\ •rThursday, August 22, 1974-' country are imported, Americans use one-third taste-tests, and determined that froien fresh- - the world's shrimp ~ production. Intensive water prawns were.more detectable than acquaculture could make us exporters Instead frozen salt water shrimp, Theyjfcqmmand high Lunch program PSE&G raising king-size shrimp of importers," Casazza said" • prices when available at fish "markets. They While it is relatively little-known as an edible are appearing in Florida restaurants where In this country, a New York testing lab, at the two, stuffed with crabmeat, reportedly are sold to be expanded Experiment involves water'a! power station behest of the University of Hawaii, conducted for $4.50. ••••:••• — .. - In case of emergency" call The Zip Code Public Service Electrip and Gas has begun an water/Inland and shore wetlands waters most months, the researchers have • succeeded in Woman's Club sets flea market 376-0400 for Police Department survey acqualculture experiment using the warm- often used for cooling in power.plants, Dr. raising a few specimens from mosquito size to or JJrst Ald^Squad for Springfield is w.ater outflow from its Mercer generating Guerra said, contain a high level of nutrients adults measuring six inches; One popd has been . The West Orange Junior parking space. The affair will be -held •.. at St, Cloud 376-7670 for Fire Department f>f p'«;f»hnnl pupils-t station npar Trpnlnn to grow-fi-fijfinttypfi of - HnHmnh^finpnqp^-fflprfi Hff» than thpy normally h nhnnt •> <m «hrlmp nnri nnnftier— woman's Club will hold a fall pp "fund-raising Flea Market Presbyterian enured, urn the state will bee surveyed this fall in freshwater shrimp. do. will receive 20,000 more! These shrimp will be harvested in October and November. At that Sept. 14 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Indian road, West Orange. For ' preparation ,for next year's expansion ot the The National Science Foundation has "Thermal discharges and nutrients In river information call 687-1265. awarded the company $83,900 to carry on the' water, like the Delaware. River in Mercer, are time, the mature shrimp will be sent for Tables will be' rented to the school lunch program. • . .... __ Published Ev«ry Thursday by Trumar Publishing Corp.. project through June 1975. It is an initial valuable resources going to waste until marketing tests or returned to the enclosures to public, housewives and "Anew state law requires school districts to dealers. There will, be ample 41 Mountain o»... SprlngfMd, N.J. 07081 - 696-7700 provide a lunch program, including free and payment resulting from a requested grant of someone con come up with a method of winter over until spring, while rainbow trout reduced price lunches to needy students, by $211,800 for. research which would last 28 recovery both economic and environmentally w'iU be stocked In the ponds. THBN-AOBR1, find lobi by -M<illlng-Add>a>S! running wont Adj. call M4-77OO.. VOL. 45 NO. 47 SPRINGFIELD, N.J., THURSDAY. AUGUST 29, 1974 - SublcrlpllOn Rite S«eond Closs Poitogo July 1, 1975, but all schools may not be af- months. The objective is to determine the sound," he said. ' , The species of shrimp is technically known as ' now! . - - FURNITURE R.O. Box 69, Sp.lngll.ld, N.J. 070B1 110.00 Yiarly'.._ Poid at Spilnglleld, N.J. 25 Cents Por Copy- — fected- Just which districts will be covered by technical and economic feasibility of using Dr. Guerra and Dr. Bru.ce Godfriaux, a Macrobrachlum rosenbergli.lt is a much- the new law-will be determined by thisyear'ff heated water from power plants to achieve high PSE&G biologist who joined the project after sought food, found in the rivers and 6treams of ASSOCIATES survey: yields of protein production from ponds or conducting research in fisheries in Newseveral countries in Southeast Asia.,In Malaya FRESH SWEET CORN raceways having special designs and con- Zealand, are working with faculty arid students they call it "Udang Galah" and In Thailand With This Coupon The legislation exempts schools where less MASSAGE trolled environments. ' . from Trenton State College and Rutgers "Koong Yai"—-big prawn. : PEACHES than five per cent of the students are eligible by ; Dr. Carlos It. -Guerro, PSE&G project University. Dr. Albert Eble of Trenton State It Is omnivorous—cannibalistic, when food is for the • free- or reduced price" lunches. TOMATOES 20% 40% Park Commission on dike del manager, says present-day technology can College coordinates the university work.andis scarce^withi short-larval life, fast-growing, - Eligibility is determined by family income and HILDEGARDE transform only al)out one thirifbf the energy In** particularly interested in the potentraljuse of .adaptable to a wide range of salinity, and' number of persons in the family. If the income- FHESH FRUITS 1 VEGETABLES Below Retail Rita and Ut Me fuels into electricity; the other two thirds are processing residuals from the New Jersey- prolific. In Hawaii, where research on pond family member ratio is below certain levels, culture of this shrimp began in 1965; 36 shrimp Mt*t*t« Awq Your disposed or as waste heat: mostly to cooling shell-fishjndustry as acquaculture feeds. Long HOME STYLE FRUIT PIES on Jame Brand Tiittlom— County unit the student is entitled to a totally free or a "TsTand Oyster Farms," a subsidiary of Inmont imported from Malaysia - became the reduced-price luch. -.1. Corp., Is providing acquaculture expertise, progenitors of five generation^ that grew-to-S—4—un«v I UMIC cvoiio ma ru 1mtr Hour To Suit . Each school district will conduct, its own Hard water best . specimens and feeds to the project;——, million shrimp by 197O."We think the potential " * "* * Furniture" survey, sending home state approved ap- — The research Is being conducted In"lwo forjcorffmercialdevelopmeiit^ualng Ihe warm- 0Ur wants \osh/r\ plication forms for parents to complete. for hypertension, laboratories andoutdoor facilities built by the water processes, is.great;" John A. Casazza, WIGHTMAN FARMS Call 964-1834 l~|1 BUS]F$Clieilute According to Walter Colende'r, the Depart- Mercer Station personnel near the point where vice president for research and planning for the plant condenser cooling water flows back PSE&G .saloV'Shrimp is the single largest "Satisfaction OuirantMd Call For Appt. ment of Education's director fo Food Program- ROUTE^202•- MORRISTOWN so Vaari Exptrltnc* ~A"dmTffitraliofi7Ificri? afeTiowliomc•loi]TscHooV pharmqeist states -inlq-thc rtplnwaro. Thr shrimp teom-to-thrive—toufood-ittm-auiaumod-in-lhis-Gountry, and 1 in the,plant discharge waterr-ln-the-iast-slx almost half the Bhrlmp consumed in this MILES SOUTH OF MORRISTOWN —67441J7- districts which have school lunch programs Persons with high blood pressure orJieart Suit aims to guarantee operating in one or more of their schools. "We disease who. live in an area-where-the^wtable— expect a substantial increase in participating • water is soft or contains -water softeners should schools next year, but until' the survev is , drink bottled water instead,.Col. Jacob Eisen of award of contract now complete it is impoossible to predict the in-• Mountainside, scientific editor of the New "• ByABNERGOLI) crease with any degree of accuracy," Colender The Township Committee .Tuesday night/ Jersey Journal of Pharmacy, writes in the : said. current edition of the' magazine, official voted to sue the Union County P?rk Com A memorandum about the new law from publication of the New Jersey Pharmaceutical mission to force compliance with a 1972' con- Colender and acting Assistant Commissioner Association. tract, for construction, of dikos along the Rnh- Catherine Havrilesky has, been sent to the Eisen, chairman of. the associations' ' ,way River at Washington avenue and Riverside state's more than ,C00 school district's-In-lhe therapeutics committee, cited tests at drive. .• More than 35 citizens amended: the.-*i memorandum, school districts are urged' to Washington University which show half as -meeting at Town Hall as the goveVning hody. < offer both the free and reduced price lunches much hypertension and heart disease in areas authorized the court action by a split vote. this year. They are also told that the minimal with comparable social conditions where the The lew Crop Of As Committeeman Robert Weltchek.ex- nutritional standards for lunches shall be . drinking water is hard. -Similar surveys in plained the matter, the Park Commission last identical to the nutritional standards for lun- England- and Qther_<M)untries verify the fin- week took bids on construction for the long- ches served under the national School Lunch dings, Eisen reported. ' awaited flood control project. The low bid was Program. • ' Water softeners, Eisen says, remove calcium "$io9,O00, and the contract must be signed by and nlhpr rhennif-nl', pnri rpplflpn th^rp with JSept. 20_or /thejiid expires. _ —ftaTher-than-sigrr-trie-confracFaFbnee; COMPENSATION COVER A'GF-" ^aii7"H"sodium, "the chemica' l lh"a(~alh"~l hypertensiv"e .saioOlie-.r'ark.Xommission has called on the The U.S: Department of Labor reports that and cardiac patients.must avoid.". 5 c a s d a "township to pay $49,000 moro than was required -more'hMiiaumlliflnomploy^eiuyere-cavcrcd J J? " .' .£jE"^ , report_from.Korea which lB"irb~sn"afe"TnTR'"I972"coiUrac!~b"elwEetrttH ws tnal by federal workmen's compensation laws in ™° salicylates,y,1ineluaing g aspirinp, act municipality and Park Commission. fiscal 1973. through an effect on.pitultary-adronal function, The'decision to bring suit was backed hy- producing therapeutic effects in inflammation antl rheumatic fever by steroid release. Maypr Edward N. Stlso Jr., Weltchek and ADVERTISE ME,NT "The Knrpnn invPsHgnlnrq rppnrl tflnt Committeeman.. ^al. Stokes, ..C.pmmitteemnn , epinephrine increases blood sugar levels and jf EYES ON THE BALL -- Players In this water volleybafTljanne at flight of the ball-even though we can't find it.
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