H696 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 10, 2016 children and grandchildren burdened tigious award. He is presently serving youngest members who have gone with an unfathomable mountain of in his 11th term in office and third across the country to 11 cities, now, debt, regulations, and taxes; and like term as chairman of the House Human talking to young people about their de- every other budget he has presented, it Services Committee. mocracy and what they care about. never balances. This budget is reckless Representative DiGirolamo stead- We were just in Dallas this past Fri- and unconscionable. fastly continues his advocacy of issues day, hosted in the Dallas/Fort Worth When President Obama took office on related to drug and alcohol treatment area by Congressman MARC VEASEY, as January 20, 2009, the national debt was and prevention, physical and intellec- well as being joined by Congressman $10.6 trillion; yet Mr. Obama has in- tual disabilities, and individuals with RUBEN GALLEGO of Phoenix. creased the national debt to $19 tril- mental illness. Additionally, he wrote Today we are following up on what lion, and this budget would increase legislation that increased funding for we heard in Dallas and what we have our national debt to $27.4 trillion over vital rehabilitation centers, while es- heard in many of the cities before it, the next decade—more than twice the tablishing a separate cabinet agency which is, for all the issues facing debt when he first took office. for the important effort that stream- millennials, many of them understand This cover will be part of the Ar- lined drug and alcohol treatment serv- that, at the root of the problem is the chives of the United States. It will be a ices in Pennsylvania. influence of outside money in politics fitting historical record for the moun- Representative DiGirolamo has pro- and access to the ballot box. tains of debt it represents. vided leadership to his associates and Joining us tonight is one of the lead- constituents and set an example for f ers in the House on the issue of money others to follow, and I am honored to and politics, Congressman JOHN SAR- DATA COLLECTION call him my friend. BANES of Maryland. He is the lead spon- (Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia asked and Congratulations, Gene. sor of the Government By the People was given permission to address the f Act. House for 1 minute and to revise and PRESQUE ISLE STATE PARK Also we will be joined by Congress- extend his remarks.) BEACH REPLENISHMENT man KILMER, from the Seattle area, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak- and Delegate PLASKETT, from the Vir- er, data collection affects countless (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania gin Islands. Americans and touches many parts of asked and was given permission to ad- So I am going to first ask Congress- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- our lives. Data collection is very per- man SARBANES this question, which we sonal and may include your location, vise and extend his remarks.) have heard from so many millennials Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. photos, messages, and many of the across the country: What can we do to Mr. Speaker, earlier this week I joined things that make up who we are; yet restore their faith in their govern- my colleagues—Representative MIKE we lack basic rights for data collected ment? KELLY from Pennsylvania’s Third Con- on mobile devices. I yield to the gentleman from Mary- gressional District, along with Penn- This week, I introduced a pair of bills land (Mr. SARBANES). sylvania Senators PAT TOOMEY and BOB to safeguard consumer privacy: Mr. SARBANES. Mr. Speaker, first of H.R. 4517, the APPS Act, will bolster CASEY, JR.—in sending a letter to the all, let me thank the gentleman, Con- Assistant Secretary of the Army. In consumer privacy by requiring app de- gressman SWALWELL, of the Future velopers to maintain privacy policies, that letter, we requested that Presque Forum, for convening us around issues obtain consent from consumers before Isle State Park remain a high-priority here in the Chamber and out in the collecting data, and securely maintain project for the Army Corps of Engi- country that are particularly impor- the data they collect. neers’ budget for the fiscal year 2016. tant and critical for the next genera- Presque Isle State Park is located H.R. 4516, the Data Act, would re-cre- tion out there, and what we can do to along 7 miles of Lake Erie’s shoreline. ate transparency and control for con- bring their interests in, bring them The park’s beaches require proper care sumers over their personal data and into the political town square, if you and nourishment every single year to provide consumers with the tools to will, and get the benefit of their voices. fight their constant erosion. The gentleman is absolutely right to correct the record and minimize collec- More than 4 million people visit point to the challenge, the problem we tion. Presque Isle State Park each year, have. Many young people, many Ameri- Privacy is an issue that should unite making it Pennsylvania’s most visited cans of all ages these days feel that us, not drive us apart. It is past time State park. The park is woven into the their voice really isn’t accounted for for our laws to reflect this reality social fabric of the region and is a here in Washington. Their sense is that through commonsense rules for data highly important part of northwestern there is kind of an insider game being collection, transparency, and use. Pennsylvania’s economy. f It is my hope that the U.S. Army played, that big money and special in- terests hold particular sway in this CONGRATULATING PENNSYLVANIA Corps of Engineers will continue to support replenishment of this vital re- place, and the voice of everyday Ameri- STATE REPRESENTATIVE GENE cans, average citizens, just doesn’t DIGIROLAMO FOR RECEIVING source for the Erie region, preserving these beaches for future generations. have a place. THE 2016 DR. NATHAN DAVIS That has led to cynicism, it has led AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING GOV- f to anger, it has led to frustration, and ERNMENT SERVICE FUTURE FORUM it has led to a lot of people deciding to (Mr. FITZPATRICK asked and was The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under exit the political arena. given permission to address the House the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- It doesn’t mean they are not pas- for 1 minute and to revise and extend uary 6, 2015, the gentleman from Cali- sionate about things. That is clearly his remarks.) fornia (Mr. SWALWELL) is recognized for the case. You see a lot of young people Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I 60 minutes as the designee of the mi- who are focused on climate change, on rise to congratulate State Representa- nority leader. the economy, on jobs, on issues that tive Gene DiGirolamo, of Bucks Coun- Mr. SWALWELL of California. Mr. are important to them. They have just ty, Pennsylvania, who will be honored Speaker, we are here for another Fu- kind of given up that maybe Wash- this month with the American Medical ture Forum discussion, and tonight our ington and Congress are the places Association’s 2016 Dr. Nathan Davis topic is restoring our democracy, cam- where important decisions and progress Award for Outstanding Government paign finance, and voting rights. can be made on those issues. Service, which is named for its founder. Americans agree, our voting system So the challenge for us is: How do we Representative DiGirolamo’s dedica- and our political system is broken, and bring people back? How do we get them tion to the betterment of public health the integrity of our democracy is at back into the conversation so we can through advocacy and legislative work stake. benefit from what a pluralistic demo- in the Pennsylvania House of Rep- Future Forum is a House Democratic cratic society is all about, which is, resentatives earned him this pres- Caucus group consisting of 17 of our you get people in there, you tussle VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Feb 11, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10FE7.081 H10FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE February 10, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H697 around, you put your views out, you voting at all, and those numbers are tics and to try to restore the people’s reach a compromise, and then you even worse when it comes to millennial power back. move forward? That is what progress is voters. Because, if you look at some the ex- all about. I think as Mr. SARBANES said, it is traordinary things that have happened I think one of the critical ways to ad- not that they don’t care, there are a lot in this country, whether it be the civil dress this is we have got to look at re- of things that they care about. But it rights movement or advances made in vamping the way we fund campaigns in is, I think, out of a fair belief that environmental protection or any num- this country. So the gentleman is right there is too much money, too many ber of things, they have happened when to call attention to that, and we have deep pockets, and too many special in- everyday Americans, citizens, are able a lot of leadership here in the House terests that are driving our democracy. to take hold of their government and that is focused on what we can do to This week Politico came out with a to actually make a difference in their kind of restore the voices of everyday report that the 100 biggest donors of government.
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