story,” one Dana Forman Kristina Holm tivities and accomplishments over the past year that would unwind dominant patterns in our Susan Bradley Krant and presented its $500 donation to Multnomah lives and allow us to create an atmosphere in Katharine Lozano County CourtCare to the CourtCare chair, Amy which we value those of diverse backgrounds Banafsheh Violet Nazari Jennifer Nicholls Angel. OWLS President Kendra Matthews an- with genuine respect. Hon. Julia Philbrook nounced the recipients of the 2015 Justice Betty Judge Nelson recounted times in her own life Kristin Sterling Roberts and Judge Mercedes Deiz Awards, both when, to prove her worth, she had to overcome Val Tomasi Gloria Trainor of whom received enthusiastic applause from the the traditional thinking of others. She spoke Hon. Youlee You audience. [Please see story on page 7.] persuasively about how women lawyers and Past Presidents Judge Nelson delivered a memorable speech judges continue to usher in a new tone in law, Kathleen Rastetter about the importance of communication and and she praised those who, through difficulties Megan Livermore Heather L. Weigler inclusion as part of our efforts to support and to excellence, have been expanding the range Concetta Schwesinger encourage women in the legal profession. of appreciation for women who contribute to a Gwyneth McAlpine She reminded us of the importance of seeking more diverse legal profession. Heather Van Meter Laura Caldera Taylor to unravel our own conventional thinking so as Joanna Robinson is a staff attorney at Stoll Berne Kellie Johnson to appreciate the need for greater inclusivity in Portland. Norma S. Freitas Kate A. Wilkinson Jennifer K. De Wald Lost Generation OWLS Members Try Solo Practice Sarah J. Crooks Elizabeth Schwartz By Megan Lemire Lori E. Deveny Debra Pilcher Velure any OWLS members who graduated from law school from 2008 to 2013 found themselves Marilyn E. Litzenberger between a rock and a hard place. With few associate positions available and no other op- Teresa M. Kraemer portunities knocking at their doors, hanging out a shingle seemed to be the most viable Patricia L. Heatherman M Julie Levie Caron solution to their dismal employment prospects. This installment in our series about the “lost gen- Phylis Chadwell Myles eration” (people who graduated from law school from 2008 to 2013) briefly describes the stories Helle Rode Diana Craine of three resilient OWLS members who started solo practices. (Their names have been changed to Kathryn M. Ricciardelli protect anonymity.) Agnes Sowle Maia thought that graduating from her specialized school would guarantee her a public interest Katherine H. O’Neil position. Judith attended law school to launch her second career. Yvette had always dreamed of Executive Director practicing law to help ordinary people. Each has ventured out as a solo practitioner coming from a Linda Tomassi, 503.841.5758 [email protected] different background and having different goals. Despite their differences, they have had remark- Editor: Elise Gautier ably similar results. [email protected] Maia always envisioned a professional degree as her “golden ticket,” and she chose her law school www.oregonwomenlawyers.org Continued on page 12 OREGON WOMEN LAWYERS AdvanceSheet 1 WINTER 2015 President’s Message Legal Perspectives on Eliminating ccord- move on every goal immediately. But—as ing to we all know—a key to success with any Discrimination Against Aa re- New Year’s resolution is to be realistic. Women: Free CLE cent Marist OWLS simply does not have the resources Tues., Jan. 20, in Portland poll, 44% of to tackle everything at once. Accord- adult Ameri- ingly, the board and staff are working WLS, the Oregon State Bar Interna- cans expected on developing realistic timelines to begin Otional Section, and others will pres- to make a implementing each goal. ent a CLE on eliminating discrimination New Year’s Here are just a few of the projects against women on Tuesday, January 20, resolution for we have planned for 2015: To advance from 3 to 5 p.m. at the offices of Miller 2015. Goal (1), OWLS hopes to create a member- Nash Graham & Dunn, 111 SW 5th Ave., Kendra M. Matthews Due in large accessible database of “OWLS approved” Suite 3400, Portland. Application is be- part to the workplace practices and policies. To resolve of our immediate past president, advance Goal (2), we hope to launch ing made for two CLE credits. We’ve Kathi Rastetter, Oregon Women Lawyers a working parents committee to pro- just learned that all the seats have been enters 2015 with its own set of “New vide programming, peer support, and reserved. To get on the waiting list, send Year’s Resolutions.” Focusing on OWLS’ resources to our parent members. To email to Sandy Hanson, at sandy.hanson@ mission and the results of our 2014 mem- advance Goal (3), we are committed to millernash.com. bership survey, the OWLS Board of Direc- developing a better system to connect The international Convention on the tors has worked with Jennifer Lewin, an potential volunteers to actual volunteer Elimination of all forms of Discrimination outstanding strategic planner from the opportunities within OWLS. Additionally, Against Women (CEDAW) was signed American Bar Association’s bar services we are undertaking a review of the scope, by U.S. President Jimmy Carter in 1980, division, to create a concrete vision, list charge, and volunteer experience for but the Senate never ratified it. Yet 188 of priorities, and three-year action plan each of our standing committees. While other nations have. To seek to accomplish for OWLS. that last task technically falls under the Senate ratification, the Committee on OWLS has identified four broad goals Goal (4) umbrella, we believe that like in the plan: (1) continue to work to most infrastructure improvements, it will the Status of Women New York engaged transform legal institutions and their advance all four goals. the support of the Women’s Intercultural practices to ensure that women and Again, that is just a sampling of our Network and the San Francisco Depart- minority lawyers have equal opportunity 2015 goals; there are many more. If you ment on the Status of Women to create for success; (2) continue to discover and are interested in being a part of these a national campaign to get 100 cities develop phenomenal women and mi- improvement efforts, please let us know. to adopt the Convention’s principles as nority lawyers and leaders; (3) increase (Though communication with potential part of their municipal laws. Portland, in OWLS membership and more effectively volunteers is an area in need of improve- effect, adopted the Convention in 2001, engage OWLS volunteers; and (4) ensure ment, we’ll do our level best to have and Oregon, of course, recently added that OWLS has the infrastructure and someone from the staff or board follow an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to its resources it needs to effectively carry up with potential volunteers in relatively constitution. [See story on page 5.] out its mission. short order.) Oregon lawyer Judy Henry, on behalf We are proud of all the hard work our Predictably, perhaps even inevitably, volunteers and staff already engage in, most New Year’s resolutions fall by the of the International Action Network for on a consistent basis, to advance each of wayside within a few months. By tying Gender Equality & Law, has organized those broad goals. Under the umbrella OWLS’ “resolutions” to our mission and and will moderate this free CLE discuss- of each goal, however, there are several our members’ interests, writing them ing CEDAW and Portland’s and Oregon’s areas for improvement: We need to in- down in a strategic plan, and being actions in support of CEDAW’s concepts. crease our efforts on pay equity issues. practical about the timeline for complet- Portland lawyer Chris Helmer, whose We need to strengthen our presence, ing them, OWLS is, I believe, on track to practice focuses on international law, will support, and programming across the keep its resolutions, which should make make a presentation on CEDAW. Portland state. We need to engage and assist our this year an exciting time of growth and Commissioner Nick Fish will speak about more seasoned members. We need to improvement for the organization. I look municipal ordinance 23.10.010, Portland’s increase our collaborative efforts with forward to being a part of OWLS in 2015; civil rights ordinance, addressing the minority bar associations and the OWLS I hope you do too.
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