5242 CONGRESSIOX.AL RECORD-HOUSE J\IARCH 23 5806. By 1\Ir. GALLI\AK: Petition of Federal Employees veterans and their widows; to the Committee on Invalid Union, Local No. 130, William A. Smith, secretary, 4 Mount Pensions. Vernon Street, Charlestown. Mast., urging passage of the Welch 5827. By Mr. ZIHL:MAN: Petition of citizens of Sandv Hook ·alary increase bill (B. R. 6518) ; to the Committee on the l\!d., urging immediate step be taken to bring to a ~ote th~ Civil Ser-vice. Civil "W~ar pension bill in order that relief may be accorde-d 5 07. B:r Mr. HANCOCK: Petition of Flora M. Menick and needy and suffering v·eterans and their widows; to the Com~ other l'esidents of Syracuse, N. Y., in favor of increa8es of pen­ mittee on Invalid Pensions. sions for Ci\i.l War veterans and their widows; to the Commit­ tee on Invalid Pensions. 5808. By Mr. HOGG: Petition of Mr. and Mr . Harry C. SENATE F rank and 30 other citizens of Fort ·wayne, Ind., a.:king imme­ diate and favorable action of Congress on Hou e bill 433, to FRIDAY, ltfa?Y Jh 133, 1928 inerease pensions of CiYil War veterans and their widows; to (Legisla.Jit'e day of Thursday, March 22, 1928 ) tile Committee on Invalid Pensions. 5 09. By 1\Ir. JOHNSO~ of Texas: Petition of W. F. Sims, The Senate reassembled at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expira­ president of the Hill. boro Dry Goods Co., of Hillsboro, Tex., tion of the recess. opposing Senate bill 1752, to prevent printing of return ad­ DEATH OF SErn"ATOR WOODBRIDGE N. FERRIS dres~ on stamped envelopes by the Post Office Department; to t he Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. 1\Ir. COUZENS. 1\Ir. President, it is with great sorrow and 5 10. By l\Ir. JOHNSON of South Dakota: Petition of mem­ re~re~ that I announce tilat my colleague, Senator FERRIS, of bers of the Kiwanis Club, W'ebster, S. Dak., urging the passage Michigan, expired at 6.15 this morning from an attack of of a Civil War pension bill; to the Oommittee on Invalid bronchial pneumonia. I may say that he had the affection and Pensions. regard of all Senators. He was modest, sincere, and earnest. 5 11. By Mr. KVALE (by request) : Petition of Rev. Anthony At .a future time I shall ask the Senate to set apart a day on Sl'holzen, Bird - Island, Minn., protesting against enactment of wh1ch fitti~g tribute may be paid to his life, character, and legislation proposing to eli. continue governmental printing of public serVIces. retum curds on stamped envelopes; to the Committee on the I end to the desk resolutions, for which I ask immediate P ost Office and Post Roads. consideration. 5812. By Mt'. LEHLBACH : Petition of citizens of Newark, The VICE PRESIDENT. The resolutions will be read by the Inington, and vicinities, protesting against the Lankford com­ Chief Clerk. pul~ory Sunday obseiTance bill; to the Committee on the Dis­ Th~ resolutions (S. Res. 180) were read, considered by trict of Columbia. unammous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows: 5813. Also, petition of the Pride of Peter Cooper Council, No. Resolved, That the Senate bas heard with deep regt·et and profound 74. Son and Daughters of Liberty, Newark, N. J., protesting sorrow the announcement of the death of Ron. WOODBRIDGE N. FEnnxs, against any measure to increase the number of immigrants now late a Senator from the State of l\lichigiw. allowed to come into this country ; to the Committee on Immi­ Resolved, That a committee of 10 Senators be appointed by the Vice gration and Naturalization. President to take order for superintending the funeral of the deceased 5 14. By Mrs. LANGLEY: Petition of resident.· of Floyd Senator. County, Ky., urging the passage of a Civil War pension bill; to Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the the Committee on Invalid Pens1ons. House of Representatives and traD;smit a CQpy thereof to the family 5815. By Mr. MILLER: Petition of citizens of Seattle, Wash., of the deceased. indorsing bills and measures providing for increase in pensions The VICE PRESIDENT appointed as the committee under to veterans and widows of veterans of the Civil War; to the Committee on Jm·alid Pensions. the second resolution the Senator from Michigan [1\Ir. CouzENs], 5816. By 1\Ir. O'CONNELL: Petition of District Council of the Senator from Kansas. [Mr. CuRTIS], the Senator from New York City, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners Arkansas [l\fr. RoBI~soN], the Senator from Ohio [Mr. FESs], the Senator from New York [Mr. CoPELAND], the Senator fi·om. of America, favoring the passage of the Bacon bill (H. R. 11141) ; to the Committee on Labor. Oregon [:i.\lr. STEIWER], the Senator from Kentucky [1\Ir. BARK­ LEY], the Senator from Washington [Mr. DILL], the Senator G 17. Also, petition of the Holy Name Society, Church of Our from Maryland [l\Ir. Trm~os], and the Senator from Iowa (Mr. Lady of Lourdes, Brooklyn, N. Y., opposing the passage of the BROOKHART). Curtis-Reed bill; to the Committee on Education. 5818. By 1\lr. O'CONNOR of New York: Resolutions adopte<l 1\Ir. COUZENS. 1\Ir. President, as a fmther mark of respect by the board of directors of the Maritime A. sociation of the to the memory of the deceased Senator I move that the Senate port of New York, favoring enactment of House bill 9195; to do now adjourn. tile Committee on Ways and 1\Ieans. The m?tion was unanimously agreed to; and (at 12 o'clock 5819. By Mr. STEELE: Petition of 19 citizens of Atlanta, and 3 nunutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Ga., asking that steps be taken to bring to a ,vote a Civil War aturday, March 24, 1928, at 12 o'clock meridian. pensi.ou bill ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 5820. By 1\Ir. SPEAKS: Petition signed by Grace l\1. Longh­ enry and some 69 citizens of Columbus, Franklin County. Ohio, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES urging enactment of legislation for the relief of Civil "~ar vet­ erans and their dependents ; to the Committee on Invalid FRIDAY, March 23, 1928 Pensions. The House met at 12 o'clock noon and wa called to order 5 21. By 1\Ir. SUl\Il\IERS of Washington: Petition signed by by tile Speaker. Howard Garrison and 82 others, of Ellensburg, Wash., and The Rev. Charles Tilton, D. D., of Boston, Mas ·., offered the vicinity, urging an increase in pensions to widows of Civil following prayer : 'Var -v-eterans; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 5822. Also, petition ..Jgned by Anna Watson and 34 others. of Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations, Pullman, Wash., urging increase in pensions of Civil War vet­ before the mountains were brought forth, before Thou hadst eran· and widows of Civil 'Yar veterans; to the Committee on ever formed the earth and the world. Even from everlasting Invalid Pension . to everlasting Thou art God ; in Thee we live and move and 5823. Also, petition signed by members of the Grand A1:m:r have our being. and Thou upholdest all things by the word of of the Repub1ic ·woman's Relief Corps and Daughters of Civil Thy power. l\laster of life and men, be Thou present in this 'Vnr Veterans, of Ellen. hm·g. Wash .. urging an increase of pen­ assembly to-day to lead and to guide in all tile counsels and eion to Civil Wat· widows; to the Committee on Invalid deliberations of thi hour. May every act be begun. continued, Pen.jnn . and ended in Thee. Thou art the guide of all the tmiverse: ~ 24. By l\lr. TILSON : Petition of William Pre5'-1ton and other Thou tellest the stars by their name, and yet Thou dost note residents of New Haven. Conn., and vicinity, protesting- against the sparrow's fall with tender sympathy. Thou rule t the paE> F<a ge of House bill 78; to the Committee on the Di trict of nations, and yet Thou leadest the babe by the hand and heare t Columbia. the faintest cry of infancy and old age. l\lay Thy gentlene~s 5 25. Bv l\fr. TlNKHA.:i.\1: Pt'tition of 199 citizens of l\lassa­ make our Nation great. Ble s, we pray Thee, the~e nssemblecl cbu. ~tts , against the pas ~ age of House bill 78; to the Committee Representatives of our Nation from every part of the land. on the District of Columbia. Ble. s their homes, bless the towns and cities and Stntes from 5826. Bv Mr. TREADWAY: Petition of citizens of l\Iassa­ which they come. Bless, we pray Thee, the Pre ident of tile chu~etts, urging Congress to increase the pensions of Civil War United State ; guide and direct his steps, and may hi ~ life 1928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5243 and health be l)redous in Thy sight. Bless every citizen of two hundredth anniv~rsary of the birthday of Ge()rge Washing­ our land. Bless the stranger that is within our gates. Make ton by the Hon. William Tyler Page, the ecretary of the com­ OUl' Nation, 0 God. a blessing to all the nations of the earth; mission. and may the blessings of Heaven rest upon us and all fellow The SPEAKER. Is there objection to tbe gentleman's re­ .citize.nJs. May brotherly love prevail in all our borders, and quest? may every moral and social virtue and truth cement us.
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