Creating Links and Innovative Overviews for a New History Research Agenda for the Citizens of a Growing Europe CLIOHRES-ISHA READER I Multiculturalism in Historical Perspective CLIOHRES.net is a largescale research project, supported by the European Commission through the Sixth Framework Programme of its Directorate General for Research as a “Network of Excellence” for European His- tory. It includes 180 researchers (90 staff and 90 doctoral students) from 45 universities in 31 countries. Working together in six thematic work groups, their aim is to achieve greater understanding of both the histories and the representations of the past current in Europe today, highlighting both diversities and connections. The Consortium Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (Austria) Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy) Universiteit Gent (Belgium) Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy) Sofiyski Universitet “Sveti Kliment Ohridski” Università di Pisa (Italy) (Bulgaria) Latvijas Universitāte, Riga (Latvia) Univerzita Karlova v Praze (Czech Republic) L-Università ta’ Malta (Malta) Panepistimio Kyprou (Cyprus) Universiteit Utrecht (The Netherlands) Roskilde Universitetscenter (Denmark) Universitetet i Oslo (Norway) Tartu Ülikool (Estonia) Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow (Poland) Turun Yliopisto (Finland) Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) Université Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble II Universidade Aberta (Portugal) (France) Universitatea Babeş Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca Université de Toulouse II - Le Mirail (France) (Romania) Universität Potsdam (Germany) Universitatea ‘Stefan cel Mare’, Suceava Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (Germany) (Romania) University of Aberdeen (Great Britain) Moskowskij Gosudarstvennyj Oblastnoj Cardiff University (Great Britain) Universitet (Russian Federation) University of Sussex (Great Britain) Univerzitet u Novom Sadu (Serbia) Ethniko kai Kapodistriako Panepistimio Athinon Slovenskej Akademie Vied (Slovakia) (Greece) Univerza v Mariboru (Slovenia) Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece) University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) Debreceni Egyetem (Hungary) Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Spain) Miskolci Egyetem (Hungary) Universidad de Deusto (Spain) Háskóli Íslands (Iceland) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) National University of Ireland, Galway/Ollscoil na Universitat de Valencia (Spain) hĖireann, Gaillimh (Ireland) Universität Basel (Switzerland) Università di Bologna (Italy) Orta Dogu Teknik Üniversitesi (Turkey) Multiculturalism in Historical Perspective Compiled by Francesco Malfatti A CLIOHRES-ISHA Reader This volume is published thanks to the support of the Directorate General for Research of the European Commission, by the Sixth Framework Network of Excellence CLIOHRES.net under the contract CIT3-CT-2005-006164. The volume is solely the responsibility of the Network and the authors; the European Community cannot be held responsible for its contents or for any use which may be made of it. Cover: Franz Mark, Blue Horse with Rainbow (1913), watercolour, detail. © 2009 CLIOHRES.net The materials printed as part of the CLIOHRES Project are the property of the CLIOHRES.net Consortium. They are available for study and use, provided that the source is clearly acknowledged. [email protected] - www.cliohres.net Printed by Dedalo Pisa Informatic editing Răzvan Adrian Marinescu Contents Preface Ann Katherine Isaacs ..........................................................................................................pag. IX The CLIOHRES Network of Excellence ........................................................................... » XI Introduction Francesco Malfatti ........................................................................................................... » XIII Workshop 1: Multiculturalism in metropolitan areas From Islam to Christianity: Urban Changes in Portuguese Medieval Cities Luisa Trindade ............................................................................................................... » 1 Ubi bene ibi patria: Reading the City of Kiev through the Polish and Czech “Spatial Stories” of the First World War Period Olena Betlii ..................................................................................................................... » 25 Reading the City. Urban History and Urban Studies. Some Methodological Thoughts Dobrochna Kałwa ........................................................................................................... » 49 Workshop 2: The Nation State and the Minorities’ Homogenization The Post-Apartheid Condition and Dilemmas of Imagining a Nation in South Africa Vukale Khumalo ............................................................................................................. » 65 Spanish and Basque Nationalism María Jesús Cava Mesa ................................................................................................... » 77 Religious and Ethnic Diversity in the Second Half of the 20th Century: War and Political Changes in the Territories of Former Yugoslavia Matjaž Klemenčič .......................................................................................................... » 101 Workshop 3: Empires and multiculturalism Native Americans under the Castilian Crown: Resettlement Policy in 16th-Century Peru Manfredi Merluzzi ......................................................................................................... » 117 Turbans or Top Hats? Indenture, Indian Interpreters and Empire: Natal 1880-1910 Prinisha Badassy ............................................................................................................. » 127 The New Age of Imperialism: British and South African Perspective Saul Dubow ................................................................................................................................ » 149 Workshop 4: The Concept of “Europe”: from the Greek Mythological Image to the EU Tolerance and Non-discrimination Policies in the Multilingual European Union Ina Druviete .................................................................................................................... » 165 Austria’s Neutrality and European Integration: a Conflict between International and National Spheres of Law Andreas Gémes, Gudrun E. Ragossnig ........................................................................... » 175 Identity of Change as a Consequence of the Migration Experience Olga Seweryn .................................................................................................................. » 197 Workshop 5: Multiculturalism and Cultural Relativism The Historical and Philosophical Dimensions of the Concept of Tolerance Ana Cristina Araújo, Iwan Michelangelo D’Aprile, Bojan Borstner,Smiljana Gartner ................................................................................... » 219 Language, Culture, Identity Fabio Dei ......................................................................................................................... » 237 Frontiers and Identities: Approaches and Inspiration in Sociology Olga Seweryn, Marta Smagacz ....................................................................................... » 249 Note Luisa Trindade, From Islam to Christianity: urban changes in Portuguese medieval cit- ies was originally published in Joaquim Carvalho (ed.), Religion and Power in Europe: Conflict and convergence Pisa 2007, pp. 29-51. Olena Betlii, Ubi bene ibi patria: reading the city of Kiev through the Polish and Czech “spatial stories” of the First World War period was originally published in Lud’a Klusáková, Laure Teulières (eds), Frontiers and Identities: Cities in Regions and Nations Pisa 2008, pp. 197-220. Dobrochna Kałwa, Reading the City. Urban History and Urban Studies. Some Method- ological Thoughts was originally published in Lud’a Klusáková, Laure Teulières (eds.), Frontiers and Identities: Cities in Regions and Nations, Pisa 2008, pp. 1-16. Vukale Khumalo, The Post-Apartheid Condition and Dilemmas of Imagining a Nation in South Africa was originally published in Guðmundur Hálfdanarson (ed.), Discrimi- nation an Tolerance in Historical Perspective, Pisa 2008, pp. 213-224. María Jesús Cava Mesa, Spanish and Basque Nationalism was originally published in Ann Katherine Isaacs, Guðmundur Hálfdanarson (eds.), Nations and Nationalities in Historical Perspective, Pisa 2001, pp. 79-99 Matjaž Klemenčič, Religious and Ethnic Diversity in the Second Half of the 20th Cen- tury: War and Political Changes in the Territories of Former Yugoslavia was originally published in Ausma Cimdiňa (ed.), Religion and Political Change in Europe, Pisa 2002, pp. 195-208. Manfredi Merluzzi, Native Americans under the Castilian Crown: Resettlement Policy in 16h-Century Peru was originally published in Guðmundur Hálfdanarsoned (ed.), Discrimination an Tolerance in Historical Perspective, Pisa 2008, pp. 235-244. Prinisha Badassy, Turbans or Top Hats? Indenture, Indian Interpreters and Empire: Na- tal 1880-1910 was originally published in Mary N. Harris, Csaba Lévai (eds.), Europe and its Empires, Pisa 2008, pp. 157-178. Saul Dubow, The New Age of Imperialism: British and South African Perspective was originally published in Mary N. Harris, Csaba Lévai (eds.), Europe and its Empires, Pisa 2008, pp. 1-16. Ina Druviete, Tolerance and Non-discrimination Policies in the Multilingual European Union was originally published in Guðmundur Hálfdanarson (ed.), Discrimination an Tolerance in Historical Perspective, Pisa 2008, pp. 275-283. VIII Andreas
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