rhird avenue -after spending lh< Easier xve^k eiiA with Ihej ...: CSIVE-XOBR , Mrs E; Wendell' Carrier of : gentlemen'. Their nephew, law and daughter". JLL and Mrs, ^ Village* will play-Martin Teddy, who thinks he is a Roose- Robert Baylasj. and. s^rs t>i j^episTwo velt, constantly visits the Panama folk. Vs. , ' USED CLOTHING 'firewater in "Arsenic and Oh Locks, and holds services for the Lace,st to be presented by the Mrs. Jessie" La«csejt of "yellow fever" victims'. /Jonathan, Git>; e'ritertainiei her son New Members Theatre Guild of the Koselles at another nephew, has mysterious Abiaham Clark •'High School to fnmiiy.' Mr. and ilrs. Alcxl Law- Two new members, Mrs, Hj carryinus-on with Dr. Einstein-ami sen and 'family »J -Sli&ifyrtle i Dfilering and Airs, Stfe AMIIICAN night, tomorrow- and ' Saturday a deck! body. "You wouldn't believe JUMBLE STORE ! CANCII •We. for 'Easter.,-l~ wereacCcJjted.ln theXlirJfony Club JOCIITY hights .•.'•"' Jwitr.icidal mania eouWr be such last Thursday e.veni^lfat the regu- Maltha is one of tlw"Brewinfi "roat fun.". ', - •* Mr. and .Mrs. .Ben- P;t-3car?ki -'of GARWOOD GRANFOIU}"*;. - KENILWORTH S.. 2(!r> itickf'vx avenue wt-if* hosts: lar monthly tnpeGftg. They-will be" Brews-tors." J« I'hleiK jnri sweet The crifit include?: Miss' Alice welcom<*djj>iTO the club in May. concottoi of di'lifihjfu! and pnttnt Easter Suud.-iy. to Mrs. Walter Cinder, William ' Newcomb, of rthur Biddle, art depart- wine-? Mi\ one glav, of clderbem Elizabeth; .Mrs; Frank "E. Clark, Konaplci.artd ehtldit-n tii NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1952 -JTE^ CENTS Wine, one teaspoon of owna, I Pa. -rtn*i Mr- sitrli'', Mrs. • L*K> lie chairnian, announced that Hillside;'Allan. Whitney, Rankin tinbffrs of her department will Mi Hard, CranXord; Dan forth Wash- Graff- rindVhildrtij of Time Flies Sumlay- , MrA. E D, Belts eKi mefet.ARprll 30 in the home'of Ur& Voter Registration . Mrs. Glovier Reelected burr], Morristown; Henry C. Evans, s Hugo. Staigcr, <711 BrooksWe place, Await Test : Westlleld;. William Vnntiais, and tor'Sunday at a faihsajy Hamls Move Ahead At AlkTime Higlr"~ ; Bids In For By County GOP Group 1 tti^ontirme with Under filaze cero- Better catch up on your, sleep) Charles McKjnn'ey, Plainfield; John her fu.)me."32t iviic paifltTng and ..plan for a dis-. Granio^d's voter regigtratiori is Mrs. Mary Jane; Glovier, ninth Gerstenbcrjief. Dr. James F. in. the netft two nights. play-of art work. .1 In case you've forgotten, the t. an all-time pe.ak of 9,256, ac- ittrict cdmmitteewonian here,-wag TVmnnl --Shearon', - Koselle; and ' by. cording to figures released ihis \. Mrs. 'La\wrle Montgomery, gen- fclocks get set ahead otfe Jiour 'eelected first vice-chairwoman of Frank Kr'nll, Linden/ This produc- VftstSt-Hd. atieridc-d eral chairman for the evening week by the Union County Board tion is being.directed by Miss E^sje Park Sunday at 2 a, in. to usher inf he" Union County Republican bridge--to'be-held on April 23 at Daylight Saving Time. < of Elections, Elizabeth, Township Midfj'ey of Linden. .day. .. • Clerk J. Walter Coffee; however, the Veterans Memorial H,all, South Drill Here And as you know*.Jhatjtest Of Committee at llf reorganization Tickets may be obtained fr; Mr. and Mrs. A, T. Moses and avenue, sponsored by the club; an- predicts that.this figure will pass meeting Tuesday night in Eliza- i hour isn't put back"o»l& face the 9,506 mark before the .Presi- Townslup Committee Adopts Measures the cast. mem bers~of"thc' rhiiighter of 329 JTosHiivavenue were nounced that merchant^ have da- of old man time until Heart Sep- Guild, or at the door online njghts the- guests, Easte-r Sunday, of ill* dential election in November, beth. Sixteen members of the lo- nate./J door'.awards to'bc given at- Sirens To Wail Alarm '|ewber. ;,•-,•' . ' „•.'.--.. Requiring Gafsiges* 60 Foot Lots of •performances. Moseh's. brotEie-r-E»t-!aw:' and sister, tending guest;.*, .Mrs: Edward Thesipaas to Offer - Four of Cranford's 10 election Passaic Firm Low at :al municipal committee attended. So if upon entering church districts now have registrations of. Over Protests of Three Residents Mr. aijd Bdtrs.-Franlc SkSilasidof As- Rathje. and Mrs. Staigcr, in charge Sometime Next Week; Sunday, you find it empty, you'll The Unguarded Hour' $964sXl34 lo*^Lint Charles.F. Beardslcy of Spring- tor ia Lontt Island. ' , of do8r prizes', have received gifts more than 1,100, which jarejamong flcjd was elected chairman of the Two controversial amendments to the zoning code were adopted TOO SOCIALS v Shelter Areas Listed know you forgot to shake hands he largest in the county. A move- •' Mrs,. Thon.as , Kwlwri a«d Mrs. from many local merchants. ; with the clock before retiring At Sherlock Hall To Galloping Hill Road county GOP group as party work- oh filial reading Tuesday night' by the Township-Committee after from payc twenty-two) Thomas Ma hail. Jr.-of 357 Spruce Danford Presidents " this ' week tnent has been started to redistrict associated with Freeholder Al- public,hearings during which three residents protested. Mis. Rathje, chairman American Saturday night To make sure The Gfanford Dramatic Club's the community follbwing the elee> The Union Building & Con- •*-'W¥^*<m recently .rnoved into their n-vyr.uc left this arc*k. .-for New prepared"toi participate in the state- yoi) won't 'forget, you might presentation of Bernard Merivale's bert J. Benninger 6f Mourttainside One of the measures, which requires a garage with every home • home 'and garden department, an- tioh next fall, Ifis .expected that at struction Corp. of Passaic was. low swept- into, control of the organi- ne\v home on Haze! avenue- from Bedford, Mass.. toki-irc they ui32 bt' nounced that members of-heY de- \adc surprise air raid test to be leave yolirself a note, or tie a three-act drama, "The Unguarded "east two, and possibly1 four more bidder in the keen competition by "built in the future, drew protests fro'm E. Calvin Shire, commander the guests of Mrs. SCosicsi's 51 string on your" finger. If these Hour" Will be otfered at 8:30 p. m. zation, He defeaetd 'Mayor $'. Ed- of Cranford Post, 212, American Legion, who sai'd he sj^oke oh behalf • Bayonne: partment will meet Monday eve-, staged sbj»etime between Sunday election districts may be added. six firms for the'/'paving of 2.7 ward Biertuempfel of. Union, 198 Mrs. Mary -Baposa. ". ning in the home of Mrs. Charles measures don't work,' you'll tonight, tomorrow and Saturday of local legionnaires. This measure, Mr. Shire stated, would be" unfair Mrs. LiMinn Haulier, scht)'o! ami' the following Saturday, • •-' . Registrations! by' districts ~ fol- miles of the Garden State Park- :o 105.'" •• .'n '• .'•'-.•' Mr. -and Mrs. P5IIB!:3> Serjna Stevens, 10,.Summit road, "Mrs. -know you've forgotten something Bights iii Sherlock Hall of Trinity % nurse, nnd Mrs. ,Kny Walthor of Carroll K. Sellers, chairman of Church wider direction of Mrs. lows; District 1,'S27; District 2, way between Centennial • avenue, .- . ;•'.;--—-——— ¥to young people who might not lamijy of Beuwa." Ohio wove the Guy A. Young, Northern. vice- wjhen^you find yourself getting 512; District 3, S13;' District 4, $65; be able to finance a garage at the the Lincoln School faculty, are the loeal Civil Defense Council, hungry an hour.earlier-.thanduir--' Everard KempshaUV Net proceeds Cranford. and Galloping Hill road, pucsts Si;nd^y n.f XSJ. ar:<3 garden chairman of the !vlew Jersey District 5, 959; District 6, 1,186; Kenilworth, it was announced to- ime their home is constructed. As -spending the Easter holidays jn A1.1g.11st Set irta o! 352 ILo>t-i.*t «iver. Federation of Women's Clubs, will declared yestiefday that localCivil -ing past Sundays, of the play will go to purchase dashiiffstrychiVnif,. cyiiiiitte, the Glade Sprint;, Va. and August,.(Ja.. Defense forces were "all set," and stage equipment for We new hall. District 7, 1,148; District 8, 835;day by, State Highway Commis-, Andersen Issues Statement an alternate;' plan, he suggested ime. give a talk on flower arrangements. District 9, 1,112; and District. 10, a paved drive-in strip which would result-— instantaneous! One of the respectively.. • . '-. '•-,.- Guy will also show how to he urged full public cooperation in Advance ticket sales indicate a sioner Ransford 4- Abbolt, ^Ehe r-^ntlemen who tasted of this un- 7 the fqrthcomiijg^pracUce drill, good house for all three rJyjfaW Passaic firm's bid was $964,134, keep cars off-the streets. ' Mr. n.ntl Mrs. GoorKe Pauldins arrange "flowers in unusual' con- 1 orthodox beverage „ had a few ainers. Mrs. Wilfred Burton will Shelter areas § in the business l*ie diraina. concerns the web of and -recommendation for the "im- Commander Shire's remarks mm and son of. 443 Spruce avenue spent. ; caused Finance" Commissioner F», jnornents to exclaim,- "How deli- be the co-hostess. 'district have been designated by(1 fciriramsiantial evidence that can mediate awardv'was made' by the '•Z*. »y RP, ANDERSEN ;----;---- alonts work out, a central program cious!" This is an uproarious com-, the Easter week end as -guests of Easter Program Andersen to;' read a prepared \ her parents, Mr. and- Mrs. George Police Chief Williarn. A. Fisch^ caiangfc:.. a person accused of a commissioner to the U. S. Bureau Chairman. Finance Committee for 'their'-solution. ; • cdy, by Joseph Kesselnntj, and (Continued front -JMS'J Foldcsy of Fi-anklin. ...... and will be ftiarkcd by- large teniri crime .
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