VOL. LXI1I MATAWAN, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1932 Five Cents Single Copy. NUMBER 27 FREEHOLDERS LET “Gyp” Garone Trial CHARITY WORKERS ROAD CONTRACT (A ^*t'fo'Ui'ar's ptistf SPREAD CHRISTMAS Borough Notes to FOR $331,398 CHEER AMONG NEEDY No Spot So Secluded, Nor Slalrw'ay Has Been Postponed Huspltal Reports Show There Were to all dttr Kcaiii'rs Bo Dark Welfare Workers Did Amount of $47,700 Many Charity Cases In Nor. Not Find Unfortunates A sizable contract for these tlmos If anyone went hungry ln Mon­ Until January 5th was lot by the Board of Freeholders mouth County on Christmas Day it Renewed. Tuesdav Ins’, week when thc Riverside Con­ was not the fault of any organiza­ tion within the area, for no spot Hit-Run Driver Blamed crete Company of Riverside WEls Claire Sigmund Helps awarded tho Job of constructing was so secluded nor stairway so Chief Sioat Requests To Show Why He For Crash at Freneau the third and last section of tho dark that charity workers did not Kcyport-Hlghlands Beach road, or Spread Christmas Cheer find tho way to those who were less Registration of Autos Bonded Debt of Keyport First Aid Squad Renders stnto Highway No. 36, on tlte firm's fortunate than themselves. There Shculd Not Be Aid to J. S. Coster of Toms' River, bid of 5331,393.23. * . were more to give thought this year Again Asks Ca~: Owners to Have a thnn ln previous years and largely Record cf Their Molor Yehidra Whose Leg Is. Fractured. This wa£ the lowest of several Borough Only Little Cliffwood Girl, Long Confined in Long Branch through no fault of the Individuals, Keyport First Aid Squad respond­ bids roccivcd by tho Freeholders at on File at Headquarters. Resentenced many of whom have sought unsuc­ ed to a call at 6:30 o’clock Christ their last previous meeting, tho Haspital, Carries Cifts from Christmas Tree Again this year, Chief of Pollcc cessfully any kind of work, that they Edwin C. 8loat ls making an effort $104j000 Shortly nfter the opening of court mas morning and rendered first did award having been withheld until To Other Children in Ward. might provide for themselves and to have the registration of every ot Freehold, Wednesday, Assistant to jack S. Caster, 30, a-Tams River approval was secured from the Request for Refund to The Mata­ their families. automobile In the borough recorded Prosecutor Harold McDcrmott an­ police . ofllccr and also a detective State Highway Commission. The wan Bank Evokes Differences of In Matawan not only were baskets in detail on blanks furnished -by thc - nounccd that the trial of Anthony for the Prosecutor’s office ln Oscan road ls being built by the county Opinion on procedure. of food stuffs given thc needy, but Pollcc Department with such In ‘Gyp” Garone of Oak Shades had County. He sustained a fracture of' under thc state reimbursement act, Clalro Rita Sigmund, slx-yenr-old j 1930, was confined to the rospirator, the loft leg between the anklo and the full cost of the road and bridge daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph wasn't able to play with her toys, clothing and. toys were distributed, formation as would make passible At tho flnnl meeting for 1932 of been postponed at the request of the as well as potted flowers to the sick. thc Identification of any Matawnn prosecutor's ofllce because of the tlio knee. Ths Injured man was con­ at Highlands to be repaid to the Sigmund of Clillwood, >lnfantlle, of which she had many, llko the tho Borough Council .Tuesday Approximately 60 baskets contain­ automobile, no matter where it was illness of dn Important witness and veyed in the Squad's ambulance to county, with interest charges, in paralysis victim who spent more other boys and girls in the ward. night borough notes werc'renewed Matawpn Hospital, from where he 1033-34. ............ than a year and n half ln a Drinker Shu had to He on her back'.while ing Christmas dinners wore distrib­ stolen. to the amount of (47,700. Making has been set for trial January 5. uted ln Matawan, under the direc­ This has beon a plan the Chief Garone was to hijvo been given a was later removed to the Paul Kim­ Bids wore submitted by seven respirator at the Monmouth Me­ the clcctrica! machinery of the up this total were sidewalk assess­ tion of thc Community Assistance has 'pushed with Increasing success ball Hospital ln Lakewood by thc Monmouth County firms for fyr’. morial Hospital recovering from the steel cage pumped «ir. into her ment notes for $8,600; sewer assess­ hearing, Wednesday, on .the preaent- Association, of whloh Mayor Edward for several yeara. Lost year there mcnt of tha Orand Jury that tie be Toms River First Aid Sqund, of nlrhlng fuel oil for the Court House ravages of that <lroad diseaso, colG- lungs, the muscles of her chest bo- ment notes for $0,600 and 13,000; W. Currie is chairman and Mrs. woro ovor 150 cars roglstered on which he was a member. and Jail heating plhnt thc coming brr.tcd Christmas this year In a liil paralyzed by Infantile paraly­ Borough Hall improvement notes resentencod to the State Prison at Qcorglanna Leary, scerctary. Thero these blanks in tho police flies which ; Trenton, . ■ . t Mr-.Coster told tho First Aid mon year, thc bids ranging from 6 1-10 quite dlRorent manner from that sis. Now she . ls sitting up lit for 15,500; Washington Street Im­ that ho was on his way from Jersey of Christmas 1031 for she played wheel chair whloh the makes travol were no duplications. proved their usefulness In securing provement for (2,000; water exten­ The prisoner, originally sentenced cents'to SVi ccnts per gallon. Tho City to Toms River, driving slowly with toys on Christmas without over thc ward floor when sho visits About 250 people In tills way wore stolen cars. , • ty prison for six' and ono-half years thrco lowest bids were rotalned by sion for $14,000 and a tat; revenue because of the fog, and when he .hindrance from tho stool chambor from ono bed to another. mado happy. The groups working Only reoontly, the automobllo of note for $5,000. - when found guilty of ljavlng engi­ thu Freeholders until tho next neared, tho Freneau railroad station which has saved her llte. It. was Clalro . who played the with the Asslstanco Association wore Councilman John Laird was stolen neered n hold-up a’. Matnwan, was mooting to glvo opportunity of In. Provision will be made in next he ,sa\y two headlights conilnj at 'Olnlro, with three other ohlldren, part of tlio mcsscngor to thu^a who tho Matawan Woman's Olub, Amer­ In Koyport. Mr, Laird did not know year’s budget to pay ofl an emer- brought to the county Jail <^t Frcc- vc&tlg&tlng tho standing and abut him, Mend-on. Ho swerved to tho thr. ontlro population of tho Mon­ wero confined to tliolr beds nnd tho ican Legion Auxiliary, Eastern Star, Ills number nor suoh other Informa­ . hold, undor .tlio regime of former ty of tho bidders to comply with gcnoy relief noto lor $800 and Abcr- extreme right sldo of ths road to mouth Memorial Hospital children's llllle whool chair mado sovoral trips Catholic Daughters, and teachers of tion ns ls requested when a general <!oon Rond water oxtemlon note for Warden Isaac Woolloy of Long tlio contract, It awarded. All othor alarm ls sont out ovor tho tolotypo osanpothO on-rushing dor, Tho vo- bids wore returned I . 'ao llrma en­ ward, waited for Santa Olaus ns bnck und forth from bed to Ohrlst. tho public schools. ~ $3,350.44. Theso with borough Im­ Branch, and cx-SherlH William R. which covers Now Jersey, New York |ilele, hoWovcr, struck Conor's ear tering thom. i ., long as lt wns humanly possible on nins troo bringing to tho othor Tlio same good chccr was glvon provement bonds Ior *84,000 and ' O’Brkn. Warden Woolloy mado him nnd Pennsylvania,..but tho record a. glancing blow and forced It Christmas E v o nnd llnnlly,. lifter; children tilio toys nnd othor pres, In Matnwan Township through i» r- voter Improvement bonds for (10,­ a trusty at- thp, Jaif and, aocordiug. Tho bids: Hess Fuel'Company, was on file In the Borough Hall, against a pole, Costor wns pinned In the "snnd man" hnd finished hli enli, that Snntn Claus hnd loft. nonal and group oflorts whoro other­ 000 constitute tho total Borough to thc Orand' Jury presentment, Neptune, ,0511 Rod. Bank Fuel nnd oimhllng tho police to Identify thc h|s crashed automobllo. Ills car, a work, old Kris Krlngle.' (Jijlctly I Olnlro lins greatly improved since wise thoro would havo boon nono. Indebtedness except for seme Items a&ronc carried koys to,tho various Supply Co., ,0514! N°w York'nnd enr within a short tlmo, . largo Nash, wns completely jvreokod, slipped into tlm wal'd, trimming tiie1 Mtio was takon froin the respirator Thirty-olio baskets of food woro for deferred pnymort which are colls and hnd access to tho women’s Now Jersey Corporation, Asbury An ofTort lias boon mndo to place the body bolng torn from the chassis, tree, . plaolm hln large aMartmont mivcral months ago but It la still distributed by tho Catholic Daugh­ undor present, discussion lor tho quarters. > . ' ' . Park, ,05 1-3; Burns Bros,, Bradloy one of theso blanks ln tho hands of The othor cur, gclng in tho direction of gifts nl, lls base mid thou (llnplng nccessnry for hor to Imvo hospital ters of Amorlon, Court a t fit, Josoph.
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