LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD. VOL. 11-NtfMBER 91 LONG BRANCH, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1912. 8 PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS IT PLAN TO TAKE MANY PERK PIRATES KIDNAPPER OF RED BENNETT Hi 1L0EN ELECTSJFFICERS SURVIVORS OF TITAINC MIKE CLEVER HIT BANK GIRL PLEADS Dr. J. 0. Green Heads Religious Long Branch Choral Society's Acting Mayor Joline Appoints Organizat'on Pledged to In TO HOSPITAL TONIGHT Initial Play a Rousing Suc- GUILTY AT FREEHOLD Successors to Wimpfheimer crease Religious Work. cess In Spite of Storm. and Woolley Who Resigned. The Conservation Committee of the Ambulances To Meet Carpathia When She Docks Although the weather was anything Admits Two Serious Offenses And May Be Tried Acting Mayor Henry Joline has ap- Men and1 Religion Forward Movement but pleasant last evening, the perfor- pointed Harry P. Bennett and Frank met at the home ot Dr. J. O. Green, in mance of "Tbe Pirates of Penzance," U. Alden to auoceed Charles A. Bath avenue, on Tuesday evening. Tonight-Details Of Disaster Being Kept So by Uie Lone Branch Choral Society, For Another-Little Silver Man Is Also Ar- Wimpfheimer and Park M. Woolley This committee represents the various was well attended and the audience as members of the Long Branch Board churches and at this time organized Secret That It's Extent Is Still A Matter ' were very appreciative. The advance raigned Today On Charge Of Attack- of Kducation. Mr. Wimpfbelnutr and into a permanent body, electing the sale of tickets was good, yet many Mr. Woolley were appointed by Jtfayor following officers: Chairman—Dr. J. O. people were absent on account of the Packer prior to February 1st., when a Green, of the First Reformed Church; Of Conjecture storm. It is thought that the play will ing Small Girl new board of nine members was vice-chairman—Prof, w, E3. Gate, of the Le repeated the latter part of next named to succeed those In office. First Presbyterian "Church; secretary— New York, April 18.—Confirmation month. Mr. Wimpfheimer and Mr. Woolley Dominic!; iMipunh'. a young Italian were unable to accept and so notified W. H. Robinson, of the First Baptist of the fact that some at least of the In the firsts scene of the first act the "K|ioi't," of Red Hank, who was arrested •Church; treasurer—Harry Van Cleaf, Tltanlc's Burvivors are in a bad way Pirate band celebrates the twenty- Mayor Packer. i» New York by County Detective MI- Acting Mayor Joline has notified of the Simpson Memorial M. E. physically was seen when the White first ^birthday of Frederick who was ap- nugh and conveyed to Freehold ja Church; director—E. T. Judd; of St. Star Line today accepted the offer of prenticed to the Pirates through a Secretary K. T, M. Carr of the two ap- ufter requisition papers hnd been se- pointments by letter. Luke's M. E. Church. St. Luke's Hospital to set aside all blunder. Frederick renounces the cured from Albany, was arraigned be Plans were promulgated for the de- the new addition to the hospital which pirate band, and announces his depart- 'I'll'- new appointees are well known. opened today and which will accom- IS STAGE UPSETS fore Judge Foster this morning; at Mr. Beniult is at present a member velopment of the work as outlined by 1LKEDJUT TODIIY ure. Later he falls in love with Mabel, modate sixty patients. Ambulances Freehold on thueo indictments— kid- of the Board of Assessment and Re- the committee at the recent dinner at one of Major Stanley's daughters, who napping Francesco Barone, the Leigh- St. Luke's Church. will wait at the Cunard dock tonight invade the island on an outing given vision, which position he haB filled' to convey the sick and injured (here. ton avenue, Red Bank, school girl; with credit for many years. Prior 10 The Men and Religion Forward Nearly Two-Score Members of b> their father. The pirates capture Atlantic Ave. Physician lumps for a staluiory offense; and assault It's rumored at the White Star of- the other daughters while they are en- becoming assessor Mr. Bennett was Movement is proving iUelf a determin- Union, No. 181, Gave Up as "Rapid Transit" Vehicle and battery. township clerk of Ocean. He ia editor ing factor in the work of the churches fices thatJJruce lainay sent a wireless joying themselves. Duponte pleaded guilty to kidnapping to the captain of the Cedriq of the of the Long Branch Press and super- throughout the country and especially Work This Morning. In the second act Frederick is in- Is Overturned. and to the statutory charge but plead intended of 8t. Luke's M. K. Church in the east. Under the six departments same line which sails at noon, to wait formed that he was born in leap year, not guilty to the charge of assault and Sunday school, one of the most-suc- oi1 work as carefully arranged 'by the in the lower bay until the Carpathin on February 29th, so he is only five arrives so he can return to England batiery. )Us (rial on th*? latter charge cessful schools In New Jersey Meth- •team experts*Connected with the Move- Every member of Local Union, No. years oid. Being "the Slave of Duty," Dr. Walter 8. Reed, of Atlantic ave- wan set for next Thursday and lawyer immediately. It's believed Ismay is 181, United Association of Plumbers, he biads himself to serve out his in- nue, had a narrow escape from serious odism, with a membership' to 1,- ment, the Christian men of this or any Joseph Reilly was assigned to defend 100. Mr, 'Bennett was honored at the community hav% before them a cam- desirous of escaping interview on this Steamfitters and Gasfltters, of Red dentures with the pirates. Despite his injury yesterday afternoon when a side. him. Judge Foster told Mr. Reilly to recent meet lug of the New Jersey M. paign of work sufficient to warrant the Bank, which numbers nearly forty, love for Mahel, Frederick rejoins the Broadway stage, in which he was rid- look up the factK of the case thorough- The Newport Navy Yard today ng, overturned in front of the fountain K. Conference at Aebury Park; by be- greatest kind of manly effort. The com- jav.e up work this morning, due, they "band, who are preparing to revenge ly, at the same lime stating that lie ing elected for the second Uih6 a lay mittee will exert every effort to have picked up code messages from the ilaim. to a misunderstanding with thenu*elves on Major Stanley, who de- at City Hall. Joseph Koplan, the dri- Carpathia to White Star Line officials was satisfied that the case would not delegate to the General Conference, the work, as established by the Move- heir employers. ceived them to save his daughters. A ver of the Ktage, had stopped in front come to a trial, us sufficient evidence He leaves for the seat of the General ment, grow and develop in Long believed to have contained a detailed The so-called strike occurred at 8 conflict ensues between them and the of City Hall to allow lawyer W. S. B. story of Sunday night's tragedy. The was already in hand to convict him. Conference at Minneapolis, Minn., Hranch. There is ample opportunity •'clock this morning, alter a National polite, who try to piotect Major Stan- Parker to alight.. He then unchecked within the next ten days. fact hiat they were couched in pri- tfficer from New York, had made a for- the horse so that he could drink at the Fried Glau'brecht, of Little Silver, for every man to find something of in- ley and his girls. The pirates are vic- who was arrested ou a farm near Tln- Mr. Alden fs a member of the Beach terest here to occupy his time and at- vate code shows how carefully Ismay nal demand yesterday afternoon on torious, but they yield to the authority fountain. After the check rein had ;s guarding details of the disaster. he Red Bank^ plumbing firms for »| " the~'Queen7"Ma]or ~~®tanley~"ttae~n again been placed in position the horse lou Falls Saturday afternoon by De- nnd Park Commission and has large tention, whether it be evangelism, mis- of tective Mlnitgh on u capias, pleaded business Interests. He Is at present sions, boy's work, social service, bible The White Star posted a bulletin Union shop. The demand' refused' pardons the pirates and gives them started abruptly to turn around. today that the Carpathia would dock and after the men gave up work they uot guilty before Judge Foster this away on a trip. It is believed he will j-iudy or publicity. his daughters. Before the driver could stop him, morning to a statutory charge. The accept the nppointment. He has a at nine tonight. Because Bruce Is- proceeded to the hall, over the Majes- The part of the pirate king was tak- one of the front wheels caught under It is the purpose of the committee to may, manager of the White Star ic theatre, in Monmouth street, ad- complaint was made by Huvld Henry, summer home in Westwood avenuo, work out these various departments of en by K. M. Smack and he was typical tbe body of the stage and the vehicle of Rumsmi, in 'behalf of MB twelve- his city. Park Commissioner Alden Line, has refused permission, the joining the American-Hotel, where a overturned. Dr. Reed! in making an endeavor for the uplift of our fair city.
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