Want Ads On Pages 6, 7 and 8 THE INGHAM COUNTY Eighty-ninth Yeat•- No. 32 IN CHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1948 Po'litical Apathy I{,ots of Entert-ainment at lnglza11t Fair· IRound the Clock 1 Report i So ot::lll:ho fait·! Expede~, Marks Opening Of y.:::~r<·v·;:::;, g I !Shifts Employed· ~ ( • ·nont ivll!ry nbnut Funuslng your-/ Pnmary ampaugn Hlllf, hcellllf!O no matter Whitt sort I On Elevator For ol' cntc1·tnmmcnt Is your favorite, To Handle Wheat [ Candidate3 at Homecoming you will prnhllhiy line! at least. one i One-Third of, Wheat 1 F County Building ,.nee E• mpty, S. cats, Fal'lncrs eventI~vcryfjnc to ltr•ep ItnoWH you hnppythut thetheJ Ing--c, 1 SlidesRemninH Down Uncut, $2Pt•ice 0 i Busy Combmmg Wheat ham county fair dntes nre August to • • 0 I Board Expected to Fix HI thmugh Au>:nnt 21, hut ~ome ,, I Date for Vote in Holt There just isn't any interest rwoplc Htill don't !mow that thoro Combine and threshing On lncorpo1~ation haue yet in primary election cam- will be foua· dnys, ol' harness rue· crews, truckers and. elevator, paigns, After the deadline for lng llogmning Tuesday afternoon, men hnve been working around · Two of the major issues .1. with ,, bon11s or 11 pony racing 1 (h 1 1 h' 1 1 d li m11 I~ o n-pa rt.i~an judicial event immerllntcly following the e c oct t IS p1st wee t 1an • which are expected t~ ·be 1 placed ·before the Ingham nommatmg pct1t10ns n c x t r!lccs on Frirlay. 1 ling one of the best wheat Monday, there may be an up-1 According to .Toy o. Dnvis, fair crdps in years. Delayed for a board of supervisors Monday turn, Politicians all agree that sc<•rcuu·y,. ~ome of tho horses are week by rains and humid are an elevator for the court there is little interest now · Ianat theoutstanding IHil'g'l'oumlH list ofalready~ cntnes nne! is I weather, farmers leaped. into house and the fixing of a. date At the Lcellc homccnmlng JPL'i- cxpm:tod. There will be larger I the harvest the latter part of for a special election on the day nnd Snturday two pnlilieal p!Jrsos than Ingl1nm lms had in I • last week and the first two incorporation of Holt as a fifth specehcs by stnl.e officials were, sevca·r11 yem·s, nne! a new Young JUST LIKE HIGHWAy TRAFFIC is the driving of the I1days of this week Tuesday,' class city. scheduled.the au<Jlence About fnr r1stale dozen 'freus11rcl' were in, startingnwos, This gate is willn foldinghe usoll gate fo1· theat- I A u t o. M a.macs,. w. h o WI']! per, f ,otm . 0.1 M on,d ay. m'ght , the. afternoon's , humidity. and (Ingham County Nowo l'holo) The elevator issue has lleen up 1 several tlmca during the last 10 D. Hale Brnlw Friduy nftcl'llnon. ~ tached to a truck which th·ivcs m I openmg ntght at the Ingham county fatr. In th1s ptcture Wild 1 Wed~e~day s dnzzl~ stopped THRE~ BIRTHDAYS at once were celebrated at the years. Each t1 me no action has A few small hoyH made up the 1front of the horses. It wilJ be the, Bill Reams is rolling his car over on the track in front of the Icombtntng. The halt 111 harvest-, Gerald Hasttngs farm home on Holt road Monday night. The been trtlten, At the June meeting aucllencc for Lil'utcnant Governor: firRt time thw typ" nf gate has grandstand. The thrill show has been moved up from its tra- ing gave elevator crews a Hastings triplets were one year old and had just won a bout of the bonl'<l a committco was 1 named to again find out whllt an B 0 th 8 t t ff • 1 t 001 tl J· ·i 'or the gate 1s expected to cut . , Eugene !<eyes Snturrlny afternoon.: been u~ed at the Ingham fair. Usc ditional place .as Saturday night closer to the Monday night Ichance to catch their breath. with· the measles. From left to right in the picture are Alice elevator would cost. The commit­ of a. crowdIt cWlli1 ? lUlUgood s gt·ace.[ leBrnltc olC {I rlown t 11C SCIJI '1 ng. Iopener this year. ElevatorGeorge andWard Dec ofBray the of Farmersthe Ma-' Barbara and Charles-the ABC's of the Hastmgs famtly. They toe will hnvc a report ready Mon· shoolc hantl~ all atnund and In- There wall he novelty acts be-, were born August 2 a year ago, day. There will also be present qt:lrcd nbnt;t crops before retu!·n- tween heats of the races. These traction opening Tuesday night invited, <cs a gt·oup. Other special son Etlevatol' both said Wednesday 1 The triplets are doing well. They arc as lively·as crickets a representative from the Hough· . , ·. , , .1100 will incltarlc acrobatic-balancing for 3 nights, featuring 18 (count guests will llc pt·esent for enter- that hey believe the wheat is about d I . I . d T I l ton Elevator Co. mg to LanRIIJg acts of all descriptions and com- 'em) interestingly-outfltted young tainmcnt Thm•sday afternoon, It Ia two-thirds harvested. They agreed an are earnmg somet lllg new every ay. .hey Pay wei Fa.i~la:> nftm ~': 1 Supervisor Guy S. Thorburn of Th" II<"~~""!-C"'": "" h"' <II""" oay _mom eo] '"'"· '"'". TI<o '""' w"" 1"" "'~ h;g> h """'- !hot tho who.!. I«log <oool '"" ot tog otl" <. Mason is chairman of the elevator at a. Ltshc '?·'tutu ant, and .ma~e Several fairgrounrl improve- grade circus acts. A trained pig 'fhe Mason school band will ap- the elevator tlus week Is In top The two gals have brown hatr and eyes. Charlie has red committee, The other two members 010 01 ments arc under way, The south which slides down a chute Is one pear Thursday and Friday after· condition; ripe and dry,. hair tightly 'curled, and his eyes are blue. scv~anl ~n~ls.811 T L~sl~et~ bust;;cs~ arc Rina M. Dell of Lansing and sec on ° ame e mce ng. stand is nearing completion. The of the more unustJal performers. noons. Saturday afternoon the "All of us did too much ·fretting 'A f h b' hd · 1 f Ch 1 L C 11 Joseph Speers of Loclcc. When he his audience made joists arc now up. The a·oof board The B.elmont Brothers, who work hot·se-pulling contests for light at the start of the harvest, I ourt 1:t ay anmversary, t lat 0 ynn . ar, ~ u~ ~ry At the ,June meeting, Super­ of only a fc',\ smnll boys who pwb will be Juid this week. The E. J. wtth alluminfltcd hoops and dta· and hPavy classes wall be held In/ guess," Bray declared. "The weath- was also ce!ebtated at the party Monday mght. She IS0 the ably had wandered over to the Scarlett crane was used to put bolos (an old sport involving a front of the 'grandstand. er hasn't been so bad after all. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Collar of Waldo road. She was visa~ Earl W. Coller of Lansing spcalwrs' ylatfo1·m ~ut ?f ";arlosity the steel 111 place. An addition to string, two sticks, a spool-shaped A boat ride for children will be If the rain hadn't come Wednes-1 two ears old Monday. pointed out that at lcMt three he kept Ius mrlllusca·apt l~t !us pock- the 4-H building, for showers and object, and some air) will appear a new attraction on the midway/ day most of the harvesting would __.;.Y __________________________ _ members of the board have heart ct and pulled out Cor Ius home 111 bath, should be completed within with the show, which is also this year. It ir; sunilar to dodgems, have been finished this week, An- conclltlons which make it unsafe 1 1 for them to climb' the long !lights Dca1·horn. , few days. The Consumers Power known as Kline's Rcv11c. On I having kiddie-powered craft in a/ other two or three days of good B t H I t · • p• k d t ( t Sh of stairs to the third floor, He After a week of frequent rrrins company is extending a line. to Fri~ay and Saturday nights, an tank. Also on the midway Will be weather Will do the trick." es 0 elns IC e a oun ow and continual dampness the farm- service c?mmerctal. exhibits.. entarely new group of performers 10 maJor rldes and many smaller I Ward asserted that some can s v also said that many of those who serve on jury or have business In crs were out in the fields combin- The fau·, a tradition m atsclf, with a new show wlll be on stage. amusements. go another week before combining Members of high society 'In c. B. Smith, Of Williamston; best court or on other third-floor offices ingSaturday. wheat Theyand onlsdid theirFuday home- and hasthese customsis the thrillwithin show, it. whichOne ofis I BothKline g-roupsshow, butarc themember~; Fnday of andthe willThe be traditionalFriday night. calf The scramble Ridley withoutt serious Joss. of grain ' Ingham county HolsteinB circlesd uddcrcd cow,h (Luclcy Day Sarah), are unable to safely climb the stairs, coming' nights. They attended no Monday night this year, Instead of Saturday pcrf01·mances have been commassion firm of Detroit nl· h0 a tsbare tshufferdmlg wdorshc .thant met last Fraday at the h lac t ant C.
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