![Arxiv:2012.15336V1 [Cond-Mat.Mtrl-Sci] 30 Dec 2020](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The Li-F-H Ternary System at High Pressures Tiange Bi,1 Andrew Shamp,1 Tyson Terpstra,1 Russell J. Hemley,2, a) and Eva Zurek1, b) 1)Department of Chemistry, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-3000, USA 2)Departments of Physics and Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60607, USA (Dated: 1 January 2021) Evolutionary crystal structure prediction searches have been employed to explore the ternary Li-F-H system at 300 GPa. Metastable phases were uncovered within the static lattice approximation, with LiF3H2, LiF2H, Li3F4H, LiF4H4, − Li2F3H and LiF3H lying within 50 meV/atom of the 0 K convex hull. All of these phases contain HnFn+1 (n = 1; 2) + + δ− anions, and Li cations. Other structural motifs such as LiF slabs, H3 molecules and F ions are present in some of − the low enthalpy Li-F-H structures. The bonding within the HnFn+1 molecules, which may be bent or linear, symmetric or asymmetric, is analyzed. The five phases closest to the hull are insulators, while LiF3H is metallic and predicted to have a vanishingly small superconducting critical temperature. This study lays the foundation for future investigations of the role of temperature and anharmonicity on the stability and properties of compounds and alloys in the Li-F-H ternary system. I. INTRODUCTION band gap, LiF has the lowest refractive index of all common infrared materials. It also possesses the highest UV transmis- The incorporation of hydrogen in materials is of both funda- sion of any material, being able to transmit significantly into mental and technological interest. Hydrogen undergoes com- the VUV region. The properties of LiF render it important for pound formation with elements across the periodic table, and a wide range of applications in high pressure research, and its can adopt various bonding schemes varying from ionic to co- properties under static high pressures have been widely stud- valent, to van der Waals when present in molecular form. ied (see Ref. 28 and 29). This includes the use of LiF as a Technologically, hydrides have been employed in nuclear re- pressure standard and pressure-transmitting medium in dia- 30,31 actor applications, but their formation can precipitate corro- mond anvil cell experiments. Moreover, because LiF is 32 sion and embrittlement1. More recently, a wide variety of hy- observed to remain optically transparent to at least 900 GPa drides have been considered for energy applications such as it has been employed extensively as a window material in dy- 33 for hydrogen storage2 and in battery materials.3 namic compression experiments, e.g. for interferometric ve- High pressure has been explored as a route to increase the locimetry (VISAR) diagnostics. Because of the importance of amount of hydrogen that may be stored in materials,4,5 and LiF in these experiments, its high pressure properties continue 28,29,32,34–45 to synthesize novel superconductors.6 A broad range of struc- to be of great current interest. tures can form under pressure, many of which can be very The interaction of LiF with hydrogen under pressure has not hydrogen rich. Hydrogenic motifs that have been identified been explored in detail experimentally or theoretically. Early − include quasimolecular H2 units, atomic H , as well as ex- on it was suggested that LiH2F, where a hydrogen atom or H2 tended hydrogenic lattices.7–9 Many of these are very high- molecule is placed in the pseudo-octahedral holes in the B1 temperature superconductors, as first established for H3S and structure of LiF, might be a way to achieve the metallization 10–12 13,14 LaH10. These phases were predicted and synthesized of hydrogen and concomitant superconductivity as discussed under pressure, with measured superconducting critical tem- above.46 Also, possible pressure-induced chemical reactions 13 peratures, Tcs, as high as 203 K at 150 GPa, and 250- between hydrogen and LiF windows in dynamic compression 260 K around 200 GPa,15,16 respectively. The theoretical stud- experiments44,45 could affect the interpretation of the results. ies of compressed binary hydrides have paved the way to in- Given the above, and the propensity for formation of stable 17 terest in more complex ternary systems including LiPH6, and metastable hydrides under pressure, we were motivated 18 19 20,21 LiP2H14, Li2MgH16, , CH4 intercalated H3S, , SH3- to apply crystal structure prediction techniques to the Li-F-H 22 23 24 25 26 SeH3, MgCH4, H3P0:15S0:85, CaSH3, and CaYH12 , ternary system to multimegabar pressure. By now the phase 47 48 49 which are predicted to possess Tc values of 100-473 K at pres- diagrams of the elemental (Li, H2, and F2 ) and binary 50,51 52,53 40,41 sures ranging from 100-230 GPa. In fact, recently a Tc of (LiHn, HnF, and LiF ) systems have been studied arXiv:2012.15336v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 30 Dec 2020 288 K has been reported experimentally in a phase (or phases) computationally at 300 GPa, providing the basis for us to ex- in the C-S-H ternary system near 270 GPa.27 plore the high pressure phases of the ternary system. The ionic solid LiF has been employed as a radiation Using evolutionary crystal structure prediction techniques, dosimeter, in molten salt coolants for nuclear reactors, and we find a number of metastable phases that are within it is a test system for models of ionic solids. With its large 50 meV/atom of the convex hull and are therefore potentially synthesizable. Common structural motifs present in these − + phases include HnFn+1 anions of various lengths and Li a)Electronic mail: [email protected] counter-cations. Most of these crystalline lattices are calcu- b)Electronic mail: [email protected] lated to be wide-gap insulators, with the exception of LiF3H, 1 which is predicted to be metallic and superconducting below larization functions (TZP) from the ADF basis set library,70 0.1 K. and the PBE59 functional was employed. II. COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS III. RESULTS Crystal structure prediction searches were performed us- A. Thermodynamic Stability ing density functional theory (DFT) coupled with the evolu- tionary algorithm (EA), XTALOPT, release 9.54–56 Duplicate 57 At 300 GPa and 0 K, the thermodynamically stable phases structures were detected via the XTALCOMP algorithm . EA located on the three-dimensional convex hull are the elemental runs were carried out on LiFHn (n = 2, 3), LiF2Hn (n = 1-2), and binary phases: Li, H2,F2, LiF, HF, LiH, LiH2, and LiH6. LiF3Hn (n = 1-3), LiF4Hn (n = 1, 4), Li2FmH(m = 1-3), However, all of the ternary Li-F-H phases uncovered here are Li2FH2, Li3FmH(m = 1-4), Li4FH4, Li4F3H, and Li4F4H dynamically stable. Among them LiF3H2, LiF2H, Li3F4H, stoichiometries at 300 GPa employing 2-3 formula units (FU) LiF4H4, and Li2F3H are within 41 meV/atom of the hull (Fig- within the simulation cells. The lowest enthalpy structures ure S3, Table S1), while LiF3H3, Li3FH, LiF3H, Li4F3H, obtained from each search were relaxed at 300 GPa. Li4FH4, LiF4H, Li2FH, Li2F2H, and Li3F2H are within 58- Geometry optimizations and electronic structure calcula- 91 meV/atom of the hull. All other phases are less stable with tions were performed using DFT as implemented in the Vi- 58 the most unfavorable candidate that was identified, LiFH3, ly- enna Ab-Initio Simulation Package (VASP) version 5.4.1, ing 222.5 meV/atom above the hull. As described in Figure with the gradient-corrected exchange and correlation func- 59 S5, the LiH2F phase found in the EA searches was consider- tional of Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE). The projector 46 60 ably more stable than those proposed previously by Gilman. augmented wave (PAW) method was used to treat the core When the zero-point-energy (ZPE) was taken into consider- states, along with a plane-wave basis set with an energy cut- 2 5 1 2 1 ation, LiF3H joined the aforementioned five phases to lie less off of 700 eV. The F 2s 2p , H 1s and Li 1s 2s electrons than 50 meV/atom from the hull (Figure S4, Table S2). The were treated explicitly using the PAW-PBE F, PAW-PBE H reaction enthalpies, ∆HF , of the decomposition of LiF3H2, and PAW-PBE Li_sv POTCARs. In the EA searches only 1 LiF2H, Li3F4H, and Li2F3H into LiF and HF were computed the Li 2s electrons were considered as valence, because ex- to be -13.3 (10.9), -29.3 (-28.5), -33.1 (-33.8), and -40.5 (- ploratory EA runs for LiF4H3 with the two sets of POTCARs 41.1) meV/atom when the ZPE was neglected (taken into con- found the same lowest enthalpy structures, and their volumes sideration), consistent with the fact that they lie above the con- differed by less than 0.5%. The k-point grids were generated vex hull. Other reactions that thermodynamically destabilize using the Γ-centered Monkhorst-Pack scheme, and the num- two additional phases of interest and their computed reaction ber of divisions along each reciprocal lattice vector was cho- 1 enthalpies are: LiF4H4 ! LiF + 3HF + H2 (∆HF = -33.4 sen such that the product of this number with the real lattice 2 (-37.0) meV/atom), and LiF H ! LiF + HF + 1 F (∆H = constant was 30 Å in the structure searches, and 50 Å other- 3 2 2 F -62.5 (-49.0) meV/atom). wise. The crystal orbital Hamiltonian populations (COHPs),61 A recent data-mining study found that the 90th percentile of and the negative of the COHPs integrated to the Fermi level the 0 K DFT-calculated metastability of all of the compounds (−iCOHPs) were calculated using the LOBSTER package62.
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