THF WTN@PB9T CL&N AKRON EDITION = PROTECT OUR GOOD NAME Vol. 35 AKRON, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1946 No. 45 James Loder Now HOCHBERGLEAVES Will Give Dance PROCEEDS GO TO Weekly Review Heads Commercial Number In Amateur —OF— Sales Department TOINSPECT JAVA Show Friday Night CLARA BINGHAM ; RUBBERFACTORY MEMORIAL Labor—Relations FUND -- Wingfoot i Nominationsr . 3 Will Visit Plant At Sydney On! 99 1 i Girls Club Amateur Union His Trip To Netherlands Shew Will Be Given Friday 1 26c Raise Requested '■ East Indies. Night In Theater ■ Also Uniform Contract I Dept.295E Stoppage ■ Louis D. Hochberg, prewar All evening of sparkling and superintendent Goodyear's varied prom- i ._ 1 of entertainment is IK factory in Buitenzorg, Java,left ised those who attend the ama- Monday on inspection teur Friday in Local 2 membership nom- Akron an show the Good- will tour of Goodyear holdings in the year Theater, starting at 8:15 inate candidates for union offi- Far East, it was announced by p. m. ces at a meeting Thursday, No- George K. Hinshaw, vice presi- p. The primary purpose of the vember 14, set for 2:30 m. dent and production manager of show, which is being sponsored at the union hall on South Case the company's foreign opera- by Wingfoot avenue. C. V. Wheeler, the Girls' Club, is Local tions. to provide money to b« used to- 2 president, said the date for This will be Hochberg's ward establishing the annual sec- the Clara election will be de- ond trip to Java since the war Bingham memorial fund for j^l at this meeting. ended. Forced to flee by the in- educational and charitable pur- vading Japanese early in 1942, poses. The late Miss Bingham nwo developments were out- hereturned to Java immediately was founder of the Wingfoot standing last week in Goodyear after VJ-Day to check the Girls' Club. labor 1— Request relations: of James A. Loder status of the Goodyear plant. Prizes of $25, $15 and $10 will the URWA for a wage— increase He remained in the Far East be awarded winners, who will of 26 cents an hour. 2 Request Appointment of James A. several months, returning to be determined by an applause of Goodyear union locals for a Loder as manager of the com- Akron last May to report his meter uniform contract.* * pany's commercialsales depart- findings to Goodyear officials. Dancing Groups, Too * ment, Goodyear to succeed E. R. Preston, Hochberg found the Although not competing, The new wage increase de- who died recently, was an- factory intact. After its capture mand was received by the com- nounced last Friday. the Japanesemanaged to restore group numbers by the Muriel pany last Thursday a letter production operations Kelleher and Jean Shepherd in Loder has been continuously and ran Dance will from the URWA international. during the plant throughout the war. Studios round out Goodyear associated with sales his the program. and other firms of the entire Goodyear career. A na- It is idle now. "Big Four" rubber companies tive of Stroudsburg, Pa., he at- Opened in 1935, the factory is Martina Kindberg is in charge (Goodrich, Firestone and United the only tire plant in the Neth- of the show, with Harry Pasto- States) tended the University of Penn- rius as master of ceremonies. were asked to meet sylvania. He started withGood- erlands Indies. jointly with to Hochberg will Java Tickets, sixty cents for adults the URWA ne- year as a salesman at Phila- travel to Beverly Williams alike, gotiate the proposed wage hike. by plane, stopping en route to and children are avail- delphia, in 1926, and was ap- able at the employes activities As of Clan presstime thecom- pointed general line salesman visit the Goodyear plant in Syd- Beverly Williams, daughter of pany had the matter under ney, Australia. Williams, Dept. 384, Air- office in Goodyear Hall. They ad- at Harrisburg in 1937, being Esther also will be sold at the door. visement. transferred to truck tire sales foam, Plant 3, and James B. The requested 26 cents-an- Williams, Dept. 273, hose, Plant Among participants will be in that city two years later.In Inez May Heid. Carlyn Splinter, increase was set by the 1941, he returned to Philadel- MartinIs Given 2, will be among contenders in A wage policy the amateur show Friday night Jean Ann Criss, Clifton Dye, * committee phia, where he was made field Conger, Leonard Criss. Ted conference October 27 and representative for truck tire Supervisor's Job in Goodyear Theater under the in South Bend,Ind. sponsorship of the Wingfoot Carol Ann Stephens. Francis The com- sales in 1943. Peasley. Shirley Ann Austin, mittee proposed that the in- L. Tomkinson, general super- Girls' Club, the proceeds going crease be made Transferred to Akron as se- toward establishing the Clara E. Reverly and Patsy Williamsand retroactive to nior staffman in commercial intendent, has announced the Cletus Young Jr. November 1. This is the second transfer of Raymond Martin Bingham memorialfund. Bever- sales in 1945, Loder has con- ly will present a tap specialty. increase demanded this year,the tinued in that capacity until from the production squadron "Big; Four" companies'and the to the post of supervisor in URWA having named to his present position. negotiated an He is married, father of three Dept. 152D, curing, Plant 1. HISEY TO AIRCRAFT LONGEST FLIGHT |8Vj cents-an-hour raise last children, and lives at 2072 Martin, a veteran of World In charge of supervisional March. * * * Ayres avenue. War II, is a squadrongraduate. training at Goodyear Aircraft, ON RECORD He is married and lives in Can- effective November 1, is Wil- Despite short notice, company ton. His Goodvear service dates HOME FROM HOSPITAL liam H. Hisey, who has been officials met immediately Oc- from August 8, 1942. doing supervisional training Blimp Made By Goodyear Travels tober 29 with union representa- Dale Alder, Dept. 271B, sheet Through Air 170 Hours tives 2, under- work at Plant 1. Announcement to discuss the request for packing, Plant who OF ARMY was made by W. C. Wright. a contract.Present were went an operation at Peoples OUT longest flight ever 5 uniform Brackett, only ! The representatives of the URWA Hospital several weeks ago, is TheodoreR. Jr.. * made by any aircraft was ! recuperating child of Iona Brackett, Relief Eleven couples from Dept. international and five Goodvear at home. He does tubes, ( made by the Goodyear-built I locals, all except not expectto return to work for Association,and T. R. Brackett. 156E and F, Plant 1, go* New Bedford, synthetic rubber, hayride 3 M-l blimp over the week- ) Mass., and Windsor, Vt. several months. He is the son Sr., arrived together for a and end, a flight of hours, " 156E, Sunday from Ft. Lewis, wiener roast Saturday at Canal ! 170 The union representatives of Margaret Alder, Dept. home Iaccording to navy an- { presented their for tubes, Plant 1, and John Alder, Wash., with his discharge from Fulton. Pat Patton and Emily M-l reasons fa- preparation, the army,afterfourteenmonths' Richardson were in charge of 3 nouncement. The was ) voring companywide bargain- Dept. 152F, stock by Mrs. C. E. j "ig. service. arrangements. \ christened The company madeno com- Plant 1. £ Rosendahl on Navy Dav, " mitment, but agreed to review 1943, } the J at GoodvearAircraft. request thoroughly and to \ It contains 725,000 cubic "j Jive an answer as soon as a $75,000,000 f feet of helium gas, as con- necision is reached.* * * CREDIT OF ARRANGED BY GOODYEAR FOR trasted with the Ranger ( I5 and other Goodyear blimps i An infra-union dispute last POSSIBLE NEED OF ADDITIONAL WORKING CAPITAL now flving, which have a : weekresultedin a six-hour work \ capacity 123,000 stoppage I of cubic bv forty-six truckers was made last Friday by Goodyear of the completion of negotiations ) feet. The record flight was ] of Dept. Plant 2 trans- revolving of $75,000,000. made from the navy sta- portation.295E. ANNOUNCEMENTwith a groun of banks for a five-year credit : I The issue was wheth- rate is one and one-half ner r tion at Lakehurst. The er the The initial discount cent._ truckers or shipping em- The companv nowhas no bankloans and does not anticipate any nearby use of this credit. j other three M-ships built movesr, should move tires from However, in v'ew of the continued dema"d for the products of the companv. which ex- ;by the company are sta- je Plant 2 shipping room to capacities, it was deemed advisable to provide for the possible need of addi- { tioned at Santa Ana on I'latform following ceed oresent car spots, tional working capital. ) the West coast. tna installation of a conveyor i (Continued on page 2) - THE WINGFOOT CLAN—: 2 LOOKSLIKEIT'S Thirty-Year Service Awards To Five TOBE GREAT DAY 30 Years For Two In Sales Accounting FOR SUPERVISION "■Mp- .^■faTJfcWSOB. Program Starts Early Saturday In Goodyear ' " * Hall; Program /'. - Also In vH '- ■ *■* IrK ■Ja Theater. ; i 4 Jl 'If -IMi^^ssssssl. #*i^B ' rHMP*"* -P .....A: '-.*■' | ," £ ft"" a»^r LM mWii^ All is in readiness for the annual supervisional play day, Saturday, in Goodyear' Hall, sponsored by the Foremen's Club. Al Willis, balloon room, Plant 1, is general chairman.- Highlight of the day long program will be the special bowling match, with twelve teams competing for prizes to be awardedmembers of the two high teams. Luncheon will be served after ■B « JRiB RaVi -JLaaB the matches, and again from 5 to 7 p. m.
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