VARIETY OP/ED A & E SPORTS LUMOS celebrates Rapture over Turtle Island Quartet: Koula breaks Harry Potter on campus Reading Period? Classical genre-bending NCAA scoring record >> page 3 >> page 6 >> page 8 >> page 10 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2011 THE LAWRENTIAN Vol. CXXIX, No. 6 Lawrence University's student newspaper since 1884 www.Lawrentian.com Community participates in Occupy Appleton protests Chelsea Johnson several hours before moving to Staff Writer Houdini Park. Protestors of all ages ____________________________________ were represented. Protestors from the Appleton "On the community level we and Lawrence communities gath- all inspired each other to continue ered Saturday, Oct. 15 for an with the movement," Trotter said. Occupy Appleton protest as part "People were driving by and honk- of the national Occupy movement. ing in support, and that was really The Occupy movement is an cool." on-going protest across the nation Another protest and march is inspired by the Occupy Wall Street being organized for Saturday, Oct. protests, which have been grow- 22. Protestors will be meeting at ing in New York since September. 10 a.m. in City Park and will begin These protests aim to raise aware- marching at 1 p.m. ness about what the protestors Associate Professor of believe is the overextension of cor- Chemistry Mary Blackwell is porate power in government. organizing a group of interest- "I believe there's a problem ed Lawrence students and staff with corporate influence in poli- to support the Occupy Appleton tics," said protesting senior Josh movement. Interested members Trotter. "Corporations should have of the Lawrence community may no influence in legal decisions — email her to help support the to a reasonable extent." movement. Trotter’s feelings were echoed More information about the by the 200-300 people who attend- local Occupy Appleton movement ed Saturday's protest in Appleton, can be found either on the "Occupy armed with homemade signs like Appleton community members and Lawrence students gather to protest government complacency and corporate greed. Appleton" Facebook page or at "End the greed and corruption" Photo by Austin Federa occupyappleton.org. and "Stand for something or fall Kranz said, "I was excited to General Assembly, led by facilita- protests, including Appleton's, use Trotter encouraged students for anything." Ten of these protes- see the Appleton community get tors who directed discussion. All a human microphone system. A to get involved with the protests, tors were students and staff from politicized.” decisions were accomplished via facilitator spoke in short phrases, even if it seems like it has no direct Lawrence University. Occupy Appleton was orga- group vote. pausing in between to allow peo- effect. The issue was not absent from nized largely by word of mouth Protestors were given reminder ple up front to repeat the words "We raised a lot of attention the Lawrence campus prior to the and online networking, in keeping cards about the rules of a peaceful to those in the back who could about the issue," he said. "If you protest. In early October, juniors with the spirit of the power and protest — no violence and no per- not hear. want an outlet, this is the start." Austin Federa and Adam Kranz equality of all people the protest is sonal attacks, and to keep in mind After gathering from 9 a.m. to fundraised for money to send attempting to promote. that police and families are pres- 12 p.m. at Jones Park, protesters to buy food for the Occupy Wall Decisions regarding the date ent. Since amplification devices marched down College Avenue to Street protestors. of the protest were made by the are against police rules, all Occupy Chase Bank, where they stood for Convocation committee strives to increase student attendance Fanny Lau more Jamie Cartwright. Professor of Music Julie McQuinn wider lens.” “had little knowledge of the speak- Staff Writer Said Michelic, “Being on the to introduce Ross at the next con- Michelic divulged that the er,” Michelic was blown away by ____________________________________ committee is a very rewarding vocation. Committee on Public Occasions Quandt’s ability to deliver “a beau- The Committee on Public experience because the work that York noted his belief that “the attempts to collect information tiful message humbly and suc- Occasions has been working on we do is very visible to the com- convocation series can be an awe- from all four corners of the univer- cinctly.” multiple strategies this year to munity and the convocation has a some resource for students look- sity and welcomes input from all Michelic emphasized that if increase convocation attendance very tangible result.” ing to expand their academic hori- students and faculty when choos- students go into the convocation through student introductions Recently, the convocation lec- zons beyond their interests,” and ing convocation speakers. series with an open mind, they can of speakers, a wider variety of tures have been poorly attended. that “everyone should take an hour Student participation is built learn about the world in new ways convocation speakers and the In an attempt to increase con- and a half per term to listen to suc- into the structure of the com- because in this day and age, “there Community Read program. vocation attendance, the commit- cessful and inspiring speakers.” mittee. Student representative is something extraordinary about This standing committee is tee is planning to have a student In addition, a Community Cartwright acknowledged that the getting that personal vibe from a made up of a faculty member from introduce each convocation speak- Read has been organized this term lower number of students attend- live speaker as a member of a big- each academic division, as well as er. Michelic commented that now around Alex Ross’ book “Listen to ing convocation was a known prob- ger audience.” a student representative. Chaired “students will be able to see their This” to build excitement for his lem, and noted that “[the com- Ross will be delivering a con- by Associate Professor of Music peers as part of the convocation.” lecture. Michelic revealed that “if mittee doesn’t] really know why, vocation lecture Thursday, Nov. 3 and Teacher of Viola Matthew Additionally, Michelic noted a Ross speaks the way he writes, because the trend of convocations called “The Lamento Connection: Michelic, the committee members hope that this will provide a signif- it will be incredibly interesting hasn’t really changed.” Bass Lines of Music History.” include Vice President for Alumni, icant opportunity for students to because [Ross] is very culturally Cartwright hopes to offer a Prior to attending this con- Development and Communications be mentored by a faculty member aware and currently the rock star student perspective by thinking of vocation, Michelic recommended Calvin Husmann, Assistant in preparation for their speech, as of music critics.” radically new ways to attract stu- looking into Ross’s online blog, Professor of Classics Kevin Tracy, well as connect with the speakers. York, who is also involved in dents to the convocation series. www.therestisnoise.com, to find Associate Professor of Physics The committee is currently the Community Read, stated, “Our Finally, Michelic highlight- book summaries, videos and audio Jeffrey Collett, Associate Professor focusing on the upcoming convo- book discussions are full of stim- ed the “surprise” a convocation guides or to simply listen to music. of Art Julie Lindemann, Associate cation by Alex Ross, a music critic ulating conversation about both can have on its listeners by ref- Professor of Music Joanne Metcalf for The New Yorker. classical and pop music. Ross has a erencing medical anthropologist and student representative, sopho- Sophomore Alex York is cur- unique way of stepping back from Sara Quandt’s convocation lec- rently working with Associate the music and viewing it through a ture last Spring Term. Though he SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Hi: 58°F Hi: 55°F Lo: 39°F Lo: 41°F 5-DAY 5-DAY Source: weatherbug.com WEATHER Mostly Sunny Showers FORECAST Mostly Sunny Showers Showers THE LAWRENTIAN 2 NEWS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2011 Lawrence ranked highest mid-career salary range in Wisconsin Molly-Judith Wilson “you see students learning analyti- to make clear, graduates should success of the six-year “More open to graduates, Meany seeks for The Lawrentian cal skills, critical thinking, writing not expect a 15-year wait for suc- Light” campaign that raised more to remind current students that ____________________________________ and problem solving, which are cess. “Lawrence students differ- than $150 million with the help of the Business Journal article, which The Business Journal pub- strengths that go across industry. entiate themselves quickly in the alumni, parents and friends of the focuses on salary alone, is only one lished an article Sept. 29 entitled This survey shows that 15 years workplace, which you see from college. Keynote alumni speakers aspect of what a senior should be “Which Wisconsin colleges offer out, you see these skills being successful graduates,” she said. include a former ambassador, an thinking about come graduation. the biggest paydays?” Rated num- employed in the work place.” A group of these alumni are Emmy award-winning filmmaker, “Other factors to be consid- ber one for highest mid-career sal- Meany points out that returning to campus to give talks a division president and an anchor ered,” she said, “are what you're ary
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