OdonatologicalAbstracts 1976 In the checklist of the arthropod taxa of the rice odon. Philippine agroecosystem 16 spp. are listed. (5318) LIN, Q.-b„ 1976. The Jurassic fossil insects from western Liaoning. Acta palaeontol. sin. 15(1): 97-116, pis 1-3 excl. (Chin., with Engl, 1981 — s.). (Nanking Inst. Geol. & Paleontol., Acad. Sinica, Chi-Ming-Ssu. Nanking, P.R. China). (5321) BARRION. A.T., P C. PANTUA.J.P, BAN- Archaeogomphus labius gen. n„ sp. n. and DONG, C.G. DELA CRUZ, FA RAY- Pseudosamarura from largina gen. n„ sp. n. MONDO. M.D. LUMABAN. R.F. APOS- the Jurassic of Liaoning, China are described TOL & J.A. LITSINGER. 1981. Food web and illustrated. — (Abstracter's Note: Archae- of the rice brown planthopper in the Philip- ogomphus Lin is preoccupied by Archaeo- pines. Ini. Rice Res. Newsl. 6(1): 13-15. — gomphus Williamson, 1919). (Ent. Dept. Int. Rice Res. Inst.. P.O. Box 933, Manila, The Philippines). 1978 and A. f. Agriocnemis pygmaea femina are listed the of In- among predators Nilaparvata gens. (5319) MIZUTA, K,. 1978. Ovipositing strategy in Sympetrum species. Insectarium 15(5): 104- (5322) DYCK, V A.. N.Q. KAMAI.. PE KEN- -109. (Jap., with Engl, title). — (Hiroshima MORE. A C. DULAY & F.V. PALIS. 1981. Agric. Coll., Saiji-cho. Higashi-Hiroshima. Suppression ofplanthopper ami leaffolderpo- 724, JA). pulations by natural enemies, especiallypreda- Among the subjects reviewed are: egg morpho- tors. Stencil (Pap. Saturday Seminar, Em. logy (with reference to the relation betweenthe Dept, Ini. Rice Res. Inst., Manila. Apr. 25, cggsi/cand the length ofthe female abdomen), 12 Ent. 1981). pp. (Available from: Dept. frequency of oviposition in relation topopula- Int. Rice Res. Inst.. P.O. Box 933. Manila. The tion density, site selection, fecundity, etc. Philippines). Emergence curves for some spp. are also pro- In a greenhouse experiment with the 3rd-4th vided. instar nymphs ofSogatella furcifcra. the preda- tion killed capacity (no. prey day) was the 1979 highest in Agriocnemis pygmaea (2.09). The followed in dragonfly was voracity by the (5320) BARRION. A.T., 1979. Arthropod food web spider Eycosa pscudounnulata. of Philippine rice agroecosystems. Stencil (Pap. lOth Natn. Conf. PCCP. Manila). 32 pp. (5523) EOX. A.D.. 1981. The dragonflies of Ceredi- (Available from: Ent. Dept. Int. Rice Res. gion. Suture in Hales 17(4): 202-212. (Na- Inst.. P.O. Box 933, Manila, The Philippines). ture Conscrv. Council, Fraser Darling House. 354 Odonatological Abstracts with — 9 Culduthel Rd, Inverness, IV2 4AG, UK). Engl, title). (Hiroshima Agric. Coll., The 1956-1980 records (21 spp.) from Ceredi- Saiji-cho, Higashi-Hiroshima, 724, JA). W. Detailed review of territorial behaviour in va- gion (= Cardiganshire), Wales, UK, are Some of beha- the distribution is rious spp. features reproductive stated, of each sp. described, viour also considered. and 8 different site associations are defined. are (5328) SH1RAISH1, K„ 1982. [Records of Leucor- 1982 rhinia intermedia ijimai]. Nature & Insects 17(14). 15. (Jap ). -(1-612, Ikebukuro.Toshi- (5324) ISHIKAWA, H., 1982. [Experiments on terri- ma-ku, Tokyo, 170, JA), 2 ofthis stated torial behaviour of Orthetrum albistylum spe- new localities rare sp. are from unusual tandem The ciosum, resulting in an forma- eastern Hokkaido. material includes 3 al- tion]. Nature & Insects 17(14); 29. (Jap.). — most hyaline female specimens from Tsurui- (6-2, Higashigaoka l-chome, Meguro-ku, -mura. Tokyo, 152, JA). The sel-up is described in which 1 out of the 3 (5329) SHIRAISH1, K., 1982. [A dark winged female Nature & experimental males formed a tandem with a of Chlorogomphus brunneus]. In- the dead specimen of same sp„ offered in a sects 17(14); 32. (Jap.). — (1-612, Ikebukuro, tree-fork. The observations are discussed in Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 170, JA). terms of sex recognition. C. b. keramensis is endemic to the Keruma Ar- chipelago, W of the Okinawa-honto Island. 1982. Insecta. (5325) [LIN, Q.-b.], /«. [Palaeontolo- The female is peculiar by its inferior size, exten- gical atlas of East China, Pt 3: Mesozoic and sive brown wing markings, and by the lack of Cenozoic], pp. 149-155, pis 64-66 excl. Edited yellow markings on the abd. seg, 4-6. A female Inst. Geol. & — these by Nanjing Mineral Resour.; with features (save for a larger size) was published by Geol. Publication Office, place taken at the Okinawa-honto. which is inha- — not stated. (Chin.). (Author: Nanjing Inst. bited by the nominate form. A photograph of Geol. & Palaeontol., Acad. Sinica, Chi-Ming- the specimen is included. -Ssu, Nanjing, P R. China). Odon. are dealt with on 149-150. Gaso- pp. (5330) TAKETO, A., 1982. [Some dragonfly species taianensis phlebia gen. n„ sp. n. (Anisozygo- from Fukui prefecture]. Nature & Insects incertae and I ptera sedis) aragithemispilifera 16(14): 14. (Jap ). — (2-3-22. Ishibiki, Kana- gen. n., sp. n. (Libellulidae)are described and zawa, 920, JA). figured. Onychogomphus viridicostus and Somato- chlora viridiaenea atrovirens are recorded from (5326) [LIN, Q-b.]. 1982. Insecta. In: [Palaeontolo- Fukui for the first time, and new records are atlas of Northwest Shansi gical China: and of 3 given other, locally rare spp. Kansu Provinces. Pt 3. Mesozoic and Ceno- zoic), pp. 70-83, pis 30-32 excl. Edited by Xi’an 1983 — Inst. Geol. & Mineral Resour.; published by Geol. Publication Office, place not stated. — (Chin.). (Author: Nanjing Inst. Geol. & Pa- (5331) ARAI, Y., 1983. [Tandem formation of male Acad. Nan- with other Nature lacontol., Sinica. Chi-Ming-Ssu. Sympetrum r. risi species]. jing. P R. China). & Insects 18(3); 46. (Jap ). (1233-2, Oa/a Saitama. Odon. are dealt with on pp. 74-75. Guyuan- Sueno, Yorii-machi, Osato-gun, 369- is aeschnidia eximia gen. n„ sp. n. (Aeshnidae) -12. JA). with eroticum described and figured. Tandems were observed S. e. and with S. infuscatum (no details) (3 min., no the (5327) MIZUTA, K., 1982. Territory of genus attempt at copulation, but no female refuse Orthetrum. Insectarium 19(8): 198-207. (Jap., behaviour; then oviposition. with the male Odonatological Abstracts 355 perched nearby, followed by 5 unsuccessful cribed. The oldest of these is S. Matsumura’s male seize the attempts to female). "Nippon Senchu Zukai". Photographs of title also pages, covers and/or text samples are pro- (5332) ARAI, Y., 1983. [Davidius fujiama recorded vided. in Fukushima prefecture]. Nature & Insects (5337) GOFFART, P„ 1983, Contribution a letude 18(4): 37. (Jap.). (1233-2, Oaza Sueno, Yorii- Jes Odonates des torhieres du plateau des -machi, Osato-gun, Saitama. 369-12, JA). Tallies. Mém. Licen. Sei. Zoo!.. Univ. Catho- A female; first prefectural record. lique Louvain, IV+172 pp. — (Unité Ecol. & Biogéogr., Univ. Catholique Louvain, 4-5 (5333) BAN, Y. & H. K.ATO, 1983. [Aquatic insect place Croix du Sud, B-1348 Louvain-la- fauna of the peat bogs in Midagahara, Mt -Neuve). Tateyama, Toyama prefecture]. Nature & In- The monograph is organised into 5 chapters, sects 18(3): 46-47. (Jap.) — (Nishio Higashi dealing with faunistics of the odon. of the Senior High Sch., 1-4, Ohsato, Kojima-cho, Tailles Plateau marshes, Belgium (20 spp.), Nishio, 445, JA). with aulecology and behaviour of Sympetrum Larvae of Aeshna juncea, A. nigroflava, Cor- with the structure and and stri- danae, and composition dulia aenea amurensis Sympetrum of the local odon. communities. olalum imitoides were collected at the eleva- tion of 1900 m. (5338) HONDA, K., 1983. [Epiophlebia superstes at Saroma-cho, Hokkaido], Nature & Insects (5334) CAMPBELL, J.M., 1983. An atlas of Ox- 47. — 23, Katsura-so, 2-1- fordshire dragonflies. Occ. Pap. Oxfordshire 18(3): (Jap.). (No. -20, Nishi-shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku. Tokyo. Mus. 3: 1-34. — (Available, at £ 1.05 plus 141, Mus. Oxford- JA). postage, from; Dept Services, More than 30 males were patrolling along a shire Co. Council, Fletcher’s House Wood- stream, June 9. 1982. stock, Oxon 0X7 ISP, UK). swampy Distribution maps of 28 spp., with brief com- found of (5339) HONDA, K., 1983. [Tanypteryx pryeri ments and statements ecological require- The nomenclature used at Hinoemata-mura, Fukushima prefecture]. ments for each sp. is Nature & Insects 18(5): 35. (Jap.). (No. 23. obsolete (Agrion for Calopleryx, Sympetrum Katsura-so. 2-1-20. Nishi-shinagawa. Shinaga- scoticum for S. danae). wa-ku. Tokyo. 141, JA). The first documented record. 1983. in the préfectoral (5335) EDA. S.. [Dragonflies on stamps world, fifth report]. Nature & Insects 18(5); Matsu- (5340) KARUBE. H., 1983. [A new locality of 24-25. (Jap,). — (3-4-25 Sawamura. Aeshna juncea]. Nature & Insects IH(4): 37. moto, Nagano. 390. JA). — Tsurumi, Tsurumi-ku. Continuation ofthe series, listed in OA 4139. It (Jap.). (1-7-34. Yokohama. 2.30. JA). deals with 3 postage stamps, issued in 19X2 by 2 larval specimens are recorded from a St Helena (Sympetrum dilalatum). Guernsey pond in Hakonc. Prefec- (unidentifiedanisopteran) and by the Republic Sengoku-hara. Kagaua ture. of South Africa (a Mesozoic fossil in a land- scape). The famous Japanese stamps issued 1983. the Great Kalo also (5341) LIN. Q.-h.. Cretaceous succession of in- after Earthquake arc re- in sect China. Zilleliana 10: 393- produced. assemblages -394. — (Nanking I nsi. Cicol. & Paleonlol., (5336) EDA. S„ 1983. [Iconographie works on dra- Acad. Sinica. Chi-Ming-Ssu. Nanking, P R. gonflies. Pt I. Pt 2]. Nature & Insects IK(6): China). well 29-32. (8): 26-29. (Jap.).— (3-4-2$ Suwamura. The Cretaceous non-marine sediments are Matsumoto. Nagano, 390. JA). developed both in North and South China, 20 Japanese iconographical books on dragon- and yield the richest insect fossils in eastern between 1904-1937, des- The and flies. published are Asia. Coptoclava Solusiparorpa as- 356 Odonatological Abstracts semblages of Lower Cretaceous, and the Sicu- (5347) TAKEUCHI, H., 1983. [Hibernating Aci- locorixa assemblage of the Upper Cretaceous agrion migratum].
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