JO U RN AL O F / MILK TECHNOLOGY lume 4 Number 4 JUL>i-AUGUST, 1941 Official Publication of International Association of Milk Sanitarians (Association Organized 1911) Alio designated publication of California Association of Dairy and Milk Inspectors Central States Milk Sanitarians Chicago Dairy Technology Society Connecticut Association of Dairy and Milk Inspectors Indianapolis Dairy Technology Club Massachusetts Milk Inspectors' Association Metropolitan Dairy Technology Society Michigan Association of Dairy and Milk Inspectors Missouri Association of Milk Sanitarians New York State Association of Dairy and Milk Inspectors Pacific Northwest Association of Dairy and Milk Inspectors Pennsylvania Association of Dairy Sanitarians Philadelphia Dairy Technology Society Texas Association of Milk Sanitarians West Virginia Association of Milk Sanitarians II A dvertisements PERHAPS as a boy you took many a drink from it without a thought about how insanitary it might be. Not so today. The patient work of sanitation and pub­ YOUR DAIRY CUSTOMERS can actually lic health officers has taught you to say see the safe protection of the Welded “nix” to the public drinking cup. And W ire Hood —and seeing is believing. their science, too, has solved many They recognize that you are safeguard­ problems of dairy sanitation—including ing their health when they see how you how to protect the pouring lip of your protect that pouring lip from contami­ sterilized milk and cream bottles. nation. Yet, even though the Hood is locked on with welded wire, it comes off HEALTH OFFICERS themselves say that quickly, without effort. they prefer the complete protection of the Welded Wire Hood Seal. It covers FREE INFORMATION-W rite for details the entire pouring lip and top against on Hood Capping and our interesting insanitary dust and filth. It’s strong new low-price set-up that can be easily enough to resist heavy icing or rough suited to the requirements of every handling. And it has ample space for dairy, large or small, that uses any printing your name, address and all standard type bottle. Board of Health required information. Advertisements III RAPID-FLO ( M & f t f i MOW/ • Because of their known high quality one might expect to have to pay more for Rapid-Flo Disks. Actually they cost no more than other disks which claim to equal them. And they cost the farmer less than half what they did ten years ago. The policy of Johnson & Johnson is to make its products available to the consumer at the lowest prices possible consistent with quality. Continuous research, in product improvement and manufacturing economy, creates these benefits. Cheaper and better by study and planning. That’s the American way! NEW BRUNSWICK. N. J. CHICAGO. ILL W hen writing to advertisers, say you saw it in this Journal. IV Advertisements Picture of a sanitary milk container being sanitary O,"n c e u s e d , a Canco paper con­ chance to spread infectious dis­ tainer goes right into the waste­ ease organisms from household basket, never to be used again. to household.! That’s one reason Canco con­ The Canco paper container is tainers are superior from the as safe and sanitary a package public health angle. There is no for milk as there is.2 American Can Company, 230 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 1· Rice, J. W., Recent Studies on the 2« Breed, R . S. & Sanborn, J . R., Paper Bacteriological Content of Paper Milk presented before the laboratory sec­ Bottles. Paper presented at the meet­ tion of the 31st Annual Convention; ing of Pennsylvania State Dairy and International Association of Milk Milk Inspectors Association. Dealers. T h e C a n c o P a p e r M i l k C o n t a i n e r W hen writing to advertisers, say you saw it in this Journal. Advertisements V ARE YOU UP-TO-DATE ON THE LATEST MILK STORAGE TANK DEVELOPMENTS There's news about Glass-Lined and Stainless agitator shaft simplifies cleaning and Steel Milk Storage Tanks and it's just out in meets exacting requirements. the new Pfaudler Bulletin No. 606. In it, we 4. The sanitary one-piece rotary seal for the demonstrate how Pfaudler Engineers have stream­ agitator is the last word in sanitary engi­ lined storage tank sanitation for quickest clean­ neering. ing. 5. All Pfaudler Milk Storage Tanks are built W e suggest that you send right now for your to meet varying pressure requirements. copy and then compare these storage units These are just a few of the highlights of the point for point with any on the market today. newest Bulletin No. 606. Your copy awaits Then, and only then, will you appreciate the your written request. full value of Pfaudler design: v I. All Pfaudler Milk Storage Tanks are built THE PFAUDLER CO., with deep dished heads with large knuckle radius— sounder and more sanitary con­ Executive Offices: struction. Rochester, N. Y. 2. All fittings are of "hook type”, quick and easy to remove from the tank opening. They can be taken apart in a matter of seconds. 9. A new sanitary motor drive with detachable PFAUDLER VI Advertisements FOR THE AMERICAS Strength in the dairy industries is essential to the strength of the Americas. Milk foods mean Health, Vitality and Mo­ rale — the extra push that gets the job done in defense factory or training camp, in office or at home. And now from abroad comes the call for these foods. To be strong the dairy industries must use the best, the latest in supplies, machinery, methods — and use them well. Examine and study the Arms for Your In­ dustrial Strength AT T H E DAIRY INDUSTRIES EXPOSITION For the Americas, 1941. TORONTO, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 20-25 When writing to advertisers, say yon saw it in this Journal. Advertisements VII m W e ML Delivered Sit■ This HKmm • The claims made for the production of irradiated vitamin D milk in the "National” Type Y N Milk Irradiator at the time of its introduction a little more than two years ago have been more than fulfilled. Introductory advertising on this unit claimed a capacity o f4,000 pounds per hour o f400 U.S.P. unit milk. Reports received from milk plants operating ■ H i Y N units showed that actual operating schedules jp | § j ■ H t were much higher than this figure. Conservative capacities established by the experi­ i 1'' ences of the industry itself now show that the "N a­ tional” Y N unit irradiates fluid milk at the rate of 8,000-10,000 pounds per hour at a 400 U.S.P. unit potency. Despite this increase in production rate the design of the Y N irradiator remains essentially the same today as it was when the unit was introduced. National Carbon Company, Inc. is proud of this record. 135 DAP. milk canb® <*“ • - ί γ ί·'-* .*■■. _ , rate of adjacent milk processing equ p ■■■ J;V ^ ·'-··’ ί .f .*■ .· ,'C, . “ WRITE FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION ON THIS UNIT ...vt. i... Carbon Sales Division: Cleveland, Ohio NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, INC. GENERAL OFFICES Unit of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation 30 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. BRANCH SALES OFFICES New York, Pittsburgh, Chicago, St. Louis, Sin Francisco When writing to advertisers, say you saw it in this Journal. VIII Advertisements Pasteurizing cream for buttermak­ ing the new way, with a VACREATOR, certainly docs things for butter scores! Here’s another example. An Iowa creamery (name on re­ quest) in August and in October, 1939, while still vat-pasteurizing their cicam, had 92 as tlieii best scoie. But in A ugust and in October, 1940, after installing their Baby Model VACREATOR, 32°o and 44°o of their butter, respectively, stepped up into the 93 scoie class! And marked improve­ ment was shown in theii other classifications. That soit of improve­ ILLUSTRATED ment makes money for a creamery. If you're BULLETIN looking foi it look into the VACREATOR. Drop a postal today for your G-380 copy of illustrated bul­ letin G-380. CriERRY-BUrrell C orporation ■ /y // Rmukip/, St. uq< JOURNAL OF MILK TECHNOLOGY Official Publication of the International Association of Milk Sanitarians (Association Organized 1911) and Other Dairy Products Organizations Office of Publication 29 N . Day St., Orange, N . J. Entered as second-class matter January 26, 1939» at the post office at Orange, N» J. under the Act of March 3« 1879· (For complete Journal information, see page 234) CONTENTS Page No. Editorials ..........I............................ ...... *................................. -.......... ................................. 181 Sources of Hemolytic Enterococci Found in Milk— George E. Turner and F. R. Smith ............................................................................................................ ....... 183 A Small Electric Holder-Type Pasteurizer— C. W. England, A. P. Wiedemer, and G. J. Burkhardt .......................................................................................... 187 A New Microscopic Procedure for the Detecting and Locating of the Source of Thermoduric Organisms in Milk— W . L. Mallmann, C. S. Bryan, and W . K. Fox ................................................................................................. 195 Sanitary Regulations for Controlling the Production of Paper Containers for Milk— C. N. Stark .................... ........................................................................ 200 The Need of Sanitary Control in the Manufacture of Frozen Dairy Products— F. W . Fabian ..................................................................................................... 206 The National Nutrition Conference .............................................................................. 210 Report of'Committee on Sanitary Procedure— W.
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